

BetterTouchTool lets you bind any gesture you can think of to any action you can think of. It’s like AutoHotKey on Windows, but in addition to keyboard shortcuts, you can also greate gesture shortcuts for your trackpad. BetterTouchTool has a simple configuration interface so that you can get started with customized gesture shortcuts right away.

BetterTouchTool使您可以将可以想到的任何手势绑定到可以想到的任何动作。 就像Windows上的AutoHotKey一样,但是除了键盘快捷键之外,您还可以为触控板设置手势快捷键。 BetterTouchTool具有简单的配置界面,因此您可以立即开始使用自定义手势快捷方式。

BetterTouchTool isn’t just for trackpads either—it supports shortcuts for your keyboard, magic mouse, Apple TV remote, and even the MacBook Pro’s Touchbar. While the app isn’t free, $6.50 is not bad for such a powerful app. There’s also a 45-day trial, so you can test it out and see if you like it. We’re guessing that after giving it a spin, you won’t want to go back to stock macOS.

BetterTouchTool不仅适用于触控板,还支持键盘,魔术鼠标,Apple TV遥控器甚至MacBook Pro的Touchbar的快捷键 。 尽管该应用程序不是免费的,但对于如此强大的应用程序而言,6.50美元的价格还不错。 还有一个45天的试用期,因此您可以对其进行测试,看看是否喜欢它。 我们猜测,试一下后,您将不想回到库存的macOS。

添加手势 (Adding Gestures)

After downloading and installing BetterTouchTool, it’s time to start adding gestures. Open up the settings and click “Add New Gesture” under the “Trackpads” tab. You can use the sidebar at the left to choose whether you want to add gestures globally or only within in a specific app.

下载并安装BetterTouchTool之后,就该开始添加手势了。 打开设置,然后在“触控板”选项卡下单击“添加新手势”。 您可以使用左侧的侧边栏选择是要全局添加手势还是仅在特定应用中添加手势。

A gesture has two parts: a trigger and an action. You can link the trigger to any gesture, and the app supports pretty much every gesture you could want—click down and swipe up with three fingers, force-click with two fingers, click in the corner of the trackpad and drag in, and you even can configure custom triggers.

手势包含两个部分:触发器和动作。 您可以将触发器链接到任何手势,并且该应用程序几乎支持您想要的每个手势-用三根手指单击并向上滑动,用两根手指强制单击,在触控板的一角单击并拖动,然后甚至可以配置自定义触发器。

Select the trigger you want from the menu. For this example, we’re going with “3 Finger Click.”

从菜单中选择所需的触发器。 在此示例中,我们将使用“三指单击”。

Next comes the action, and like triggers, the app has everything covered. You can do something as simple as bind the gesture to a keyboard shortcut. You also can browse a long list of actions that includes controlling other apps, moving the mouse around, performing system actions, and even executing shell scripts.

接下来是动作,像触发器一样,该应用程序涵盖了所有内容。 您可以做一些简单的事情,例如将手势绑定到键盘快捷键。 您还可以浏览一长串的动作,包括控制其他应用程序,四处移动鼠标,执行系统动作,甚至执行shell脚本。

I have a gesture set to disconnect and reconnect from WiFi, which for anyone interested, is just a gesture set to run this terminal command:


networksetup -setairportpower en0 off && networksetup -setairportpower en0 on

The possibilities are nearly endless. Because of this, the learning curve can be a bit high, so figuring everything out takes some time and experimentation.

可能性几乎是无限的。 因此,学习曲线可能会有点高,因此弄清楚所有内容都需要一些时间和实验。

For our example we’re going to set the three-finger click trigger we chose previously to take the action of opening Finder.


After setting this action up, go ahead and give it a try. Click down with three fingers, and Finder should open.

设置此操作后,请继续尝试。 用三根手指向下单击,Finder将打开。

Well, not quite. Our action actually just focuses Finder and doesn’t open a new window. Thankfully, BetterTouchTool has us covered. Click the gesture you created, click “Attach Additional Action,” and set that additional action as the keyboard shortcut Command+N. Now, your three-finger click should focus Finder and open a new window.

好吧,不完全是。 我们的操作实际上只是使Finder 聚焦,而没有打开新窗口。 值得庆幸的是,BetterTouchTool涵盖了我们。 单击您创建的手势,单击“附加其他操作”,然后将该其他操作设置为键盘快捷键Command + N。 现在,您的三指单击应使Finder聚焦并打开一个新窗口。

You can chain together actions like this to achieve anything you want. Sure, the solution here might not be pretty, but it works, and that’s what matters in the end.

您可以将这样的动作链接在一起,以实现所需的任何功能。 当然,这里的解决方案可能不是很漂亮,但它确实有效,这才是最重要的。

探索其他设置 (Exploring Other Settings)

BetterTouchTool has a lot of other customization settings, too. One of these is configuring the ease of triggering gestures, which can be useful if you have a problem with the wrong gestures triggering.

BetterTouchTool也具有许多其他自定义设置。 其中之一是配置触发手势的难易程度,如果手势触发错误有问题,这将很有用。

BetterTouchTool also offers Windows-style window snapping as an option—that’s where you drag a window to the sides or corners of your screen to resize and snap the windows into place.


There’s a lot more in the advanced settings to play with, including full customization of that window snapping, a built-in web server for triggering actions remotely, and even this full control panel that provides control over everything Haptic feedback does and the way your trackpad feels.


You can even configure custom clicks to make it sound different. Overall, with all the features offered by BetterTouchTool, you can surely find something in your daily routine to speed up with a gesture or shortcut.

您甚至可以配置自定义点击以使其听起来与众不同。 总体而言,借助BetterTouchTool提供的所有功能,您肯定可以在日常工作中找到某些东西来加快手势或快捷方式的速度。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/364227/how-to-customize-mac-trackpad-gestures-with-bettertouchtool/

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