虎牙豆商赚钱技巧_如何建立赚钱会员网站的技巧 第1部分


有关如何建立赚钱会员网站的提示 (Tips on how to Build a Money-Making Membership Website)

One spectacular technique of earning online money can be to create an internet website that can help a lot of people in the site’s niche topic. Many of these exceptional web sites are often so beneficial in supplying beneficial solutions that the online surfers are usually ready to pay out a fee every month for gain access to them. In simple terms such a special website is termed as a membership website, simply because a person can register and become a paying member of the website. If you possibly could think of a strategy or perhaps business plan which will present precious content material regularly, then this can be a substantial online money-making strategy for you to consider.

赚钱的一种引人注目的技术是创建一个互联网网站,该网站可以帮助很多人关注该网站的利基主题。 这些出色的网站中的许多网站通常在提供有益的解决方案方面非常有利,以至于在线冲浪者通常准备每月支付一定费用以获取访问权限。 简单来说,这样的特殊网站被称为会员网站,仅仅是因为一个人可以注册并成为该网站的付费会员。 如果您可能想到可以定期展示宝贵内容的策略或商业计划,那么您可以考虑这是一项重要的在线赚钱策略。

You may not also have to produce the content material all by yourself. Any site having a forum or even different ways to communicate with many people from one spot can be transformed into a possible membership website. A membership site can also be private or public in nature, or it can also free to join, or can provide access to it only through paid subscriptions.

您可能也不必自己制作全部内容。 任何具有论坛甚至是从一个地点与许多人进行交流的不同方式的站点都可以转换为可能的会员网站。 成员资格网站也可以是私有或公共性质,也可以自由加入,或者只能通过付费订阅才能访问。

You might be experienced with the bigger kinds of membership sites such as MySpace, Bebo, Orkut, Facebook, as well as Twitter. Establishing as well as operating such a membership website is really a considerable job; therefore you should be cautious that you aren’t going to establishing a membership site which will need your full-time efforts throughout your lifetime.

您可能会遇到更多种类的会员网站,例如MySpace,Bebo,Orkut,Facebook和Twitter。 建立和运营这样的会员网站确实是一项艰巨的工作。 因此,您应该谨慎行事,因为您不会建立会员网站,而这将需要您一生的全职工作。

获取内容材料 (Obtaining Content Material )

To start with, you most likely must provide substantial content material. This can be in writing form, or some types of items that will be downloadable, or simply just provide advice to the members. However, if you are able to create the website with plenty of important content material and have a group of members started, then you could come up with ideas which will have that group produce its own content material.

首先,您很可能必须提供大量的内容材料。 它可以是书面形式,也可以是可下载的某些类型的项目,或者只是向成员提供建议。 但是,如果您能够创建包含大量重要内容的网站并启动一组成员,则可以提出使该组产生自己的内容的想法。

Numerous forums which are also known as discussion boards, both paid and unpaid types, produce content material every day through a large number of members who publish as well as react to each others’ ideas spontaneously. If the forum is a component of your membership website, and members appreciate how useful the information that you provide them through the membership site is, it is then possible to ask for entry or access payments, as well as get a regular income through these members.

许多论坛(也称为“讨论板”),无论是付费形式还是非付费形式,每天都会通过大量成员发布内容材料,并自发地回应彼此的想法。 如果论坛是您的会员网站的组成部分,并且会员赞赏您通过会员网站提供的信息有用,那么可以要求进入或获取付款,以及通过这些会员获得固定收入。

The major important factor of creating a successful membership site is definitely the high quality of the content material present on it. The worthiness of the content material will have to equal or even surpass the value you will be charging these members as a membership fee. This really is assessed form the viewpoint of the members, and not from your own perspective. Unless you fulfill those critical elements, you will be getting members only subscribing for a couple of months and abandoning your membership site.

创建成功的会员网站的主要重要因素肯定是网站上内容材料的高质量。 内容材料的价值必须等于或超过您向这些会员收取的会员费。 这实际上是从成员的角度评估的,而不是从您自己的角度评估的。 除非您满足这些关键要素,否则您将使会员仅订阅数月并放弃会员网站。

Just how can you create this type of membership website? You should have a couple of sections for the membership website: a public area along with a private area on the site. The actual area which is available to the general public is where you will skillfully tell the members about the importance of the exclusive area of the membership website, which can be concealed till the member pays the membership fee. Ideally the concealed area of the website should be much larger, advanced, and offers a number of techniques for enhancing your paying members’ benefits.

您如何才能创建此类会员网站? 您应该对会员网站有几个部分:公共区域和站点上的私有区域。 可以向公众公开的实际区域是您可以熟练地向会员介绍会员网站专有区域的重要性的地方,该区域可以隐藏起来,直到会员支付会员费。 理想情况下,网站的隐藏区域应该更大,更高级,并提供多种可提高您的付费会员权益的技术。

It is extremely challenging to create a highly advanced membership website where you provide all the content material as well provide high security measures so that unauthorized access is prohibited. A few websites provide software packages and in addition they demand an annual fee with regard to upgrades as well as usage of their exclusive membership website; however that has the advantage of creating a high-end software which is liked by lots of end users who are also willing to pay more money towards joining the membership website. On the website itself you have to manage access to the members only. It is tough to achieve that in a efficient way without resorting to costly commercial software which can help you achieve your goals.

创建一个高度高级的会员网站非常困难,您可以在其中提供所有内容材料以及高安全性措施,以禁止未经授权的访问。 一些网站提供软件包,此外,他们还要求收取有关升级和使用其独家会员网站的年费; 但是,这样做的好处是可以创建高端软件,该软件受到许多最终用户的青睐,他们也愿意为加入会员网站支付更多的钱。 在网站本身上,您只需要管理对成员的访问。 在不依靠可以帮助您实现目标的昂贵商业软件的情况下,很难以有效的方式实现这一目标。

门禁软件 (Access Control Software )

There are numerous access control software programs designed for such membership websites. Some can be very expensive and have lots of top-quality features, but can also find many others which are less expensive however have got fewer features.

有许多用于此类会员网站的访问控制软件程序。 有些功能可能非常昂贵,并且具有许多高质量的功能,但是也可以找到许多其他功能,它们虽然价格较低,但是功能却较少。

Your membership website should preferably have a public area, which can be only a normal website that can be structured on Joomla or perhaps WordPress, along with a protected area which is managed by a security software package such as Amember. Members can certainly visit the public area of the website and look at tours involving the concealed area, or maybe they may study information regarding the way it operates, look at fees, and read or even hear audios regarding the positive or negative recommendations from the existing paying members. After which they can subscribe to get access to the paid area where the security software like Amember software provides them entry to the concealed area of the membership website which can also include an exclusive forum.

您的会员网站应该最好有一个公共区域,它只能是可以在Joomla或WordPress上构建的普通网站,以及一个由安全软件包(如Amember)管理的受保护区域。 会员当然可以访问网站的公共区域,并进行有关隐蔽区域的游览,或者他们可以研究有关其运营方式的信息,查看费用,甚至可以阅读或收听有关现有建议的正面或负面建议的音频。付费会员。 之后,他们可以订阅以访问付费区域,在该区域中,像Amember软件这样的安全软件为他们提供了进入会员网站隐蔽区域的入口,其中还可以包括专有论坛。

为您的客户登录 (Signing In For Your Customers)

One major issue in creating a membership website such as this can be signing members into all of the different places within the site. You would like them to have the ability to sign in just once yet still have accessibility to all of the numerous restricted parts of your membership website. If there may be another more exclusive sub-forum within the paid area, then you will have to give more consideration to how only the members who have additionally paid for that part will gain secure access and not allow others who have only paid for some other areas. Programs such as Amember provides for a solution to synchronize a forum or even a Joomla website. However it is not really a straightforward process. It really is far better when you can model your website where there is just one signing up process. Such are the various considerations which need to be taken care of before creating your highly profitable membership website

创建这样的会员网站的一个主要问题是将会员签入该网站内所有不同的位置。 您希望他们能够登录一次,但仍然可以访问您的会员网站的众多受限部分。 如果在付费区域内可能还有另一个更独家的子论坛,那么您将不得不更多地考虑只有为该部分额外付费的会员才能获得安全访问权,而不允许其他仅为其他付费的会员地区。 诸如Amember之类的程序提供了同步论坛甚至Joomla网站的解决方案。 但是,这实际上不是一个简单的过程。 当您只需一个注册过程即可对网站进行建模时,这确实好得多。 这是在创建您的高利润会员网站之前需要考虑的各种注意事项

If you are able to achieve the designing and creating part of such a membership website, then even if you are not charging a bigger membership fee, the quantity of members can still help you make a large income through such a membership website. So summing it up, you can think about developing a membership website in the event you promote software as well as anticipate to get a lot of interested users of that software as members of a membership site, or should you have an interesting topic which is followed keenly by lots of online surfers then making such a membership website can bring in lots of interested members. These strategies can help you create a large group of members regularly visiting your website and also help your website make regular online income.

如果您能够实现此类会员网站的设计和创建,那么即使您不收取更高的会员费,会员数量仍然可以帮助您通过此类会员网站赚取大量收入。 综上所述,您可以考虑在开发软件的同时开发会员网站,并期望获得很多对该软件感兴趣的用户作为会员网站的成员,或者您应该关注一个有趣的话题大量的网上冲浪者热衷于此,然后建立这样的会员网站可以吸引很多感兴趣的会员。 这些策略可以帮助您创建一大批定期访问您的网站的成员,还可以帮助您的网站获得常规的在线收入。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/tips-on-how-to-build-a-money-making-membership-website-part-1/






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