

Cloud computing and hosting may offer a variety of distinct advantages, yet businesses planning to migrate must evaluate the technology and take a decision accordingly. Not all businesses would need a Cloud computing architecture to run their business.

云计算和托管可以提供各种独特的优势,但是计划进行迁移的企业必须评估该技术并做出相应的决定。 并非所有企业都需要云计算架构来运行其业务。

Pay Per Use Cloud
Cloud is indeed considered to be the future of computing and offers a promising platform for enterprises. Despite this fact, it isn’t necessarily a technology that’s required/suitable for all. An evaluation of your application requirements can be compared with the features offered with this platform. Before migration, you must understand the basic differences between the variety of cloud services offered across the industry.

云确实被认为是计算的未来,并为企业提供了一个有希望的平台。 尽管有这个事实,但不一定是所有人都需要/适合的技术。 您对应用程序需求的评估可以与该平台提供的功能进行比较。 在迁移之前,您必须了解整个行业提供的各种云服务之间的基本区别。

Careful evaluations based on your business and the appropriate cloud model should be carried out at the initial stage. Don’t be tempted to use a particular solution only because your competitor has chosen it.

应在初始阶段根据您的业务和适当的云模型进行仔细的评估。 不要仅仅因为您的竞争对手选择了特定解决方案而就想使用它。

Following are FIVE of the most Crucial Considerations Before Migrating Over to a Cloud :-


Evaluate Prior to Taking Actions – Businesses and its concerned officials face a constant pressure from business to speed time-to-market its critical applications and racing towards achieving the targets with shrinking budgets and team strengths. In such cases, cloud hosting can seem to an attractive alternative to achieve multiple targets simultaneously. But, it is necessary to evaluate the IT requirements within your organisations and comparing it with the features offered with different cloud models that’s best suitable to your business.

在采取行动之前进行评估 –企业及其相关官员面临着来自企业的不断压力,要求企业加快其关键应用产品的上市时间,并在预算和团队实力不断缩减的情况下争取实现目标。 在这种情况下, 云托管似乎是同时实现多个目标的有吸引力的选择。 但是,有必要评估组织内的IT需求,并将其与最适合您的业务的不同云模型提供的功能进行比较。

Simply choosing a cloud model for the sake of doing so wouldn’t help you achieve an optimum performance, nor would it help with cutting down the costs and expenditures. For example, you cannot migrate your business over to a Private Cloud when your business demands it to be migrated to a Public Cloud Hosting platform. The purpose and functionality of both the models are different hence there is no way to align your needs with it. Moreover, Clouds based on open-source hypervisors may offer different features than a VMware hosting platform. Therefore, careful evaluations must form an important part of your business IT strategy.

仅出于此目的选择云模型并不会帮助您获得最佳性能,也不会帮助降低成本和支出 例如,当您的业务要求将其迁移到公共 云托管平台时,您无法将其迁移到私有云 。 两种模型的目的和功能都不同,因此无法将您的需求与之匹配。 此外,基于开源管理程序的云可能提供与VMware托管平台不同的功能。 因此,认真评估必须成为您的业务IT战略的重要组成部分。

Here are some considerations to keep in mind:


Following are certain pointers to consider when choosing an appropriate Cloud for your business :-


  • Evaluating the Performance – It is important to anticipate the performance of your application when hosted on a particular cloud infrastructure. For that purpose, you must consider the two things differently ie. Hardware specs and Network Connectivity. You might even ask the provider for a trial period to try and test the performance of the application over a particular infrastructure. Most of the companies now-a-days even offer a 30 days money-back guarantee, this gives you an opportunity to test the server, network and performance of your application over the infrastructure for 30 days. Based on the results you may either choose to continue using the particular infrastructure or switch to something else.

    评估性能 –当托管在特定的云基础架构上时,预测应用程序的性能非常重要。 为此,您必须以不同的方式考虑这两件事,即。 硬件规格和网络连接。 您甚至可以要求提供商试用一段时间,以尝试在特定基础架构上测试应用程序的性能。 如今,大多数公司甚至都提供30天的退款保证,这使您有机会在基础架构上测试服务器,网络和应用程序性能30天。 根据结果​​,您可以选择继续使用特定的基础架构,也可以切换到其他基础架构。

  • Availability – It is equally important for you to evaluate the requirements of availability and the downtime that is acceptable for your business. Though the architecture of a cloud is such that it usually wouldn’t go down. Yet, it is advisable to check the SLA’s laiden by the providers. You may even try to ask for the architecture used for a particular cloud cluster to anticipate the possibilities, though its also true that not all providers wouldn’t usually disclose their network architecture , yet its worth giving a try.

    可用性 –评估可用性要求和业务可接受的停机时间对您同样重要。 尽管云的体系结构通常不会崩溃。 但是,建议检查提供商提供的SLA。 您甚至可以尝试要求用于特定云集群的体系结构来预测可能的可能性,尽管并非所有提供商通常都不会公开其网络体系结构,但值得一试。

Cloud Servers

Assuming the choice of a particular Cloud to be Best Appropriate – Many a times, organisations often go into a passive state after choosing a solution. They tend to overlook the possibility of a situation wherein the chosen technology/platform might fail to suffice the business needs. Therefore, it’s necessary to have a backup plan in place that can tackle the unexpected failures but causes no harm to the operations. You may seek help from the hosting provider with preparation of such a plan.

假设选择特定的云是最合适的 -很多时候,组织在选择解决方案后通常会进入被动状态。 他们往往忽略了所选技术/平台可能无法满足业务需求的可能性。 因此,有必要制定一个备份计划,该计划可以解决意外故障,但不会损害操作。 您可以从托管服务提供商处寻求帮助,以准备此类计划。

Thinking of the Best and Preparing for the Worst – Despite cloud being a buzzword today, it might not be the same always. There’s even a possibility wherein the cloud would no longer be suitable for your application needs and be replaced by a better technology in the future. In that case you’d have to plan switching over to a more dedicated environment and something which you can do without taking much efforts. Or an hybrid kind of platform wherein an equilibrium of affordability, security and performance can be achieved.

考虑最好,为最坏做好准备 –尽管云在今天已成为流行语,但它不一定总是一样。 甚至有可能云将不再适合您的应用程序需求,将来会被更好的技术所取代。 在这种情况下,您将不得不计划切换到更专用的环境,而您无需花费很多精力就可以做到这一点。 或者是一种混合类型的平台,其中可以实现负担能力,安全性和性能之间的平衡。

Often times, managing a large IT infrastructure can be tedious and a costly affair, and outsourcing certain business processes can prove to be a viable and cost effective solution.


Zero Assumptions, Only Facts and Figures – It can at-times cost you heavy losses if a decisions are taken based only on assumptions with the facts overlooked. Not all applications and tools are suitable to be run on a Cloud. Moreover, if its heavily customized, you must make sure that you get into its every minute details such as its back-end architecture, database, synchronization with other apps etc. One must try to figure out how a particular Cloud architecture can support the application functions effectively. It is logical not to compromise or make assumptions based on floating information.

零假设,只有事实和数据 –如果仅根据假设而不考虑事实做出决定,有时可能会给您带来重大损失。 并非所有的应用程序和工具都适合在云上运行。 此外,如果其定制化程度很高,则必须确保了解其每分钟的详细信息,例如其后端架构,数据库,与其他应用程序的同步等。必须设法弄清楚一种特定的云架构如何支持该应用程序。有效运作。 不基于浮动信息做出折衷或做出假设是合乎逻辑的。

Partial Utilization of the Features that comes with Cloud – Despite the complexities explained above, the cloud still offers tremendous opportunities for business growth and continuity. Research and finding the best possible ways of extracting  maximum benefits from this technology is sure possible with Cloud. But unless the emerging platforms are well tested, it’d be hard to do so. Apart from this, restricting yourselves from trying and testing it out for suitability and whether it can lead you to success path, might throw you far behind in the competition.

云附带功能的部分利用 –尽管上面解释了复杂性,但云仍然为业务增长和连续性提供了巨大的机会。 借助Cloud,一定有可能研究并找到从该技术中获得最大收益的最佳方法。 但是除非新兴平台经过良好测试,否则很难做到这一点。 除此之外,限制自己尝试和测试它的适用性,以及它是否可以引领您走向成功之路,可能会使您在竞争中处于落后地位。

The most crucial and important feature of Cloud, is its on-the-fly scalability. The failure to leverage this feature is as good as hosting your business on a traditional hosting platform. It has been observed that users restrict the CPU and other resources to a certain threshold value, therefore during peak hours when the site demands more resources attimes, due to the set restrictions, applications often starve of resources. It is important to evaluate such requirements and choose a threshold which is equal to the Actual Requirements + Buffer Resources. The pay-per-use cloud model, eliminates the need for any costly investment for a usually under utilized IT infrastructure.

云的最关键和最重要的功能是其动态扩展性。 无法利用此功能与在传统托管平台上托管业务一样好。 已经观察到用户将CPU和其他资源限制为某个阈值,因此,在高峰时段,由于设置的限制,有时站点需要更多资源时,应用程序经常会出现资源短缺的情况。 评估此类需求并选择等于“ 实际需求+缓冲资源”的阈值非常重要。 按使用付费的云模型消除了对通常利用不足的IT基础架构进行任何昂贵投资的需要。

The technology of Cloud is a promising evolution experienced by the IT Industry. Features such as instant scalability, redundancy, uptime, cost efficiency, flexibility etc. offers an exceptional future for your business. This has eliminated the need for businesses to invest in costly hardware infrastructures. Moreover, pay-per-use acts as a topping on the icing, as you’d only pay for those resources that your business has actually used.

云技术是IT行业经历的有希望的发展。 即时可伸缩性,冗余,正常运行时间,成本效益,灵活性等功能为您的业务提供了非凡的未来。 这消除了企业对昂贵的硬件基础设施进行投资的需要。 而且,按次计费是锦上添花,因为您只需为企业实际使用的那些资源付费。

Cloud Hosting UK

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/five-most-crucial-considerations-before-migrating-over-to-the-cloud/


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