


Windows 10’s File Explorer opens to Quick Access by default, and Windows 7’s Windows Explorer opens to the Libraries. If you’d rather the Taskbar icon open in a folder of your choosing, though, here’s how to make that happen.

默认情况下,Windows 10的文件资源管理器打开到快速访问,而Windows 7的Windows资源管理器打开到库。 不过,如果您希望在选定的文件夹中打开任务栏图标,请按照以下步骤进行操作。

Windows 10中的文件资源管理器 (File Explorer in Windows 10)

To change the default startup folder in Windows 10’s File Explorer, open File Explorer and navigate to the folder you want to open by default—but don’t open it. Instead, right-click on the folder and select “Create shortcut” from the popup menu.

要在Windows 10的文件资源管理器中更改默认的启动文件夹,请打开文件资源管理器并导航到默认情况下要打开的文件夹,但不要打开它。 而是右键单击该文件夹,然后从弹出菜单中选择“创建快捷方式”。

A shortcut to that folder is created in the same location as the folder. Select the shortcut and press F2 to rename the shortcut to File Explorer.

在该文件夹的相同位置创建该文件夹的快捷方式。 选择快捷方式,然后按F2键将快捷方式重命名为“文件资源管理器”。

Because you’re changing the File Explorer shortcut on the Taskbar to one with a custom folder, you probably want to change it from the standard folder icon used in File Explorer. To do so, right-click on the new shortcut and select “Properties” from the popup menu.

因为您正在将任务栏上的“文件资源管理器”快捷方式更改为带有自定义文件夹的快捷方式,所以您可能希望将其从“文件资源管理器”中使用的标准文件夹图标进行更改。 为此,右键单击新的快捷方式,然后从弹出菜单中选择“属性”。

Make sure the “Shortcut” tab is active on the Properties dialog box and then click the “Change Icon” button.


We’re going to grab the File Explorer icon from the explorer.exe file itself. On the Change Icon dialog box, enter the following into the “Look for icons in this file” box and press Enter.

我们将从explorer.exe文件本身中获取“文件资源管理器”图标。 在“更改图标”对话框上,在“在此文件中查找图标”框中输入以下内容,然后按Enter。


Then, click on the standard File Explorer icon in the upper-left corner of the “Select an icon from the list below” box and click “OK”.


Click “OK” to close the Properties dialog box.


Select the new shortcut in File Explorer and press Ctrl+C to copy it. Then, navigate to the following folder.

在“文件资源管理器”中选择新的快捷方式,然后按Ctrl + C进行复制。 然后,导航到以下文件夹。

C:\Users\Lori\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar

Before pasting the custom File Explorer shortcut into this folder, we recommend you copy and paste the original shortcut into another location so you have a backup of the shortcut. You may want to return to using the default startup folder, in which case you can just copy and paste the original shortcut to the above folder.

在将自定义文件资源管理器快捷方式粘贴到此文件夹之前,建议您将原始快捷方式复制并粘贴到其他位置,以便备份该快捷方式。 您可能要返回到默认的启动文件夹,在这种情况下,您可以将原始快捷方式复制并粘贴到上述文件夹中。

Press Ctrl+V to paste the new shortcut in the Taskbar folder. The following dialog box displays to make sure you want to replace the file already in the folder. Click “Replace the file in the destination” to continue.

按Ctrl + V将新的快捷方式粘贴到任务栏文件夹中。 显示以下对话框,以确保您要替换文件夹中已经存在的文件。 单击“将文件替换到目标位置”以继续。

Now, when you click on the File Explorer icon on the Taskbar, File Explorer opens to the folder you chose.


Note that if you delete the folder you used to create the custom shortcut, the following dialog box displays when you click the File Explorer icon on the Taskbar. To undelete the folder, click the “Restore” button. The folder is moved from the Recycle Bin back to its original location.

请注意,如果删除用于创建自定义快捷方式的文件夹,则在单击任务栏上的“文件资源管理器”图标时将显示以下对话框。 要取消删除文件夹,请单击“还原”按钮。 该文件夹从回收站移回其原始位置。

Windows 7中的Windows资源管理器 (Windows Explorer in Windows 7)

When you click on the Windows Explorer icon on the Windows 7 Taskbar, it opens to the Libraries view by default. You might not use the Libraries feature, or maybe you want to set it to a different location that you use more often.

当您单击Windows 7任务栏上的Windows资源管理器图标时,默认情况下它将打开到“库”视图。 您可能没有使用“库”功能,或者可能想将其设置为您经常使用的其他位置。

To change the startup folder for Windows Explorer on the Taskbar, we’re going to modify the shortcut on the Taskbar. Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder you want to use, and select and copy the path from path box. This makes it easier to add the correct path to the shortcut.

要在任务栏上更改Windows资源管理器的启动文件夹,我们将在任务栏上修改快捷方式。 打开Windows资源管理器,导航到要使用的文件夹,然后从路径框中选择并复制路径。 这样可以更轻松地为快捷方式添加正确的路径。

Now, we’ll change the properties of the Windows Explorer shortcut on the Taskbar. To do this, right-click on the Windows Explorer shortcut on the Taskbar. Then, right-click on the ‘Windows Explorer” option on the popup menu and select “Properties” from the popup menu.

现在,我们将在任务栏上更改Windows资源管理器快捷方式的属性。 为此,请右键单击任务栏上的Windows资源管理器快捷方式。 然后,右键单击弹出菜单上的“ Windows资源管理器”选项,然后从弹出菜单中选择“属性”。

Make sure the “Shortcut” tab is active on the Properties dialog box. Put the cursor at the end of the text in the “Target” box and press Ctrl+V to paste the path you copied.

确保“属性”对话框中的“快捷方式”选项卡处于活动状态。 将光标置于“目标”框中文本的末尾,然后按Ctrl + V粘贴您复制的路径。

NOTE: If the path you copied has any spaces in it, enclose the entire path in double quotes.


Now, when you click on the Windows Explorer icon on the Taskbar, File Explorer opens to the folder you chose.


If the folder you added to the Windows Explorer icon on the Taskbar in Windows 7 doesn’t exist (maybe you moved or deleted it), the startup folder defaults to My Documents.

如果您添加到Windows 7任务栏上Windows资源管理器图标上的文件夹不存在(可能已移动或删除了该文件夹),则启动文件夹默认为“我的文档”。

To restore the Windows 10 File Explorer icon to its default startup folder, simply copy the original shortcut that you backed up back to the C:\Users\Lori\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar folder. In Windows 7, you can restore the default startup folder in Windows Explorer to its default by opening the properties of the shortcut on the Taskbar again and deleting the path you added in the Target box.

要将Windows 10 File Explorer图标还原到其默认启动文件夹,只需将备份的原始快捷方式复制回C:\Users\Lori\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar文件夹。 在Windows 7中,可以通过再次在任务栏上打开快捷方式的属性并删除在“目标”框中添加的路径,将Windows资源管理器中的默认启动文件夹恢复为默认启动文件夹。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17415/set-the-windows-explorer-startup-folder-in-windows-7/






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