为什么Windows 10会更新太多?

Windows 10 configuring updates boot screen

Microsoft says Windows 10 is a “service,” and the company updates it frequently with security patches, bug fixes, and new features. Updates normally happen automatically in the background, so let’s demystify that: Here’s what Windows is installing and when.

微软表示Windows 10是一项“服务” ,该公司经常通过安全补丁,错误修复和新功能对其进行更新。 通常,更新通常在后台自动发生,因此,请揭开神秘面纱:这是Windows的安装时间。

Windows 10多久检查一次更新? (How Often Does Windows 10 Check for Updates?)

Windows Update settings on Windows 10

Windows 10 checks for updates once per day. It does this automatically in the background. Windows doesn’t always check for updates at the same time every day, varying its schedule by a few hours to ensure Microsoft’s servers aren’t overwhelmed by an army of PCs checking for updates all at once.

Windows 10每天检查一次更新。 它会在后台自动执行此操作。 Windows并不总是每天都在同一时间检查更新,而是将其计划更改几个小时以确保Microsoft的服务器不会被大量PC一次检查更新所淹没。

If Windows finds any updates, it downloads and installs them automatically.


While Windows 10 does check for updates once per day, that doesn’t mean it’s installing them every day. Microsoft doesn’t release Windows Updates every day, so Windows Update will often find no updates available and not install anything.

Windows 10确实每天检查一次更新,但这并不意味着它每天都在安装更新。 Microsoft不会每天发布Windows Update,因此Windows Update通常会发现没有可用的更新,也不会安装任何东西。

定义每天更新多次 (Definition Updates Arrive Multiple Times Per Day)

Update history showing malware definition updates on Windows 10

Microsoft’s Windows Defender application, now known as Windows Security, is an antimalware (antivirus) application built into Windows 10. It runs automatically in the background and protects your PC. If you install a different antivirus, the built-in Windows antivirus disables itself and lets your antivirus of choice work.

Microsoft的Windows Defender应用程序(现在称为Windows安全性)是Windows 10中内置的反恶意软件(防病毒)应用程序。它会在后台自动运行,并保护您的PC。 如果您安装其他防病毒软件,则内置的Windows防病毒软件会自行禁用,并让您选择的防病毒软件起作用。

Like all security applications, Microsoft’s antivirus needs regular definition updates, so it can identify and catch the latest discovered malware. These updates are small, quick, and don’t require a reboot. You won’t even notice your PC is installing them unless you open the Windows Update page in Settings and are keeping an eye on it.

与所有安全应用程序一样,Microsoft的防病毒软件也需要定期更新定义,因此它可以识别和捕获最新发现的恶意软件。 这些更新小巧,快捷,不需要重新启动。 您甚至不会注意到您的PC正在安装它们,除非您在“设置”中打开“ Windows Update”页面并一直关注它。

To check when definition updates were installed, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View Update History, scroll down, and expand “Definition Updates.”

要检查何时安装了定义更新,请转到“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows更新”>“查看更新历史记录”,向下滚动并展开“定义更新”。

You can check how often definition updates are being installed by heading to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View Update History, scrolling down, and expanding the “Definition Updates” section.

您可以转到设置>更新和安全性> Windows更新>查看更新历史记录,向下滚动并展开“定义更新”部分,以检查定义更新的安装频率。

驱动程序更新有时会到达 (Driver Updates Arrive Occasionally)

Driver update history in Windows 10's Settings

Hardware drivers are the bits of software that enable hardware devices like your sound, Wi-Fi, graphics, printer, and other PC components. Hardware manufacturers sometimes release new versions of these drivers with bug fixes or other improvements.

硬件驱动程序是使硬件设备(例如声音,Wi-Fi,图形,打印机和其他PC组件)启用的软件位。 硬件制造商有时会发布这些驱动程序的新版本,并进行错误修复或其他改进。

Windows Update also delivers hardware driver updates for your PC. Hardware manufacturers give new hardware drivers to Microsoft, and Windows Update downloads them to your PC. How often your PC receives driver updates depends on the hardware devices it contains and how often the hardware manufacturers are releasing updates.

Windows Update还为您的PC提供了硬件驱动程序更新。 硬件制造商将新的硬件驱动程序提供给Microsoft,然后Windows Update将其下载到您的PC。 您的PC多久收到一次驱动程序更新,取决于它所包含的硬件设备以及硬件制造商多久发布一次更新。

You may have to restart your PC for driver updates, depending on the driver.


A list of installed driver updates can be found under “Driver Updates” on Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View Update History.

可以在“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows更新”>“查看更新历史记录”下的“驱动程序更新”下找到已安装的驱动程序更新的列表。

每月累积更新一次 (Cumulative Updates Arrive Once Per Month)

Quality updates in Windows 10's settings

Microsoft releases a “quality update” to Windows every month on the second Tuesday of each month, which is known as “Patch Tuesday.” These are big updates that contain security fixes as well as other bug fixes. They’re called cumulative updates because they bundle a large number of fixes—even fixes from previous updates, ensuring you just have to install one big cumulative update even if your PC is off for a few months.

微软每月在每个月的第二个星期二向Windows发布“质量更新”,即“星期二补丁”。 这些是大更新,其中包含安全修复程序以及其他错误修复程序。 之所以称它们为累积更新,是因为它们捆绑了许多修补程序,甚至包括以前更新的修补程序,从而确保即使您的PC机关闭了几个月也只需要安装一个大型的累积更新。

Technically, it’s a little more complicated than this. Patch Tuesday’s cumulative update is known as a “B update” because it’s released in the second week of the month. There are also “C” and “D” updates released in the third and fourth weeks of the month. These contain bugfixes and other improvements, but you’ll only get them if you manually click the “Check for Updates” button. If you never do that, you’ll receive these bugfixes in next month’s B update on Patch Tuesday.

从技术上讲,它比这复杂一些。 补丁程序星期二的累积更新被称为“ B更新”,因为它在每月的第二周发布。 在每月的第三和第四周还会发布“ C”和“ D”更新 。 它们包含错误修复和其他改进,但是只有手动单击“检查更新”按钮才能得到它们。 如果您从未这样做,您将在下个月的补丁更新B星期二收到这些错误修正。

Cumulative updates require a reboot. They touch important files that can’t be modified while Windows is running.

累积更新需要重新启动。 它们接触Windows运行时无法修改的重要文件。

You can view the list of cumulative updates Windows has found from the Update History page, too. Head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View Update History, scroll down, and expand “Quality Updates.”

您也可以从“更新历史记录”页面查看Windows已找到的累积更新列表。 转到设置>更新和安全> Windows更新>查看更新历史记录,向下滚动并展开“质量更新”。

紧急情况出现带外更新 (Out-of-Band Updates Arrive in Emergencies)

While Microsoft normally waits to release security updates as part of Patch Tuesday’s B updates once per month, it sometimes releases “out-of-band” updates. These are called that because they’re released outside of the normal schedule.

微软通常每月等待一次安全更新,作为Patch Tuesday的B更新的一部分,但有时会发布“带外”更新。 之所以这样称呼它们,是因为它们是在正常时间表之外发布的。

These are generally released in emergencies—for example, when there’s a zero-day security flaw being exploited in the wild and the problem must be fixed immediately.


These updates generally require a reboot, too.


每六个月更新一次功能更新 (Feature Updates Arrive Every Six Months)

The latest installed feature update in Windows 10's settings

Microsoft also releases big, major versions of Windows 10 once every six months. It calls these “feature updates.” They include lots of changes and improvements. For example, Windows 10’s April 2019 Update will add a light desktop theme with a new default desktop wallpaper, and many, many other smaller changes, including improved Start menu file search and low-level improvements that will make Windows 10 run faster.

微软还每六个月发布一次大型,主要版本的Windows 10。 它称这些为“功能更新”。 它们包括许多更改和改进。 例如,Windows 10的2019年4月更新将添加带有新的默认桌面墙纸的浅色桌面主题 ,以及许多许多其他较小的更改,包括改进的``开始''菜单文件搜索和低级改进,这些将使Windows 10运行更快

However, these don’t always roll out immediately. Microsoft throttles it and tries to only offer your PC an update if the company thinks it will run well on your hardware. You may not get these every six months if you don’t go out of your way looking for them. For example, Windows 10’s October 2018 Update still isn’t on most Windows 10 PCs at the end of February 2019.

但是,这些并不总是立即推出。 Microsoft对其进行了限制,并尝试仅在您认为PC可以在您的硬件上正常运行的情况下才向您的PC提供更新。 如果您不竭力寻找它们,则可能不会每六个月获得一次。 例如,大多数Windows 10 PC上的Windows 10的2018年10月更新仍未在2019年2月底发布。

These big updates always require a reboot. They require a much longer installation process, so you’ll spend more time staring at a blue screen while the process finishes. The length of the update process depends on how fast your PC is and the update—Microsoft has been speeding up the installation process over the last few versions.

这些重大更新始终需要重新启动。 它们需要更长的安装过程,因此在过程完成时,您将花费更多时间盯着蓝屏。 更新过程的时间长短取决于您的PC和更新的速度-Microsoft在最近的几个版本中一直在加快安装过程。

If you see a “Working on Updates” screen with a notice that “Your PC will restart several times,” Windows is probably installing a feature update.


As with C and D updates, you’ll generally be offered this update after release if you go into the Windows Update screen in Settings and click “Check for Updates.” That makes you a “seeker” and Microsoft will give you the update even if it didn’t think that update was ready for your PC’s hardware. Yes, it’s a strange way of doing things.

与C和D更新一样,如果进入“设置”中的“ Windows更新”屏幕并单击“检查更新”,通常会在发行后向您提供此更新。 这使您成为“寻求者”,即使Microsoft不认为该更新已为您的PC硬件准备就绪,它也会为您提供更新。 是的,这是一种奇怪的处理方式。

You can see the last installed feature update from the Update History screen. Look under “Feature Updates” at the top of the Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View Update History screen.

您可以从“更新历史记录”屏幕中查看上次安装的功能更新。 在“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows更新”>“查看更新历史记录”屏幕顶部的“功能更新”下查看。

如何控制Windows更新的时间 (How to Control When Windows Updates)

Advanced options for pausing and delaying updates on Windows 10

Windows 10 updates automatically and doesn’t give you anywhere near as much control as Windows 7 did, especially on Windows 10 Home.

Windows 10会自动更新,无法提供与Windows 7一样多的控制权,尤其是在Windows 10 Home上。

You can still prevent Windows from automatically installing updates and rebooting during certain hours of the day. Just change the “Active Hours” to the times you use your PC. For example, if you regularly use your PC from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., ensure those are marked as your active hours. Windows 10 won’t install updates during those hours. You can set up to 18 hours of each day as your active hours.

您仍然可以阻止Windows在一天中的某些小时自动安装更新并重新启动。 只需将“活动时间”更改为您使用PC的时间。 例如,如果您在下午6点至晚上10点定期使用PC,请确保将其标记为您的工作时间。 在这些时间内,Windows 10不会安装更新。 您每天最多可以将18小时设置为活动时间。

To prevent Windows from automatically downloading and installing updates on a connection, you can set the connection as metered. Windows will only download certain critical, small updates and won’t download and install most updates automatically. This setting is designed to save data on connections with limited data, but you can enable it on any connection—even a wired Ethernet connection.

为了防止Windows自动下载并在连接上安装更新,可以将连接设置为metered 。 Windows将仅下载某些关键的小更新,而不会自动下载并安装大多数更新。 此设置旨在保存数据有限的连接上的数据,但是您可以在任何连接上启用它,甚至是有线以太网连接。

Windows 10 Professional users can also access additional updates for pausing, deferring, and otherwise delaying updates after they’re more tested on consumer PCs. Windows 10 Home may finally let you pause updates when the April 2019 update arrives, too.

Windows 10专业版用户在消费类PC上经过更多测试后还可以访问其他更新,以暂停,推迟或延迟更新 。 当2019年4月更新到达时, Windows 10 Home也可能最终让您暂停更新

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406120/why-does-windows-10-update-so-much/





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