idea assist_什么是Wi-Fi Assist?如何将其关闭?

idea assist

idea assist

Wi-Fi Assist is a new feature on iOS 9, which is garnering a lot of attention. We want to discuss Wi-Fi Assist today, explain what is does and, most importantly, disable it if necessary.

Wi-Fi Assist是iOS 9的一项新功能,引起了很多关注。 我们今天要讨论Wi-Fi Assist,解释其作用,最重要的是,必要时将其禁用。

If you have upgraded your iPhone to iOS 9 or have elected to purchase a new iPhone, then you have been gifted a rather wonderful new feature called Wi-Fi Assist. While many news sources are sounding the alarm over Wi-Fi Assist possibly costing users with limited mobile data plans, our opinion is maybe not.

如果您已将iPhone升级到iOS 9或选择购买新的iPhone,那么您将获得称为Wi-Fi Assist的相当不错的新功能。 尽管许多新闻来源都在通过Wi-Fi Assist发出警报,但可能会给移动数据计划有限的用户带来损失,但我们的看法可能并非如此。

Wi-Fi Assist basically works like this: imagine you’re using your iPhone at a coffee shop or your home, and you step outside for some reason and your Wi-Fi signal drops precipitously, perhaps to the point of uselessness. Wi-Fi Assist will then allow your mobile data to kick in so you don’t lose your connection.

Wi-Fi Assist基本上是这样工作的:假设您在咖啡店或家中使用iPhone,并且出于某种原因而出门,并且Wi-Fi信号急剧下降,甚至到了无用的地步。 然后,Wi-Fi Assist将允许您的移动数据进入,这样您就不会失去连接。

We can imagine how this might alarm some people who have mobile data caps. The truth is, this is less likely to incur costly overages than it will to simply avoid those frustrating moments where your Wi-Fi is so weak that you’d need to resort to mobile data anyway.

我们可以想象这会如何使某些拥有移动数据上限的人感到震惊。 事实是,这比避免简单的避免Wi-Fi太弱以至于无论如何都需要求助于移动数据的那些令人沮丧的时刻所造成的代价高昂的超额费用可能性较小。

It’s pretty simple to see whether you’re still connected to Wi-Fi and how strong your signal is by simply noting the indicator in the status bar.


If you’re connected via your mobile connection, it will be similarly noted in the status bar.


The thing about Wi-Fi assist is that it is designed to work only when your Wi-Fi signal is too weak to deliver content. In this case, you’d definitely notice that things were awry and either move to where the signal is stronger, or switch over to mobile data anyway.

关于Wi-Fi辅助功能的问题是,它仅在Wi-Fi信号太弱而无法传送内容时才起作用。 在这种情况下,您肯定会注意到情况很糟,要么移动到信号更强的地方,要么无论如何都要切换到移动数据。

That said, it is possible to turn off Wi-Fi assist so you don’t run the risk of connecting to your mobile connection without your knowledge. This certainly isn’t unreasonable, and we recommend that if you do have a data cap, you err on the side of caution (Wi-Fi assist is likely better suited for those who have unlimited data plans).

也就是说,可以关闭Wi-Fi协助,这样就不会冒着在您不知情的情况下连接到移动连接的风险。 这当然不是没有道理的,我们建议如果您确实有数据上限,则请谨慎行事(Wi-Fi辅助可能更适合那些拥有无限数据计划的用户)。

关闭Wi-Fi辅助 (Turning Off Wi-Fi Assist)

First, open the “Settings” and then tap “Cellular”.


In the Cellular settings, you can see how much data you’ve used so far in the current period as well as turn off any apps that you might not want using your mobile data connection. This is obviously a pretty good way to limit mobile data usage from the get-go.

在“蜂窝网络”设置中,您可以看到当前到目前为止已使用了多少数据,以及关闭了可能不需要使用移动数据连接的任何应用程序。 显然,这是从一开始就限制移动数据使用的不错方法。

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Cellular settings if you want to turn off Wi-Fi Assist. It will be the last option beneath everything else.

如果要关闭Wi-Fi Assist,请一直滚动到Cellular设置的底部。 这将是其他一切的最后选择。

It remains to be conclusively proven whether Wi-Fi Assist will actually create the kind of outlandish data overages that certain news sources are saying it will. Again, our thinking is that it will not but nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to be aware of the feature and to turn it off if you feel it might cause you issues or you simply don’t think it is useful.

Wi-Fi Assist是否会真正造成某些新闻来源所说的那种过时的数据过量还有待最终证实。 同样,我们的想法是,它不会但仍然不会,但是,意识到该功能并将其关闭(如果您认为它可能会导致问题或您根本不认为它有用),则不会受到损害。

For the most part, however, we believe this is quite useful and will go a long way toward alleviating connection headaches, such as when you’re trying to pull up directions before driving away from your house, but your Wi-Fi signal is simply too weak. At that point, being able to access your mobile data connection without first disabling Wi-Fi will be a great improvement in usability and convenience.

不过,在大多数情况下,我们认为这非常有用,并且可以减轻连接方面的麻烦,例如当您试图在开车离开家之前拉起方向时,但是您的Wi-Fi信号只是太弱。 届时,无需先禁用Wi-Fi即可访问您的移动数据连接将大大提高可用性和便利性。

We hope you found this article useful. If you have a question you would like to ask or comment to add, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望您觉得本文有用。 如果您有任何疑问或想补充的问题,请将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。


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