ipad和iphone适配_如何在PC,Mac,iPhone和iPad之间转移Stardew Valley储蓄



Stardew Valley for iPhone and iPad lets you import save games from your PC or Mac. You can also transfer save games from your iPhone or iPad back to your PC or Mac, or between iPhones and iPads.

适用于iPhone和iPad的Stardew Valley可让您从PC或Mac导入保存的游戏。 您还可以将保存的游戏从iPhone或iPad转移回PC或Mac,或在iPhone和iPad之间转移。

If you’ve used mods in Stardew Valley on PC, your save files will probably not work correctly. However, if you haven’t touched mods, they’ll work perfectly.

如果您在PC上的Stardew Valley中使用过Mod,则保存文件可能无法正常工作 。 但是,如果您没有接触过mod,它们将可以完美工作。

如何找到您的Stardew Valley保存文件夹 (How to Find Your Stardew Valley Saves Folder)

Your Stardew Valley save games are stored in a folder on your PC or Mac. On a Windows PC, you’ll find them at:

您的Stardew Valley保存游戏存储在PC或Mac上的文件夹中。 在Windows PC上,您可以在以下位置找到它们:


You can open this folder by launching File Explorer, pasting the address into the address bar, and then pressing Enter. Or, you can press Windows+R to open the Run dialog and enter the path there.

您可以通过启动文件资源管理器,将地址粘贴到地址栏中,然后按Enter来打开此文件夹。 或者,您可以按Windows + R打开“运行”对话框,然后在其中输入路径。

On a Mac, your save games are in the following location:



You can open this folder by launching Finder, clicking Go > Go to Folder (or pressing Command+Shift+G), pasting this path into the box, and then pressing Enter.

您可以通过以下步骤打开此文件夹:启动Finder,依次单击“转到”>“转到文件夹”(或按Command + Shift + G),将此路径粘贴到框中,然后按Enter。

Each subfolder in the Saves folder represents a single character. The folder’s name begins with the name of your Stardew Valley character, followed by a random number. If you have multiple characters, you’ll see multiple separate folders—one for each character.

保存文件夹中的每个子文件夹代表一个字符。 该文件夹的名称以Stardew Valley字符的名称开头,后跟一个随机数字。 如果您有多个字符,则会看到多个单独的文件夹-每个字符一个。

如何通过iTunes传输保存游戏 (How to Transfer Save Games Through iTunes)

To transfer save games, you’ll need iTunes installed. On a Windows PC, download iTunes from Apple. On a Mac, it’s already included.

要转移保存游戏,您需要安装iTunes。 在Windows PC上,从Apple 下载iTunes 。 在Mac上,它已经包含在内。

After installing iTunes, connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer with its included Lightning-to-USB cable. You’ll be prompted to let your computer access information on your device if this is the first time you’ve connected it to iTunes on this computer.

安装iTunes后,请使用随附的Lightning-to-USB电缆将iPhone或iPad连接到计算机。 如果这是您第一次将信息连接到此计算机上的iTunes,将提示您让计算机访问设备上的信息。

On your iPhone or iPad, you’ll have to unlock your device, so tap “Trust,” and enter your PIN to continue. If you’ve already trusted your PC or Mac in the past, you can skip this part, and the device will be immediately available in iTunes.

在iPhone或iPad上,您必须解锁设备,因此点击“ 信任 ”,然后输入PIN即可继续。 如果您过去曾经信任过PC或Mac,则可以跳过此部分,然后该设备将立即在iTunes中可用。

After it’s connected, click the device icon on the toolbar at the top left corner of the iTunes window.


Click “File Sharing” in the left pane and select “Stardew Valley” from the Apps list. Any Stardew Valley save files on your iPhone or iPad will appear in the “Stardew Valley Documents” section here.

单击左窗格中的“ 文件共享 ”,然后从“应用程序”列表中选择“星露谷”。 iPhone或iPad上的任何Stardew Valley保存文件都将显示在此处的“ Stardew Valley文档”部分中。

如何将保存的游戏从PC转移到手机 (How to Transfer a Save Game From PC to Mobile)

To copy a character from your PC or Mac to your iPhone or iPad, just drag and drop the entire character folder to the Stardew Valley Documents area in iTunes.

要将字符从PC或Mac复制到iPhone或iPad,只需将整个字符文件夹拖放到iTunes中的Stardew Valley Documents区域。

The character folder will appear under Stardew Valley Documents.

角色文件夹将出现在Stardew Valley Documents下。

Click “Sync” to finish the process, copying the files to your iPhone or iPad.


You’re now done. When you launch Stardew Valley on your iPhone or iPad, you can tap “Load,” and you’ll see the saved game from your PC or Mac, which you can continue on your iPhone or iPad.

现在完成了。 在iPhone或iPad上启动Stardew Valley时,您可以点击“加载”,然后从PC或Mac上查看已保存的游戏,您可以在iPhone或iPad上继续。

If you’ve been playing Stardew Valley on Linux, you’ll need to use a Windows PC or Mac to copy the files over. You could try messing with iTunes in Wine, but we haven’t tested it and wouldn’t recommend it.

如果您在Linux上玩过Stardew Valley,则需要使用Windows PC或Mac来复制文件。 您可以尝试在Wine中将iTunes弄乱,但我们尚未对其进行测试,因此不推荐使用。

如何将保存游戏从移动设备复制到PC (How to Copy Save Games From Mobile to PC)

You can also move save games from your iPhone or iPad to your PC or Mac. For example, you can create a new character on your iPad and play it on the go, and then transfer it to your PC. Or, you could copy a character from your PC to your iPhone, play for a while, and then transfer it back to your PC to continue.

您也可以将保存的游戏从iPhone或iPad移动到PC或Mac。 例如,您可以在iPad上创建一个新角色并随时随地播放,然后将其传输到PC。 或者,您可以将角色从PC复制到iPhone,播放一段时间,然后再将其传输回PC以继续。

To do this, launch the “Files” app on your iPhone or iPad, tap “On This iPhone” or “On This iPad,” and tap the “Stardew Valley” folder.

为此,请在iPhone或iPad上启动“文件”应用程序,点击“在此iPhone上”或“在此iPad上”,然后点击“ Stardew Valley”文件夹。

You’ll see a separate folder for each Stardew Valley character you have. You can get your save file off your device from here. For example, you could upload it to Dropbox, iCloud Drive, or Google Drive via this app.

您将为每个拥有的Stardew Valley角色看到一个单独的文件夹。 您可以从此处从设备上获取保存文件。 例如,您可以通过此应用将其上传到Dropbox,iCloud Drive或Google Drive。

如何在移动设备之间移动Stardew Valley储蓄 (How to Move Your Stardew Valley Saves Between Mobile Devices)

Unfortunately, Stardew Valley for iPhone or iPad doesn’t use iCloud to synchronize your save games. This is particularly disappointing because Stardew Valley on PC and Mac uses Steam Cloud to synchronize your save games. So, even if you’re playing Stardew Valley on a Windows PC and Mac, Steam keeps your save game synchronized between both.

不幸的是,适用于iPhone或iPad的Stardew Valley没有使用iCloud来同步您的保存游戏。 这尤其令人失望,因为PC和Mac上的Stardew Valley使用Steam Cloud来同步您的保存游戏。 因此,即使您在Windows PC和Mac上玩Stardew Valley,Steam也会使您的保存游戏在两者之间保持同步。

If you’d like to move your Stardew Valley save games from one iPhone or iPad to another, you can do it via the Files app and iTunes File Sharing. Just use the Files app to copy saves off your device, and then use iTunes to copy them back onto another device. Just connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and drag and drop a character folder out of the Stardew Valley Documents section.

如果要将Stardew Valley保存游戏从一台iPhone或iPad移到另一台,则可以通过“文件”应用程序和iTunes文件共享来完成。 只需使用“文件”应用程序将保存的内容复制到您的设备上,然后使用iTunes将其复制回另一台设备上即可。 只需将iPhone或iPad连接到计算机,然后将一个字符文件夹拖放到Stardew Valley Documents部分中即可。

You can’t drag and drop saves from iTunes File Sharing to your PC or Mac’s storage, for some reason. You also can’t import saves onto an iPhone or iPad via the files app.

由于某种原因,您不能将保存从iTunes File Sharing拖放到PC或Mac的存储中。 您也无法通过文件应用将保存内容导入iPhone或iPad。

In other words, to get save files onto a device, you have to use iTunes. And, to get save files off of a device, you have to use the Files app.

换句话说,要将保存文件保存到设备上,必须使用iTunes。 而且,要从设备上保存文件,您必须使用“文件”应用程序。

You can’t do this in reverse. In other words, you can’t get save files off of a device using iTunes, and you can’t import them via the Files app. It’s really weird.

您不能反向执行此操作。 换句话说,您无法使用iTunes从设备上保存文件,也无法通过“文件”应用程序导入文件。 真的很奇怪

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/392247/how-to-transfer-your-stardew-valley-saves-between-pc-mac-iphone-and-ipad/






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