自定义壁纸 文字_如何使用个人墙纸等自定义您的Google Chromecast

自定义壁纸 文字

自定义壁纸 文字

The Chromecast finally supports a feature users have been requesting for ages: customized wallpaper. Read on as we show you how to add custom wallpapers to your Chromecast’s splash screen as well as turn on weather, news, satellite images, and more.

Chromecast最终支持用户要求使用年龄的功能:自定义壁纸。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何在Chromecast的初始屏幕中添加自定义墙纸以及如何打开天气,新闻,卫星图像等。

The Chromecast is still, as it was when we reviewed it around this time last year, controlled by the Chomecast helper application and that app just received a welcome update. Since the Chromecast came out fans have been clamouring for more features as the Chromecast splash screen (displayed when you are not actively casting things) is ripe to serve as an information portal of sorts. While they haven’t gone full widget-mode on us quite yet, developers have added a handful of new and welcome features, known as Chromecast Backdrop, including the ability to use personalized wallpapers, weather status, news headlines, and other wallpaper options.

Chromecast仍然是,就像我们去年大约在这个时候对其进行审查时一样,受Chomecast帮助程序应用程序控制,并且该应用程序刚刚收到了欢迎的更新。 自从Chromecast问世以来,粉丝就一直在追求更多功能,因为Chromecast初始屏幕(在您不积极投射事物时显示)已经可以用作各种信息门户。 尽管他们还没有完全使用小部件模式,但开发人员添加了一些新的受欢迎的功能,称为Chromecast Backdrop,包括使用个性化墙纸,天气状态,新闻标题和其他墙纸选项的功能。

更新您的Chromecast应用 (Update Your Chromecast App)

If you’re reading this tutorial close to publication date, you’ll likely need to update your Chromecast app (Google pushed out the update for all iOS users on 10/08/2014 and began rolling it out in waves for Android users on the same day).


iOS users simply need to update to the most current version of the Chromecast App (1.8.22 or above) and they’ll be all set. Android users, especially if they’re following along within the first two weeks after the 10/08/2014 release date will need to update and check their update version. If their Chromecast app is still version 1.7.* they haven’t received the update. If it’s 1.8.* then they have.

iOS用户只需要更新到最新版本的Chromecast应用(1.8.22或更高版本)即可。 Android用户(尤其是在2014年10月8日发布日期后的前两周内一直在关注的Android用户)需要更新并检查其更新版本。 如果他们的Chromecast应用仍为1.7。*版本,则说明他们尚未收到更新。 如果是1.8。*,那么他们有。

If you’re not willing to wait a few days for the update and you’re comfortable installing a signed but off-market application, you can snap up a copy of the updated Chromecast APK here at APKMirror.

如果您不愿意等待几天以进行更新,并且愿意安装已签名但非上市的应用程序,则可以在APKMirror上获取更新的Chromecast APK的副本

Once you’ve confirmed that your Chromecast App is at least version 1.8.22 or higher (whether you’re on iOS or Android) you’re ready to proceed.


创建壁纸相册 (Create a Wallpaper Album)

Although you can customize the new Chromecast app features (like the weather and news) without a Google+ account, if you want the best feature in the new update (personalized photos) you’ll need one.


Currently the only source of wallpaper images accessible to the Chromecast is Google+ albums. You can use existing albums or create a new one dedicated just to Chromecast wallpapers. For the purposes of this tutorial we’ll assume you’re not a regular Google+ user and you need to create a simple private album for your wallpaper images.

目前,Chromecast可以访问的墙纸图片的唯一来源是Google+相册。 您可以使用现有的相册,也可以创建专门用于Chromecast壁纸的新相册。 在本教程中,我们假设您不是普通的Google+用户,并且需要为您的墙纸图像创建一个简单的私人相册。

Visit plus.google.com and sign into your Google account. Navigate to your photos via the “home” button drop down menu located in the upper left corner or jump directly there with this link.

访问plus.google.com并登录您的Google帐户。 通过位于左上角的“主页”按钮下拉菜单导航到您的照片,或使用此链接直接跳到那里。

Click on “add photos” in the navigation bar and then drag and drop the photos you want to use as Chromecast wallpaper onto the upload tool. Click the “Add to album” drop down menu, as seen in the screenshot above, and create a new album (such as “Chromecast Wallpaper”) for your wallpaper image.

单击导航栏中的“添加照片”,然后将要用作Chromecast壁纸的照片拖放到上传工具上。 如上面的屏幕截图所示,点击“添加到相册”下拉菜单,然后为您的墙纸图像创建一个新的相册(例如“ Chromecast墙纸”)。

You can repeat this process to add more images in the future. You can also use other albums in your Google+ account as well (we’ll show you how in the next step).

您可以重复此过程以在将来添加更多图像。 您还可以在您的Google+帐户中使用其他相册(我们将在下一步中向您显示操作方式)。

通过Chromecast应用配置显示 (Configure the Display via the Chromecast App)

Album created, it’s time to fire up the new Chomecast app and start supplying our Chromecast with personalized wallpaper.


When you first run the application after the update it will prompt you to customize your Chromecast via the new feature set. If you’ve read this far you’re clearly interested, press “Yes.”

更新后首次运行该应用程序时,它将提示您通过新功能集来自定义Chromecast。 如果您已经阅读了此书,那么您显然会感兴趣,请按“是”。

Select the Chromecasts you wish to customize via the Backdrop. You can’t select the Chromecast unless it is currently on, so if you have your Chromecast plugged into your TV’s USB port you’ll need to turn the TV on first to bring the Chromecast online.

通过背景选择您要自定义的Chromecast。 除非当前处于打开状态,否则您无法选择Chromecast,因此,如果将Chromecast插入电视的USB端口,则需要先打开电视以使Chromecast联机。

Once you select the Chromecasts and hit “Use Selected” you’ll be given a prompt to allow Chromecast to use your location data and your personal Google account. You can use some of the Backdrop features if you disallow it, but if you don’t allow the Chromecast and Chromecast app to access your location data and account then you won’t get weather data and you won’t see your personal wallpapers/photos. Click “Allow.”

选择Chromecast并点击“使用所选内容”后,系统会提示您,允许Chromecast使用您的位置数据和您的个人Google帐户。 如果您不允许使用某些背景功能,但是如果您不允许Chromecast和Chromecast应用访问您的位置数据和帐户,那么您将不会获得天气数据,也不会看到您的个人墙纸/相片。 点击“允许”。

On the next screen you’ll see the actual Backdrop preferences where you can toggle display types and settings off. The settings are pretty straight forward. If you select “Your Photos” you’ll see a screen like the following which allows you to pick which Google+ albums you wish to use.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到实际的背景偏好设置,可以在其中关闭显示类型和设置。 设置非常简单。 如果您选择“您的照片”,则会看到类似以下的屏幕,您可以选择想要使用的Google+相册。

Select the albums (you can select as many as you wish) and return to the previous screen when you’re done. In addition to toggling on your personal photos you can also toggle on Weather, Art, News and Lifestyle, Satellite Images, and Feature Photos. Lets’ take a closeup look at what each of these options entails.

选择相册(您可以选择任意数量的相册),完成后返回上一屏幕。 除了切换个人照片之外,您还可以切换“天气”,“艺术”,“新闻和生活方式”,“卫星图像”和“特色照片”。 让我们来仔细看看这些选项的含义。

The above is an example of the personal wallpaper screen with the weather enabled. Not only do we see a photo of our dog Cricket (the same photo we uploaded in the previous step) but we also see the weather and time in the lower right corner.

上面是启用天气的个人墙纸屏幕的示例。 我们不仅可以看到狗Cri的照片(与上一步中的照片相同),还可以在右下角看到天气和时间。

The Art category pulls artwork from Google’s Open Gallery and Cultural Institute. The name of the work, the author, and the collect it is from is listed beneath the weather/clock widget.

“艺术”类别从Google的开放画廊和文化学院提取艺术品。 天气/时钟小部件下方列出了作品的名称,作者以及作品的来源。

Satellite Images provides stunning images from the Google Earth collection. We weren’t too excited about this particular feature at first, but after seeing that it’s a hand curated collection of really beautiful satellite imagery we’ve been won over. The images that cycle by are really something to behold and highlight a wide range of natural and geologic structures from around the world.

卫星图像可提供Google地球收藏中的精美图像。 一开始我们对这个特殊功能并不太兴奋,但是在看到它是精心策划的非常漂亮的卫星图像集合之后,我们就被赢得了。 循序渐进的图像确实值得一看,并突显了来自世界各地的各种自然和地质结构。

The News and Lifestyle category is kind of a curious one. At first read, you’d assume that it would be actively displaying news (perhaps like a ticker tape on the bottom of the screen or what have you). Instead it’s more of a photojournalism kind of vibe wherein articles from major publications with good photos attached end up featured. In the example above we see a big pan of picadillo from a New York Times culinary article.

新闻和生活方式类别有点奇怪。 初读时,您假设它会主动显示新闻(也许像屏幕底部的自动收录机磁带或您所拥有的东西)。 相反,它更像是新闻摄影的氛围,其中主要出版物的文章都附有精美的照片。 在上面的示例中,我们从《纽约时报》的美食文章中看到一大盘皮卡迪洛。

Of all the categories the News and Lifestyle was the one we had the most mixed feelings about. Sure it’s novel but there are no granular controls and it feels a lot more like Pinterest with pretty pictures than it feels like any sort of useful news source. Now, grant it, the point of Backdrop is to put pretty pictures on the screen so perhaps we’re silly for expecting anything different.

在所有类别中,“新闻和生活方式”是我们最为感慨的类别。 当然,它是新颖的,但没有细粒度的控件,它感觉更像是带有漂亮图片的Pinterest,而不是任何有用的新闻来源。 现在,授予它,Backdrop的目的是在屏幕上放置漂亮的图片,所以也许我们傻于期望有任何不同。

The last category is the Featured Photos category which provides the exact wallpaper effect that has been with the Chromecast since day one: hand curated pictures from Google’s collection and from photographers sharing their work on Google+.


If you set a single toggle you’ll get a single category; if you want to see just your personal photos turn everything but “Your Photos” off. If you want a mix of images, toggle as many categories as you want; the Chromecast will rotate between whatever you’ve selected (e.g. personal photos, artwork, and satellite imagery).

如果您设置一个切换,您将获得一个类别。 如果您只想查看个人照片,请关闭“您的照片”以外的所有内容。 如果要混合使用图像,请根据需要切换任意多个类别。 Chromecast会在您选择的任何内容(例如个人照片,艺术品和卫星图像)之间旋转。

If you want to make any changes in the future, simply open up your Chromecast app, tap on the menu button in the upper left corner, and select “Backdrop” to toggle and modify your Chromecast personalizations.


That’s all there is to it. As longtime fans of the Chromecast we’re thrilled to see the extra features and really hope the Chromecast development team keeps expanding on the display capabilities of the Chromecast splash screen as it has a huge amount of potential as a home information dashboard.

这里的所有都是它的。 作为Chromecast的长期粉丝,我们很高兴看到这些附加功能,并真的希望Chromecast开发团队继续扩展Chromecast初始屏幕的显示功能,因为它有很大的潜力可以用作家庭信息仪表板。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/198326/how-to-customize-your-google-chromecast-with-personal-wallpapers-and-more/

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