

It is widely held belief that the term ‘cloud’ is simply a buzzword that is applied to cases that utilise multiple technologies that have existed for many years. Whilst clouds have only been around for the past 6 years or so, the underlying components such as servers and storage networks have been around since the dawn of IT – the cloud term is simply applied in order to shift cloud services. And because everyone seems to be using the cloud, managers are insistent on incorporating it into their IT strategies without really understanding what it means, just because they think it will allow them to really remain competitive. The truth is that the cloud can only give an organisation a competitive edge when the underlying technology is truly understood because this allows for investments to be made in the components that will deliver the best performance benefits that the lowest cost.

普遍认为,“云”一词只是流行语,适用于利用已有多年历史的多种技术的案例。 尽管云已经存在了大约6年左右,但是服务器和存储网络等底层组件自IT诞生以来就已经存在-云术语仅是为了转移云服务而应用。 而且由于每个人似乎都在使用云,因此经理们坚持不真正理解云的含义就将其纳入其IT战略中,只是因为他们认为云将使他们真正保持竞争力。 事实是,只有真正理解了底层技术,云才能使组织具有竞争优势,因为这允许对组件进行投资,从而以最低的成本提供最佳的性能优势。

Understanding the word ‘cloud’ in its true sense In reality the concept that the term ‘cloud’ is applied to has been around since the dawn of servers. The term cloud is generally applied to any scenario that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet, whether this be a virtual infrastructure (IaaS), software (SaaS), or a platform (Paas); the issue with this term is that not many managers really understand what it means and what it does, rather many opt to migrate to the cloud because they’re fully aware that it is what competitors are doing. Although managers order this migration with the best of intentions, as they understand the cloud as being a way of saving money and increasing efficiencies, their lack of understanding could lead to large expenditure without fully realising the true benefits that the cloud could bring to their business.

真正理解“云”一词实际上,自服务器问世以来,一直在使用“云”一词。 “云”一词通常用于涉及通过Internet交付托管服务的任何情况,无论是虚拟基础架构(IaaS),软件(SaaS)还是平台(Paas); 这个术语的问题在于,没有多少管理者真正了解它的含义和作用,而是许多人选择迁移到云,因为他们完全意识到竞争对手正在做的事情。 尽管经理们出于最佳目的下令进行此迁移,但他们了解云是节省金钱和提高效率的一种方式,但他们缺乏理解可能会导致大量支出,而没有完全意识到云可以为企业带来的真正利益。

Managers looking to consider the cloud should request a plan that focuses purely on the branch of cloud hosting that you want to consider, such as IaaS, PaaS or SaaS, as opposed to the cloud buzzword. This will place the emphasis on the technology itself and should provide an avenue down which more can be learned, enabling managers to gain a better understanding of what they are about to approve. The issue of whether a technology solution provides good value for money will also be given better consideration and so the overall result should be that technology are projects involving cloud technologies are approved based on their merits, not simply because competitors are embracing cloud computing.

希望考虑云的管理人员应要求一个计划,该计划应完全专注于您要考虑的云托管分支,例如IaaS,PaaS或SaaS,而不是云的流行语。 这将把重点放在技术本身上,并应提供一条可供学习的途径,使管理人员可以更好地了解他们将要批准的内容。 技术解决方案是否提供物有所值的问题也将得到更好的考虑,因此总体结果应该是技术属于涉及云技术的项目是根据其优点而批准的,而不仅仅是因为竞争对手正在拥抱云计算。

Scrapping everything in favour of the cloud A primary reason for the boom in enterprise hosting sales has been many businesses scrapping their existing infrastructures in favour of moving everything into the cloud. On one hand this could be a good idea because it can save them money in the long-term, but in situations where the existing infrastructure is doing its job absolutely fine and doesn’t necessarily require upgrading, this represents a massive waste of money. In order for cloud deployments to represent good value for money, infrastructures should be consolidated and migrated only when existing infrastructure elements can’t cope with demand anymore or reach the end of their useful lives.

放弃一切而采用云技术托管企业销售蓬勃发展的主要原因是许多企业为了将一切都迁移到云中而放弃了现有的基础架构。 一方面,这可能是一个好主意,因为它可以长期为他们省钱,但是在现有基础架构的工作完全正常且不一定需要升级的情况下,这意味着大量的金钱浪费。 为了使云部署具有良好的性价比,仅当现有基础架构元素无法再满足需求或达到使用寿命时,才应合并和迁移基础架构。

Outsourcing of server infrastructure support Many organisations have chosen to outsourcing their hosting needs with the cloud, placing the control of their information and resources in the hands of the company from whom they have purchased their cloud services. This has seen companies that are able to offer a high level of support with what are branded as fully managed services booming. By incorporating the infrastructure and the support for that infrastructure into one contract, organisations no longer need to rely on training their own IT staff in new technologies as they are introduced as instead the company from whom they have acquired the cloud services will be continually training their employees in order to ensure that they remain on top of their game. Overall a combined cloud and support contract can assist businesses with reducing IT costs without compromising on quality.

服务器基础结构支持的外包许多组织选择将托管需求与云进行外包,从而将对信息和资源的控制权交给购买了云服务的公司。 这已经见证了能够提供全面支持的公司蓬勃发展,并提供了全面管理的服务。 通过将基础架构和对该基础架构的支持合并到一个合同中,组织在引入新技术时不再需要依靠培训自己的IT员工,因为从中获得了云服务的公司将继续培训他们的IT人员。员工,以确保他们保持领先地位。 总体而言,云和支持合同的合并可以帮助企业降低IT成本而又不影响质量。

As a conclusion, buzzwords can help to drive the adoption of new technologies and concepts. However, with reference to the term ‘cloud’, buzzwords can sometimes lead to adoption without consideration being given to the direct benefits that are to be gained.

总之,流行语可以帮助推动采用新技术和新概念。 但是,关于“云”一词,流行语有时可能导致采用而没有考虑要获得的直接收益。







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