uri uri_什么是URI

uri uri

什么是URI? (What is URI?)

A URI, short for Uniform Resource Identifier, is a short string identifying a resource on a network (such as a Web resource) physical or abstract syntax which meets a standard of Web development for the World Wide Web (see RFC 3986). The standard was previously known under the term IDUs.

URI(统一资源标识符)的缩写,是一个短字符串,用于标识网络上的资源(例如Web资源)的物理或抽象语法,该语法符合万维网的Web开发标准(请参阅RFC 3986)。 该标准以前在术语“ IDU”下是已知的。

The IETF was first defined in RFC 2396 based on proposals by Tim Berners-Lee (RFC 1630). Updated by RFC 2732 and revised several times under the title rfc2396bis, RFC 3986 defines the URI in January 2005.

IETF在RFC 2396中首次基于Tim Berners-Lee的提案(RFC 1630)进行了定义。 RFC 3986由RFC 2732更新并以标题rfc2396bis进行了多次修订,RFC 3986在2005年1月定义了URI。

The acronym URI is typically used to designate such a string. For example urn: ietf: rfc: 2396 is a URI identifying the RFC 2396.

首字母缩略词URI通常用于指定这样的字符串。 例如,urn:ietf:rfc:2396是标识RFC 2396的URI。

URIs are the core technology of the World Wide Web for all Web hyperlinks are expressed as URIs.


URI –原理 (URI – Principle)

A URI must identify a resource permanently, even if the resource is moved or deleted.


URI –应用 (URI – Applications)

So far the only URI URLs are finding a practical application. [Ref. needed] However, one can see the barcode as a metaphor for URI in the physical world: a bar code does not locate a product, but identifies it (although it identifies all copies of a product not each individual copy, which is the work of the serial number, which is not systematic but restricted to expensive products).

到目前为止,仅有的URI URL可以找到实际的应用程序。 [参考 但是,人们可以将条形码看作是现实世界中URI的隐喻:条形码不会定位产品,而是对其进行标识(尽管条形码标识的是产品的所有副本,而不是每个单独的副本,这是序列号,它不是系统的,但仅限于昂贵的产品)。

与URL和URN的关系 (Relationship with URLs and URNs)

A URI can be of type “locator” or “name” or both.


A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a URI that, besides the fact that it identifies a resource on a network, provides the means to act on a resource or to obtain a representation of the resource by describing its access mode Primary or “location” network. For example, the URL http://www.wikipedia.org/ is a URI that identifies a resource (Wikipedia homepage) and involves a representation of that resource (an HTML page encoded characters) can be obtained via HTTP from a network host named www.wikipedia.org.

统一资源定位符(URL)是URI,除了可以标识网络上的资源外,它还通过描述其访问模式(主要或“位置”)提供了对资源采取行动或获取资源表示的方式网络。 例如,URL http://www.wikipedia.org/是一个URI,它标识资源(Wikipedia主页)并涉及该资源的表示形式(HTML页面编码字符),可以通过HTTP从名为的网络主机获取www.wikipedia.org。

A Uniform Resource Name (URN) is a URI that identifies a resource by name in a namespace. A URN can be used to talk about a resource without prejudice to its location or how to reference it. For example, the URN urn: isbn :0-395-36341-1 is a URI that is an issue of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), can refer to a book, but does not suggest where or how to get an actual copy.

统一资源名称(URN)是URI,用于通过名称空间中的名称标识资源。 URN可以用来谈论资源,而不会影响其位置或如何引用它。 例如,URN urn:isbn:0-395-36341-1是作为国际标准书号(ISBN)发行的URI,可以引用一本书,但不建议从何处或如何获得实际书本。复制。

The current view of the working group that oversees URIs is that the terms URL and URN are context-dependent aspects of URI and that it rarely needs to distinguish between the two [3]. In technical publications, especially the standards erected by the IETF and W3C, the term URL has not been recognized for a long time because it was rarely necessary to distinguish between URLs and URIs. However, in non-technical software and the World Wide Web, the term URL is still omnipresent. Moreover, the word address, which has no formal definition, is often used in non-technical publications as synonymous with URL or URI, although generally it refers to the protocols’ http ‘and’ https ‘.

监督URI的工作组的当前观点是,URL和URN是URI的上下文相关方面,很少需要区分两者[3]。 在技​​术出版物中,尤其是IETF和W3C制定的标准中,URL一词很久以来一直未被认可,因为很少需要区分URL和URI。 但是,在非技术软件和万维网中,URL一词仍然无处不在。 而且,没有正式定义的地址一词经常在非技术出版物中用作URL或URI的同义词,尽管通常它指的是协议“ http”和“ https”。

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

URL –统一资源定位符

什么是网址? (What Is URL?)

The acronym URL (the Uniform Resource Locator), which replaces the term informally address, means a string of characters used to direct the resources of the World Wide Web: HTML document, image, sound, Usenet, mailbox, etc.. URLs are a subset of uniform resource identifiers (URI), the only URI have found practical application [ref. necessary]. The format (syntax) of a URL is described in RFC 3986.

URL的缩写(Uniform Resource Locator,统一资源定位符)代替了非正式地址一词,是指用于指示万维网资源的字符串,包括HTML文档,图像,声音,Usenet,邮箱等。URL是一个统一资源标识符(URI)的子集,唯一的URI已发现实用。 必要]。 URL的格式(语法)在RFC 3986中描述。

网址 (Web address)

Since the URLs have been designed for the web and they are used to identify pages and websites, they are also called web addresses. The article on the web addresses on the identity of websites and the technical, economic and legal related, and different translations in French acronym URL.

由于URL是为Web设计的,并且用于标识页面和网站,因此也称为网址。 网络上的文章介绍了网站的身份以及与技术,经济和法律相关的内容,以及法语首字母缩写URL的不同翻译。

This article describes the URLs as a standard technique: all the forms they may take, especially for pointing out the Web resources, as well as key technical purposes.


URL Uses


The URLs have been invented in order to indicate with a notation (hence the adjective “uniform”) to web browsers how to access all Internet resources.


超连结 (Hyperlinks)

Each link of the web is built with the URL of the resource pointed, inserted with a certain syntax in a source document (or a program or a user interface) that contains it to indicate the location of another resource (a document ) or fragment resource (an anchor target in that other document). When an active link, the browser may submit its URL in the status bar (see below for the “address bar”).

Web的每个链接都是使用指向的资源的URL构建的,并以某种语法插入到包含它的源文档(或程序或用户界面)中,以指示另一个资源(文档)或片段资源的位置。 (该其他文档中的定位目标)。 当处于活动链接状态时,浏览器可以在状态栏中提交其URL(请参见下面的“地址栏”)。

A hyperlink can also be constructed externally to the document itself, in a database referencing all pairs (URL source, URL target) between an area activated a source document and an anchor target in a document (which may be the same as the source document containing the activated area).


The link can also be constructed in reverse, by inserting the target document in the URL of the source area.


地址栏 (Address bar)

Each browser has an “address bar” displaying the URL of the resource accessed. It is also possible to enter a URL into the address bar to access a resource that we know the URL.

每个浏览器都有一个“地址栏”,显示所访问资源的URL。 也可以在地址栏中输入URL,以访问我们知道该URL的资源。

If the media allows it, you can also find the URL to a link by moving the mouse over the image or the appropriate text. The URL can then be presented in a tray or an information bubble.

如果媒体允许,还可以通过将鼠标移到图像或适当的文本上来找到链接的URL。 然后可以在托盘或信息提示框中显示URL。

浏览记录 (Browsing History)

Web browsers keep a history of visited URL. This allows them to recognize and present distinctively hyperlinks to resources already consulted.

Web浏览器保留访问URL的历史记录。 这使他们能够识别并呈现与已查询资源的超链接。

Favorite pages


Just a web browser to keep the URL of a resource to provide a list of favorites (or bookmarks). When as a resource exists, browsers also retain, which displays the title of a page rather than the URL.

只是一个Web浏览器,用于保留资源的URL以提供收藏夹(或书签)的列表。 当存在资源时,浏览器也会保留,它显示页面标题而不是URL。



A URL is a string combining the information necessary to tell software how to access an Internet resource. This information may include the communication protocol, a user name, password, IP address or domain name, port number TCP / IP, a path, a query.

URL是一个字符串,其中包含告诉软件如何访问Internet资源所必需的信息。 此信息可能包括通信协议,用户名,密码,IP地址或域名,端口号TCP / IP,路径,查询。

The information needed will vary depending on the resource and context of use of the URL. In addition a fragment identifier may be added at the end of a URL to identify an item within the resource. Although the fragment identifier does not formally part of the URL, it is also described in this section and technical standards.

所需的信息将取决于URL的资源和使用上下文。 另外,可以在URL的末尾添加片段标识符,以标识资源中的项目。 尽管片段标识符不是URL的正式组成部分,但在本节和技术标准中也对此进行了描述。

绝对网址 (Absolute URL)

An absolute URL is used to specify how to access a resource independently of any context where it can be specified or transmitted. It begins with an indication of a representation scheme (specific communication protocol used to access this resource), followed by all the parameters for locating the network service hosting the resource, and allows to specify this service on behalf of a resource to treat, transmit data processing, routing and retrieval of data, then specify how much of that may result will be used.

绝对URL用于指定如何独立于可以指定或传输资源的任何上下文来访问资源。 它从表示方案(用于访问此资源的特定通信协议)的指示开始,然后是用于定位承载该资源的网络服务的所有参数,并允许代表资源指定此服务以处理,传输数据处理,路由和检索数据,然后指定将使用多少结果。

相对网址 (Relative URL)

The protocols using a hierarchical path allow the use of relative URLs. A relative URL does not contain any protocol or domain name. These are deducted from the URL of the resource containing the relative URL.

使用分层路径的协议允许使用相对URL。 相对URL不包含任何协议或域名。 这些是从包含相对URL的资源的URL中扣除的。

Relative URLs are frequently used for hyperlinks within the same website. If the document contains the URL relative URL http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web Navigator, this corresponds to http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navigateur. Relative URLs are directly inspired by the syntax of UNIX file systems. The use of relative URLs allows you to copy an entire web site on another Web server without having to change the URL.

相对URL通常用于同一网站内的超链接。 如果文档包含URL相对URL http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web Navigator,则对应于http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navigateur。 相对URL直接受UNIX文件系统语法的启发。 使用相对URL允许您在另一个Web服务器上复制整个网站,而不必更改URL。



*. / Is the current folder; * .. / Is the parent folder; * / Matches the root folder.

*。 /是当前文件夹; * .. /是父文件夹; * /匹配根文件夹。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-uri/

uri uri





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