

We all are aware that Internet has become a crucial part of our day-to-day lives. In the rapidly developing world of Internet, failure to having a web based alternative for your business can actually prove to be a limitation to towards expansion.

众所周知,互联网已成为我们日常生活的重要组成部分。 在Swift发展的Internet世界中,未能为您的业务提供基于Web的替代品实际上可以证明是扩展业务的局限性。

We cannot deny the fact about the potential that the Internet holds and a business would be considered to be incomplete without its existence over the World Wide Web. Due to these facts, the industry of web based tools has been seen to flourish in the recent years, with the Customer Relationship Management better known as the CRM solutions leading the list of business management tools.

我们不能否认有关互联网拥有的潜力的事实,如果没有互联网存在的业务将被认为是不完整的。 基于这些事实,近年来,基于Web的工具行业蓬勃发展,其中以客户关系管理(CRM解决方案)闻名的客户关系管理在业务管理工具列表中名列前茅。

With time these tools too have evolved to best suit the business requirements. Inorder to implement such tools, it is more important to have appropriate infrastructure in place. Web-based CRM tools is one such revolution that has been experienced by multiple businesses. Inorder to have an online CRM tool included in your business, it is essential to have sufficient bandwidth, fast and reliable internet connectivity.

随着时间的流逝,这些工具也已经发展为最适合业务需求。 为了实施此类工具,拥有适当的基础架构更为重要。 基于Web的CRM工具就是这样的革命,已被多家企业经历。 为了使您的业务中包含在线CRM工具,必须具有足够的带宽,快速和可靠的Internet连接。

Inorder to achieve an efficient business expansion and maintain steady growth rate, a web-based CRM can prove to be an ideal tool. The aspect of real-time updates in a CRM tools makes it necessary for your to realise the importance of simple yet fast paced interface.

为了实现有效的业务扩展并保持稳定的增长率,基于Web的CRM可以证明是理想的工具。 CRM工具中实时更新的方面使您有必要认识到简单而快速的界面的重要性。

Following are certain advantages that a Web based CRM Tool has to offer :


– Reduction in the overhead cost of ownership


– Reduction in the costs incurred on deployment of CRM clients


– Flexibility to access customer data from any distant location in a secure manner


– Ease of sharing and updation of information


– Helps you store crucial customer information in a secure and well organized manner


– Creation and maintenance of customer profiles in a detailed manner


– Offers a fast analysis of customer information and identify customer preferences


– Simplifies the process of one-to-one customer service


– Offers an increased customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer retention


– Quick deployment and customization


A number of web-based CRM solutions offer comprehensive collaboration options. You may achieve the live interactivity with your colleagues, employees, sub-ordinates, seniors.

许多基于Web的CRM解决方案提供了全面的协作选项。 您可以与同事,员工,下属,上级进行实时互动。

If used as a collaboration tool, the online CRM offers :


  • Streamline business functions

  • Integration and automation of sales, marketing and various support functions

  • Tracking of leads

  • Laying an effective marketing strategy

  • Efficient management of administrative tasks

  • Allows you to share business information, tasks, documents in real time


The biggest advantage of choosing a web based CRM software is, you are not required to invest in highly priced on-premise IT infrastructure, neither are you required to spend money over its maintenance. The software provider is responsible for its maintenance and delivery of top-notch service. No installation over your local machine is needed hence a user can work with web based CRM from almost anywhere provided he has an access to the internet. Above all, having an online CRM can prove to be more cost effective in comparison to making a purchase of a traditional CRM software tool. You would also get an option to choose the payment cycle based on your preferences hence saving you an upfront cost of investment.

选择基于Web的CRM软件的最大优势是,您无需投资于价格高昂的本地IT基础架构,也不需要在维护方面花钱。 软件提供商负责其维护和提供一流的服务。 无需在本地计算机上进行安装,因此只要用户可以访问Internet,就可以在几乎任何地方使用基于Web的CRM。 最重要的是,与购买传统的CRM软件工具相比,拥有在线CRM可以证明更具成本效益。 您还可以根据自己的喜好选择付款周期,从而节省前期投资成本。

Customization of online CRM is possible based on varying business requirements. You get the power to increase sales and service with such an incredible CRM solution yet effectively maintain a perfect focus on your customers.

根据不同的业务需求,可以定制在线CRM。 如此令人难以置信的CRM解决方案,您将有能力增加销售和服务,同时有效地保持对客户的完美关注。

You may even choose to host your own CRM service on a Cloud Hosting platform, and sell it as SaaS ie. Software as a Service. The thing that would be required the most would be a realible and affordable web hosting company that offers the required infrastructure and support to help you run the business well.

您甚至可以选择在Cloud Hosting平台上托管自己的CRM服务,然后将其作为SaaS出售。 软件作为服务。 最需要的是一家切实可行且负担得起的网络托管公司,该公司将提供所需的基础结构和支持,以帮助您良好地开展业务。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/cloud-based-crm-software-tool/






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