如何在MacBook Pro触控栏上的一个手势中调整音量和亮度

本文介绍了如何在MacBook Pro的触控栏上通过快捷手势来调整音量和亮度。用户可以按住控制条中的相应功能并向左或向右移动手指,或者在macOS High Sierra及更高版本中快速滑动按钮本身来实现快速调整。这些方法让调节变得更加便捷,但是否优于传统的音量和亮度键则见仁见智。

At first, I thought the new MacBook Pro touch bar was actively worse than a traditional keyboard for adjusting volume or brightness. After all, with keys you can turn the volume up or down with a quick tap. From what I saw of the touch bar you needed to tap the volume button, then adjust the slider that appears. A tap, followed by a tap-and-move motion.

起初,我认为新的MacBook Pro触摸条在调节音量或亮度方面比传统键盘差很多。 毕竟,您可以通过按键快速调高或调低音量。 从我看到的触摸条上,您需要点击音量按钮,然后调整显示的滑块。 轻按,然后轻按并移动。

I was wrong. There are a couple of gestures that let you adjust volume or brightness in one quick motion, though they’re hard to stumble upon if you don’t know about them.

我错了。 有几种手势可以让您快速调整音量或亮度,尽管如果您不了解它们,也很难发现它们。

The first method: tap and hold either function in the Control Strip, then move your hand to the left or the right. The level will adjust, without you ever lifting your finger.

第一种方法:点击并按住“控制条”中的任一功能,然后向左或向右移动手。 无需您松开手指,即可调节水平。

It’s a little weird at first, because your finger isn’t on the dial that’s being adjusted. But once you get used to this, it will become second nature.

一开始有点奇怪,因为您的手指不在正在调整的表盘上。 但是一旦您习惯了它,它将成为第二天性。

The second faster method, available as of macOS High Sierra, is to quickly swipe the button itself.

从macOS High Sierra开始提供的第二种更快的方法是快速滑动按钮本身。

This is perfect when you want to quickly adjust by one level.


Is these methods faster than adjusting the volume or brightness with dedicated brightness keys? Some may think so, others may disagree. With the first gesture you can quickly find exactly the level you want in one motion, as opposed to pressing a button multiple times. But the tactile feel of adjusting settings was also pretty close to a perfect system. If you’re not sold on the flexibility of the touch bar, this feature isn’t going to convert you; if you do like the touch bar, this gesture makes it even better.

这些方法是否比使用专用亮度键调整音量或亮度更快? 有些人可能会这样认为,其他人可能会不同意。 通过第一个手势,您可以快速准确地找到一个动作中想要的水平,而无需多次按下按钮。 但是调整设置的触感也非常接近完美的系统。 如果您对触控栏的灵活性不满意,那么此功能将无法为您带来转换。 如果您确实喜欢触摸栏,则此手势会使其更好。

This functionality only works for volume or brightness, the two buttons labelled “Sliders” by Apple when you customize the buttons on your touch bar.

自定义触摸栏上的按钮时,此功能仅适用于音量或亮度,Apple标记为“ Sliders”的两个按钮。

This makes sense, because most of the other buttons offer toggle binaries: things you can turn on and off, things you can open or close. Keyboard brightness, the only other thing I think could work as a dial, isn’t offered as a Control Strip button; you can only adjust that in the Expanded Control Strip, which works more like the keyboard buttons of old.

这是有道理的,因为其他大多数按钮都提供切换二进制文件:可以打开和关闭的东西,可以打开或关闭的东西。 键盘亮度(我认为可以用作刻度盘的唯一另一件事)没有作为“控制条”按钮提供; 您只能在“扩展控制条”中进行调整,其作用类似于旧的键盘按钮。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/305066/how-to-adjust-volume-and-brightness-in-one-gesture-on-the-macbook-pro-touch-bar/





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