


Your phone is gross, but it doesn’t take much effort to clean it up and get rid of all those germs. Here’s how (and why) you should be cleaning and sanitizing your phone and other devices around your house.

您的手机很粗糙,但无需花费太多精力即可清理并消除所有细菌。 这是您应该(以及为什么)在家里清洁和消毒手机及其他设备的方法。

Bacteria, germs, and other gross stuff are all around us. Not all of it’s bad, and some are completely harmless, but it’s easy to come across various germs, fungi, bacteria that have the potential to making you sick. Your phone is just one place where tons of germs are living rent-free.

细菌,细菌和其他杂物都在我们身边。 并非所有的危害都是不好的,有些甚至是完全无害的,但是很容易遇到各种可能使您生病的细菌,真菌和细菌。 您的电话只是众多细菌免租金的地方。

近距离观察(从字面上看) (A Closer Look (Literally))

Think of the dirtiest places in your home, where you might assume germs and bacteria are thriving. The first things that come to mind are likely your bathroom and maybe the kitchen sink, but probably not your phone, keyboard, mouse, and the TV remote.

想想您家中最肮脏的地方,您可能会认为细菌和细菌正在蓬勃发展。 首先想到的可能是您的浴室,也许是厨房水槽,但可能不是您的手机,键盘,鼠标和电视遥控器。

Contrary to what you may believe, your toilet is probably cleaner than your phone and other devices, and that’s mostly thanks to our constant paranoia of the bathroom being such a germ-invested hellscape, that we tend to clean it more often than other areas or things around the house. Plus, toilet seats are non-porous, and don’t usually have lots of nooks and crannies where grime can hide.

与您所相信的相反, 您的马桶可能比手机和其他设备清洁 ,这主要是由于我们对浴室的持续偏执是一种细菌投资的地狱,我们倾向于比其他地方更频繁地清洁它或房子周围的东西。 此外,马桶座垫是无Kong的,通常不会有很多污垢藏身的角落和缝隙。

To see for myself, I got a petri dish kit and swabbed a few things in my house, including the inside of my toilet bowl (also neglecting to clean it for a couple of weeks…for science). I then waited about a week and a half and came back to see the results. Here’s what I found:

为了亲自观察,我拿到了一个皮氏培养皿套件,并在家里抹了几样东西,包括马桶内部(也忽略了清洗几周……以科学为目的)。 然后,我等待了大约一个半星期,然后返回查看结果。 这是我发现的:

As you can see, bacteria from my phone screen grew just as much nasty as from the inside of my toilet bowl. Now, you probably wouldn’t swipe your finger along the inside of your toilet bowl without washing your hands afterward. But, you also probably don’t think twice about swiping your finger on your phone all day long.

如您所见,我手机屏幕上的细菌和马桶内部的细菌一样多。 现在,如果不先洗手,您可能不会沿着马桶内部滑动手指。 但是,对于一整天在手机上滑动手指,您可能也不会三思而后行。

That’s why we suggest cleaning your phone once in a while.


如何清洁手机和其他设备 (How to Clean Your Phone & Other Devices)

There’s not a whole lot to it when it comes to cleaning and sanitizing your devices, but phones, in particular, can be tricky. You have to be careful with the screen at least.

在清洁和消毒设备方面并没有太多用处,但尤其是电话可能会很棘手。 您至少必须小心屏幕。

Most smartphone and tablet screens have an oleophobic coating that keeps fingerprint smudges and oils at bay, making them easier to clean off. However, using any kind of chemical or abrasive material to clean the screen can wear down that special coating.

大多数智能手机和平板电脑的屏幕均具有疏油涂层,可防止指纹污迹和油脂进入,从而更易于清除。 但是,使用任何化学或研磨材料清洁屏幕都会磨损该特殊涂层。

Isopropyl alcohol is a great disinfectant, but it’s not ideal for gadget screens.

With that in mind, you don’t have a lot of options as far as a cleaning agent, except for water and a microfiber cloth, but some people have also sworn by alcohol- and ammonia-free cleaning sprays meant for eyeglasses. Whichever you choose, apply the fluid (water or cleaner) to your cloth and then wipe down your phone—spraying water or cleaner directly on your phone severely increases the chances of fluid making its way through cracks and crevices and possibly causing damage.

考虑到这一点,除了水和超细纤维布外,您没有太多清洁剂的选择,但有些人还宣誓要戴眼镜用的不含酒精和氨的清洁喷雾剂 。 无论您选择哪种方式,都将液体(水或清洁剂)涂到布上,然后擦拭手机-将水或清洁剂直接喷在手机上会严重增加液体通过裂缝和缝隙进入并可能造成损坏的机会。

It’s not the end of the world if the oleophobic coating eventually rubs off entirely, as it’s possible to re-coat it, but it’s best to preserve it as long as you can.

如果疏油性涂层最终能完全消失,这不是世界末日,因为可以重新涂层 ,但最好是尽可能地保存。

On other devices around your home, like keyboards, mice, TV remotes, and more, you can be a bit more aggressive and use isopropyl alcohol or any household cleaning agent (Clorox wipes, cleaning spray, etc.), but I like to keep it simple and just use some isopropyl alcohol. Again, though, get your cloth damp first and then wipe down your gadgets.

在家里的其他设备上,例如键盘,鼠标,电视遥控器等,您可能会更具攻击性,可以使用异丙醇或任何家用清洁剂(Clorox湿巾,清洁喷雾剂等),但我喜欢保持简单,只需使用异丙醇即可。 不过,还是要先弄湿衣服,然后再擦拭小物件。

别太汗 (Don’t Sweat It Too Much)

At the end of the day, even if your phone is as dirty as a toilet bowl, whatever doesn’t kill you, right?


It’s easy to get paranoid about germs. One pathologist even recommends cleaning your phone every day, but it’s likely that a huge majority of us don’t even come close to that kind of regular maintenance. Yet we’re still here among the living.

对细菌容易产生偏执。 一位病理学家甚至建议每天清洁您的手机 ,但是我们中的绝大多数人甚至都没有达到这种定期维护的水平。 然而,我们仍然生活在这里。

Our advice? Don’t sweat it too much. Just be a bit more aware of the things you should clean (like devices that you use the most) and add them to your regular house cleaning schedule.

我们的建议? 不要流汗太多。 请多了解一些您应该清洁的物品(例如使用最多的设备)并将其添加到常规的房屋清洁时间表中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/352576/how-and-why-you-should-be-cleaning-your-phone-and-other-electronics/






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