

Newsletters are a core element of email marketing and one of the most effective ways of generating new business. They also do wonders for maintaining brand loyalty and for bringing existing customers back to your website. It’s no surprise, then, that more than half of all businesses send out newsletters to their subscribers. However, finding constant things to include in weekly postings can be a challenge, especially if you want to cover a range of topics that keep readers engaged. With this in mind, here’s a list of ideas for engaging content.

新闻通讯是电子邮件营销的核心要素,也是产生新业务的最有效方法之一。 他们还为保持品牌忠诚度和将现有客户带回您的网站而创造了奇迹。 因此,毫不奇怪的是,超过一半的企业向他们的订阅者发送新闻通讯。 但是,要找到每周发布中要包含的固定内容可能是一个挑战,尤其是如果您要涵盖使读者保持参与度的一系列主题时,尤其如此。 考虑到这一点,下面列出了一些引人入胜的内容构想。

通讯内容的30个建议: (30 ideas for newsletter content:)

1) As with this post, send out a list of helpful tips to help solve a particular problem your customers might face.


2) Share thoughts about things you are looking forward to, such as the launch of a new product or an event you are attending.


3) Give advice to customers on areas you have expertise in, e.g., ‘How to build a garden shed in easy steps’.


4) Promote social proof – great customer testimonials, 1000 5-star reviews, positive social media comments, etc.


5) Make a video showcasing a product or service and include the link in the newsletter.


6) Publish an engaging post by a guest writer that is relevant to your audience.


7) Create a questionnaire or a poll. Follow this up the following week with the results. This is also helpful for market research.

7)创建问卷或民意调查。 下周将其与结果一起进行。 这也有助于市场研究。

8) Publish a humorous alternative to a yearly report, replacing boring financials with a more personal insight into the company. For example, the number of babies born, how many boxes of biscuits eaten, money raised from the swear box, etc.

8)发布幽默的年度报告替代方案,以对公司更个人的洞察力取代无聊的财务状况。 例如,婴儿的出生人数,吃了多少盒饼干,从脏衣服盒中筹集的钱等。

9) Take some of the most frequently asked questions you get on social media and write them up as an interview or an FAQ


10) Celebrate company achievements: an award, a million followers, 10 years in business, etc.


11) Write a recommendation for something industry related – a book, an exhibition, a new tool.


12) Create a series of Top 10 posts covering what your customers and website visitors find most popular: e.g., top 10 Instagram pics, most wished for products, most watched YouTube videos, most liked blog posts.


13) Create a video or slideshow showing what happens behind the scenes in your company. A great way to show off hi-tech facilities, traditional crafts and the human side of your team.

13)创建一个视频或幻灯片,以显示公司幕后发生的事情。 炫耀高科技设施,传统手Craft.io和团队人性化的好方法。

14) Share an eye-opening infographic about your business or sector that would engage your audience. Alternatively, create your own.

14)分享有关您的业务或行业的令人大开眼界的信息图,吸引您的受众。 或者,创建自己的。

15) If you sell products, send out present ideas for special days like mothers’ day, fathers’ day and Christmas.


16) Celebrate achievements of employees when they pass exams, get new qualifications, win awards or get promoted.


17) Start generating interest in yet to be launched products and services by giving users a pre-release peek at what’s on offer. You can do this when upgrading existing products and services too. Great for generating feedback before things go live.

17)通过让用户预览发布的产品,开始对尚未发布的产品和服务产生兴趣。 您也可以在升级现有产品和服务时执行此操作。 非常适合在事情上线之前产生反馈。

18) Make your subscribers feel special by sending them advanced notice of an upcoming sale – or even better, give them access to the sale before anyone else.


19) Promote the faces behind the brand by creating snapshot biographies of people within the company. Try to get a good balance between the person and the job they do.

19)通过创建公司内部人员的简历来提升品牌背后的面貌。 尝试在人与他们所做的工作之间取得良好的平衡。

20) Write posts about your existing customers which shows how you help them. Even better with images of them with your products or staff.

20)写有关您现有客户的文章,显示您如何为他们提供帮助。 与您的产品或员工一起使用它们的图像甚至更好。

21) Set up a competition or a giveaway. These always generate a lot of interest. You can follow this up with another post announcing the winner.

21)举办比赛或赠品。 这些总是引起很多兴趣。 您可以通过另一篇宣布获胜者的信息来跟进。

22) Write a fun April Fools post about a spoof new product or discovery.


23) Create a post about useful things related to your business. If you’re a hairdresser, write about hair products, if you’re a joiner, recommend the best wood oils, paints and varnishes. You can then start selling them.

23)撰写与您的业务相关的有用信息的帖子。 如果您是美发师,请写有关美发产品的信息,如果您是细木工,请推荐最好的木油,油漆和清漆。 然后,您可以开始出售它们。

24) Been in the news? Share your fame with a wider audience by mentioning it in the newsletter. Remember to add a link if it’s online so your subscribers can see it too.

24)有新闻吗? 在时事通讯中提及您的名声,与更多的读者分享。 如果在线,请记住添加一个链接,以便您的订户也可以看到它。

25) Promote any charities you support. If you are doing a spot of charity fundraising or helping a community project, you can create written posts, videos and photo-journals of what you do. This helps promote the charity and improves your brand’s reputation.

25)促进您支持的任何慈善机构。 如果您正在从事慈善筹款活动或帮助开展社区项目,则可以创建有关您所做工作的书面帖子,视频和新闻摄影。 这有助于促进慈善事业并提高您品牌的声誉。

26) Help customers by passing on important industry-related news. For example, website developers can send out information about new hacking threats or accountants can talk about the impact of the chancellor’s budget.

26)通过传递重要的行业相关新闻来帮助客户。 例如,网站开发人员可以发送有关新的黑客威胁的信息,或者会计师可以谈论总理预算的影响。

27) Share greetings on important days, such as Christmas, Eid, Diwali and Hanukkah. There are plenty of others to celebrate too: Halloween, New Years’ Day, etc. If you have customers abroad, don’t forget their celebrations, too.

27)在重要的日子分享问候,例如圣诞节,开斋节,排灯节和光明节。 还有许多其他庆祝活动:万圣节,元旦等。如果您有国外客户,也不要忘记他们的庆祝活动。

28) Make the most of the many special awareness days and weeks by posting appropriate images. Some, like National Chip Week, National Bed Week and National Doodle Day are great opportunities for fun posts.

28)通过发布适当的图像,充分利用很多特殊的日子和日子。 一些活动,例如“国家筹码周”,“国家卧床周”和“国家涂鸦日”,是发贴的好机会。

29) Create a fun but relevant quiz to challenge your subscribers. There are plenty of free tools to make these on the internet. They are also great for getting an understanding of your customers.

29)创建一个有趣但相关的测验来挑战您的订阅者。 有很多免费工具可以在互联网上进行制作。 它们也非常有助于您了解客户。

30) Send out links to free, downloadable resources such as eBooks and ‘how-to’ guides that readers will find useful. For example, food retailers can provide recipe books.

30)发送指向免费的可下载资源的链接,例如电子书和“入门指南”,读者会发现它们很有用。 例如,食品零售商可以提供食谱书。

结论 (Conclusion)

Hopefully, the ideas here will provide you with plenty of inspiration to keep your newsletters varied, engaging and fun for your subscribers. If you have any other suggestions, please share them in the comments below.

希望这里的想法能为您提供很多灵感,以使您的通讯保持多样化,吸引订阅者并为他们带来乐趣。 如果您还有其他建议,请在下面的评论中分享。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/30-ideas-for-engaging-newsletter-content/






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