互联网边缘部分 核心部分_什么是互联网| 第1部分

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什么是互联网? (What Is An Internet?)

Internet is the global computer network that makes publicly available a variety of services such as email, instant messaging and the World Wide Web, using the communication protocol IP (Internet protocol). Its technical architecture is based on a hierarchy of networks, which implies a de facto non-centralization, earned it the nickname of network of networks.

互联网是一种全球计算机网络,它使用通信协议IP(Internet协议)向公众公开提供各种服务,例如电子邮件,即时消息和万维网。 它的技术体系结构基于网络的层次结构,这意味着事实上的非集中化,使其赢得了网络网络的绰号。

Internet has been popularized by the advent of the World Wide Web, the two are sometimes confused by the uninformed public. The World Wide Web, however, is that one of Internet applications.

互联网的出现已使Internet普及化,这两者有时被不知情的公众所混淆。 但是,万维网就是Internet应用程序之一。

Internet access can be obtained through an access provider to the Internet via various electronic media, either wired (switched telephone network (low speed), DSL, fiber to the home, etc.) or without Wireless (WiMAX, Satellite Internet, 3G etc.). An Internet user is designated by the French neologism “internet”.

可以通过各种有线或有线(交换电话网(低速),DSL,家庭光纤等)的电子媒体通过访问提供商通过Internet获得Internet访问,也可以不使用无线(WiMAX,卫星Internet,3G等)获得Internet访问。 )。 互联网用户由法国新词“互联网”指定。

互联网术语 (Internet Terminology)

The term of U.S. origin “Internet” was derived from the concept of internetting (in French: “interconnecting networks”) whose first documented use was in October 1972 by Robert E. Kahn during the first ICCC (International Conference on Computer Communications) in Washington.

美国起源的术语“互联网”源自互联网的概念(法语:“互连网络”),该文档的首次使用是在1972年10月由Robert E. Kahn在华盛顿举行的第一次ICCC(国际计算机通信会议)上进行的。 。

The exact origins of the term Internet remain to be determined. However, this is the first in January 1983 that the name “Internet”, already in use to designate all of the ARPANET and several computer networks, has become official.

互联网一词的确切来源尚待确定。 但是,这是1983年1月首次正式使用“ Internet”这个名称来指定所有ARPANET和几个计算机网络。

In English, we use a definite article and a capital letter, which gives the Internet. This usage is that “Internet” is by far the largest network the largest “internet” world, and therefore, as a single object, designated by a proper name. Internet (with a common name lowercase “i”) is a term of British origin used to describe a network of interconnecting multiple computer networks using routers.

在英语中,我们使用定冠词和大写字母表示互联网。 这种用法是,“ Internet”是迄今为止最大的网络,也是最大的“ internet”世界,因此,作为单个对象,用专有名称指定。 互联网(俗称小写的“ i”)是英国起源的术语,用于描述使用路由器互连多个计算机网络的网络。

A publication in the Official Journal of the French Republic indicates to use the word “internet” as a common name, that is to say not capitalized [ref. necessary]. The academy recommends French say “the internet” [ref. necessary]. There is controversy on the issue between the supporters of the terms “Internet”, “Internet” and “Internet”.

法兰西共和国官方杂志上的出版物指出,使用“互联网”一词作为通用名称,即不使用大写字母。 必要]。 该学院建议法语说“互联网” [ref。 必要]。 在“ Internet”,“ Internet”和“ Internet”这两个术语的支持者之间存在争议。

The memos that Licklider of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) wrote in July 1962 were the earliest texts describing the social interactions that are possible with a network of computers. This would include facilitating communication between researchers of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

麻省理工学院(MIT)的利克利德(Licklider)于1962年7月撰写的备忘录是最早描述计算机网络可能发生的社交互动的文字。 这将包括促进国防高级研究计划局(DARPA)研究人员之间的交流。

In October 1962, Licklider was the first head of computer research program at DARPA. He persuaded his successors Ivan Sutherland, Bob Taylor, and MIT researcher Lawrence G. Roberts’s interest in computer networks.

1962年10月,Licklider是DARPA的第一位计算机研究程序主管。 他说服了他的继任者Ivan Sutherland,Bob Taylor和MIT研究员Lawrence G. Roberts对计算机网络的兴趣。

In 1961, Leonard Kleinrock of MIT published the first theoretical text on telecommunications packet and in 1964 he published the first book on the subject.

1961年,麻省理工学院的伦纳德·克莱因洛克(Leonard Kleinrock)发表了有关电信分组的第一篇理论文章,并于1964年出版了有关该主题的第一本书。

In 1965, Roberts and Thomas Merrill tested a first computer connection to long distance, between Massachusetts and California. The result showed that computers could work together remotely, but the mode of telecommunication by establishing circuit telephone system was inadequate. The concept of communication packets Kleinrock won the race.

1965年,Roberts和Thomas Merrill测试了马萨诸塞州和加利福尼亚之间的第一个长距离计算机连接。 结果表明,计算机可以远程协同工作,但是通过建立电路电话系统进行电信的方式是不够的。 通信数据包的概念Kleinrock赢得了比赛。

In 1966, Roberts was hired by Taylor to DARPA to develop the ARPANET. He published the plans in 1967. Introducing the text, he saw two other groups of researchers working independently on the same subject: a group of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) of the United Kingdom with Donald Davies and Roger Scantlebury, and a group of RAND Paul Barran.

1966年,泰勒斯(Robert Taylor)将罗伯茨(Roberts)聘请为DARPA,以开发ARPANET。 他于1967年发布了这些计划。在介绍该案文时,他看到另外两组研究人员在同一主题上独立工作:一组由唐纳德·戴维斯(Donald Davies)和罗杰·斯坎特伯里(Roger Scantlebury)组成的英国国家物理实验室(NPL),另一组是兰德·保罗·巴兰。

Between 1962 and 1965, the RAND group had reviewed the packet for the U.S. military. The goal was to maintain communications in case of attack (possibly nuclear), that allows a packet in a non-centralized network. It was an independent development of the ARPANET: although probably robust to such an attack, ARPANET has yet been designed to facilitate communications between researchers. The report of Paul Baran remained purely theoretical, and is quickly forgotten. But the myth of “ARPANET as the last bulwark against a nuclear attack” finds its origin here.

在1962年至1965年之间,兰德小组对美军的小包装进行了审查。 目的是在发生攻击(可能是核攻击)的情况下保持通信,从而允许数据包在非集中式网络中进行。 它是ARPANET的独立开发:尽管可能对这种攻击具有鲁棒性,但ARPANET仍旨在促进研究人员之间的通信。 保罗·巴兰(Paul Baran)的报告纯属理论,很快就被人们遗忘了。 但是“ ARPANET是对抗核攻击的最后堡垒”的神话源于此。

Meanwhile, the British National Physical Laboratory, the team had progressed Donald Davies: NPL Network, the first mesh network based on the transmission of datagrams (packets) was functional. But the history of the Internet has not been written by Europeans: ARPANET is now official origin of the Internet.

同时,英国国家物理实验室的团队对Donald Davies进行了改进:NPL网络是第一个基于数据报(数据包)传输的网状网络。 但是Internet的历史并不是欧洲人写的:ARPANET现在是Internet的正式起源。

In August 1968, DARPA agreed to fund the development of computers to handle packets of ARPANET. This development was given in December to a group of the firm Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) in Boston. The latter worked with Bob Kahn on the network architecture. Roberts improved topological and economic aspects of the network.

1968年8月,DARPA同意资助用于处理ARPANET数据包的计算机的开发。 这项发展在12月授予了位于波士顿的Bolt,Beranek和Newman(BBN)公司。 后者与Bob Kahn合作开发了网络架构。 Roberts改进了网络的拓扑和经济方面。

In September 1969, BBN installed the first unit at UCLA worked Kleinrock. The second node of the network was installed at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where Douglas Engelbart was working on a hypertext project. Two additional nodes were added with the University of Santa Barbara and the University of Utah. In late 1969, ARPANET had thus four nodes.

1969年9月,BBN在UCLA的Kleinrock安装了第一台机组。 网络的第二个节点安装在斯坦福研究所(SRI),道格拉斯·恩格尔巴特(Douglas Engelbart)在该处从事超文本项目。 圣塔芭芭拉大学和犹他大学分别增加了两个节点。 1969年末,ARPANET具有四个节点。

The Network Working Group (NWG) led by Steve Crocker finished the communication protocol peer-to-peer ASC in December 1970. This protocol was adopted between 1971 and 1972 by the site connected to ARPANET. This enabled the development of applications by network users.

由史蒂夫·克罗克(Steve Crocker)领导的网络工作组(NWG)在1970年12月完成了对等ASC通信协议。该协议在1971年至1972年之间被连接到ARPANET的站点采用。 这使网络用户可以开发应用程序。

In 1972, Ray Tomlinson devised the first major application: e-mail. In October 1972, Kahn organized the first large-scale demonstration of the ARPANET at the International Computer Communication Conference (ICCC). It was the first public demonstration.

1972年,雷·汤姆林森(Ray Tomlinson)设计了第一个主要应用程序:电子邮件。 1972年10月,卡恩在国际计算机通信会议(ICCC)上组织了ARPANET的首次大规模演示。 这是第一次公开示威。

The concept of Internet ARPANET was born. The idea was to allow the connection between different networks: ARPANET, communication with satellites, communications by radio. This idea was introduced by Kahn in 1972 under the name of Internetting. The ARPANET NCP protocol does not allow guests to send off the ARPANET or correct possible transmission errors. Kahn decided therefore to develop a new protocol, which eventually became TCP / IP.

Internet ARPANET的概念由此诞生。 这个想法是为了允许不同网络之间的连接:ARPANET,与卫星的通信,通过无线电的通信。 这个想法由卡恩(Kahn)于1972年以互联网的名义提出。 ARPANET NCP协议不允许访客发送ARPANET或纠正可能的传输错误。 因此,卡恩决定开发一个新协议,该协议最终成为TCP / IP。

In parallel, a project inspired by ARPANET was conducted in France by Louis Pouzin: Project Cyclades. Many properties of TCP / IP have been developed earlier for the Cyclades. Pouzin and Kahn show that TCP / IP has been inspired by Cyclades.

同时,路易斯·普赞(Louis Pouzin)在法国进行了一个受ARPANET启发的项目:基克拉泽斯项目。 TCP / IP的许多属性已为Cyclades较早开发。 Pouzin和Kahn证明TCP / IP受Cyclades启发。

In 1973, Kahn asked Vint Cerf (sometimes called the father of the Internet) work with him, because deer knew the details of implementation of NCP. The first document referring to TCP is written in 1973 by Cerf: A Partial Specification of an International Transmission Protocol.

1973年,卡恩要求Vint Cerf(有时称为Internet之父)与他合作,因为鹿知道NCP的实施细节。 涉及TCP的第一份文档由Cerf于1973年撰写:《国际传输协议的部分规范》。

The original version of TCP only allowed communication by establishing a virtual circuit. It worked well for transferring files or work remotely, but was not suitable for applications like Internet telephony. TCP was then separated from IP and UDP transmissions without proposed establishment of a circuit.

TCP的原始版本仅允许通过建立虚拟电路进行通信。 它适用于传输文件或远程工作,但不适用于Internet电话等应用程序。 然后将TCP与IP和UDP传输分离,而无需提议建立电路。

In the late 1980s, NSF (National Science Foundation) which depends on the U.S. administration put up five super-powered data centers, which users could connect, regardless of where they were in the U.S.: ARPANET became so accessible on a larger scale. The system met with considerable success and, after the major upgrade (hardware and lines) in the late 1980s, opened to commercial traffic in the early 1990s.

在1980年代后期,取决于美国政府的NSF(国家科学基金会)建立了五个超级数据中心,无论用户身在美国何处,用户都可以连接它们:ARPANET变得如此大规模。 该系统取得了相当大的成功,并在1980年代后期进行了重大升级(硬件和生产线)之后,于1990年代初开始向商业流量开放。

The early 1990s marked, in fact, the birth of the Internet as we know it today: the Web, a set of HTML pages by combining text, links, images, addressable via a URL and accessible via HTTP. These standards, developed at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee quickly became popular thanks to development at NCSA by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina of the first media browser Mosaic.

实际上,1990年代初期标志着我们今天所知道的Internet的诞生:Web是一组通过组合文本,链接,图像,可通过URL寻址和可通过HTTP访问HTML页面。 由于第一位媒体浏览器Mosaic的马克·安德森(Marc Andreessen)和埃里克·比纳(Eric Bina)在NCSA的开发,这些由Tim Berners-Lee在CERN开发的标准Swift流行起来。

In January 1992, the Internet Society (ISOC) was founded with the aim to promote and coordinate developments on the Internet. The year 1993 saw the appearance of the first Web browser or browser (browser), that supported the text and images. That same year, the National Science Foundation (NSF) mandates a company to register domain names.

1992年1月,互联网协会(ISOC)成立,旨在促进和协调互联网的发展。 1993年,出现了第一个支持文本和图像的Web浏览器或浏览器(浏览器)。 同年,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)要求一家公司注册域名。

互联网治理 (Internet Governance)

As defined by the Working Group on Internet Governance is meant by “Internet governance” the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society in the context of their roles respective principles, norms, rules, procedures, decisions and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.


The metadata records are important in establishing rules for access to Web resources using the Uniform Resource Identifiers (URLs that can be displayed on the navigation bar on the computer).


A number of agencies are responsible for the management of the Internet, with specific functions. They participate in the development of technical standards, allocation of domain names, IP addresses, etc.:

许多机构负责具有特定功能的Internet管理。 他们参与技术标准的开发,域名,IP地址的分配等:

  • Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), under the supervision of the Department of Commerce United States

  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) which was responsible for architectural and technical

  • Internet Society (ISOC).


In order to maintain or expand the network neutrality, but also to engage the various parties in a global dialogue on the issue of governance, the UN convened:


  • World Summit on the Information Society;

  • Forum on Internet Governance.


The management of digital resources essential to the functioning of the Internet is assigned to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), it delegates the assignment of IP address blocks and Autonomous System numbers to Regional Internet Registries.




翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-an-internet-part-1/

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