

ADSL2 Modem Router

ADSL2 Modem Router

There are distinct differences between a switch, a router and a modem. You may have wondered why when you have bought a router you still had to use your old router or modem in order to get on the Internet. And if your old “router” was needed, it was because it had a built-in modem as well.

交换机,路由器和调制解调器之间有明显的区别。 您可能想知道为什么购买路由器后仍必须使用旧路由器或调制解调器才能上网。 如果需要您的旧“路由器”,那是因为它也具有内置的调制解调器

调制解调器有什么用? (What is a modem used for?)

When you have ADSL broadband, when you access the Internet, data is sent down your phone line, and when data is received or send down your phone line, it needs to be “translated” back and forth from analogue signals to digital information. A modem does this. Modem is short for “modulator-demodulator”. An ADSL modem with an Ethernet interface can be used to connect one device to the network (to your broadband connection), however it has limitations compared to a router. Usually if you buy an ADSL modem with Ethernet it is usually to connect to a router.

当您拥有ADSL宽带时,当您访问Internet时,数据将通过电话线发送,而当数据被接收或通过电话线发送时,则需要将其从模拟信号来回“转换”为数字信息。 调制解调器可以做到这一点。 调制解调器是“调制器-解调器”的缩写。 具有以太网接口的ADSL调制解调器可用于将一个设备连接到网络(连接到宽带连接),但是与路由器相比,它具有局限性。 通常,如果您购买带有以太网的ADSL调制解调器,通常是连接到路由器。

路由器用于什么用途? (What is a router used for?)

You will see on most routers multiple Ethernet ports on the back of the device. This allows you to connect multiple devices to the router in order to “share” the Internet connection. A router without a built-in modem will also need to be connected to an ADSL modem in order to translate analogue signal to digital information (which computers undestand how to process). For example, ADSL modems with an Ethernet interface will connect to the router via an Ethernet cable. A switch is usually used in complex network set up scenarios, for example in an office environment or in an environment where there are a lot of devices connected to the local area network (LAN – i.e. the broadband connection). A router understands which device to send data to as it is received. A router essentially is a switch built-in, although not as sophisticated as a switch.

在大多数路由器上,您将在设备背面看到多个以太网端口。 这使您可以将多个设备连接到路由器,以“共享” Internet连接。 没有内置调制解调器的路由器也需要连接到ADSL调制解调器,以便将模拟信号转换为数字信息(计算机无法理解如何处理)。 例如,具有以太网接口的ADSL调制解调器将通过以太网电缆连接到路由器。 交换机通常用于复杂的网络设置场景中,例如在办公室环境中或在有许多设备连接到局域网(LAN –即宽带连接)的环境中。 路由器了解接收到的数据发送到哪个设备。 路由器本质上是内置的交换机,尽管不如交换机复杂。

开关有什么用? (What is a switch used for?)

A switch allows multiple devices to be connected to a network. Do note that a switch simply connects multiple devices to a network and still requires a router to be able to send that data out to the world wide web (however, correctly, a router sends data between computer networks – and the “Internet” is essentially a huge interconnected network).

交换机允许将多个设备连接到网络。 请注意,交换机只是将多个设备连接到网络,仍然需要路由器才能将数据发送到万维网(但是,正确的是,路由器在计算机网络之间发送数据,而“ Internet”本质上是庞大的互连网络)。

Switches are relatively inexpensive now, and are definitely to be used in a corporate environment. However, if you require a switch in a home or home office environment, you can purchase switches with 8 Ethernet ports. Today I had found a 24-port switch for £149.99.

开关现在相对便宜,并且肯定会在公司环境中使用。 但是,如果需要在家庭或家庭办公室环境中使用交换机,则可以购买具有8个以太网端口的交换机。 今天我发现一个24端口交换机的价格为149.99英镑。

那我在家需要什么? (So what do I need at home?)

At home, you usually have a microfiltre (to prevent interference between analogue devices and the DSL connection), and in an ADSL broadband setting, an ADSL broadband cable (usually grey – also referred to as an RJ11 ADSL cable) is connected to the router (or modem, if your router doesn’t have built-in modem). If your router doesn’t come with built-in WIFi, you would connect your computer (or other electronic device, or a switch) to one of the available Ethernet ports.

在家里,通常需要一个微型过滤器(以防止模拟设备与DSL连接之间的干扰),并且在ADSL宽带设置中,ADSL宽带电缆(通常为灰色-也称为RJ11 ADSL电缆)已连接到路由器(或调制解调器,如果您的路由器没有内置调制解调器)。 如果您的路由器没有内置WIFi,则可以将计算机(或其他电子设备或交换机)连接到可用的以太网端口之一。

If you’re needing to buy new equipment, it is best to buy a wireless router with a built-in modem. You then simply need to connect the ADSL cable and either the Ethernet cable into your computer or connect to the WiFi network. Don’t forget to secure your WiFi network if it isn’t already, when you buy a wireless router. The documentation or manual that comes with your router usually explains how to do this. For NETGEAR-based routers, it is usually http://www.routerlogin.net to change router-related settings.

如果您需要购买新设备,则最好购买带有内置调制解调器的无线路由器。 然后,您只需要将ADSL电缆和以太网电缆连接到您的计算机或连接到WiFi网络。 购买无线路由器时,不要忘记保护您的WiFi网络(如果尚未保护)。 路由器随附的文档或手册通常说明如何执行此操作。 对于基于NETGEAR的路由器,通常是http://www.routerlogin.net来更改与路由器相关的设置。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/whats-the-difference-between-a-switch-a-router-and-a-modem/






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