

Does the term ‘warm site’ leave you cold? Are you baffled by ‘redundancy’? And when your IT consultant mentions your RPO do you just grunt and nod your head knowingly, when really you don’t have a clue? You’re not on your own.

“温暖的地点”一词会让您感到寒冷吗? 您是否对“冗余”感到困惑? 当您的IT顾问提到您的RP​​O时,您只是在知情的情况下发出咕and和点头,实际上什么时候您都不知道? 你不是一个人。

When it comes to disaster recovery terminology many small business owners and employees are left in the dark. But you need to rectify this. Your company relies on its IT system to be able to operate; for that reason, creating a disaster recovery plan is a necessity – and you can’t do this properly until you know what you are talking about. So, to help, this article will explain some of the key terms and acronyms used in disaster recovery planning.

说到灾难恢复术语,许多小型企业主和员工都处于黑暗之中。 但是您需要纠正此问题。 您的公司依靠其IT系统进行操作; 因此,创建灾难恢复计划是必要的–在您知道自己在说什么之前,您无法正确执行此操作。 因此,为提供帮助,本文将解释灾难恢复计划中使用的一些关键术语和首字母缩写词。

核心条款 (Core Terms)

灾害 (Disaster)

You can’t begin to have a discussion about disaster recovery until you know what a disaster is. In IT parlance, a disaster is when your system goes down. This can include your website going offline, the loss of email, your manufacturing software not working, or any other critical application ceasing to operate.

您必须先了解灾难是什么,才能开始讨论灾难恢复。 用IT的话来说,灾难就是当系统崩溃时。 这可能包括您的网站离线,电子邮件丢失,您的制造软件无法正常工作或其他任何无法运行的重要应用程序。

The causes are as numerous as the problems they create: hacking, faulty wiring, fire, flood, a corrupted hard drive, software conflict or human error.


灾难恢复 (Disaster Recovery)

Frequently referred to using the acronym DR, disaster recovery is the process of getting your system fully working again. This involves restoring your data, IT equipment, software applications and any other technical resources on which your operations depend.

灾难恢复通常是使用首字母缩写词DR来指代的,它是使系统重新完全运行的过程。 这涉及到恢复数据,IT设备,软件应用程序以及您运营所依赖的任何其他技术资源。

灾难恢复计划 (Disaster Recovery Plan)

Unsurprisingly referred to in the trade as a DRP, a disaster recovery plan is a highly detailed plan of action to get your system back online if it goes down. It should give full details of who does what, when, why and how as well as containing all necessary documentation, lists of equipment needed and where to find it. For a full understanding of what’s required, read our post, 10 Tips for an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan.’

毫无疑问,灾难恢复计划在行业中被称为DRP,是一项非常详细的操作计划,可在系统出现故障时使您的系统恢复在线状态。 它应详细说明谁在做什么,何时,为什么和如何做,以及包含所有必要的文档,所需设备清单以及在哪里找到它。 要全面了解所需内容,请阅读我们的帖子有效的灾难恢复计划10条提示”

Other disaster recovery terminology – in alphabetical order  


应用程序恢复 (Application Recovery)

Application recovery is the process of restoring your business system software and data. This is done after restoring your hardware and operating system.

应用程序恢复是还原业务系统软件和数据的过程。 这是在还原硬件和操作系统之后完成的。

业务连续性 (Business Continuity)

Your disaster recovery plan should be an element of an overarching business continuity plan. Business continuity looks at how you continue to keep your business operating in any disruptive situation, whether that’s a system failure, industrial action, severe weather or anything else.

您的灾难恢复计划应该是总体业务连续性计划的一部分。 业务连续性着眼于您如何在任何破坏性情况下继续保持业务运营,无论是系统故障,工业活动,恶劣天气还是其他情况。

业务影响分析 (Business Impact Analysis)

In order to make informed decisions when drafting your disaster recovery plan, you need to have a thorough understanding of how a disaster will impact upon your business. Undertaking a business impact analysis will help you prioritise the different applications you need to bring back online and give you an idea of how long you can afford to be offline for. It will also help you develop contingency plans for business continuity whilst disaster recovery is taking place.

为了在起草灾难恢复计划时做出明智的决定,您需要全面了解灾难将如何影响您的业务。 进行业务影响分析将帮助您确定需要重新连接到网络的不同应用程序的优先级,并让您了解脱机可以承受多长时间。 它还将帮助您在灾难恢复过程中制定业务连续性的应急计划。

灾难恢复站点 (Disaster Recovery Site)

A disaster recovery site, also referred to as a secondary site, is essentially a replica of your data centre, containing backup hardware, applications and data that can be brought in action if your data centre cannot function. See item 10: Hot Sites, Cold Sites and Warm Sites.

灾难恢复站点(也称为辅助站点)本质上是数据中心的副本,其中包含备份硬件,应用程序和数据,这些数据可以在数据中心无法运行时生效。 请参阅项目10:热点,寒冷站点和温暖站点。

灾难复原小组 (Disaster Recovery Team)

This is the team of individuals who are responsible for bringing your system back online. Every member should be listed in your DRP, together with their contact details and each one should have a clearly defined role. The team may include both internal and external members, so besides employees, you may have software developers, web host technical support and other consultants.

这是一个由个人组成的团队,负责使您的系统重新联机。 应在DRP中列出每个成员及其联系方式,每个成员应明确定义角色。 该团队可能包括内部和外部成员,因此除了员工外,您可能还会有软件开发人员,网络托管技术支持和其他顾问。

高可用性 (High Availability)

In simple terms, high availability refers to a system that is capable of staying online for most of the time. By most of the time, we mean that for 99.99% of the time and above, the system will continue to process and function. High availability can be achieved by using redundant components which can be brought into service if there is a failure. One of the best ways to achieve high availability is to utilise cloud hosting.

简而言之,高可用性是指能够在大多数时间内保持在线状态的系统。 在大多数情况下,我们的意思是在99.99%或更高的时间中,系统将继续处理和运行。 通过使用冗余组件可以实现高可用性,这些组件可以在出现故障时投入使用。 实现高可用性的最佳方法之一是利用云托管

热门站点,热站点和冷站点 (Hot Sites, Warm Sites and Cold Sites)

Disaster recovery sites come in three different forms, hot sites, warm sites and cold sites. Here’s an explanation of what they are so you can see the differences between them.

灾难恢复站点以三种不同的形式出现,即热站点,热站点和冷站点。 这里是对它们的解释,以便您可以看到它们之间的差异。

热门网站 (Hot Sites)

A hot site is essentially a fully operational replica of your data centre that, in the event of a disaster, you can switch your operations to in order to prevent your mission critical services going offline. It is the best method for ensuring business continuity but as you have to keep the centre up and running it is also the most expensive. A more cost effective solution can be achieved by creating a cloud-based hot site which can utilise pay as you go, scalable resources in the event of a disaster.

热点站点实际上是数据中心的完全可操作的副本,在发生灾难时,可以将其切换到,以防止关键任务服务脱机。 这是确保业务连续性的最佳方法,但由于必须保持中心正常运行,因此成本也最高。 通过创建基于云的热点可以实现更具成本效益的解决方案,该站点可以在灾难发生时利用随用随付的可扩展资源。

温暖的地方 (Warm Sites)

A warm site is one where you have hardware installed and preconfigured in case of a disaster, but to keep costs down you do not install software or data. In the event of a disaster, software and data backups need to be installed before recovery can be completed. Again, a cloud-based warm site can be a more cost-efficient solution.

温暖的站点是您在发生灾难时安装并预先配置硬件的站点,但是为了降低成本,请不要安装软件或数据。 发生灾难时,需要先安装软件和数据备份,然后才能完成恢复。 同样,基于云的热站点可能是更具成本效益的解决方案。

寒冷的地方 ( Cold Sites)

A cold site is basically just a data centre enabled space, providing power, network connectivity, air conditioning, telephone lines, etc. In the case of a disaster, you would need to install the hardware, software and data before recovery could take place. It’s the cheapest solution, but the one that would take the longest to bring back online.

寒冷的站点基本上只是一个启用数据中心的空间,可提供电源,网络连接,空调,电话线等。在发生灾难的情况下,您需要先安装硬件,软件和数据,然后才能进行恢复。 这是最便宜的解决方案,但是需要花费最长的时间才能重新上线。

关键任务 (Mission Critical)

One of the most bandied about terms in IT phraseology, ‘mission critical’ refers to an application that, without which, your business would not able to function. Think of TomTom losing GPS, Heathrow losing air traffic control or Amazon losing its payment facilities.

IT术语中最受争议的术语之一,“关键任务”是指一种应用程序,没有它,您的企业将无法正常运行。 想想TomTom失去GPS,希思罗机场失去空中交通管制或亚马逊失去其支付设施。

恢复时间目标(RTO) (Recovery Time Objective (RTO))

One of the key things you should find out from your business impact analysis is how long your business can realistically accept its applications being offline. From this, you can then set your Recovery Time Objective (RTO) which is the maximum time you will allow for disaster recovery to take place. Obviously, the quicker you can recover, the sooner you can be back in business, but this may have an impact on your Recovery Point Objective (see below).

您应该从业务影响分析中发现的关键事项之一是您的企业可以实际接受离线应用程序的时间。 然后,您可以从中设置恢复时间目标(RTO),这是允许进行灾难恢复的最长时间。 显然,恢复得越快,恢复业务就越早,但这可能会对恢复点目标产生影响(请参阅下文)。

恢复点目标(RPO) (Recovery Point Objective (RPO))

If you are familiar with a PC or a laptop, the best way to understand Recovery Point Objective is to think about it in the same way as a system restore point. RPO is about restoring your system and, in particular, its data, exactly as it was at a certain point in time.

如果您熟悉PC或笔记本电脑,那么了解Recovery Point Objective的最佳方法就是以与系统还原点相同的方式进行思考。 RPO的目的是还原您的系统,特别是还原其数据,该还原与在特定时间点的还原完全相同。

From your business impact analysis, you should have a good understanding of the point in time you need to restore too. For example, if you are an e-commerce business you may need to restore right up to the moment that your website went offline in order not to lose track of any orders that were taken.

从业务影响分析中,您还应该对需要还原的时间点有很好的了解。 例如,如果您是一家电子商务企业,则可能需要在网站离线之前立即进行还原,以免丢失任何已下达的订单。

Knowing what your needs are and setting your RPO will affect two important things, firstly, it will have an impact on your backup process and secondly on your RTO. This is because, if you need to restore all the way up to the moment of disaster, you will have to have constant backups taking place and this is likely to increase the amount of time you need to fully restore your system.

知道您的需求并设置RPO会影响两个重要方面,首先,它将对备份过程产生影响,其次将对RTO产生影响。 这是因为,如果您需要在灾难发生之前一直进行还原,则必须进行持续的备份,这很可能会增加完全还原系统所需的时间。

冗余 (Redundancy)

Redundancy, in IT terminology, means having unused resources at your disposal that you can put into operation when the need requires, such as servers or disk space. For disaster recovery, it means having these resources in place so that you can either prevent failure happening altogether or have the means to recover very quickly.

用IT术语来说,冗余意味着拥有未使用的资源供您使用,您可以在需要时将其投入使用,例如服务器或磁盘空间。 对于灾难恢复,这意味着拥有这些资源,以便您可以完全防止故障发生,或者可以非常快速地进行恢复。

Unfortunately, redundancy can also be what happens to employees of companies that don’t have a disaster recovery plan. Don’t let this happen to you!

不幸的是,没有灾难恢复计划的公司的员工也会遇到冗余。 不要让这种情况发生在您身上!

结论 (Conclusion)

Hopefully, from reading this article, you will now have a better understanding of the disaster recovery jargon and acronyms used in the IT industry.


If you are looking for a cost-efficient way to meet your disaster recovery objectives, take a look at our VMware and HyperV cloud hosting packages.

如果您正在寻找一种经济高效的方法来实现灾难恢复目标,请查看我们的VMware和HyperV 云托管软件包







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