
One of the best things about MacBooks are the many trackpad gestures you can use. You can quickly look something up, zoom in and out, change desktops, and so much more.

MacBook最好的功能之一就是可以使用许多触控板手势 。 您可以快速查找内容,放大和缩小,更改桌面等等。

If you’re a power user, however, there’s probably more than a few unsupported things you wish your trackpad could do with a quick gesture: launch a particular application, say, or instantly arrange your windows a certain way. BetterTouchTool ($6 with a 45-day free trial) is the ultimate Mac tool for customizing the trackpad, not to mention all of your other input devices: the keyboard, the Magic Mouse, even the Touch Bar. It also offers  Windows-style window snapping. Here’s how it works.

但是,如果您是高级用户,则希望触控板可以快速做出一些不支持的事情:例如启动特定的应用程序,或以某种方式立即排列窗口。 BetterTouchTool (6美元,可享受45天免费试用)是用于自定义触控板的终极Mac工具,更不用说您所有其他输入设备:键盘,Magic Mouse甚至Touch Bar。 它还提供Windows样式的窗口捕捉。 运作方式如下。

安装BetterTouchTool (Installing BetterTouchTool)

This is a must-have Mac application if you like customizing your computer, and the free trial gives you plenty of time to decide if you’re the sort of person. Download BetterTouchTool and install it the usual way: by dragging the icon to your applications folder.

如果您想自定义计算机,则这是必备的Mac应用程序,免费试用版使您有足够的时间来确定自己是否是那种人。 下载BetterTouchTool并以通常的方式安装它:将图标拖到您的应用程序文件夹中。

After starting it up, you’ll find BetterTouchTool in the menu bar.


Click the icon, then click Preferences. It’s time to set up some gestures.

单击图标,然后单击首选项。 现在是时候设置一些手势了。

设置自定义触控板手势 (Setting Up Custom Trackpad Gestures)

BetterTouchTool’s main interface can be intimidating at first glance, but it’s easy once you break it down.


The first thing to pay attention to is the row of input devices near the top of the window, outlined above by a red rectangle. To create custom gestures, click which input device you’d like to recognize: we’ll start with the Trackpad. Then, click “Add New Gesture.”

首先要注意的是靠近窗口顶部的一排输入设备,上面用红色矩形框出了轮廓。 要创建自定义手势,请点击您要识别的输入设备:我们将从触控板开始。 然后,单击“添加新手势”。

Once you’ve done this, shift your attention to the bottom of the window. On the left, you can pick a gesture; on the right, an action for the gesture to trigger.

完成此操作后,将注意力转移到窗口底部。 在左侧,您可以选择一个手势; 在右侧,为手势触发的动作。

We can do just about anything, but let’s add a middle-click to your Mac’s trackpad for now. First we’ll click the “Please select a gesture” button and see what’s offered. The gestures are split into categories.

我们几乎可以做任何事情,但是现在让我们在Mac的触控板上添加一个中键单击 。 首先,我们将单击“请选择一个手势”按钮,然后查看提供的内容。 手势分为几类。

I’d like to trigger my middle click with a three finger tap, so let’s look at the three finger options.


Now let’s click the “Preferred Action” button on the right side. Again, there are broad categories here.

现在,让我们单击右侧的“首选操作”按钮。 同样,这里有广泛的类别。

The scope of these actions are staggering: almost anything macOS can do is offered here. We’re looking for middle click, so let’s look at Mouse Click Actions.

这些操作的范围令人震惊:这里几乎提供了macOS可以做的任何事情。 我们正在寻找中间点击,因此让我们看一下鼠标点击动作。

There it is! Middle click. We’ll select that and we’ve got out complete action mapped.

在那里! 中键。 我们将选择它,并且已经完成了完整的动作映射。

Just like that, we’ve added a middle click to our trackpad, making it easy to open links in a new tab among other things. You can repeat this process to create custom gestures for just about anything.

就像这样,我们在触控板上添加了一个中键,可以轻松地在新选项卡中打开链接。 您可以重复此过程以为几乎所有内容创建自定义手势。

自定义其他输入设备 (Customize Other Input Devices)

BetterTouchTool would be worth it for the touchpad options alone, but that’s not all it can do. You can also create custom keyboard shortcuts for just about anything, add new gestures to your Magic Mouse, or even customize your non-Apple mouse. You’ll also find the ability to add custom buttons to the Touch Bar, if you’ve got a MacBook Pro that comes with one.

仅触摸板选项而言,BetterTouchTool值得,但这并不是它的全部功能。 您还可以为几乎所有内容创建自定义键盘快捷键,为Magic Mouse添加新手势,甚至自定义非Apple鼠标。 如果您有配备MacBook Pro的MacBook Pro,您还将发现可以向Touch Bar添加自定义按钮的功能。

And that’s not all: there’s support for the Siri Remote that comes with the Apple TV—macOS doesn’t support this remote at all without BetterTouchTool. You can customize the red, yellow, and green buttons at the top-left of every window, assigning custom actions when double-clicked (to name one example.) You can even remotely control your Mac using your iPhone, via the BTT Remote App for iOS.

不仅如此:Apple TV附带了对Siri Remote的支持-如果没有BetterTouchTool,macOS根本不支持此Remote。 您可以自定义每个窗口左上角的红色,黄色和绿色按钮,在双击时分配自定义操作(举一个例子。)您甚至可以通过BTT Remote App使用iPhone远程控制Mac。适用于iOS。

Everything is configured using the same steps we used for the Trackpad above, meaning you can quickly add a variety of custom inputs.


窗户捕捉和其他额外功能 (Window Snapping and Other Extras)

As if this all isn’t enough already, also offers Windows-style window snapping. Drag a window to the side and it will take up half the screen.

似乎还不够,还提供Windows风格的窗口捕捉。 将一个窗口拖到侧面,它将占据一半的屏幕。

You can also trigger this sort of window sorting with keyboard shortcuts or keyboard gestures, meaning you can arrange windows however you like very quickly. Other settings include customizing the sensitivity of your trackpad and mouse.

您还可以使用键盘快捷键或键盘手势触发这种窗口排序,这意味着您可以根据自己的喜好快速排列窗口。 其他设置包括自定义触控板和鼠标的灵敏度。

I could write several dozen articles on BetterTouchTool alone, but the best way to learn is to dive in and start creating custom gestures and shortcuts. Get to it!

我可以单独在BetterTouchTool上写几十篇文章,但是最好的学习方法是潜入并开始创建自定义手势和快捷方式。 来吧!

Photo credit: Kaboompics

照片来源: Kaboompics

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/222672/how-to-customize-powerful-gesture-controls-on-os-x/

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