使用Windows Live Sync Beta在计算机和SkyDrive之间同步文件

Would you like to keep your files and program settings synced between your computers?  Here’s our overview of the new Windows Live Sync beta, which helps you keep your important files everywhere you need them.

您想保持文件和程序设置在计算机之间同步吗? 这是我们对新的Windows Live Sync Beta的概述,它可以帮助您将重要文件保存在需要的任何位置。

One of the newest and most exciting features the new Windows Live Essentials beta is Windows Live Sync.  The new version of Live Sync blends together features from both the old Live Sync, which synced folder between individual computers, and Live Mesh, which synced folders with an online desktop as well as other computers.  The new Live Sync lets you sync folders and program settings between computers, and connect remotely to your Synced machines.  It also lets you sync folders with your SkyDrive, so you can access files from anywhere.  We’ll take a look at the features and how you can set this up on your computers.

Windows Live Sync是Windows Live Essentials Beta的最新,最令人激动的功能之一。 新版本的Live Sync融合了旧版Live Sync和Live Mesh的功能,旧版Live Sync在单个计算机之间同步文件夹,Live Mesh将文件夹与在线桌面以及其他计算机同步。 新的Live Sync使您可以在计算机之间同步文件夹和程序设置,并远程连接到已同步的计算机。 它还使您可以将文件夹与SkyDrive同步,以便可以从任何位置访问文件。 我们将研究这些功能以及如何在计算机上进行设置。

Note: The new Windows Live Essentials beta only works on Windows 7 and Vista.  Also, Live Sync is currently in beta, so only use it if you’re comfortable running beta software.

注意:新的Windows Live Essentials Beta仅在Windows 7和Vista上有效。 此外,Live Sync当前处于beta版本,因此仅在您愿意运行Beta软件时才使用它。

Getting Started


Download the Windows Live Essentials Beta installer (link below) and setup as normal if you haven’t already.  If you had Live Mesh installed on your computer already, you’ll be prompted that Mesh will be uninstalled and Live Sync will be installed instead.  You may want to note which folders you were syncing with Live Mesh before, as you’ll need to set these up again after Sync is installed.  Click Continue to proceed with your installation.

下载Windows Live Essentials Beta安装程序( 下面的链接 )并按常规进行安装(如果尚未安装)。 如果您的计算机上已经安装了Live Mesh,则会提示您卸载Mesh,而是安装Live Sync。 您可能需要记下之前与Live Mesh同步的文件夹,因为在安装Sync之后需要重新设置这些文件夹。 单击继续以继续安装。


When you install the Live Essentials Beta, make sure to select to install Sync.  Click Install when you’ve selected the components you want to install.

在安装Live Essentials Beta时,请确保选择安装Sync。 点击当您选择要安装的组件安装


The installer will now download and install or update your applications depending on your settings.  If you had Mesh installed previously, you will notice a notification as it uninstalls during the setup.

安装程序现在将根据您的设置下载并安装或更新您的应用程序。 如果您以前安装了Mesh,则在安装过程中将其卸载时会注意到一条通知。


When it’s finished installing, you may need to reboot your computer before you can use Live Sync.  Make sure to install Essentials on all computers you need to sync!

安装完成后,您可能需要重新启动计算机才能使用Live Sync。 确保在所有需要同步的计算机上安装Essentials!


Once your computer is rebooted, you can try to run Sync.  Strangely, the Live Essentials setup does not uninstall previous versions of Live Sync, so if you had the older version installed you will need to uninstall it first.

重新启动计算机后,您可以尝试运行同步。 奇怪的是,Live Essentials的设置的确Live同步的卸载以前的版本,所以如果你有旧版本安装您需要首先卸载它。


Open Control Panel, select Uninstall a program, find the older version of Live Sync, and click Uninstall.  The newer Windows Live Sync you just installed is included under the Windows Live Essentials installer, so the one listed as Windows Live Sync with an icon that has two blue arrows is the one you want to uninstall.

打开控制面板,选择卸载程序 ,找到较旧版本的Live Sync,然后点击卸载 。 您刚刚安装的新版Windows Live Sync包含在Windows Live Essentials安装程序中,因此,您要卸载的是一个带有两个蓝色箭头图标的Windows Live Sync


Start Syncing with Live Sync



Now you’re ready to start syncing folders between your computers and SkyDrive.  Start Live Sync from your Start Menu, and login with your Windows Live ID.  Make sure to select Sign me in automatically so you don’t have to enter your account info each time you sync.  If you’re already used the new Live Messenger Beta on your computer, you may not have to enter your password as it will already have your account information.

现在,您可以开始在计算机和SkyDrive之间同步文件夹了。 从“开始”菜单中启动Live Sync,然后使用Windows Live ID登录。 确保选择自动登录,这样您就不必在每次同步时都输入您的帐户信息。 如果您已经在计算机上使用新的Live Messenger Beta,则可能不必输入密码,因为它已经具有您的帐户信息。

Welcome to Live Sync Beta!  None of your folders will sync automatically, and the folders you were syncing before with Mesh or the old Live Sync will not be imported automatically.  Click the Sync a folder link under your computer’s name to get started.

欢迎使用Live Sync Beta! 您的所有文件夹都不会自动同步,并且之前使用Mesh或旧版Live Sync同步过的文件夹不会自动导入。 单击计算机名称下的“ 同步文件夹”链接以开始使用。

Note: You’ll need to sign in on each of your computers.



Browse and select a folder you want to sync.  Strangely, at this time it does not support syncing Libraries in Windows 7, so you’ll need to sync individual folders such as Documents.

浏览并选择要同步的文件夹。 奇怪的是,目前它不支持Windows 7中的同步库,因此您需要同步单个文件夹,例如Documents


Now, select the computer you want to sync with, or select SkyDrive to sync the contents of your folder with your online storage.  You can sync with multiple devices at once, so select all the ones you want and then click Ok.

现在,选择要与之同步的计算机,或选择SkyDrive将文件夹的内容与在线存储同步。 您可以一次与多个设备同步,因此请选择所有所需的设备,然后单击“ 确定”

Please Note: Live Sync only allows you to sync up to 2Gb of files with SkyDrive.

请注意:Live Sync仅允许您使用SkyDrive同步最多2Gb的文件。


If there are any conflicts with the sync, you’ll see a caution logo on the folder.  Click View details to see what the problem is.

如果同步发生任何冲突,您会在文件夹上看到一个警告徽标。 单击查看详细信息以查看问题所在。


In our test, we had some hidden files in our folders, and Live Sync cannot sync them.  You can fix the issue yourself, or click Ignore if you don’t want to be notifies of this problem.

在我们的测试中,文件夹中有一些隐藏文件,Live Sync无法同步它们。 您可以自己解决此问题,或者如果不想通知此问题,请单击“ 忽略”


Once you’ve got your folders setup, Live Sync will process and transfer files to keep those folders in sync between the computers.  You won’t need to set anything up on your other computer; as long as you’re signed in with the same Live ID, your folders will sync automatically.

设置完文件夹后,Live Sync将处理并传输文件,以使这些文件夹在计算机之间保持同步。 您无需在其他计算机上进行任何设置。 只要您使用相同的Live ID登录,您的文件夹就会自动同步。


It can also keep your programs settings synced between your computers.  Select Turn on syncing under the programs listed at the bottom to sync their settings.  You will need to set this on each computer individually, which means you could sync settings between 2 computers and only sync files on another.  Currently you can sync Internet Explorer favorites and Office settings such as signatures and custom dictionaries, but hopefully more programs will be added in the future.

它还可以使您的程序设置在计算机之间同步。 选择底部所列程序下的“ 打开同步 ”以同步其设置。 您将需要在每台计算机上分别进行设置,这意味着您可以在两台计算机之间同步设置,而只能同步另一台计算机上的文件。 当前,您可以同步Internet Explorer的收藏夹和Office设置,例如签名和自定义词典,但希望将来会添加更多程序。


If one of your computers is offline when another tries to sync, you may see new temporary files with a .wlx extension which are the files that will be synced when that computer is online.  These will be removed when you computer is able to sync again.

如果其中一台计算机在另一台计算机尝试同步时处于脱机状态,则可能会看到扩展名为.wlx的新临时文件,这些文件是该计算机联机时将同步的文件。 当您的计算机能够再次同步时,这些将被删除。


Also note that Live Sync will now automatically run whenever you start the computer.

另请注意,无论何时启动计算机,Live Sync现在都将自动运行。

Connect to your Computers Remotely


The new Live Sync beta also lets you remotely connect to your Synced computers just like Mesh did.  First, though, you’ll need to enable remote connections.  Open the Sync window (simply double-click its icon in your system tray), and select the Remote link on the top.  Now click the Allow remote connections to this computer.

新的Live Sync beta版还使您可以像Mesh一样远程连接到Synced计算机。 不过,首先,您需要启用远程连接。 打开“同步”窗口(只需在系统任务栏中双击其图标),然后选择顶部的“ 远程”链接。 现在,单击“ 允许对此计算机进行远程连接”


If your Windows user account doesn’t have a password, you’ll need to add one to the account before you can connect remotely.  Once you’ve done this, the computer will be ready for remote access.

如果您的Windows用户帐户没有密码,则需要在该帐户中添加一个密码,然后才能进行远程连接。 完成此操作后,计算机将可以进行远程访问。


Now you can access that computer anytime from your other connected computers on Sync.  Open the Sync window, select Remote at the top, and then click Connect to this computer under the computer’s name that you want to connect to.

现在,您可以随时从Sync上的其他连接的计算机访问该计算机。 打开“同步”窗口,在顶部选择“ 远程 ”,然后在要连接的计算机名称下单击“ 连接到此计算机”


Confirm that you want to connect to that computer.



Live Sync will now try to connect to the computer.  If someone is currently logged into the remote computer, it will notify you that someone is using it and will prompt them to let you connect.

Live Sync现在将尝试连接到计算机。 如果当前有人登录到远程计算机,它将通知您有人正在使用它,并提示他们让您连接。

Note: If you need to log into your own computers remotely, so you can, for instance, access your desktop at home from your work laptop, then you need to leave your computers logged out of the user account so you can access them remotely without having to approve it.



On the remote computer, click Allow to let the remote connection go through.  Now you will be able to see what is being done on the computer, but you cannot control it locally while the remote connection is active.  However, if you need to use the computer again before the remote session is finished, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log off the remote connection and take control locally.

在远程计算机上,单击“ 允许”以使远程连接通过。 现在,您将能够看到计算机上正在执行的操作,但是当远程连接处于活动状态时,您将无法在本地对其进行控制。 但是,如果需要在远程会话完成之前再次使用计算机,则可以按Ctrl + Alt + Delete退出远程连接并在本地进行控制。


Once the connection is finalized, you’ll see your remote computer’s desktop in a window.  Login with the standard password.

连接完成后,您将在一个窗口中看到远程计算机的桌面。 使用标准密码登录。


Now you’ll see your desktop, as well as a notification that shows anyone at the remote computer you are using the computer.  Notice that the background and Aero theme are set to basic to provide the best performance over the internet.

现在,您将看到您的桌面,以及一条通知,显示您正在使用该计算机的远程计算机上的任何人。 请注意,背景和Aero主题设置为基本,以通过Internet提供最佳性能。


You can now use your other computer remotely just as you would if you were sitting in front of it.  Notice that we are connecting to our netbook, which is running Windows 7 Home Premium, so you can use this as a free Remote Desktop for home editions of Windows.  You can copy and paste between your computer and your remote connection, and can even transfer large files this way.

现在,您可以像坐在前一样远程使用其他计算机。 请注意,我们正在连接到运行Windows 7 Home Premium的上网本,因此您可以将其用作Windows家庭版的免费远程桌面。 您可以在计算机和远程连接之间复制和粘贴,甚至可以通过这种方式传输大文件。


You can choose connection settings from the menu bar at the top of the remote desktop window.  Here you can send Ctrl+Alt+Delete to the remote computer, or even work full-screen from the button on the right with the square and arrow icon.

您可以从远程桌面窗口顶部的菜单栏中选择连接设置。 在这里,您可以将Ctrl + Alt + Delete发送到远程计算机,甚至可以通过带有方形和箭头图标的右侧按钮全屏工作。


Once you’re finished with your remote connection, simply exit the window.  Click Disconnect at the prompt to confirm it.

完成远程连接后,只需退出窗口。 在提示时单击“ 断开连接 ”以确认。


The remote computer will stay at the login screen, so you can easily connect again or login from that computer to use it normally.


Geeky Facts



We noticed a few interesting things while testing Windows Live Sync.  First, obviously it’s heavily based on the old Live Mesh; in fact, moe.exe, which is identified as Mesh Operating Environment, is running whenever the new Live Sync is running.

在测试Windows Live Sync时,我们注意到了一些有趣的事情。 首先,显然它很大程度上是基于旧的Live Mesh; 实际上,每当新的Live Sync运行时,moe.exe(即“ Mesh Operating Environment ”)都在运行。

There’s even a new Mesh folder under Windows Live that includes the required .dll and .exe files…

Windows Live下甚至还有一个新的Mesh文件夹,其中包含所需的.dll和.exe文件…


While the only folder for Sync itself contains mainly the UI components for the new Live Sync.  So it appears that the new Sync’s backend is mainly based on Live Mesh, albeit now using SkyDrive as the storage solution and primarily centered on computer-to-computer sync.

虽然Sync的唯一文件夹本身主要包含新Live Sync的UI组件。 因此,看来新的Sync后端主要基于Live Mesh,尽管现在使用SkyDrive作为存储解决方案,并且主要集中在计算机到计算机的同步上。


Here it is running in Process Explorer.  Note that WLSync is the UI, and MOE is the backend, confirming our suspicions.

在这里,它在Process Explorer中运行。 请注意,WLSync是UI,MOE是后端,这证实了我们的怀疑。


One other thing we noticed is it seems to transfer files locally within your network if both computer are on the same network.  The old Live Sync included an option to activate Lan sync, which would let you transfer files directly inside your local network if your computers were located in the same network, and the new Live Sync beta seems to be doing this automatically.

我们注意到的另一件事是,如果两台计算机都在同一网络上,则似乎是在网络内本地传输文件。 旧的Live Sync包含一个激活Lan同步的选项,如果您的计算机位于同一网络中,则该选项可让您直接在本地网络内传输文件,而新的Live Sync Beta似乎可以自动执行此操作。

So, to sync your computers, they still need to have an internet connection to authenticate the transfer, but if you’re syncing large files they will transfer much quicker since they are simply transferring within your network.  Again, there was no setting to choose whether or not to do this, but it appeared to do it automatically in our tests.

因此,要同步您的计算机,它们仍需要建立互联网连接以验证传输,但是如果您要同步大文件,则它们的传输速度会更快,因为它们只是在您的网络中传输。 同样,没有设置选择是否执行此操作,但是在我们的测试中它似乎是自动执行的。

Live Sync for Macs

Mac版Live Sync

Live Sync is also available for computers running Mac OS X.  This lets you keep your files and folders synced between all of your computers, whether they’re a Mac or PC, and also lets you share folders with friends who use OS X.  We haven’t tested it, but you can check out more information about the new beta and download it at the link below.

Live Sync也可用于运行Mac OS X的计算机。这使您可以在所有计算机(无论是Mac或PC)之间保持文件和文件夹同步,还可以与使用OS X的朋友共享文件夹。尚未对其进行测试,但是您可以查看有关新Beta的更多信息,并通过以下链接下载。


Hat tip to martin_schmidler on Flickr for the screenshot.




Live Sync makes it easy to keep your computers synced, and even works as a great way to collaborate with friends and colleagues.  The SkyDrive integration lets you keep your files accessible from anywhere, though we wish you could use the full 25Gb of SkyDrive storage rather than just 2Gb of Sync storage.  Also, Sync seemed to be more resource intensive than the old Live Sync, though less resource intensive than Live Mesh. Of course it’s still in beta stage and hopefully some of the issues will get ironed out.

Live Sync使您轻松保持计算机同步,甚至是与朋友和同事进行协作的绝佳方式。 SkyDrive集成使您可以从任何地方访问文件,尽管我们希望您可以使用完整的25Gb SkyDrive存储空间,而不是仅使用2Gb Sync存储空间。 此外,与旧的Live Sync相比,Sync似乎要占用更多资源,尽管与Live Mesh相比,Sync的资源占用要少。 当然,它仍处于测试阶段,希望其中一些问题能够解决。

Still, we were impressed at how easy it made keeping your computers in sync, and the remote desktop connection was easier to setup than most remote desktop solutions.  If you enjoy trying out beta programs, give Live Sync a try and see how it can make it easier to work from anywhere.  Otherwise, you can look forward to trying it out when it is released fully later this year.

尽管如此,我们对保持计算机同步的简易性印象深刻,而且与大多数远程桌面解决方案相比,远程桌面连接的设置更容易。 如果您喜欢试用Beta版程序,请尝试一下Live Sync,看看它如何使您可以轻松地在任何地方工作。 否则,您可以期待在今年晚些时候完全发布该软件后对其进行尝试。

If you’d like more information about the new Windows Live Essentials suite check out our Screenshot Tour.

如果您想了解有关新的Windows Live Essentials套件的更多信息, 请查看我们的“截图浏览”



Download the new Live Essentials Beta and install Live Sync Download Live Sync for Mac beta (via LiveSide.net)

下载新的Live Essentials Beta并安装Live Sync 下载Mac的Live Sync beta(通过LiveSide.net )

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20509/sync-files-between-computers-skydrive-with-windows-live-sync-beta/





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