

在圣诞节和新年期间避免网络犯罪的基本指标 (Essential Pointers to Avoid Cyber Crimes During Festive Christmas and New Year Seasons)

Festive Season, something which every individual awaits all year long. Fortunately in todays digital era, you are no longer required to travel distances to buy stuffs. Online eCommerce stores have brought much comfort and convenience to everyone, but we often forget to realise the threats involved. If everyone takes precautions while purchasing things over the web, a large share of scams can be avoided. In this article we’ve tried to cover most of the precautionary measures that one can adopt for a safe buying online.

节日,每个人都在等待一年四季。 幸运的是,在当今的数字时代,您不再需要去旅行即可买东西。 在线电子商务商店给每个人带来了很多舒适和便利,但是我们经常忘记意识到所涉及的威胁。 如果每个人都在通过网络购买商品时采取预防措施,则可以避免大量骗局。 在本文中,我们尝试介绍了可以为安全地在线购买而采取的大多数预防措施。

The increased percentile of online shoppers tickle the brains of fraudsters operational online, who are in a stance to take advantage of your credit card and personal confidential information to perform their unethical activities.


Cyber criminals are usually on a hunt during the festive season for an innocent bait and exploit Internet users using various mediums, may it be via. emails, images, phishing and shopping scams. And to add more to this list today is the social networks and shopping carts that almost perfectly mimic the already popular brands and tempt shoppers to click on it. It has also been reported in the past that a number of hackers embed malicious content within Facebook and Twitter links.

网络犯罪分子通常会在节日期间寻找无辜的诱饵,并可能通过各种手段利用各种媒介利用互联网用户。 电子邮件,图片,网络钓鱼和购物诈骗。 今天要在此列表中添加更多内容的是社交网络和购物车,它们几乎完美地模仿了已经很受欢迎的品牌并诱使购物者点击它。 过去也有报道称,许多黑客在FacebookTwitter链接中嵌入了恶意内容。

That ofcourse doesn’t mean that you must quit making a purchase online.


Well, its not so difficult to keep such fraudsters away from taking advantage of situations. Here are some pointers that can help you safeguard yourself while making a purchase online.

好吧,要让此类欺诈者远离局势并没有那么困难。 这里有一些建议可以帮助您在网上购物时保护自己。

Firewall, Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware and Anti-Spyware


Having a reliable and trusted firewall and antivirus software installed onto your machines is the most basic precaution that you can take. This should help you keeping malware off, hence avoiding the risk of exploitation. If you are low on budget, you may even opt for a free but reliable alternative such as Microsoft Security Essentials, Avast etc. Check for the Top 5 Free Antivirus for 2011.

您可以采取的最基本的预防措施是,在计算机上安装可靠且受信任的防火墙和防病毒软件。 这可以帮助您避免恶意软件,从而避免了被利用的风险。 如果预算不足,您甚至可以选择免费但可靠的替代方法,例如 Microsoft Security EssentialsAvast 等。查看 2011年排名前5位的免费防病毒软件

It is suggestible to use a two-way firewall that is capable of blocking hackers from gaining access to your machine and carry out illegal stuff at their convenience.


Access Passwords


We’ve been always suggesting our clients to use strong passwords, something that has a combination of alpha-numeric, special characters with a combination of upper and lower cases for every account that you have online. Hackers use special tools and softwares to judge the passwords, hence inorder to make it tougher for them, using long passwords with the above stated combinations prove to be highly useful. Moreover, it is observed that users tend to use the same passwords for multiple accounts, now this is highly risky, if at all a hacker gains access to one of the systems they can easily exploit rest of the systems as well. So, a big NO to using the same password for every system.

我们一直建议我们的客户使用强密码,这种密码由字母数字,特殊字符以及大小写结合而成,用于您在线的每个帐户。 黑客使用特殊的工具和软件来判断密码,因此为了使密码更难使用,将长密码与上述组合一起使用非常有用。 此外,可以观察到,用户倾向于对多个帐户使用相同的密码,现在这具有很高的风险,如果黑客完全可以访问其中一个系统,那么他们也可以轻松利用其余系统。 因此, 对于每个系统都使用相同的密码 ,这是很大的 麻烦

Wi-Fi Zones


Wi-Fi zones are popular in populated areas, hence if you intend to buy stuff online using such a network, you need to ensure that the service is legitimate and safe to transmit your credit card and other details.


Well, if you aren’t aware about its legitimacy, better not buy. Later get connected to an authentic and a known service and proceed with the purchase.

好吧,如果您不知道其合法性,最好不要购买。 后来,您可以连接到真实的已知服务并继续购买。

Checking Legitimacy of an eCommerce Shopping Site


Its commonly seen now-a-days where a promotional email from a company where you had never left your email address reaches your inbox. Its a general practice used by fraudsters to send out such emails to users which includes tempting adds and attractive deals with a link, this is phishing where you are asked to confirm certain details from a seller. The website may seem a lot similar to the actual site, but in reality its like a fish bait with the strings in the hands of the scammers. Such sites may ask you to populate forms with your financial details and other personal stuffs. Hence it is very important not to click on any such links. Instead, you may visit the official company page and check for any such deals, this should help you confirm if the mail that you’ve received is legitimate or a way to trick you. Pop-ups are another ways that fraudsters use as we often tend to click on those easily, so it.

如今,在您从未离开过您的电子邮件地址的公司发送的促销电子邮件到达收件箱的今天,这种情况屡见不鲜。 这是欺诈者向用户发送此类电子邮件的一种普遍做法,其中包括诱人添加和带有链接的诱人交易,这是网络钓鱼,在其中您被要求确认卖方的某些详细信息。 该网站可能看起来与实际网站非常相似,但实际上它就像一条鱼饵,骗子手中握有绳子。 这些网站可能会要求您用您的财务信息和其他个人资料填充表格。 因此,不要单击任何此类链接非常重要。 相反,您可以访问官方公司页面并检查是否有此类交易,这应有助于您确认所收到的邮件是否合法或欺骗您。 弹出窗口是欺诈者使用的另一种方式,因为我们经常倾向于轻松地点击它们。

SSL Certificate Secured Websites


One must ensure that a site that asks for your personal and financial information are secured by an  SSL Certificate. To know if a site is secure uses an SSL, you must check the URL first, it should start with  https:// while a non-secured site would start with  http:// followed by the domain name. Next you can look for a  padlock, similar to as shown in the image. An SSL certificate is used for encrypting data before transmitting it across the World Wide Web, hence adding a layer to avoiding theft.

必须确保要求您提供个人和财务信息的网站受到SSL证书的保护 。 要知道某个站点是否安全,请使用SSL,您必须首先检查URL,该URL应当以 https:// 开头, 而非安全站点则以 http:// 开头,后跟域名。 接下来,您可以寻找一个 挂锁 ,类似于图中所示。 SSL证书用于在通过互联网传输数据之前对数据进行加密,因此增加了一层以避免盗窃。

A number of website’s would have secure site seal displayed on their website, yet it is advised to check for the above details to ensure your safety.


Legitimacy of Offers and Discounts


During the festive and new year seasons sites are loaded with attractive offers and catchy discounts, beware, everything that glitters isn’t Gold. Some websites may ask you to share links within your network of friends and others, asking for personal details by means of a surveys and stuffs similar. You must ensure that it isn’t another way used by a fraudster to collect your confidential information, instead of indulging into shopping from such sites why not buy from legitimate retailers.

在节日和新年季节期间,网站上充斥着诱人的优惠和诱人的折扣,请注意,所有闪闪发光的东西都不是黄金。 有些网站可能会要求您在朋友和其他人的网络中共享链接,并通过调查和类似的方式要求提供个人详细信息。 您必须确保这不是欺诈者用来收集您的机密信息的另一种方式,而不是沉迷于从此类网站购物,为什么不向合法零售商购买商品呢?

Creating a Pseudo Account


Most websites would ask for an email account for correspondence, the same would be your user id. for logging in. You create a pseudo email account and use it for such purposes, this should not only safeguard your information but act as a precautionary measure to avoid thefts.

大多数网站会要求提供电子邮件帐户进行通信,就像您的用户ID一样。 您可以创建一个伪电子邮件帐户并将其用于此类目的,这不仅应保护您的信息,还应作为一种预防措施,以防止盗窃。

Using a Credit Card


Banks now-a-days offer temporary credit cards that have limited funds and an expiry date, this can be used while shopping online. Such cards have no relation with your actual bank account but are a sort of pre-paid system with certain funds allocated within.

如今,银行提供的临时信用卡资金有限且有有效期,可以在网上购物时使用。 此类卡与您的实际银行帐户无关,而是一种预付款系统,其中分配有一定的资金。

Despite taking all the precautions stated above, if you do fall prey to frauds, you may report it to :


  • National Fraud Intelligence Bureau run by the City of London Police for collation and analysis for email scams : http://www.actionfraud.org.uk/


  • For scams in general – Consumer Direct

    对于一般的骗局– 直接消费者

          Email to [email protected] Tel: 08454 04 05 06

电子邮件至[受电子邮件保护] 电话:08454 04 05 06

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/avoid-cyber-crimes-scams-during-festive-seasons/






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