
If you’ve ever had a missing or corrupt system file in Windows you sometimes end up in shady parts of the internet downloading files from who knows where. Why not restore the files directly from your installation disks?

如果您在Windows中曾经丢失或损坏了系统文件,有时您最终会陷入互联网的阴暗部分,从谁知道哪里下载文件。 为什么不直接从安装磁盘还原文件?

It doesn’t matter if the missing files came from a virus, poorly programmed software, or a family member who didn’t know better. We have all found ourselves in the situation of needing a system file that we can’t find. Luckily if you still have your install disks you can manually restore the system files you need without doing a reinstall. Note: Replacing system files can be very dangerous and may break your system even more than it already is. Only do this if you have already made a complete backup of your computer and are willing to do a full re-install if this doesn’t work.

丢失的文件是来自病毒,编程不良的软件,还是一无所知的家庭成员都没有关系。 我们都发现自己需要一个我们找不到的系统文件。 幸运的是,如果您仍有安装盘,则可以手动还原所需的系统文件,而无需重新安装。 注意:替换系统文件可能非常危险,甚至可能使系统损坏。 仅当您已经对计算机进行了完整备份并且如果此方法不起作用时愿意进行完全重新安装时,才执行此操作。

安装7-zip (Install 7-zip)

7-zip is an insanely useful tool that no tech support should be without. It can open just about any compressed file including Windows disk image files. Download it from the link below if you don’t already have it installed.

7-zip是一个非常有用的工具,任何技术支持都不能缺少它。 它几乎可以打开任何压缩文件,包括Windows磁盘映像文件。 如果尚未安装,请从下面的链接下载。

获取安装媒体 (Aquire the Installation Media)

If you have an OS upgrade disk, retail copy of your operating system, or sometimes even system restore disks you should be able to get the files you need. All Windows Vista and 7 installations are stored as an install.wim file on the disk. Put in your installation media and browse to the sources directory to find it.

如果您有操作系统升级磁盘,操作系统的零售副本,或者有时甚至有系统还原磁盘,则应该可以获取所需的文件。 所有Windows Vista和7安装均作为install.wim文件存储在磁盘上。 放入安装介质,然后浏览到sources目录以找到它。

Note: If you have system restore disks from your computer manufacturer you may have to search for the file but it should still be there.


Open the install.wim file with 7-zip.


识别您需要的图像 (Identify the Image You Need)

You may see more than just one folder which means your installation media can install more than one version of Windows. To know which folder you need, copy the xml files to your desktop and open them with notepad.

您可能会看到多个文件夹,这意味着您的安装媒体可以安装多个版本的Windows。 要知道您需要哪个文件夹,请将xml文件复制到桌面并使用记事本打开它们。

Look for a tag labeled EDITIONID to know which version of Windows corresponds to which folder.


If you are not sure which version of Windows you have installed you can sometimes tell by the sticker that came on your computer, or you can right click on computer and select properties to view your edition and architecture.


解压缩文件 (Extract the Files)

You can match the folder inside of 7-zip with the .xml files and then browse the contents for the files you need.


Note: Most system files will be in the C:\Windows\system32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 so if you don’t know where to look, search there first.

注意:大多数系统文件将位于C:\ Windows \ system32或C:\ Windows \ SysWOW64中,因此,如果您不知道要查找的位置,请首先在其中搜索。

Copy the files to your hard drive and replace them on your computer. If you cannot access the files because they are in use, try a live Linux disk and copy the files from there.

将文件复制到硬盘驱动器,然后在计算机上替换它们。 如果由于正在使用而无法访问文件,请尝试使用活动的Linux磁盘并从那里复制文件。

This is the safest way to getting the missing system files back to how they were when you did a fresh install. If you cannot find the files on the installation disk you can also try restoring the files from a Windows system image you created in a backup.

这是将丢失的系统文件恢复为全新安装时最安全的方法。 如果无法在安装磁盘上找到文件,也可以尝试在备份中创建的Windows系统映像还原文件

Download 7-zip


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/34654/manually-restore-system-files-from-your-windows-installation-media/





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