2014年4月25日_Windows XP终止支持于2014年4月8日:为什么Windows警告您




Microsoft won’t be releasing new security patches for Windows XP come April 8th, 2014, and they’re making sure all Windows XP users know it. You’re on your own after this point — no more security updates for Windows XP!

Microsoft将于2014年4月8日发布Windows XP的新安全补丁,他们将确保所有Windows XP用户都知道它。 在这之后,您就自己一个人了-Windows XP不再需要任何安全更新!

The Windows XP End of Support pop-up will appear once per month, starting March 8. This pop-up is designed to ensure every Windows XP user knows they’re on their own and Microsoft is no longer protecting them.

从3月8日开始,Windows XP支持终止弹出窗口将每月出现一次,该弹出窗口旨在确保每个Windows XP用户都知道他们自己,并且Microsoft不再保护他们。

终止支持意味着什么? (What Does End of Support Mean?)

Microsoft has supported Windows XP with security updates for 13 years. Whenever a critical security bug is found, Microsoft patches it and releases the fix to you via Windows Update. This helps ensure your computer is as secure as possible.

Microsoft已通过安全更新支持Windows XP已有13年了。 每当发现严重的安全错误时,Microsoft都会对其进行修补并通过Windows Update将修补程序发布给您。 这有助于确保您的计算机尽可能安全。

After the end of support date, Microsoft will no longer be patching security holes in Windows XP. When an attacker finds a security hole in the Windows XP operating system, they’ll be able to keep exploiting that hole until the last Windows XP PC disconnects from the Internet. Over time, Windows XP systems will become more and more insecure, with more and more known and unpatched security holes. Antivirus software will help a bit, but no antivirus software is perfect. It’s important to use a security strategy containing multiple layers of protection — antivirus is one, but using patched, secure software is another.

在支持终止日期之后, Microsoft将不再在Windows XP中修补安全漏洞 。 当攻击者在Windows XP操作系统中发现安全漏洞时,他们将能够继续利用该漏洞,直到最后一台Windows XP PC与Internet断开连接为止。 随着时间的流逝,Windows XP系统将变得越来越不安全,具有越来越多的已知漏洞和未修补的安全漏洞。 防病毒软件会有所帮助,但是没有一款完美的杀毒软件。 使用包含多层保护的安全策略非常重要-防病毒是一种,而使用修补的安全软件则是另一种。

Over time, third-party software developers will stop supporting Windows XP with their own software, too. For the moment, most software developers will continue to support Windows XP. However, just like you can’t use modern Windows software on Windows 98, you’ll one day be unable to use modern Windows software on Windows XP. Windows XP had a good run, but modern versions of Windows are better and more secure.

随着时间的流逝,第三方软件开发人员也将停止使用自己的软件来支持Windows XP。 目前,大多数软件开发人员将继续支持Windows XP。 但是,就像您不能在Windows 98上使用现代Windows软件一样,有一天您将无法在Windows XP上使用现代Windows软件。 Windows XP运行良好,但是现代版本的Windows更好,更安全


我可以升级到什么? (What Can I Upgrade To?)

End of support means it’s time to upgrade from Windows XP. If you don’t like the look of Windows 8, you don’t have to upgrade to Microsoft’s latest “touch-first” version of Windows. You can still buy copies of Windows 7 and upgrade your Windows XP PC to Windows 7. Windows 7 is considered a worthy successor to Windows XP after the stumble of Windows Vista, and Windows 7 will be supported with security fixes until January 14, 2020. If you’re upgrading to Windows 8, Windows 8 will be supported with security fixes until January 10, 2023! This information is available on Microsoft’s Windows lifecycle fact sheet page.

终止支持意味着该是从Windows XP升级的时候了 。 如果您不喜欢Windows 8的外观,则不必升级到Microsoft最新的“触摸优先”版本的Windows。 您仍然可以购买Windows 7的副本并将Windows XP PC升级到Windows7。在Windows Vista受挫之后,Windows 7被认为是Windows XP的重要继承者,并且直到2020年1月14日,Windows 7才会获得安全修复程序的支持。如果您要升级到Windows 8,则安全修复程序将支持Windows 8,直到2023年1月10日! 此信息可从Microsoft的Windows生命周期概况介绍页面获得


Of course, Windows licenses are so expensive to buy that you may want to consider buying a new computer rather than paying $100 for a new copy of Windows and installing it on an old, slow computer.

当然,Windows许可证的购买价格如此昂贵,以至于您可能要考虑购买新计算机,而不是支付100美元购买 Windows的新副本并将其安装在缓慢的旧计算机上。

Paying for Windows isn’t the only option, either. You may want to consider installing Ubuntu or a lightweight version of Ubuntu like Lubuntu. These Linux-based desktop operating systems are completely free to use and will provide you with security updates for years to come. If you just use that old Windows XP computer to browse the web and don’t need any Windows-specific software, Ubuntu is a good, free alternative.

付费也不是唯一的选择。 您可能需要考虑安装Ubuntu或Lubuntu之类的轻量级Ubuntu 。 这些基于Linux的桌面操作系统完全免费使用,并将在未来几年为您提供安全更新。 如果您只是使用那台旧的Windows XP计算机浏览网页,而不需要任何特定于Windows的软件,那么Ubuntu是一个不错的免费替代品。

但是我仍然需要Windows XP! (But I Still Need Windows XP!)

Some people will still need Windows XP for those old business applications that don’t work on modern versions of Windows. If you still need Windows XP for some reason or another, you should try to make it as secure as possible:

对于那些无法在现代Windows版本上运行的旧业务应用程序,有些人仍然需要Windows XP。 如果出于某种原因仍需要Windows XP,则应尝试使其尽可能安全:

  • Disconnect It: If you need a Windows XP desktop application that doesn’t require Internet access, disconnect your Windows XP PC from the network and use it entirely offline.

    断开连接 :如果您需要不需要Internet访问的Windows XP桌面应用程序,请断开Windows XP PC与网络的连接,并使其完全脱机使用。

  • Run XP in a Virtual Machine: You can run Windows XP in a virtual machine on a modern version of Windows, such as Windows 7 or 8. Professional editions of Windows 7 even include Windows XP Mode, which allows you to set up a Windows XP virtual machine without having to buy a separate Windows XP license. Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP Mode or Windows XP in virtual machines either after April 8, 2014, but it’s more secure to confine Windows XP to a virtual machine than to use it as your main operating system.

    在虚拟机中运行XP :您可以在现代版本的Windows(例如Windows 7或8)上的虚拟机中运行WindowsXP。Windows7的专业版甚至包括Windows XP Mode ,该模式允许您设置Windows XP。虚拟机,而无需购买单独的Windows XP许可证。 2014年4月8日以后,Microsoft将不再在虚拟机中支持Windows XP Mode或Windows XP,但是将Windows XP限制在虚拟机中比将其用作主要操作系统更加安全。

  • Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome: Both of these browsers will continue to be supported with security fixes on Windows XP into at least 2015.  Internet Explorer 8, however, will be unsupported. If you need Internet Explorer 8 for a specific website, you should use IE only for that website and use the other browsers for everything on the web.

    使用Mozilla Firefox或Google Chrome :至少在2015年之前,Windows XP上的安全修复程序将继续支持这两种浏览器。但是,将不支持Internet Explorer 8。 如果特定网站需要Internet Explorer 8,则应仅将IE用于该网站,并将其他浏览器用于网络上的所有内容。

  • Install an Antivirus: An antivirus won’t protect you completely, but it’s a lot better than using an insecure operating system with no protection. Be sure your antivirus is currently receiving updates — you don’t want to use an old, expired copy of a paid antivirus program.

    安装防病毒软件 :防病毒软件无法完全保护您,但比使用没有保护功能的不安全操作系统要好得多。 确保防病毒软件当前正在接收更新-您不想使用付费防病毒程序的旧的过期副本。

Following standard computer security best practices will help, too. For example, you should uninstall the terrible, insecure Java browser plug-in if it’s on your Windows XP system.

遵循标准的计算机安全最佳实践也将有所帮助。 例如,如果Windows XP系统上存在可怕的,不安全的Java浏览器插件 ,则应将其卸载


Yes, it’s time to upgrade from Windows XP. It’s been 13 years and Microsoft has even extended support for Windows XP in the past. If Microsoft continued extending support, many customers would never upgrade.

是的,是时候从Windows XP升级了。 已有13年了,Microsoft过去甚至扩展了对Windows XP的支持。 如果Microsoft继续扩展支持,许多客户将永远无法升级。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/184137/windows-xp-end-of-support-is-on-april-8th-2014-why-windows-is-warning-you/






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