jitsi meet_如何在Google Meet中使其他人静音

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Google Meet Hero Image

While taking part in a video conference using Google Meet, formerly known as Hangouts Meet, sometimes other people’s video feeds become too noisy or bothersome. Perhaps they stepped away to quiet a barking dog, or they are interrupting and need to be moderated. In that case, you can mute their microphone. Here’s how.

在使用Google Meet(以前称为环聊聚会)参加视频会议时,有时其他人的视频馈送变得过于嘈杂或烦人。 也许他们走开了,以使吠叫的狗安静下来,或者他们正在打扰,需要加以控制。 在这种情况下,您可以使他们的麦克风静音。 这是如何做。

在Google Meet中对其他人进行静音的规则 (The Rules of Muting Others in Google Meet)

In the wrong context, muting someone else in Google Meet could be taken the wrong way. So, before you do it, be sure you know exactly how the feature works. Here are some pointers:

在错误的情况下,在Google Meet中静音其他人可能是错误的方法。 因此,在执行此操作之前,请确保您确切了解该功能的工作原理。 这里有一些指针:

  • Anyone in a Google Meet conference can mute anyone else.

    Google Meet会议中的任何人都可以使其他人静音。
  • If you mute someone, no one in the conference will be able to hear them.

  • When you mute someone, everyone will be notified that you have muted the person.

  • You cannot unmute someone once they have been muted. They have to unmute themselves. Google says this is for privacy reasons.

    一旦某人被静音,您将无法对其取消静音。 他们必须取消静音。 Google表示这是出于隐私原因。

如何在Google Meet中静音 (How to Mute Someone in Google Meet)

If you understand the potential social risks and still want to go for it, here is how to mute someone. This method works on Mac, PC, iPad, or Android, which are all laid out in a similar way.

如果您了解潜在的社会风险并且仍然想要继续前进,那么这里就是使某人静音的方法。 此方法适用于Mac,PC,iPad或Android,它们的布局均类似。

First, click or tap on the People icon in the top right portion of the Google Meet window.

首先,点击或点击Google Meet窗口右上方的人脉图标。

Google Meet click people icon

A menu that lists the meeting, participants will open up on the right side of the window. Click or tap on the name of the person you want to mute.

列出会议的菜单,与会人员将在窗口右侧打开。 单击或点击您要静音的人的名字。

Google Meet Click Person you want to mute

Three icons will pop up below the person’s name on the list. Tap on the middle icon, which looks like a microphone.

列表中此人的名字下方将弹出三个图标。 点按看起来像麦克风的中间图标。

Google Meet Click Mute Button

A warning will pop up reminding you that doing this will mute the person for everyone in the call and that the person you are muting is the only one who can unmute themselves.


If you want to go ahead and mute them, click or tap on the “Mute” button.


Google Meet Mute Warning

The person’s microphone will be turned off (muted), and everyone in the meeting will be notified. Remember, only the person that has been muted can unmute themselves.

此人的麦克风将关闭(静音),并将通知会议中的所有人。 请记住,只有被静音的人才能取消静音。

如果您被Google Meet忽略了怎么办 (What To Do If You Have Been Muted in Google Meet)

If you’ve been muted by someone else in the meeting, no one can hear you talk, and your microphone icon will appear red or crossed out. Luckily, you can turn your microphone back on by clicking or tapping the microphone icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

如果您在会议中被其他人静音,则没人能听到您的讲话,并且您的麦克风图标将显示为红色或划掉。 幸运的是,您可以通过单击或点击屏幕底部工具栏中的麦克风图标来重新打开麦克风。

(If the toolbar isn’t visible, hover your cursor over the bottom edge of the Google Meet window, or tap there, to bring it up.)

(如果工具栏不可见,请将光标悬停在Google Meet窗口的底部边缘上,或点击此处以将其调出。)

Click microphone button to unmute in Google Meet

You can now resume speaking/singing/playing the ukulele, and everyone can hear you again.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/667098/how-to-mute-other-people-in-google-meet/

jitsi meet





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