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翻译 当我阻止应用程序跟踪我的iPhone 1周后我发现了什么

重点 (Top highlight) 技术 (TECHNOLOGY)A note from the editor: with this article, we are not changing the overall direction of Storius. Our publication remains all about the craft and business of storyte...

2020-09-09 10:56:04 1980

翻译 支持他们的应用程序突袭Cloudberry狂潮

If you’re someone like me, you probably built up a lot of digital stuff over the years. Photos, documents, code, media, and everything in-between. 如果您像我一样,那么多年来,您可能积累了很多数字资料。 照片,文档,代码,媒体及其之间的所有内容。 Th...

2020-09-09 10:45:27 249

翻译 irobot正在重塑其机器人智能

When you’re forced to stay and work from home, you start noticing that your house isn’t as clean as you thought. You also realize that you generate more dirt and debris simply from being in the home A...

2020-09-09 10:35:00 332

翻译 iphone像素_即时通讯将保持这种审查相当像素和iPhone,而不是像像素模型

iphone像素I’m going to keep this review rather generic to Pixel and iPhone instead of models like the Pixel 3 or 4 or iPhone XS, 11Pro, etc. I’ve had time with just about all of them and where the big d...

2020-09-07 11:16:46 223

翻译 ebay买东西进国内_我从eBay继承人那里购买了30年历史的游戏盒带

ebay买东西进国内I recently wrote about my Sakhr, an MSX based video game console designed for the Middle Eastern market that my parents bought me when I was about 8 or 9. I also wrote that my favorite MSX g...

2020-09-07 11:06:26 304

翻译 内部fitbits计划使用新的可穿戴设备检测共病症状

The main reason the coronavirus has shut down society isn’t that it’s deadly; it’s that it’s invisible. If you could see the damn particles — as a neon-yellow cloud on someone’s breath, or a neon-yell...

2020-09-07 10:57:14 744

翻译 软件隐喻_互联网的视觉隐喻

软件隐喻It’s 2020. Technology trends continue to accelerate, thanks to a massive transition to remote work. Meanwhile, people across the world face social and economic uncertainty amid a global pandemic. ...

2020-09-07 10:17:11 235

翻译 任天堂计划在2021年升级交换机控制台和主要游戏

By Takashi Mochizuki 高木望月 Nintendo Co. plans to debut an upgraded model of its Switch console next year along with a lineup of new games, people familiar with the matter said, ceding 2020’s holiday s...

2020-09-05 01:33:37 466

翻译 路由器和调制解调器的区别_调制解调器路由器和接入点有什么区别

路由器和调制解调器的区别Do you know the difference between, say, a switch and a hub? Keeping straight the devices that help you access the internet is no small feat. This guide explains it all. 您知道交换机和集线器之间的区别吗? ...

2020-09-05 01:13:49 841

翻译 模拟摄像头和网络摄像头_没有网络摄像头没问题

模拟摄像头和网络摄像头I remember reading with massive horror about a new virus sweeping through Hubei, China, and 60 million people had just gone into lockdown. A part of me was sad that this was happening but g...

2020-09-05 00:55:02 1172

翻译 与苹果和谷歌抗争堡垒创造者发动了远征

By Erin Griffith 艾琳·格里菲斯(Erin Griffith) SAN FRANCISCO — Tim Sweeney, chief executive and founder of video game maker Epic Games, has antagonized the world’s most powerful technology giants since at l...

2020-09-05 00:33:51 446

翻译 电脑如何批量下载哔哔视屏_我是电脑哔哔哔哔哔

电脑如何批量下载哔哔视屏 编者的信 (Letter from the Editor)Here’s my routine these days: I wake up at about 7:30 a.m., immediately pick up my phone, open Slack, respond to anything that needs my attention, do the sam...

2020-08-19 14:25:06 686

翻译 存储远程复制缺点_远程医疗有一个隐藏的缺点

存储远程复制缺点By Albert Fox Cahn and Melissa Giddings 阿尔伯特·福克斯·卡恩(Albert Fox Cahn)和梅利莎·吉丁斯(Melissa Giddings) Doctors are quick to adopt new technologies when they are used to treat illnesses, but they are ...

2020-08-19 14:14:43 342

翻译 您应该购买卡巴斯基安全产品吗

Is Russian security software company Kaspersky in Putin’s pocket? Rumors abound, but there’s still no real evidence of these claims. We will continue to rate Kaspersky products based on their performa...

2020-08-19 14:03:45 599

翻译 使农村宽带民主化正在使它变得比原来更难

We have electricity and water to rural homes. There is no reason to not have broadband internet as well. 我们为农村家庭提供水电。 没有理由也没有宽带互联网。 If right about now you’re thinking to yourself that it’s not that e...

2020-08-19 13:53:26 148

翻译 多米诺骨牌_是多米诺骨牌2010年代最好的科技公司

多米诺骨牌Disclaimer: This article is not meant to be investment advice. Also full disclosure, I own stock in Domino’s pizza. If you don’t want to read the entire article, here’s a summary. 免责声明:本文并非旨在提供投资...

2020-08-19 13:42:30 428



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