互联网边缘部分 核心部分_什么是互联网| 第2部分

互联网边缘部分 核心部分

有关互联网的法律方面 (Legal aspects regarding the Internet)

Country restricting access to the Internet, according to Reporters Without Borders. Internet law includes all laws applicable to the Internet. There is no specific right to the Internet, but rather an application of law to the Internet, but with the onset of development of certain national laws to take into account its characteristics (e.g., in France: Law for confidence in the digital economy (LCEN) of 21 June 2004).

据《无国界记者》报道,限制访问互联网的国家。 互联网法律包括适用于互联网的所有法律。 互联网没有特定的权利,而是对互联网适用法律,但是随着某些国家法律的发展而开始考虑到其特点(例如,在法国:对数字经济充满信心的法律(LCEN (2004年6月21日)。

According to Benjamin Bayart, activist network neutrality, the Constitutional Council’s opinion issued June 10, 2009 [note 1] confirms that “the Internet is essential to the exercise of freedom of expression”.

维权人士网络中立者本杰明·贝亚特(Benjamin Bayart)表示,宪法委员会于2009年6月10日发表的意见[注1]确认“互联网对于行使言论自由至关重要”。

The application of the law on the Internet is difficult for two main reasons:


  • The Internet is international, and the law is generally national.

  • Under cover of the Internet, it is often difficult to identify users, and thus responsible for breaches.


Internet raises particular questions of law relating to intellectual property (copyright, trademarks, etc.). The right of the press and publications (press offenses, slander, defamation, incitement to racial hatred, etc.), the right to the image, but also from the web development business, right of publicity, trade law, etc.

互联网提出了有关知识产权(版权,商标等)的特定法律问题。 新闻出版权(新闻违法,诽谤,诽谤,煽动种族仇恨等),图像权,但也包括网络开发业务的图像权,宣传权,贸易法等。

科技类 (Tech)

Transit IP traffic between a computer and a server. Each router directs traffic to a neighboring router nearest the destination. Internet is made up of many networks around the world and interconnected. Each network is connected to a separate entity (university, provider of Internet access, military) and is associated with a unique identifier called Autonomous System (AS) used by the routing protocol BGP.

在计算机和服务器之间传输IP通信。 每个路由器将流量引向最接近目的地的邻居路由器。 互联网由遍布全球的许多网络组成。 每个网络都连接到一个单独的实体(大学,互联网访问提供商,军事机构),并与路由协议BGP使用的唯一标识符(称为自治系统(AS))相关联。

To communicate with them, the networks share business data, either by establishing a direct connection, either by being attached to a node exchange (peering point). These exchanges may be limited to traffic between their respective users (so-called peering) or include the traffic of others (this is called transit agreement). An operator that provides Internet transit service to other ISPs is called carrier. These peering agreements are free, they are not subject to regulation by a central authority.

为了与它们进行通信,网络可以通过建立直接连接,也可以通过连接到节点交换机(对等点)来共享业务数据。 这些交换可能仅限于其各自用户之间的流量(所谓的对等),也可能包括其他用户的流量(这称为转接协议)。 向其他ISP提供Internet传输服务的运营商称为运营商。 这些对等协议是免费的,不受中央机构的管制。

Each network is connected to one or more other networks. When data must be transmitted from one computer to another belonging to a different AS, it must then determine the path to make among the networks. Routers responsible for traffic between AS usually have to complete routing table over 330,000 routes in 2010 [6], and forward traffic to a neighboring router and closer to the destination after consulting their routing table.

每个网络都连接到一个或多个其他网络。 当必须将数据从一台计算机传输到属于不同AS的另一台计算机时,它必须确定在网络之间建立的路径。 负责AS之间流量的路由器通常必须在2010年完成超过330,000条路由的路由表[6],并在查询其路由表后将流量转发到邻近的路由器并靠近目的地。

Israeli researchers from the University of Bar-Ilan said after analyzing the nodes connecting all the sites the Internet is a network jellyfish. They define it as having a heart densely connected to a host of other websites that are linked together by the heart, like a mesh fractal structure. This zone allows 70% of the network to stay connected without passing through the heart. The researchers therefore suggest that area as a runway to relieve congestion, better sharing sites in this area.

来自巴伊兰大学的以色列研究人员说,在分析了连接所有站点的节点之后,互联网就是一个网络水母。 他们将其定义为心脏紧密地连接到由心脏链接在一起的许多其他网站,例如网状分形结构。 该区域允许70%的网络保持连接,而无需经过心脏。 因此,研究人员建议将该区域作为缓解拥堵的跑道,更好地共享该区域的站点。

互联网连接-公共 (Internet Connections — public)

To access the Internet must have an IP device and a connection to an ISP. For this, the user uses the following hardware and software:

要访问Internet,必须具有IP设备和与ISP的连接。 为此,用户使用以下硬件和软件:

  • A personal computer or other terminal equipment of a network:

  1. PDA

  2. Video Game Consoles

  3. Mobile

  • A channel of communication to the ISP:

  1. Fiber

  2. Fixed Phone Line: analog line, xDSL

  3. No Phone Line Mobile: 3G +, 3G, Edge, GPRS, GSM (CSD)

    没有电话线移动:3G +,3G,Edge,GPRS,GSM(CSD)
  4. Satellite Internet

  5. Wi-Fi

  • A system (software / hardware) client for the network protocol (PPP, PPPoX, Ethernet, ATM, etc.).

  • An Internet service provider (ISP) (in English ISP Internet Service Provider)


Software is, they needed to exploit the Internet following uses:


  • Email: client SMTP and POP (or POP3) or IMAP (or IMAP4)

  • File transfer: a client or an FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

  • World Wide Web: a Web browser

  • Peer to peer: one of the many P2P software according to usage (file sharing peer to peer, distributed computing, P2P VoIP, etc.).

    点对点:根据使用情况的众多P2P软件之一(文件共享对等,分布式计算,P2P VoIP等)。

互联网协议 (Internet Protocols)

Internet operates on a layered model, similar to the OSI model. Items belonging to the same layers using a communication protocol for exchanging information. A protocol is a set of rules that define a language to communicate to multiple computers. They are defined by open standards, RFCs. Each protocol has specific functions, and together they provide a range of ways to respond to the multiplicity and diversity of needs on the Internet.

Internet在类似于OSI模型的分层模型上运行。 属于同一层的项目使用通信协议进行信息交换。 协议是定义用于与多台计算机通信的语言的一组规则。 它们由开放标准RFC定义。 每个协议都有特定的功能,并且它们一起提供了多种方法来响应Internet上的多样性和多样性。

主要的是: (The main ones are:)

IP (Internet Protocol) is also called IPv4: network protocol that defines how elementary exchange between participating computers to the network by giving them a unique address on the network.


TCP: responsible for establishing the connection and transmission control. It is a protocol for reliable delivery. It ensures that the recipient has received the data, instead of UDP.

TCP:负责建立连接和传输控制。 这是可靠交付的协议。 它确保收件人已接收数据,而不是UDP。

  • HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) protocol used for loading web pages.

  • HTTPS: HTTP over for navigation in safe mode.

    HTTPS:HTTP over,用于在安全模式下导航。
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol used for transferring files over the Internet.

  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mode of exchange of electronic mail sent.

  • POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3): mode of exchange of electronic mail reception.

  • IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol): Another method of exchanging electronic mail.

  • IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol instant discussion.

  • NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) message transfer protocol used by Usenet

  • SSL or TLS secure transaction protocols, used mostly for payment.

  • UDP: to communicate, but are not reliable yet light, in small packets.

  • DNS (Domain Name System): Internet name resolution.

  • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) control protocol of IP.


Following the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses on IPv6 was developed. It has a huge address space. Besides the transfer between two points, routers must be able to exchange routing information. An IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) and EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) as BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) meet this need.

随着IPv4上的IPv4地址耗尽,人们开始了开发。 它具有巨大的地址空间。 除了两点之间的传输外,路由器还必须能够交换路由信息。 作为BGP(边界网关协议)的IGP(内部网关协议)和EGP(外部网关协议)可以满足此需求。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-an-internet-part-2/

互联网边缘部分 核心部分

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