思途cms类似_最受欢迎的Wiki CMS列表-创建类似Wikipedia的网站


Wikis have always been looked at from a different perspective, something that is loaded with information and links that lead to a related information just as easily. May it be a companies official blog, knowledgebase or a portfolio, a number of websites make use of Wiki softwares to help serve the purpose. Wiki’s especially help simplify a website which otherwise would have seemed clumsy and hard to navigate.

Wiki始终是从不同的角度来看待的,其中充满了信息和链接,这些链接也很容易导致相关信息。 可能是公司官方博客,知识库或投资组合,许多网站都使用Wiki软件来帮助实现这一目的。 Wiki特别有助于简化网站,否则该网站似乎笨拙且难以导航。

Following that, and perhaps most importantly, wikis need to be edited not by an individual but an entire community – again, simplicity and ease of use come into play!


Here we have tried to list down a couple of Wiki Software’s that might come-in handy while creating your own Wikipedia website.


MediaWiki (MediaWiki)

This can be considered to be one of the most popular Wiki’s among the list. It’s the one that Wikipedia uses. Though many other projects make use of this software and not just Wikipedia. This is one of the best amongst others as it offers a unique versatility and power.

这可以被认为是列表中最受欢迎的Wiki之一。 这是维基百科使用的那个。 尽管许多其他项目都在使用该软件,而不仅仅是Wikipedia 。 这是其中最好的之一,因为它具有独特的多功能性和功能。

DokuWiki (DokuWiki)

This wiki software in particular is usually preferred by developer workgroups, collaborating teams and small enterprises. DokuWiki stores the data in plain text hence avoiding the need of any database.

开发人员工作组,协作团队和小型企业通常通常首选此Wiki软件。 DokuWiki将数据存储为纯文本格式,因此无需任何数据库。

维基百科 (PhpWiki)

PhpWiki also is one of the widely used wiki CMS’s. Also known for the versatility it offers, it is essential to have a database for storing information. Though unlike others it may sometimes prove heavier, yet is known to offer a tough competition to others in this segment. It is a clone of the original WikiWikiWeb.

PhpWiki也是广泛使用的Wiki CMS之一。 还以其提供的多功能性而闻名,拥有一个用于存储信息的数据库至关重要。 尽管与其他产品不同,它有时可能会变得更重,但众所周知,它会给该细分市场中的其他产品带来激烈的竞争。 它是原始WikiWikiWeb的副本。

维基百科 (PmWiki)

This is one of the Wiki software’s that has attempted to implement the WYSIWYG method to wiki based sites. Though users aren’t required to be skilled at html coding inorder to build a site in PmWiki, hence offering some relief to users.

这是Wiki软件的一种,已尝试对基于Wiki的站点实施WYSIWYG方法。 尽管不需要用户熟练地进行html编码即可在PmWiki中建立站点,因此可以为用户提供一些帮助。

提基维基 (TikiWiki)

TikiWiki is one of a kind wiki software which would even allow you to set permission levels for the home-page. It’s a software that has earned popularity amongst developers as well due to the overwhelming features it offers. Its bug/issue tracker system and a native support for RSS feeds and Calendar/Productivity addons makes it worth trying.

TikiWiki是一种维基软件,甚至可以让您设置主页的权限级别。 该软件由于其强大的功能而赢得了开发人员的欢迎。 它的错误/问题跟踪系统以及对RSS提要和Calendar / Productivity插件的本机支持使其值得尝试。

维基百科 (WikkaWiki)

Not many users would be aware of Wikka Wiki, but to some who have used it would tell you that it is one of the smoothest CMS’s that uses PHP as the scripting language. It is fast and simple to use. If you intend creating a lighter wiki website, WikkaWiki is definitely a choice to consider. MySQL is used at the back-end for storage.

没有多少用户会知道Wikka Wiki,但是对于某些使用过它的用户会告诉您,这是使用PHP作为脚本语言的最流畅的CMS之一。 它快速且易于使用。 如果您打算创建一个更简洁的Wiki网站,则绝对可以考虑选择WikkaWiki。 MySQL在后端用于存储。

JAMWiki (JAMWiki)

JAMWiki uses JAVA and is considered to be a clone of MediaWiki.


企业维基 (Enterprise Wiki)

Confluence Enterprise Wiki is an enterprise CMS designed specifically for the teams and workgroups. Though users need to pay for Enterprise Wiki, where users may even choose to host it on their web servers at a nominal extra charge.

Confluence Enterprise Wiki是专门为团队和工作组设计的企业CMS。 尽管用户需要为Enterprise Wiki付费,但用户甚至可以选择以名义上的额外费用将其托管在其Web服务器上。

画布ColdFusion Wiki (Canvas ColdFusion Wiki)

Model-Glue is used for this CMS. Canvas ColdFusion Wiki maintains a track of all the changes made to every page, hence making it easy for the administrators to track the changes done to a particular page.

此CMS使用Model-Glue。 Canvas ColdFusion Wiki维护对每个页面所做的所有更改的跟踪,因此使管理员可以轻松跟踪对特定页面所做的更改。

XWiki (XWiki)

XWiki offers a generic platform for developing wiki websites. The CMS software has been created using JAVA and is licensed under the LGPL open source license.

XWiki提供了用于开发Wiki网站的通用平台。 CMS软件是使用JAVA创建的,并已获得LGPL开源许可证的许可。

TiddlyWiki (TiddlyWiki)

TiddlyWiki can be considered to be a full-fledged CMS that offers the characteristics and functionality of a wiki which includes style sheets, option to edit, save, search, tag and much more. TiddlyWiki offers you great flexibility in a way where if you intend to switch to a different host that offers affordable web hosting services, you may simple migrate a single file or copy it onto a flash drive and store it with you.

TiddlyWiki可以被认为是功能全面的CMS,它提供了Wiki的特性和功能,其中包括样式表,编辑,保存,搜索,标记等选项。 TiddlyWiki通过以下方式为您提供了极大的灵活性:如果您打算切换到提供负担得起的Web托管服务的其他主机,则可以简单地迁移单个文件或将其复制到闪存驱动器中并与您一起存储。

维基百科 (TWiki)

This is another enterprise collaboration and knowledge management software that can be considered. TWiki is a two in one solution that can help you use it as a groupware solution or a collaborative resource over the web or even internally over the intranet. TWiki also offers you an extensive list of plugins which may further simplify your purpose.

这是可以考虑的另一种企业协作和知识管理软件。 TWiki是一种二合一的解决方案,可以帮助您将其用作组件解决方案或通过Web甚至内部通过内部网使用的协作资源。 TWiki还为您提供了广泛的插件列表,可以进一步简化您的用途。

Image Courtesy : http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/


Web Hosting UK

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/list-of-most-popular-wiki-cmss-create-a-wikipedia-like-website/


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