

I still remember my first C in high school. It was junior year and I was at a wedding in New York when I got the notification on my phone. It was the notification that you look at, put your phone back in your pocket, wipe your eyes and check again. Is this for real? The notification said that I had finished with a C in my object-oriented programming class.

我仍然记得我上高中的第一个C。 大三那年,当我在手机上收到通知时,我正在纽约的一场婚礼上。 这是您查看的通知,将手机放回口袋中,擦拭眼睛,然后再次检查。 这是真的吗? 通知中说,我在面向对象的程序设计类中完成了C语言的编写。

Thank goodness for that because I immediately began to work as hard and smart as I could to prove the teacher who gave me the C wrong. One of the things that I wanted to accomplish was creating a Social Media Website which has now become a reality for me.

谢天谢地,因为我立即开始尽我所能地努力和聪明,以证明给我错C的老师。 我要完成的一件事是创建一个社交媒体网站,如今这已成为我的现实。

Here is how you can do the same:


The first thing I did was look for free hosting. I found the best site to do this is InfinityFree.

我做的第一件事是寻找免费托管。 我发现最好的网站是InfinityFree。

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Webpage you should be seeing

I have no affiliation with Infinity Free whatsoever, if you find another free web hosting platform then use them, but this was the one I found and worked amazing.

我与Infinity Free没有任何关系,如果您找到另一个免费的虚拟主机平台,然后使用它们,但这是我发现的一个,并且表现出色。

Once you have chosen which registrar you want to go with, hit the client area button and sign up for a free account.


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This is what you should see once logged in

Next, hit the create account button and this will take you to an area where you enter the domain name that you want. Keep in mind, they will add .epizy.com to any domain name you choose. If I choose the domain name Graycat, for example, then my actual domain name would be Graycat.epizy.com for the website. To remove this you need to pay money, but it will work for our purposes.

接下来,点击创建帐户按钮,这将带您进入您要输入域名的区域。 请记住,他们会将.epizy.com添加到您选择的任何域名中。 例如,如果我选择域名Graycat,则该网站的实际域名为Graycat.epizy.com。 要删除此邮件,您需要付款,但这将对我们有用。

Next, you enter the additional information, which is a password, and then you have finished and got your domain name. Your website will not show anything right now, which leads us straight into developing the social website.

接下来,输入其他信息(即密码),然后完成并获取您的域名。 您的网站目前无法显示任何内容,这直接引导我们开发了社交网站。

To do this, go to https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/ which has the free open source network we will be using.

为此,请访问https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/ ,该站点具有我们将使用的免费开源网络。

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Download the basic version

Once downloaded, upload it onto the hosting platform we are using, InfinityFree. Go back to the InfinityFree client area and login if you have not already. Once in, hit the blue manage button next to your domain, and you should see a menu like this pop up:

下载后,将其上传到我们使用的托管平台InfinityFree。 返回InfinityFree客户区并登录(如果尚未登录)。 进入后,点击您域旁边的蓝色管理按钮,您应该会看到一个类似以下的菜单:

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Click the File Manager button and click the htdocs folder. There will be two files in there, delete those two so there is nothing in your htdocs folder. Once this is complete, unzip the file and click the upload icon in the bottom left and hit the upload folder. The ossn should pop up, but if it does not, go into your downloads and click on the zipped ossn file, and then click on the folder ossn and it should begin uploading. The upload process will probably take 5–10 minutes, so if you are this far, take a break because you earned it.

单击文件管理器按钮,然后单击htdocs文件夹。 那里将有两个文件,请删除这两个文件,以便htdocs文件夹中没有任何文件。 完成此操作后,解压缩文件,然后单击左下方的上传图标,然后单击上传文件夹。 ossn应该会弹出,但如果没有弹出,请进入您的下载并单击压缩的ossn文件,然后单击ossn文件夹,它应该开始上载。 上传过程可能需要5到10分钟,因此,如果您已经到此为止,请稍作休息,因为您已赚到了。

Congrats on starting your journey to your own social media website!


The next step is to go to the general menu and click on your domain name in the domain names box.


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I would click on mywebsitetutorialforyou.epizy.com

This should open up a page that has multiple blue boxes and to which you continue on and then read the terms they have given. Once done, you click continue again and you will be shown a screen where you need to enter your database name, password, and other fields.

这将打开一个包含多个蓝色框的页面,您将继续该页面,然后阅读它们给出的条款。 完成后,再次单击继续,将显示一个屏幕,您需要在其中输入数据库名称,密码和其他字段。

Pay attention to this part very carefully, I have a youtube video that shows this more in-depth if needed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkbiNNCGUuY&feature=youtu.be

请非常小心地注意这一部分,我有一个youtube视频,如果需要的话,可以更深入地介绍: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkbiNNCGUuY&feature=youtu.be

Go to your control panel:


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Green button

Click on the MySQL Databases button:

单击“ MySQL数据库”按钮:

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In the New Database box type in ossn and hit create database. Once you go down, you will see your Database name, hostname, and user name under current databases. Copy and paste all of the info into the respective boxes, and you use the password under account details.

在“新建数据库”框中,键入ossn,然后单击“创建数据库”。 退出后,您将在当前数据库下看到数据库名称,主机名和用户名。 复制所有信息并将其粘贴到相应的框中,然后在帐户详细信息下使用密码。

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The last thing that you need to do is go to your file manager and go to your htdocs folder. Once there, right-click and create a new folder, and name it ossn_data. Then, go to the directory listing box and add ossn_data/ after whatever is in the box. Then continue and you will be shown an area where you create your administrator account. This is all up to you, so fill it all out and then move on. Your open source social network should now be complete. If you go to your website name and click on the folder, your website should now come up.

您需要做的最后一件事是转到文件管理器,然后转到htdocs文件夹。 到达那里后,右键单击并创建一个新文件夹,并将其命名为ossn_data。 然后,转到目录列表框,然后在框中添加ossn_data /。 然后继续,您将看到一个创建管理员帐户的区域。 这完全取决于您,因此请全部填写然后继续。 您的开源社交网络现在应该已经完成​​。 如果您转到您的网站名称并单击该文件夹,您的网站现在应该打开了。

This is what my website currently looks like:


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Obviously, the website we set up today is far from complete. There are a lot of customizations and other things that need to be done, but this is for other articles. If you need more help you can check out the youtube channel, but I will have more articles coming in the future showing how to edit and make the website much more like your own.

显然,我们今天建立的网站远未完成。 有很多自定义项和其他需要完成的工作,但这是针对其他文章的。 如果您需要更多帮助,可以查看youtube频道,但是将来我还会有更多文章介绍如何编辑和使网站更像您自己的网站。

I will also write a couple of articles on how to monetize your site and make money from it once you start getting people on your site. Stay tuned, and congratulations on your social media website.

一旦您开始吸引人们访问网站,我还将写几篇文章,介绍如何通过其网站获利并从中获利。 请继续关注,并恭喜您的社交媒体网站。

I recently started the publication Never Fear, which I put this story in. The goal is for all writers to help each other, and every day I will post a story of the day from one of you guys to help it gain more traction. I wanted more people to learn about this publication, as it is to show people different stories and interests from around the world. The Google Forms link to become a writer is here:

我最近开始发表这本书,把它放在这个故事里。我的目标是让所有作家互相帮助。每天,我都会发布你们中一个人的故事,以帮助它获得更多的关注。 我希望更多的人了解此出版物,因为这是向人们展示世界各地不同的故事和兴趣。 成为作家的Google表单链接位于:

翻译自: https://medium.com/never-fear/how-to-create-your-own-social-media-website-ba19dc0d7a0a


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