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If you want to spend some of your night laughing until you cry, these stand-up comedians will surely do that. There’s a comedian on Netflix for everyone’s taste. These are the 10 best original stand-up comedies you can stream on Netflix right now.

如果您想度过一整夜直到大哭,这些站立的喜剧演员一定会这么做。 Netflix上有个喜剧演员可以满足每个人的口味。 这些是您现在可以在Netflix上流式传输的10种最佳原创脱口秀喜剧。

阿齐兹·安萨里(Aziz Ansari):现在 (Aziz Ansari: Right Now)

Aziz Ansari Right Now

Aziz Ansari’s Right Now is a comedy special where he explains his take on the social climate, his family, and more. Ansari talks about the allegations he received in 2019 and how he dealt with the hate. There are some profound moments in this special, but that doesn’t take away from all the great jokes throughout.

阿齐兹·安萨里(Aziz Ansari)的当下》( Right Now)是一部喜剧特别节目,他在其中解释了他对社交气候,他的家人以及其他方面的看法。 安萨里谈到了他在2019年收到的指控以及他如何处理仇恨。 在这个特别节目中有一些深刻的时刻,但这并不能消除所有伟大的笑话。

Dave Chappelle:棍棒和石头 (Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones)

Dave Chappelle Sticks & Stones

Dave Chappelle has always been a comedian who throws jokes at everyone, and Sticks & Stones is no exception. Chappelle takes on gun culture, celebrity scandals, the opioid crisis, and everything in between. He’ll have you laughing until you cry, and you’ll want to stick around for the Epilogue to get a real insight at Chappelle’s comedy.

戴夫·切珀(Dave Chappelle)一直都是喜剧演员,向每个人开玩笑,《 简装史》(Sticks&Stones )也不例外。 Chappelle负责枪支文化,名人丑闻,阿片类药物危机以及两者之间的所有事务。 他会一直让你笑直到哭出来,而你会想在《结语》中徘徊,以真正了解Chappelle的喜剧。

约翰·穆兰尼(John Mulaney):《华丽的孩子》 (John Mulaney: Kid Gorgeous)

John Mulaney Kid Gorgeous

The third of his stand-up comedies, Kid Gorgeous is one of the best specials you can catch on Netflix. John Mulaney tells hilarious stories about his upbringing, including the church, his family, and a quirky detective by the name of J. J. Bittenbinder. Learn all about street smarts in this great comedy stand-up by Mulaney.

他的脱口秀喜剧中的第三个喜剧片《华丽的小子》是您可以在Netflix上看到的最好的特别节目之一。 约翰·穆拉尼(John Mulaney)讲述了有关他成长的有趣故事,包括教堂,他的家人和一个名叫JJ Bittenbinder的古怪侦探。 在Mulaney的精彩喜剧单口相声中,全面了解街头智慧。

Ricky Gervais:人性化 (Ricky Gervais: Humanity)

Ricky Gervais Humanity

As we can all imagine, Ricky Gervais does not hold back when it comes to calling out people. In Humanity, he does all that and more, with celebrity problems, a sensitive society, and mortality. His humor style is similar to Dave Chappelle’s, with a British twist on all of his jokes.

众所周知,瑞奇·格维瓦(Ricky Gervais)在呼吁人们时并没有退缩。 在《 人文》杂志中 ,他所做的所有事情都涉及名人问题,敏感的社会和死亡率。 他的幽默风格与Dave Chappelle相似,他的所有笑话都带有英国特色。

杰里·塞恩费尔德(Jerry Seinfeld):要杀死的23小时 (Jerry Seinfeld: 23 Hours to Kill)

Jerry Seinfeld 23 Hours to Kill

23 Hours to Kill is a special that follows longtime comedian Jerry Seinfeld as he discusses the mundane things of life. Seinfeld talks about the way things used to be, and he uses modern examples to reminisce about the old days. Get a grip on the small things in life, and listen as he makes a joke about the little things.

喜剧演员杰里·塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld)讨论生活中的世俗事物之后,他特别喜欢《 23小时要杀人》 。 塞恩费尔德(Seinfeld)谈论事物过去的样子,并用现代的例子来回忆过去。 抓住生活中的小事,听他开玩笑讲小事。

泰勒·汤姆林森(Taylor Tomlinson):四分之一生命危机 (Taylor Tomlinson: Quarter-Life Crisis)

Taylor Tomlinson Quarter-Life Crisis

A mid-20s comedian takes her life and makes it into a stand-up special in Quarter-Life Crisis. Taylor Tomlinson is an open book as she talks about her life and how she sees herself not going anywhere. Tomlinson spends the whole hour talking about how the world is these days, and she takes it light-hearted, so others understand her view.

20多岁的喜剧演员将自己的生命带入了《 生活季危机》中的特别表演。 泰勒·汤姆林森(Taylor Tomlinson)是一本公开的书,讲述了自己的生活以及她如何看待自己。 汤姆林森(Tomlinson)花了整整一整天的时间谈论当今世界的状况,她对世界保持轻松的态度,以便其他人理解她的观点。

凯文·哈特(Kevin Hart):不负责任 (Kevin Hart: Irresponsible)

Kevin Hart Irresponsible

Irresponsible by Kevin Hart is all about how his year has gone, and what has unraveled due to his behavior. He covers everything from his three children, his second marriage, and the journeys he’s been on throughout his lift. Hart covers all of his bases while also making you laugh at the crazy things he’s done.

对于凯文·哈特(Kevin Hart)而言, 不负责任的事关他的过去如何,以及由于他的举止而导致的失败。 他涵盖了他的三个孩子,他的第二次婚姻以及他在整个电梯过程中所经历的所有旅程。 哈特涵盖了他的所有基地,同时还让你对他所做的疯狂事情大笑。

Ronny Chieng:Asain喜剧演员摧毁美国 (Ronny Chieng: Asain Comedian Destroys America)

Ronny Chieng Asian Comedian Destroys America

Ronny Chieng takes the stage to tackle what is the modern American world and what it means to be “truly American.” Asian Comedian Destroys America picks apart politics, Asian identity, America, and more throughout this special. His jokes are incredibly relatable, and the lightness of his jokes make it easy to laugh at.

Ronny Chieng登上舞台,探讨什么是现代美国世界,以及成为“真正的美国人”意味着什么。 亚洲喜剧演员“毁灭美国”从政治,亚洲身份,美国等各个方面入手。 他的笑话令人难以置信,而轻松的笑话使他很容易被嘲笑。

塞思·罗根(Seth Rogen)的慈善热闹 (Seth Rogen’s Hilarity for Charity)

Seth Rogan's Hilarity For Charity

Seth Rogen’s Hilarity for Charity brings in the talents of Nick Kroll, Jeff Goldblum, Chelsea Peretti, and more to have you continuously rolling. With more than 10 comedic geniuses in one room, there is a comedy style for everyone to enjoy throughout this special that was made to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s disease.

塞思·罗根(Seth Rogen)的慈善慈善活动 ( Hilarity for Charity)吸引了尼克·克罗尔(Nick Kroll),杰夫·戈德布鲁姆(Jeff Goldblum),切尔西·佩雷蒂(Chelsea Peretti)等人才,使您不断滚动。 一间屋子里有10多个喜剧天才,每个人都可以享受喜剧风格,这是为了提高人们对阿尔茨海默氏病的认识而制作的。

伯伯纳姆:快乐 (Bo Burnham: Make Happy)

Bo Burnham Make Happy

Make Happy is a comedic special by Bo Burnham as he takes on deep hitting questions. Burnham covers topics that range from life, death, sexuality, mental illness, and more, in a performance-like stand-up. A mixture of jokes, skits, music, and more makes this hour-long show an extraordinary watch for all to see.

《让快乐》是博伯纳姆(Bo Burnham)提出的热门喜剧喜剧片。 伯纳姆(Burnham)以与表演类似的站立姿势涵盖生活,死亡,性,精神疾病等主题。 这场长达一个小时的节目融合了笑话,短剧,音乐等等,这是一个众人皆知的非凡腕表。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/675301/10-best-netflix-original-stand-up-comedies/





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