picasa csdn_如何将发送到Facebook的功能添加到Picasa

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picasa csdn

You use Picasa to manage your photos and you do most of your photo sharing with friends on Facebook. Wouldn’t it be great if they played together? Read on as we streamline your sharing workflow so photos organized, edited, tagged, and annotated in Picasa hop right over to Facebook.

您使用Picasa管理照片,并与Facebook上的朋友共享大部分照片。 他们一起玩不是很好吗? 请继续阅读,我们会简化您的共享工作流程,以便在Picasa中组织,编辑,标记和注释照片可以直接跳至Facebook。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?)

If you’re already using Google’s free photo organizer/editor Picasa to import, sort, and edit your digital photos and you’re frequently sharing albums of photos on Facebook, there’s really no good reason to not follow along with today’s tutorial and integrate the two together. Here are some of the benefits of configuring Picasa to send photos directly to Facebook:

如果您已经在使用Google的免费照片组织者/编辑者Picasa导入,排序和编辑数字照片,并且经常在Facebook上共享照片相册,那么没有理由不遵循今天的教程并整合两个在一起。 以下是配置Picasa将照片直接发送到Facebook的一些好处:

  • You can easily transfer entire albums, starred photos, or any other selection you can dump into Picasa’s photo tray quickly to Facebook.

  • Your Picasa captions are automatically transferred to the corresponding Facebook photos (and if the captions were inserted by another program but still XMP-format compliant, they’ll come along for the ride too).

  • Your photos are automatically resized and optimized for Facebook’s native image display ratios and dimensions.


A good digital workflow minimizes the work you’re doing. Integrating Picasa and Facebook means all the tweaking, editing, and tagging you’re already doing in Picasa is just one click away from Facebook.

良好的数字工作流程可最大程度地减少您的工作量。 将Picasa和Facebook集成在一起意味着您在Picasa中已经进行的所有调整,编辑和标记操作都距Facebook仅一键之遥。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)

For this tutorial you’ll need the following things:


  • A copy of Picasa (v. 2.5 or later) installed on a Windows computer.

  • A copy of Picasa Uploader.

    Picasa Uploader的副本。

  • Adobe Air 2.6 or later (automatically installed/updated with Picasa Uploader).

    Adobe Air 2.6或更高版本(通过Picasa Uploader自动安装/更新)。

Because of changes made to Picasa for Mac, the direct Picasa plugin no longer works and the plugin never worked on Linux. However, if you’re on OS X or Linux and you still want to streamline your uploading experience, you’re not totally out in the cold. The developer of Picasa Uploader plugin has created a stand-alone Adobe Air based desktop application. You can still follow along with the installation instructions here, but you’ll instead use the Uploader app as a drag and drop portal instead of a one-click-from Picasa tool.

由于对Mac版Picasa进行了更改,因此直接使用Picasa插件将不再起作用,并且该插件在Linux上也不再起作用。 但是 ,如果您使用的是OS X或Linux,但仍想简化您的上传体验,那么您并不会完全不满意。 Picasa Uploader插件的开发人员创建了一个独立的基于Adobe Air的桌面应用程序。 您仍然可以按照此处的安装说明进行操作,但是您可以将Uploader应用程序用作拖放门户,而不是一键式Picasa工具。

安装Picasa上传器 (Installing Picasa Uploader)

To get started, visit the Picasa Uploader page and click “Install Now”. On the next page, it will prompt you to install Adobe Air. Even if you already have Adobe Air installed and up-to-date, you have to click it anyway (it will just check to see that you’re up-to-date).

首先,请访问Picasa上传器页面,然后单击“立即安装”。 在下一页,它将提示您安装Adobe Air。 即使您已经安装了Adobe Air并且是最新的,也必须单击它(它只会检查您是否是最新的)。

Once the installer has confirmed you have Adobe Air properly installed and current, you’ll be kicked over to the standard Adobe Air app installation flow, with a prompt like this one:

一旦安装程序确认您已正确安装Adobe Air并已安装最新版本,您将被带到标准Adobe Air应用程序安装流程,并显示以下提示:

Click Install. On the next screen you can opt to add a desktop shortcut or not (remember, if you’re an OS X or Linux user, the desktop version of the app is how you’ll be interacting with it).

单击安装。 在下一个屏幕上,您可以选择是否添加桌面快捷方式(请记住,如果您是OS X或Linux用户,则应使用该应用的桌面版本进行交互)。

Once the installation is complete, you’ll need to run the desktop application once to start the add-to-Picasa process. From the Start Menu or desktop shortcut, launch the newly installed application “PicasaDesktopUploader”:

安装完成后,您将需要运行一次桌面应用程序以启动添加到Picasa。 从“开始”菜单或桌面快捷方式,启动新安装的应用程序“ PicasaDesktopUploader”:

Click “Add ‘Facebook’ button to Picasa”. Your default web browser will launch and display a simple list of instructions and prompt you to click the Add button again after you’ve read them:

点击“将'Facebook'按钮添加到Picasa”。 您的默认网络浏览器将启动并显示简单的说明列表,并在您阅读说明后提示您再次单击添加按钮:

When you click the Add button, you’ll most likely be prompted by your browser to confirm that you authorize a browser-based tool to interact with a system application. Confirm that it is OK:

单击“添加”按钮时,浏览器很可能会提示您确认您已授权基于浏览器的工具与系统应用程序进行交互。 确认可以:

Once Picasa launches, it will automatically open the Configure Buttons dialog. Look for “Facebook” in the left hand “Available Buttons” column and transfer it to the “Current Buttons” column via the Add button:

Picasa启动后,它将自动打开“配置按钮”对话框。 在左侧的“可用按钮”列中查找“ Facebook”,然后通过“添加”按钮将其转移到“当前按钮”列中:

Click OK. Now, back at the main Picasa interface, you’ll see a brand new button down on the toolbar:

单击确定。 现在,回到Picasa主界面,您会在工具栏上看到一个全新的按钮:

No time like the present to test the new Picasa-to-Facebook functionality. Go ahead and select some photos to upload. We recently took our new ferrets for their first walk around the neighborhood, and if that’s not a perfect photo set to share with unsuspecting Facebook friends, we don’t know what is.

现在没有时间像现在这样来测试新的Picasa-to-Facebook功能。 继续并选择一些要上传的照片。 最近,我们带着新的雪貂在附近漫步,如果不是与不知情的Facebook朋友分享的完美照片,我们不知道这是什么。

Go ahead and select the photos you wish to send, making sure they are all in the photo tray (you can’t send entire folders from the file-browser panel, you have to actually pick the folder and select the photos inside to place them in the photo tray).

Click the “Facebook” button on the toolbar.

单击工具栏上的“ Facebook”按钮。

Note: At this point, Picasa will transfer the photo tray queue to the PicasaUploader desktop app. For those OS X and Linux users still following along and curious about the desktop application, this is where the two workflows merge again–the only difference is the Windows users get the convenience of sending the photos directly from Picasa instead of dragging and dropping them from their source directory.

注意:此时,Picasa会将照片托盘队列传输到PicasaUploader桌面应用程序。 对于仍然对桌面应用程序充满好奇的OS X和Linux用户,这是两个工作流再次合并的地方–唯一的区别是Windows用户可以方便地直接从Picasa发送照片,而不必从Picasa中拖放照片。他们的源目录。

Click Continue.


Since we’re using this to upload small batches of photos (less 70 at a time, the personal-version limit) to our personal profile, we’re perfectly happy with the basic version of the application. If you’re managing a corporate or organization Facebook page and you want the ability to upload up to 200 photos at a time to Facebook Pages (as oppose to Profiles), and to automatically stamp the images with a watermark, you can upgrade to Picasa Uploader Pro for $4.99.

由于我们使用它来将小批量照片(一次最多只能上传70张)上传到我们的个人资料,因此我们对应用程序的基本版本感到非常满意。 如果您正在管理公司或组织的Facebook页面,并且希望一次最多可以将200张照片上传到Facebook Pages(与“个人资料”相对应)并自动在图像上加水印,则可以升级到Picasa Uploader Pro,现价$ 4.99

Click “Upload to my Profile” and then login with your Facebook credentials on the next page. After you login you’ll be presented with an album options menu:

单击“上传到我的个人资料”,然后在下一页使用您的Facebook凭据登录。 登录后,您会看到一个相册选项菜单:

You can create a new album or add to an existing album. You can also add a location, select photo quality (standard or high resolution) and set the privacy settings (the usual Friends, Friends of Friends, Public, etc. type stuff).

您可以创建新相册或将其添加到现有相册。 您还可以添加位置,选择照片质量(标准或高分辨率)并设置隐私设置(通常的“朋友”,“朋友之友”,“公共”等类型的东西)。

After you click “Send to Facebook”, your default web browser will open and display a little uploading counter/meter. After the files have finished transferring to Facebook, you’ll be kicked over to the actual Facebook album created by Picasa Uploader.

单击“发送到Facebook”后,您的默认网络浏览器将打开并显示一些上传计数器/计量器。 文件传输到Facebook后,您将被转到Picasa Uploader创建的实际Facebook相册。

By default, Facebook does not automatically approve photos that are uploaded by a third party application, so you will need to look inside the new album and approve the photos. If you wish, you can leave this setting as it is and always be required to approve your photos (a nice safeguard against accidentally uploading a photo you don’t wish to share along with the intended uploads). If you’d like to cut that step out of the workflow and have Facebook automatically accept photos uploaded by Picasa Uploader, you can follow this link and authorize the uploader to post pictures without your direct approval.

默认情况下,Facebook不会自动批准由第三方应用程序上传的照片,因此您需要查看新相册的内部并批准照片。 如果您愿意,可以保留此设置,并且始终需要批准该照片(这是防止意外上传您不想共享的照片以及预定上传照片的很好的保护措施)。 如果您想减少工作流程中的步骤,并让Facebook自动接受Picasa Uploader上传的照片,则可以点击此链接并授权上传者发布图片而无需您的直接批准。

So how well did it work? After adding a caption to the general album and approving the uploads, here’s the album (complete with imported Picasa captions):

那么效果如何? 在将标题添加到常规相册并批准上传后,以下是相册(包含导入的Picasa标题):

Success! The uploader worked flawlessly; we’re quite pleased to have Facebook-to-Picasa integration that works butter-smooth.

成功! 上载器工作正常。 我们很高兴拥有Facebook到Picasa的集成,并且运行流畅。

Have a photography technique, trick, or tool you’d like us to explore with a tutorial? Join the discussion below and let us know.

您是否希望我们通过摄影技术,技巧或工具来学习本教程? 加入下面的讨论,让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/169163/how-to-add-send-to-facebook-functionality-to-picasa/

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