

There are many benefits of migrating to the cloud: financial savings, increased agility, tighter security and uninterrupted service, just to name a few. But one often overlooked benefit is the improvements it brings to the customer experience and the positive effects this has on user trust and satisfaction, brand engagement and a company’s online reputation.

迁移到云有很多好处:节省金钱,提高敏捷性,加强安全性和不中断服务,仅举几例。 但是,一个经常被忽视的好处是,它带来了客户体验改善,以及对用户信任度和满意度,品牌参与度以及公司在线声誉的积极影响。

Improving the user experience is increasingly important for an enterprise’s success. According to Bloomfire, over 80% of businesses see the user experience as something which helps differentiate between competitors and, by the end of the decade, it is projected to overtake price and product choices as the main reason why consumers choose one brand over another. 

改善用户体验对于企业成功越来越重要。 根据Bloomfire的说法 ,超过80%的企业将用户体验视为有助于区分竞争对手的一种方式,并且到本十年末,预计它将超过价格和产品选择,这是消费者选择一个品牌而不是另一个品牌的主要原因。

Online, where consumers expect immediate, unlimited and uninterrupted access to information, products or services, businesses that still use non-cloud systems may miss out on the opportunities that the cloud has to offer. Migrating to the cloud provides the tools and services businesses need to participate in today’s competitive, on-demand marketplace, enabling them to enhance the customer experience and reap the rewards of doing so. Here are the ways migrating to the cloud can improve your customers’ experience.

在网上,消费者期望立即,无限和不间断地访问信息,产品或服务,而仍在使用非云系统的企业可能会错失云所提供的机会。 迁移到云提供了企业参与当今竞争激烈的按需市场所需的工具和服务,从而使他们能够改善客户体验并从中获得收益。 这是迁移到云可以改善客户体验的方法。

为客户提供24/7全天候访问您的产品和服务的权限 (Give customers 24/7 access to your products and services)

The days where customers were prepared to wait for usual business hours to get in touch with a company are over. Today, they expect online operations to be available 24/7, whether that is to buy products, contact customer support or access online services. They also expect that these things can be done from anywhere, using any type of connected device.

客户准备等待正常工作时间与公司联系的日子已经过去。 如今,他们希望在线运营24/7全天候可用,无论是购买产品,联系客户支持还是访问在线服务。 他们还期望可以使用任何类型的连接设备在任何地方完成这些操作。

By migrating to the cloud, it means that businesses have a much greater flexibility to put these things in place. For example, as employees can connect with work-based applications anywhere they have a connection, it means they can deal with customer service enquiries even when they are out of the office, helping expand operations and keeping costs to a minimum. Indeed, by using AI chat boxes, many of the inquiries a company has out of hours can be automated with only a minimal need for any human interaction.

通过迁移到云,这意味着企业可以更加灵活地将这些东西放置到位。 例如,由于员工可以在有连接的任何地方连接基于工作的应用程序,这意味着即使他们不在办公室,他们也可以处理客户服务查询,从而有助于扩大运营并将成本降至最低。 实际上,通过使用AI聊天框,公司在非工作时间进行的许多查询都可以自动化,而无需任何人工干预。

This 24/7 availability can be provided for many services, such as product sales, ticket ordering, delivery tracking and much more.


提供一站式服务 ( Provide a one-stop shop)

Ever had the experience of waiting for ages in a phone queue and then, when you finally get through, to be told you need to call a different number? There is nothing more frustrating for a customer than finding out they cannot access all a company’s services from a single point of entry, whether this is on the telephone or online.

有没有在电话队列中等待年龄的经验,然后等到您终于接通电话时,被告知您需要拨打其他号码吗? 令客户沮丧的莫过于发现他们无法从单个入口点(无论是通过电话还是在线)访问公司的所有服务。

Thankfully, the tools and systems available to companies which migrate to the cloud enable them to provide the integrated services that their customers demand, without them needing to leave the website.  


The applications available in the cloud provide customers with easy to use interfaces from which they can manage all their services from a single place, whether on a website or smartphone app. Just think of all the things that online banking customers can now carry out on a bank’s website or apps. And if they have a problem, they can have access to support using the same interface no matter where they are, what time of day or what device they are using. 

云中可用的应用程序为客户提供了易于使用的界面,通过这些界面,他们可以从一个地方管理所有服务,无论是在网站上还是在智能手机应用程序上。 只需考虑一下网上银行客户现在可以在银行的网站或应用程序上执行的所有操作。 如果他们有问题,无论他们身在何处,一天中的什么时间或使用什么设备,都可以使用相同的界面获得支持。

提供个性化的体验 (Offer personalised experiences)

Despite all the concerns around data privacy, most customers prefer it when companies provide them with personalised shopping experiences. It’s great for consumers seeing products and services that are tailored to their needs and desires and putting these things directly in front of customers certainly helps improve sales. It’s a win-win situation for both consumer and company and something we are seeing a lot more of when we visit websites.

尽管人们担心数据隐私,但是当公司为他们提供个性化的购物体验时,大多数客户还是喜欢它。 对于消费者来说,看到满足其需求和需求的产品和服务非常好,将这些东西直接放在客户面前肯定有助于提高销售。 对于消费者和公司而言,这都是双赢的局面,当我们访问网站时,我们会看到更多。

The reason companies can provide personalised shopping experiences is because of the vast amount of data that is made available. Websites can track browsing and shopping history; they provide wish lists to see what people like; if customers don’t inform them directly, their algorithms can quickly ascertain a consumer’s age, gender, family background, geographic location and similar data; and all these things can be compared with the data of those in a similar demographic. The result is that users of these websites see an increasingly accurate guess at the things they are looking to buy and this increases their chance of buying them – especially when the company uses this data to incentivise a purchase through offers and discounts.  

公司之所以能够提供个性化的购物体验,是因为可以获得大量数据。 网站可以跟踪浏览和购物记录; 他们提供愿望清单以了解人们的喜好; 如果客户不直接通知他们,他们的算法可以快速确定消费者的年龄,性别,家庭背景,地理位置和类似数据; 所有这些东西都可以与类似人口统计数据中的数据进行比较。 结果是这些网站的用户对他们要购买的商品的猜测越来越准确,这增加了他们购买商品的机会-特别是当公司使用此数据通过优惠和折扣来激励购买行为时。

To provide personalised shopping experiences, however, all that data needs to be collected, processed and analysed. And there is a lot of data to collect. Cloud computing offers the best way to do this, providing unlimited storage and processing capacity, charged for on a pay as you use basis while allowing the use of widely available big data and AI applications to undertake the data crunching. 

然而,为了提供个性化的购物体验,所有这些数据都需要收集,处理和分析。 而且有很多数据要收集。 云计算提供了最佳方法,可提供无限的存储和处理能力,使用时按需付费,同时允许使用广泛使用的大数据和AI应用程序进行数据处理。

提高品牌的信誉度 (Improve the trustworthiness of your brand)

The cloud provides several ways to improve the reputation of your brand. With high availability cloud hosting, the bad press associated with application downtime can be a thing of the past; the security features available from service providers means that there is a reduced risk of IT systems becoming victims of cyber attacks, infections or ransomware; and the choice of cloud-based tools on offer provides a range of ways to ensure that customers’ needs are dealt with quickly. Together, these things ensure that customers see your online provision as something that is both reliable and trustworthy.

云提供了几种提高品牌声誉的方法。 使用高可用性云托管,与应用程序停机相关的不良压力可能已成为过去。 服务提供商提供的安全功能意味着降低了IT系统成为网络攻击,感染或勒索软件的受害者的风险; 以及提供的基于云的工具的选择提供了多种方式来确保快速满足客户的需求。 这些东西共同确保了客户将您的在线服务视为可靠且值得信赖的东西。

结论 (Conclusion)

Migrating to the cloud can greatly improve the user experience, helping to attract new customers and retain existing ones. With many tools available, the cloud can help businesses give their customers the online experiences they demand, providing 24/7 access to integrated services and personalised shopping from a reliable and trustworthy business. With these in place, businesses will have a clear advantage over their competitors.

迁移到云可以极大地改善用户体验,帮助吸引新客户并保留现有客户。 有了许多可用的工具,云可以帮助企业为客户提供所需的在线体验,并提供24/7的访问权限,使他们能够从可靠和可信赖的业务中获得集成服务和个性化购物。 有了这些,企业将比竞争对手具有明显的优势。

If you are considering migrating to the cloud, check out our range of enterprise cloud solutions.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-migrating-to-the-cloud-can-improve-the-customer-experience/


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