

Despite the enormous benefits that the cloud brings, there are several issues that many enterprises face as they transition to this new technology. These include making choices about the right time to migrate, the best way to do it and which services to move. Other issues concern security, the use of managed services and whether to opt for a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud approach. Here we’ll look at these challenges in more depth.  

尽管云带来了巨大的好处,但是许多企业在过渡到这项新技术时仍面临一些问题。 其中包括选择合适的迁移时间,最佳迁移方法以及迁移哪些服务。 其他问题涉及安全性,托管服务的使用以及是否选择多云或混合云方法。 在这里,我们将更深入地研究这些挑战。

计划迁移到云 (Planning the move to the cloud)

Research by the Cloud Industry Forum shows that 88 per cent of UK enterprises have now adopted cloud technology with two-thirds expected to expand their use during the next 12 months. In doing so, many will shrink their in-house data centres or close them entirely. The result is that they can scale down or eliminate the expense of paying for the physical premises, hardware, applications and security that a data centre requires and replace this setup with a more agile cloud infrastructure.

云产业论坛的研究表明,英国88%的企业现已采用云技术,预计三分之二的企业将在未来12个月内扩大其使用范围。 这样一来,许多公司将缩减内部数据中心或完全关闭它们。 结果是,它们可以缩减规模或消除为数据中心所需的物理场所,硬件,应用程序和安全性付费的费用,并用更敏捷的云基础架构取代此设置。

The issue is that planning the migration of many different applications from the data centre to the cloud can be a challenge that takes considerable time to carry out and which often stretches already busy IT teams beyond capacity. Indeed, many IT teams lack the skills needed to carry out a successful migration.  

问题在于,规划从数据中心到云的许多不同应用程序的迁移可能是一项挑战,需要花费大量时间来执行,并且通常会使本已忙碌的IT团队超出能力。 实际上,许多IT团队缺乏成功进行迁移所需的技能。

The solution is not to undergo this process in isolation. You should find a provider that will carry out the necessary assessments, assist you in designing and developing the infrastructure you will need and which will then plan and undertake the migrations on your behalf.

解决方案不能孤立地进行此过程。 您应该找到可以进行必要评估的提供商,以帮助您设计和开发所需的基础架构,然后代表您计划和进行迁移。

寻找合适的云解决方案 (Finding the right cloud solution)

The cloud provides a range of benefits for enterprises, it’s cost-effective, secure and provides the scalability businesses need to be agile. Finding the right cloud solution, however, can be a challenge. Crucial requirements include ensuring all your applications are ready for migration and finding the best platform on which to host them.

云为企业带来了一系列好处,它具有成本效益,安全性,并提供了企业敏捷所需的可扩展性。 但是,找到合适的云解决方案可能是一个挑战。 至关重要的要求包括确保所有应用程序都已准备好进行迁移,并找到承载它们的最佳平台。

The complexities involved often means that, for some enterprises, standard-package cloud service setups might not provide the best solution for their needs. Increasingly, businesses are looking for service providers that can offer bespoke cloud or hybrid solutions that provide the ideal environment for all their applications.

涉及的复杂性通常意味着,对于某些企业而言,标准包云服务设置可能无法提供满足其需求的最佳解决方案。 越来越多的企业正在寻找可以提供定制云或混合解决方案的服务提供商,这些解决方案可以为其所有应用程序提供理想的环境。

托管解决方案 (Managed solutions )

Many companies that migrate to the cloud attempt to keep costs down by managing their IT in-house. However, moving parts of your infrastructure to the cloud or to a multi-cloud/hybrid cloud environment can make managing these integrated services more complex. Add to this the constant development of new applications and technologies means that maintaining a highly trained IT team can be very expensive.

许多迁移到云的公司都试图通过内部管理IT来降低成本。 但是,将基础架构的一部分移至云或多云/混合云环境会使这些集成服务的管理更加复杂。 除此之外,新应用程序和技术的不断发展意味着维护一支训练有素的IT团队可能非常昂贵。

By outsourcing your IT management to a credible provider, not only are the on-going training costs reduced, it also frees up your IT staff to concentrate on more business orientated projects which can drive the company forward. Service providers employ certified IT teams who are able to expertly manage all aspects of your solution and are compliant with a wide range of regulations and industry standards.

通过将您的IT管理外包给可靠的提供商,不仅可以减少持续的培训成本,还可以使您的IT员工腾出精力来专注于可以推动公司前进的更多业务导向型项目。 服务提供商聘请了经过认证的IT团队,他们能够熟练地管理您解决方案的各个方面,并符合各种法规和行业标准。

削减IT成本 (Cutting IT costs)

As enterprises expand their use of and reliance on IT, one of their biggest challenges is to prevent the costs becoming excessive. Cloud services help reduce costs in a number of ways. Firstly, they reduce the requirement for a large-scale data centre, its ongoing operating costs and the capital expenditure on hardware. The use of managed services can also reduce the need for such a large IT team and the associated training costs. Additionally, the pay as you use pricing of cloud means that costs, as well as services, are scalable, helping you to keep them to a minimum when IT requirements are low.

随着企业扩大对IT的使用和依赖,他们面临的最大挑战之一就是如何防止成本过高。 云服务可以通过多种方式帮助降低成本。 首先,它们减少了对大型数据中心的需求,其持续的运营成本以及硬件的资本支出。 使用托管服务还可以减少对如此庞大的IT团队的需求以及相关的培训成本。 此外,按使用量付费的云服务定价意味着成本和服务都是可扩展的,从而在IT需求较低时帮助您将成本降至最低。

数据存储与安全 (Data storage and security )

The storage and security of data is a key challenge for enterprises, especially with the increasing number of threats and regulations. Data breaches can lead to huge fines but, perhaps more importantly, can have a devastating impact on the company’s reputation.

数据的存储和安全性是企业面临的主要挑战,尤其是随着威胁和法规数量的增加。 数据泄露会导致巨额罚款,但更重要的是,这可能会对公司的声誉造成毁灭性影响。

While there have been concerns about data stored in the internet accessible cloud, service providers have to comply with strict standards and regulations to ensure customers’ data, such as personal and mission-critical information and intellectual property, is secure.


结论 (Conclusion)

Migrating to the cloud can bring many benefits, giving enterprises access to the latest technologies, such as the IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analysis. With so many businesses already employing cloud IT, maintaining competitiveness may rely on such a move. However, migration is not without its challenges as we hope this post has shown. That said, by choosing the right hosting partner, these can be overcome. If you are looking for a cloud hosting provider who can offer the services mentioned in this post, check out our enterprise cloud hosting page.

迁移到云可以带来很多好处,使企业可以访问最新技术,例如物联网,人工智能,机器学习和大数据分析。 由于已经有许多企业采用了云IT,因此保持竞争力可能依赖于此举。 但是,正如我们希望这篇文章所表明的那样,迁移并非没有挑战。 也就是说,通过选择合适的托管合作伙伴,可以克服这些问题。 如果您正在寻找可以提供本文中提到的服务的云托管提供商,请查看我们的企业云托管页面。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/5-challenges-of-migrating-to-enterprise-cloud-hosting/


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