


Aiming with the mouse is essential in almost any PC shooting game, doubly so if you play online. It’s a simple and intuitive process, but that doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement.

在几乎所有PC射击游戏中,用鼠标瞄准都是必不可少的。 这是一个简单而直观的过程,但这并不意味着没有改进的空间。

To improve your precision and reaction time when playing your favorite shooters, you’ll want to look at three things: hardware, software, and training. Don’t worry, this isn’t as hard (or as annoying) as it sounds.

为了提高播放最喜欢的射手时的精度和React时间,您需要查看以下三点:硬件,软件和培训。 不用担心,这并不像听起来那样困难(或令人讨厌)。

硬件:为工作找到合适的鼠标 (Hardware: Get The Right Mouse for the Job)

The hyperbolic marketing of gaming accessory companies like Razer is sometimes a bit ridiculous. No, buying a $150 gaming mouse with a laser so precise you could use it for Lasik surgery won’t turn you into a pro gamer overnight. But gaming mice are designed with intention and features that aren’t there in more conventional mice. Getting one and using its features will definitely help versus a standard office mouse.

像Razer这样的游戏配件公司的夸张营销有时有点荒谬。 不,购买具有激光的150美元游戏鼠标如此精确,您可以将其用于Lasik手术,不会在一夜之间将您变成专业游戏玩家。 但是游戏鼠标的设计意图和功能是传统鼠标所没有的。 与标准办公鼠标相比,使用它并使用其功能肯定会有所帮助。

Most important among these is ergonomics. Gaming mice aren’t just designed to be comfortable—pretty much every mouse made in the last fifteen years can make that claim. They’re designed to be comfortable with more intense, extended sessions of use, and with the kind of hand grips that people use while playing. Those grips are surprisingly varied, and you might have adapted a standard “gamer” grip to your own mouse without even realizing it.

其中最重要的是人体工程学。 游戏鼠标不仅仅是为了舒适而设计-在过去的15年中,几乎每只鼠标都可以做出这种宣称。 它们的设计使您可以更紧张,更长时间地使用游戏,以及人们在玩耍时使用的那种手柄。 这些握柄出奇的变化,您甚至可能没有意识到它就为自己的鼠标改编了标准的“游戏”握柄。

This tall, rounded design is perfect for palm grips.

Broadly speaking, those grips come in “palm” and “fingertip” styles. With the palm style, you hold the mouse with your entire hand, your palm resting on the mouse. With the fingertip style, you grip the mouse with only the tips of your thumb, ring, and pinky fingers. (“Claw” grips are somewhere in between, with raised fingertips on the main buttons but a palm on the back of the mouse.)

从广义上讲,这些握把有“掌”和“指尖”两种风格。 在手掌样式中,您可以用整个手握住鼠标,手掌放在鼠标上。 使用指尖样式,您仅用拇指,无名指和小指的指尖即可握住鼠标。 (“爪”式握柄介于两者之间,主要按钮上的指尖抬起,而鼠标背面则是手掌。)

Palm grip users prefer a tall, rounded mouse that supports their palm, and fingertip users want a shorter, lighter mouse that’s easier to move around quickly. Which one you prefer will depend on your ergonomic sensibilities.

手掌抓握的用户喜欢用高圆的鼠标支撑手掌,而指尖用户则需要更短,更轻的鼠标,以便于快速移动。 您更喜欢哪一种取决于您的人体工程学敏感性。

A shorter, lighter mouse is advantageous for fingertip grips.

There are other considerations for ergonomics, but they generally fall into two camps: more buttons (for top-down strategy, MOBA, and RPG games with lots of key binds) or fewer buttons (for fast-paced shooters and action games). A “sniper button,” which adjusts the mouse’s DPI on the fly, can be particularly useful for precise aiming—we’ll take a look at this later.

人体工程学还有其他考虑因素,但通常分为两个阵营:更多按钮(用于自上而下的策略,MOBA和具有很多键绑定的RPG游戏)或更少按钮(用于快节奏的射击游戏和动作游戏)。 快速调整鼠标的DPI的“狙击按钮”对于精确瞄准尤其有用-我们将在稍后进行介绍。

The least crucial aspect of a gaming mouse is one that often gets the most attention on a mouse’s packaging: the sensor. Only the most obsessive and skilled players need laser or optical sensors in excess of 10,000 DPI—most players can do just fine at much lower levels. Don’t overpay for a gaming mouse with features that you won’t actually use.

游戏鼠标最不重要的方面是经常在鼠标的包装上引起最多关注的方面:传感器。 只有最痴迷和技术娴熟的玩家才需要超过10,000 DPI的激光或光学传感器-大多数玩家可以在低得多的水平上做得很好。 不要为您不会真正使用的功能多付钱购买游戏鼠标。

Unfortunately, mouse comfort and utility is hard to gauge online, and even in a retail display. I recommend investing in a cheaper model that you think will suit you, something under $50 or so, and figuring out how it fits into your play style. Once you get used to it and know what you’re looking for, you can go hunting for a gaming mouse with more features and extras, if you think you want one.

不幸的是,鼠标的舒适度和实用性很难在网上甚至在零售展示中进行衡量。 我建议您投资一款您认为适合您的便宜机型,价格在50美元左右,并弄清楚它如何适合您的游戏风格。 一旦习惯了它,并知道要寻找什么,就可以寻找具有更多功能和其他功能的游戏鼠标(如果您认为自己想要的话)。

软件:调整DPI和灵敏度设置以适合您 (Software: Adjust Your DPI and Sensitivity Settings to Suit You)

You probably already know that you can adjust the sensitivity of your mouse to make the cursor move faster or slower, relative to the movement of your hand. (If you didn’t, well, now you do.) And for shooter games, you should always disable mouse acceleration, known paradoxically as “Enhance Pointer Precision” in Windows.

您可能已经知道,可以调整鼠标的灵敏度,以使光标相对于手部移动更快或更慢。 (如果不这样做,那么现在就可以了。)对于射击游戏,您应该始终禁用鼠标加速,这在Windows中通常被称为“增强指针精度”

But there are two more aspects that you can adjust for the level of precision that’s perfect for how you play, and even how you play specific, individual games. First, if you’ve bought a gaming mouse, make sure to install the official driver program from the manufacturer. This tool lets you adjust the key bindings and other functions of your mouse. But most crucially, it also lets you adjust the precise “dots per inch” (DPI) of the sensor up or down. This corresponds to the movement of your hand: raise the DPI to make smaller motions of your hand move the mouse cursor (or crosshairs) more, lower the DPI for bigger motions to make smaller, precise cursor movements.

但是,您还可以从两个方面进行调整,以达到最适合您的玩法,甚至玩特定的个人游戏的精确度。 首先,如果您购买了游戏鼠标,请确保安装了制造商的官方驱动程序。 该工具使您可以调整鼠标的键绑定和其他功能。 但最关键的是,它还允许您向上或向下调整传感器的精确“每英寸点数(DPI)”。 这对应于您的手的运动:抬高DPI以使手的较小运动使鼠标光标(或十字准线)更多地移动,降低DPI以使手的运动较大以进行较小的,精确的光标运动。

The gaming mouse software also allows you to bind specific sensitivity settings to individual games. So for example, if you prefer a super-precise, low-DPI mouse setting for sniping faraway bandits in Fallout, but want something much faster for the tense, shotgun-heavy combat in Fortnite, you can simply set their profiles to load along with the game’s executable file. For even more variation, you can customize the DPI levels that are activated by the mouse’s on-the-fly controls. These come in single-button cycling and multi-button up-down adjustments, depending on the mouse model, and can usually be bound to other buttons as well.

游戏鼠标软件还允许您将特定的灵敏度设置绑定到各个游戏。 因此,举例来说,如果您希望使用超低DPI的高精度鼠标设置来在Fallout中狙击遥远的匪徒,但想要在Fortnite中进行紧张,shot弹枪式的重型战斗要快得多 ,则只需设置其配置文件即可游戏的可执行文件。 要获得更多变化,您可以自定义由鼠标的实时控件激活的DPI级别。 这些功能有单键循环和多键上下调整的功能,具体取决于鼠标的型号,通常也可以绑定到其他按钮。

One ingenious innovation for high adaptability is known as the “sniper button.” This is a dedicated button on some gaming mice, almost always activated by the thumb, that lowers the DPI level only when it’s being depressed. It allows for players to use a high-DPI setting for fast, sweeping controls during most gameplay, but to go into a lower DPI mode for precision, long-range shootouts. If you’re a fan of games that benefit from players who can quickly switch between multiple roles, like Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, or Battlefield, it’s a very handy feature to seek out in your mouse.

一种高适应性的创新技术被称为“狙击按钮”。 这是某些游戏鼠标上的专用按钮,几乎总是由拇指激活,仅在被按下时才降低DPI级别。 它允许玩家在大多数游戏过程中使用高DPI设置进行快速,全面的控制,而进入低DPI模式则可以进行精确的远程射击。 如果您是游戏迷并且可以从可以在多个角色(如《 守望先锋》,《军团要塞2 》或《 战地风云》)之间快速切换的玩家中受益,那么使用鼠标可以轻松地找到它。

The “sniper button” on this Corsair mouse lowers the DPI while it’s pressed.

Another little tip for you. Before mice came with sniper buttons, many gamers approximated the effect with a technique called the finger drag. If you have a mouse that doesn’t have “wings” that your fingers rest on, you can try it for yourself. Just very slightly drag your pinkie finger or thumb against your mouse pad while moving (which finger depends on the direction you’re moving) to slow down mouse movement. It’s surprisingly effective when you want more precise movements, and is even useful for precision movements outside games.

给您的另一个小技巧。 在鼠标带有狙击按钮之前,许多游戏玩家都使用一种称为“手指拖动”的技术来近似效果。 如果您的鼠标没有手指可依靠的“翅膀”,则可以自己尝试一下。 在移动时(仅取决于您的移动方向)将小指手指或拇指非常轻微地拖动到鼠标垫上,以减慢鼠标的移动速度。 当您需要更精确的动作时,它出奇的有效,甚至在游戏外的精确动作中也很有用。

Also note that in addition to your driver settings, almost every major PC game allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the mouse cursor in its control settings. This is less precise than the hardware-based DPI controls in driver software, but it can be an easier way to make more precise adjustments without setting up multiple profiles. Some games even allow different sensitivity settings for different parts of the game, like individual character settings in Overwatch.

还要注意,除了驱动程序设置之外,几乎每个主要的PC游戏都允许您在其控制设置中调整鼠标光标的灵敏度。 它不如驱动程序软件中基于硬件的DPI控件精确,但可以在不设置多个配置文件的情况下进行更精确的调整。 有些游戏甚至允许对游戏的不同部分进行不同的灵敏度设置,例如《 守望先锋》中的各个角色设置。

培训:实践使完美 (Training: Practice Makes Perfect)

Obviously, the more time you spend with an individual game, the better you get at aiming in its virtual world. But you can improve even faster by being aware of what you’re doing. Experiment with the different DPI settings mentioned above, and you’ll be able to find out which ones work best for your particular play style. Try a significant shift up or down, to see if it makes you more mobile or more precise, and whether that’s advantageous for that specific game.

显然,您花在个人游戏上的时间越长,您瞄准虚拟世界的能力就越高。 但是您可以通过知道自己在做什么来更快地改善自己。 试用上述不同的DPI设置,您将能够找出最适合您的特定演奏风格的设置。 尝试大幅度上移或下移,以查看它是否使您更灵活或更精确,以及是否对特定游戏有利。

When you do make changes, make one at a time, and see how it affects your play. But don’t wait too long between changes, because you don’t want your muscle memory to adapt fully.

当您进行更改时,请一次更改一个,然后看看它如何影响您的游戏。 但是不要在更改之间等待太久,因为您不希望您的肌肉记忆完全适应。

Resist the urge to practice your skills on the “easy” setting, or against less challenging opponents, like the player-versus-environment options in online shooters. If you hone your skills against low-difficulty bots, you’ll find it hard to adjust to fast-moving, fast-thinking online players. The adage is cliché and perhaps frustrating, but practice does make perfect: the best way to make yourself better is to play against those who are better than you.

抵制在“轻松”环境中或对抗挑战性较小的对手(如在线射击手中的玩家对环境选项)练习技能的冲动。 如果您针对低难度的机器人磨练自己的技能,就会发现很难适应快速发展,思维敏捷的在线玩家。 这句话是陈词滥调,也许令人沮丧,但实践确实可以做到完美:使自己变得更好的最佳方法是与比你更好的人对抗。

Aim Hero is a popular aim training game on Steam. 《目标英雄》是Steam上流行的瞄准训练游戏。

If you want to go even further, there are tools designed specifically to improve your mouse accuracy and hand-eye coordination. These meta-games or “trainers” have specifically-designed levels and stages meant to train you for speed, precision, and spatial awareness in shooters. Think of them as batting practice for online shooters. They’re generally free or low-cost on online game stores like Steam.

如果您想走得更远,可以使用专门设计的工具来提高鼠标的准确性和手眼协调性。 这些元游戏或“培训师”具有专门设计的级别和阶段,旨在培训您射击者的速度,精度和空间意识。 将它们视为在线射击手的击球练习。 在Steam之类的在线游戏商店中,它们通常是免费或低成本的。

That said, be wary of these aim trainers. Some are made with care and intention, while others are merely cheap asset flips that are looking for a quick buck. Carefully read the reviews before you spend any money on a game that’s meant to make you better at other games. And while you’re practicing, make sure you keep your DPI settings and sensitivity levels consistent: you’ll want to match the mouse movements in the trainer to the ones in your preferred shooter game as consistently as possible.

就是说,要警惕这些目标教练。 有些是精心设计的,而另一些仅仅是廉价的资产翻转,正在寻求快速的回报。 在花钱买可以让您在其他游戏上更好的游戏之前,请仔细阅读评论。 并且,在练习时,请确保保持DPI设置和灵敏度水平一致:您希望使训练器中的鼠标移动与首选射击游戏中的鼠标移动尽可能一致。

Image credit: Amazon, Razer, Corsair, Steam

图片来源: 亚马逊雷蛇海盗船Steam

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/348913/how-to-improve-your-aim-in-pc-games/






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