

如何建立类似于Digg,StumbleUpon和Mixx的社交出版网站? (How to Build a Social Publishing website similar to Digg, StumbleUpon and Mixx ?)


Most of us are aware about the very popular social publishing websites such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Mixx etc.. These sites have been known to fetch thousands of viewers from across the globe. Links from various niche’s are shared and published on these sites, which includes rich quality articles, news, media, videos, tutorials and what not. Most users across the globe surf there pages on a regular basis, hence there also has been an increasing number of webmasters choosing to build such sites.

我们大多数人都知道非常受欢迎的社交发布网站,例如Digg,StumbleUpon,Mixx等。这些网站已经吸引了全球成千上万的观众。 在这些网站上共享并发布了来自各个细分市场的链接,其中包括高质量的文章,新闻,媒体,视频,教程以及其他内容。 全球大多数用户都定期浏览这些网页,因此,越来越多的网站管理员选择建立此类网站。

There is nothing much required to create such a site, a domain name and an affordable web hosting package is sufficient to get going. The above mentioned popular sites, were never this big since the beginning. They too were setup by few not so experienced webmasters, but today, they have managed to grow to an extent where they have their own teams to manage and maintain the sites that we see today.

创建这样的网站并不需要太多,域名和 负担得起的网络托管 软件包就可以开始使用。 上面提到的热门网站从一开始就从来没有这么大。 他们也是由很少有经验的网站管理员来设置的,但是今天,他们已经设法发展到可以拥有自己的团队来管理和维护我们今天看到的站点的程度。

Actually, anybody can setup a social publishing CMS that can offer features necessary to initiate your own website using Pligg. This is an easy to use script which can setup such a site within minutes. As compared to majority of other systems, Pligg offers you the option to enable multiple authors. These authors ofcourse need to get registered first, only then they can proceed with publishing the links that are already present over the World Wide Web. The most attractive feature of building a site with Pligg CMS is, it allows all the authors to control the content published on the website. This is also termed as a User driven CMS which depends solely on the authors activity and the management of the articles posted.

实际上,任何人都可以设置一个社交发布CMS,该社交CMS可以提供​​使用Pligg启动您自己的网站所必需的功能。 这是一个易于使用的脚本,可以在几分钟内设置此类站点。 与大多数其他系统相比,Pligg为您提供了启用多个作者的选项。 这些作者当然需要首先注册,然后他们才可以发布已经存在于万维网上的链接。 使用Pligg CMS构建网站的最吸引人的功能是,它允许所有作者控制网站上发布的内容。 这也称为“用户驱动的CMS”,它仅取决于作者的活动和发布的文章的管理。

Pligg CMS的功能 (Features of Pligg CMS)

表决 (Voting)

It offers a capability for users to vote the links in various ways which have been posted by other users. The users gets a vote button for voting the published articles based on their preferences. It also, makes use of the Five Star Voting, wherein the users vote count increments on the average number of stars its publication receives. This is an automated process and gets displayed against the article or link.

它提供了一种功能,使用户可以通过其他用户发布的各种方式对链接进行投票。 用户将获得一个投票按钮,用于根据自己的偏好对已发布的文章进行投票。 它还利用了 “五星级投票” ,其中用户对其出版物获得的平均星级数进行投票计数增加。 这是一个自动过程,将针对文章或链接进行显示。

Pligg网站管理面板 (Pligg website Admin Panel)

Pligg用户管理 (Pligg User Management)

Despite the fact that the authors are capable of managing the content, but the websites super Admins have the complete access of the user management feature wherein they can view and edit the users using the Pligg based site. For example, if a user is involved in spamming the website, with a single click you can use the KillSpam feature that can be located under User Management for getting rid of every activity done by the user. Furthermore, you being the super admin can review the published articles and the comments, also you can check the IP that the user has used for logging in to your site. According to your trust, you can set the users status ie. God, admin etc.

尽管作者具有管理内容的事实,但是网站超级管理员具有用户管理功能的完整访问权限,其中他们可以使用基于Pligg的网站查看和编辑用户。 例如,如果用户参与向网站发送垃圾邮件,则只需单击一下,您就可以使用位于用户管理下的KillSpam功能来摆脱用户的所有活动。 此外,您作为超级管理员可以查看发布的文章和评论,还可以检查用户用于登录到您的站点的IP。 根据您的信任,您可以设置用户状态,即。 上帝,管理员等

类别分类管理 (Pligg Category Management)

This feature enables you with creating categories or subcategories. Its as easy as dragging and dropping the subcategories.

使用此功能可以创建类别或子类别。 就像拖放子类别一样简单。

修饰语言 (Pligg Language Modification)

Language modification is another offerings of the Pligg CMS which enables users to set-up a website enough ease. This feature enables the site administrators to edit almost every text that is visible on the website from just one page. This is possible due to the filters available in Pligg which allows users to enter text that you intend to replace.

语言修改是Pligg CMS的另一项产品,它使用户可以轻松地建立网站。 该功能使站点管理员可以编辑仅在一个页面上在网站上可见的几乎所有文本。 由于Pligg中提供了过滤器,因此允许用户输入要替换的文本,因此这是可能的。

备用备份 (Pligg Backup)

The feature of “File and MySQL backup” located within the admin panel enables the site administrators to take backup of the files in an instant wherein you aren’t required to log-off from the site. There are two options that the Admins can opt from a) Backup files which includes avatars and b) Take back up of just the MySQL database.

管理面板中的“ 文件和MySQL备份 ”功能使站点管理员可以在不要求您从站点注销的情况下即时备份文件。 管理员可以从以下两个选项中进行选择: a)包含化身的备份文件,以及b)仅备份MySQL数据库。

Pligg模块 (Pligg Modules)

Pligg offers the option to add or delete modules. Users can change the status by choosing to Enable or Disable from the admin panel.

Pligg提供了添加或删除模块的选项。 用户可以通过从管理面板中选择“启用”或“禁用”来更改状态。

Pligg配置 (Pligg Configuration)

Users are offered with the capability to configure site functions according to your preferences. There are multiple functions that Pligg offers its users.

用户可以根据自己的喜好配置站点功能。 Pligg为用户提供了多种功能。

对RSS的Pligg支持 (Pligg Support for RSS)

RSS Importer” one of the core features which the newbies usually prefer, it enables users to grab the feeds of popular sites and add to their Pligg based website. This can be helpful in attracting users to register. Users can select the number of fields according to their preferences of importing. By making use of the RSS Importer as a cron job, users can flood the website without the need of taking much efforts.

RSS Importer”是新手通常喜欢的核心功能之一,它使用户能够获取流行站点的提要,并将其添加到基于Pligg的网站中。 这有助于吸引用户进行注册。 用户可以根据自己的导入首选项选择字段数。 通过将RSS Importer用作cron作业,用户无需进行大量工作即可充斥网站。

Moreover, the Pligg social publishing CMS is search engine friendly which is further advantageous for attracting traffic through search engines.

此外, Pligg社交发布CMS是搜索引擎友好的,这对于通过搜索引擎吸引流量更有利。

All the packages offered by Eukhost support Pligg CMS. You can opt for choosing an Affordable web hosting package if you intend to setup a new site, whereas if you already have a site, you can think of moving to either our Cheap VPS Hosting or Cloud Hosting plans.

Eukhost提供的所有软件包均支持Pligg CMS。 如果您打算建立一个新站点,则可以选择“负担得起的网络托管”软件包,而如果您已经拥有一个站点,则可以考虑迁移到我们的“ 便宜VPS托管”或“ 云托管”计划。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/building-a-social-publishing-website/


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