
The other day a reader wrote in asking if cloud computing could help save his hard drive space, which made me realize that it’s time to talk about exactly what this moronic buzzword really means.


什么是云计算? (What is Cloud Computing?)

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the definition for “Cloud Computing” is this incomprehensible piece of nonsense clearly written to be as confusing as possible:


Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.


So what’s a definition for real people?


云计算= Web应用程序
(Cloud Computing = Web Applications)

That’s all there is to it. If you’re using a web or internet-based application from a major provider like Google or Microsoft, you’re using cloud computing. Congrats!

这里的所有都是它的。 如果您使用的是来自主要提供商(例如Google或Microsoft)的基于Web或Internet的应用程序,那么您正在使用云计算。 恭喜!

Every web application that you’ve ever used, like Gmail, Google Calendar, Hotmail, SalesForce, Dropbox, and Google Docs, are based on “cloud computing”, because when you connect to one of these services, you’re really connecting to a massive pool of servers somewhere out there on the internet. The client doesn’t need to be a web browser, but that’s the direction everything is heading.

您曾经使用过的每个Web应用程序(例如Gmail,Google日历,Hotmail,SalesForce,Dropbox和Google Docs)都基于“云计算”,因为当您连接到其中一项服务时,您实际上是在连接到Internet上某处的大量服务器池。 客户端不必是Web浏览器,但这就是一切前进的方向。

Think there’s more to it than that? Don’t believe me? Just listen to Larry Ellison, the CEO & co-founder of Oracle, talk about how moronic this term really is:

认为还有更多呢? 不相信我吗 只需听听Oracle首席执行官兼联合创始人拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)谈一谈这个术语的真实含义是什么:

那么为什么要使用云计算呢? (So Why Cloud Computing?)

We’ve already established that it’s a pointless term that simply describes web applications, which have been around for a very long time—but in order to get businesses to start switching to web applications instead of self-hosted servers, the marketing types invented a new buzzword.


The reason why they used the word “cloud” in the buzzword is simple: in network diagrams, the internet is usually represented with a cloud in the middle of the drawing. Those marketing drones are inventive, aren’t they?

他们在流行语中使用“云”一词的原因很简单:在网络图中,互联网通常在图形中间用云表示。 那些营销无人机是有创造力的,不是吗?


So basically the term itself is just a way for consultants and companies to sell more services in a shiny new package. Here’s a good illustration of how this works:

因此,基本上,术语本身只是顾问和公司以崭新的方式出售更多服务的一种方式。 这是如何工作的一个很好的例证:


Comic by Geek and Poke

极客和戳 漫画

云计算如何帮助我? (How Can Cloud Computing Help Me?)

Since businesses everywhere are moving their applications to the web and coming out with new and interesting features accessible through your web browser, you’ll soon be able to access virtually anything from any browser on any PC, and the lines will blur between desktop and the internet.



Now that Microsoft has finally released the beta for Internet Explorer 9, which supports new web standards like HTML5 and uses hardware acceleration to make the whole experience speedy—every browser will finally be on the same footing. When Microsoft said that IE9 is going to change the web, they weren’t kidding—they were the only ones holding the web back with their anemic IE7 and IE8 browsers, not to mention the ancient IE6. And now the nightmare is finally almost over.

现在,Microsoft 终于发布了Internet Explorer 9 Beta ,它支持HTML5等新的Web标准,并使用硬件加速来加快整个体验的速度-每个浏览器最终都将处于同一地位。 当微软表示IE9将改变网络时,他们并不是在开玩笑-他们是仅有的那些用贫乏的IE7和IE8浏览器来阻止网络运行的人 ,更不用说古老的IE6了。 现在,噩梦终于结束了。

It’ll get even more interesting whenever Chrome OS is finally released, which is basically an entire operating system built around a web browser as the primary interface, with all of your applications as web applications instead of local—hopefully it will support web integration like IE9 does with the Windows 7 taskbar.

每当Chrome OS最终发布时,它都会变得更加有趣,它基本上是围绕Web浏览器作为主要界面构建整个操作系统 ,所有应用程序都作为Web应用程序而不是本地应用程序-希望它将支持Web集成,例如IE9使用Windows 7任务栏。

云计算对企业有何不同? (How Is Cloud Computing Different for Businesses?)

If you’re in the IT world you’re probably scratching your head at this point and thinking that I’m oversimplifying the idea behind cloud computing, so let’s explain the real difference from the more technical side of things.


In the past, every company would run all of their applications on all of their own servers, hosted at their own location or data center. This obviously requires a lot of maintenance and money to keep everything running, upgraded, and secure.

过去,每个公司都会在自己的位置或数据中心托管的所有服务器上运行所有应用程序。 显然,这需要大量维护和金钱才能保持一切正常运行,升级和安全。


From a business perspective, businesses can now move much of their computing to cloud services, which provide the same applications that you would install on your own servers, but now they are accessible over the internet for any of their customers. Have you read about companies switching to Google Docs? That’s a perfect example of companies switching from hosting their own local servers to using cloud computing instead.

从业务角度来看,企业现在可以将其大部分计算移至云服务,该云服务提供与您在自己的服务器上安装的应用程序相同的应用程序,但现在,任何客户都可以通过Internet访问它们。 您是否了解有关公司改用Google文档的信息? 这是公司从托管自己的本地服务器转而使用云计算的完美典范。

But what if your company provides a service to others? You can also take advantage of cloud computing by creating applications that don’t run on your own servers, but actually utilize server resources provided by one of the big providers—Google has App Engine, Microsoft has Windows Azure, and Amazon has their EC2 framework.

但是,如果您的公司为他人提供服务怎么办? 您还可以通过创建不在您自己的服务器上运行但实际上利用由大型提供商之一提供的服务器资源的应用程序来利用云计算的优势-Google具有App Engine ,Microsoft具有Windows Azure和Amazon具有其EC2框架


Most of these services operate on a pay-for-resources basis—so your application only gets charged for the amount of CPU and network use that it actually uses—when your application is small and doesn’t have a lot of users, you don’t get charged much, but the benefit is that it can scale up to 10,000 users without any trouble (though you’ll be paying a lot more for the added CPU usage).


Still need more? Here’s a video that explains it with… little fluffy clouds.

还需要更多吗? 这是一段用...蓬松的小云彩解释的视频。

Web Applications are the future. Cloud Computing is a stupid buzzword. Discuss.

Web应用程序是未来。 云计算是一个愚蠢的流行词。 讨论。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32016/what-is-cloud-computing-and-what-does-this-stupid-buzzword-mean/





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