

Are you one of those business owners who just doesn’t ‘get’ blogging? Perhaps you can’t see the point in having a blog on your website or don’t see how it could be helpful. If that sums you up, this post will show you that blogging makes good business sense and can make both your business and your website more successful. Here are 10 reasons why.

您是那些不“获取”博客的企业主之一吗? 也许您看不到在您的网站上拥有博客的意义,或者看不到它如何有所帮助。 如果总结一下,这篇文章将向您表明博客具有良好的商业意义,并且可以使您的企业和网站更加成功。 这是10个原因。


1.博客为Google提供新鲜的内容 (1. Blogs provide fresh content for Google)

Google’s primary aim is to give its users the best results it can. As part of this, it wants to point users in the direction of content which is current. For this reason, freshness of content is one of Google’s ranking factors.

Google的主要目标是为用户提供最好的结果。 作为其一部分,它希望将用户指向当前的内容方向。 因此,内容的新鲜度是Google的排名因素之一。

For small business websites that have only a handful of pages, it can be difficult to keep your content fresh – especially if your products and services don’t change much over time. Starting a blog can be the ideal solution as it will put fresh content on your website on a regular basis. As a result, your site has more chance of performing better in search results.

对于只有几个页面的小型企业网站,要保持内容的新鲜度可能会很困难-尤其是如果您的产品和服务随着时间的推移变化不大。 建立博客可能是理想的解决方案,因为它将定期在您的网站上放置新内容。 因此,您的网站有更多机会在搜索结果中表现更好。


2.关键字开发 (2. Keyword development)

Using keywords on your website is an established way to help your website get found in search results. However, with many small business websites, the limited number of pages means you can be restricted in the number of keywords you use or how many times you can use them. Go overboard on any individual page and you can be penalised for keyword stuffing.

在您的网站上使用关键字是帮助您的网站在搜索结果中找到的既定方法。 但是,对于许多小型企业网站而言,页面数量有限意味着您可以限制使用的关键字数量或可以使用它们的次数。 在任何单独的页面上输入过多,您可能会因关键字填充而受到惩罚。

Adding a blog, however, gives you the opportunity to use a wider range of keywords and long tail keywords, across a range of posts, giving you a much better chance of ranking for them.



3.每个帖子都可以在搜索引擎上排名 (3. Each post can rank on search engines)

If you only have a few pages on your website, then there are only a few pages which can appear in search engine results. However, if you have a string of blog posts, each of these can show up in search engine results too – boosting the number of ways your website can be found by searchers.

如果您的网站上只有几页,那么搜索引擎结果中只会出现几页。 但是,如果您有一串博客文章,那么每个博客文章也可以显示在搜索引擎结果中,从而增加了搜索者查找网站的方式。

If you had a five-page website but added a blog post once every two weeks for a year, you’d have five times more chances of being found. Keep that up for a few years and you could have a hundred pages working to boost your traffic.

如果您有一个五页的网站,但是一年中每两周添加一次博客文章,那么您被发现的机会就会增加五倍。 保持几年的时间,您可能需要一百页才能增加流量。


4.您的博客可以将您的公司变成专家 (4. Your blog can turn your company into an expert)

Many companies use their blog to position themselves as experts in their field. They do this by writing blog posts that advise people about the field in which they operate. For example, a cycle shop could write blog posts about the best mountain biking routes, give advice on bike maintenance and discuss the best equipment or components for different types of cycling.

许多公司使用其博客将自己定位为各自领域的专家。 为此,他们撰写了博客文章,向人们提供有关其经营领域的建议。 例如,一家自行车商店可以撰写有关最佳山地自行车路线的博客文章,提供有关自行车维护的建议,并讨论适用于不同类型自行车的最佳设备或组件。

Visitors who read these posts will come to think of the company as both knowledgeable and trustworthy. When it comes to making a purchase, they are more likely to buy from this company because they have already established a relationship with it and have come to value what it says.

阅读这些帖子的访问者会认为该公司既知识丰富又值得信赖。 在进行购买时,他们更有可能从该公司购买产品,因为他们已经与该公司建立了联系,并开始珍惜其所说的话。

Using a blog like this is a great way to help your business over the long term and put you one step ahead of your competitors.



5.将读者引向您网站上的产品 (5. Direct readers towards products on your site)

Of course, when you write blog posts that help people, you should take the opportunity, where appropriate, to point out useful products or services that might be of benefit to them. A simple text link is sufficient to take your reader directly to a product on your site that they can then buy.

当然,当您写博客文章来帮助人们时,您应该在适当的时候利用机会指出对他们有益的有用的产品或服务。 一个简单的文本链接足以使您的读者直接访问您网站上的产品,然后他们可以购买。

However, good blog posts are there to solve readers’ problems or answer their questions. Using them for the heavy sell will drive them away. Casually mentioning products or services is a far more effective way to get readers to take a look. Leave the heavy selling to your sales pages.

但是,有不错的博客文章可以解决读者的问题或回答他们的问题。 使用它们进行大量抛售会将其赶走。 随便提及产品或服务是吸引读者浏览的更有效的方法。 将繁重的销售留给您的销售页面。


6.非常适合生成电子邮件订阅 (6. Great for generating email subscriptions)

According to thedma.org, “When it comes to purchases made as a result of receiving a marketing message, email has the highest conversion rate (66%), when compared to social, direct mail and more.

根据thedma.org的说法 ,“ 与收到社交信息,直接邮件等相比,在收到营销信息后进行的购买中,电子邮件的转换率最高(66%)。

Not only is email marketing highly effective, it is also cheap. In fact, you can do it for free if you use the right email software. This gives it a significant advantage over PPA or other forms of advertising.

电子邮件营销不仅非常有效,而且价格便宜。 实际上,如果您使用正确的电子邮件软件,则可以免费进行。 与PPA或其他形式的广告相比,它具有明显的优势。

The hardest thing about email marketing is growing your email subscriber list – and this is where a company blog can play a valuable role. If you have a successful blog that people like to read, then users will willingly subscribe to your newsletters and email campaigns. Just remember to put a sign-up form on your blog posts.

电子邮件营销最困难的事情是增加电子邮件订阅者列表-这是公司博客可以发挥重要作用的地方。 如果您拥有一个人们喜欢阅读的成功博客,那么用户将愿意订阅您的新闻通讯和电子邮件活动。 只要记住在您的博客文章上添加注册表格即可。


7.可用于获取反馈 (7. Can be used to get feedback)

One of the best things about blog posts is that readers can leave comments about them. This gives companies a real opportunity to get valuable feedback. If you are thinking of setting up a new service, for example, write a blog post about it and ask your readers to tell you what they think. This way you get genuine user input into its development.

关于博客文章的最好的事情之一是,读者可以对它们发表评论。 这为公司提供了获得宝贵反馈的真正机会。 例如,如果您正在考虑设置新服务,请写一篇有关该服务的博客文章,并要求读者告诉您他们的想法。 这样,您就可以在其开发中获得真正的用户输入。

You can ask readers to leave specific feedback at the end of any blog post.



8.博客使人们有理由回到您的网站 (8. A blog gives people a reason to come back to your site)

Regular blog posting gives visitors a reason to keep coming back to your website. When they come back, you are increasing your return visitor rates which shows an improvement in audience engagement and loyalty.

定期的博客发布使访问者有理由继续回到您的网站。 当他们回来时,您正在增加回头客的比率,这表明听众的参与度和忠诚度得到了改善。

According to Kissmetrics, returning visitors spend twice as long on your site, visit more pages and are more likely to buy when compared to a first-time visitor. The fresh content of a blog is a real incentive to keep them coming back.

根据Kissmetrics的统计 ,与首次访问者相比 ,回访者在您网站上的停留时间是其两倍,访问更多页面,并且更有可能购买。 博客的新鲜内容是促使他们回来的真正诱因。


9.帖子可以用于营销 (9. Posts can be used for marketing)

Although you should focus your blog content on helping your customers solve problems, occasionally you can drop in a post that is solely for marketing. You can do this if you are launching new products or services or if you are having a sale or other kind of promotion.

尽管您应该将博客内容重点放在帮助客户解决问题上,但是偶尔您也可以张贴仅用于营销的帖子。 如果您要发布新产品或服务,或者正在进行销售或其他形式的促销,则可以执行此操作。

You can use these posts to offer special deals or voucher codes, etc. This way, visitors can share them on social media too, helping even more people see them. Remember to include a call to action at the bottom.

您可以使用这些帖子提供特殊优惠或优惠券代码等。通过这种方式,访问者也可以在社交媒体上分享它们,从而帮助更多的人看到它们。 请记住在底部加入号召性用语。


10.提升品牌知名度的好地方 (10. Perfect place to develop brand awareness)

Finally, blogs are a great place to develop your brand awareness. Besides showcasing your expertise in your field, you can also use the post to highlight some of the other great things your company does. Perhaps you have been helping a local charity raise funds or have a new eco-friendly initiative that you want to promote? A blog post is an ideal place in which to do this.

最后,博客是提高品牌知名度的好地方。 除了展示您在该领域的专业知识之外,您还可以使用该帖子强调贵公司所做的其他一些出色工作。 也许您一直在帮助当地慈善机构筹集资金,或者想发起一项新的环保倡议? 博客文章是执行此操作的理想场所。

The benefit of doing this is that it helps your readers identify with the values of your company. This makes them more loyal towards you and increases the prospects of them buying from you.

这样做的好处是可以帮助您的读者了解公司的价值。 这使他们对您更加忠诚,并增加了他们从您那里购买商品的前景。


结论 (Conclusion)

If you were one of those business owners who didn’t ‘get’ blogging at the beginning of this post, hopefully, you will now. Creating a blog on your company website can benefit your business in many ways. It can improve your website rankings, increase traffic, develop your company’s brand and online authority, and increase sales.

如果您是在本文开头没有“获取”博客的那些企业主之一,希望您现在就可以了。 在公司网站上创建博客可以从许多方面使您的业务受益。 它可以改善您的网站排名,增加流量,发展公司的品牌和在线权威以及增加销量。

If you are thinking of setting up an online business, check out our range of hosting services. We offer secure hosting with guaranteed uptime and 24/7 technical support, all at affordable prices.

如果您打算建立在线业务,请查看我们的托管服务范围。 我们以可承受的价格为您提供安全的托管服务,并保证正常运行时间和24/7的技术支持。

For more information check out our business plans and dedicated WordPress hosting packages. Alternatively, if you want to create a business website without the need for coding skills, take a look at our easy to use Amazing.Website website builder.

有关更多信息,请查看我们的业务计划和专用的WordPress托管程序包。 另外,如果您想创建不需要编码技能的商业网站,请查看我们易于使用的Amazing.Website网站构建器。


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/blogging-for-business-10-reasons-why-you-need-a-blog/






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