
Much like configuring the BIOS, installing a new copy of Windows used to be a bit of a chore, but these days it’s been streamlined amazingly well. For most of it, you’ll simply follow the on-screen instructions, but feel free to keep this page open if you get stuck.

就像配置BIOS一样 ,安装Windows的新副本过去也比较麻烦,但是如今,它的精简效果非常好。 对于大多数情况,您只需要按照屏幕上的说明进行操作即可,但是如果遇到问题,可以随时打开此页面。

Before we start: make sure to plug in an Ethernet cord to your motherboard, if you don’t have a Wi-Fi adapter. Windows will want access to the Internet when it starts up.

开始之前:如果没有Wi-Fi适配器,请确保将以太网线插入主板。 Windows将在启动时希望访问Internet。

第一步:准备安装光盘或驱动器 (Step One: Prepare Your Installation Disc or Drive)

For this guide, we’re going to download the latest build of Windows 10 and place it on a USB drive, which our computer will boot to install Windows. That’s generally the easiest way to go about it these days. Of course, you can do more or less the same thing with an installation disc sold from a retail store (if you’ve installed a DVD drive), or burn your own.

对于本指南,我们将下载最新版本的Windows 10并将其放置在USB驱动器上,我们的计算机将启动该USB驱动器以安装Windows。 这通常是如今最简单的方法。 当然,您可以使用从零售店出售的安装光盘(如果已安装DVD驱动器)来做或多或少相同的事情,或者自己刻录。

Obviously, you can skip this section if you already have an installation disc or USB drive ready.


Head to this website on another Windows computer and download the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft. Plug in a blank (or unimportant) flash drive with at least 8GB of space. Note that anything stored on this USB drive will be deleted by the installation process, so if you have anything on it, move it somewhere else now. Double-click the program, then follow the steps below.

在另一台Windows计算机上访问该网站,然后从Microsoft下载媒体创建工具。 插入具有至少8GB空间的空白(或无关紧要)的闪存驱动器。 请注意,此USB驱动器上存储的所有内容都将在安装过程中删除,因此,如果有任何内容,请立即将其移至其他位置。 双击该程序,然后按照以下步骤操作。

Click “Accept” on the software license page, then choose “Create installation media”. Click Next.

单击软件许可页面上的“接受”,然后选择“创建安装媒体”。 点击下一步。

Make your language and edition selections. Keep “64-bit” set. Click “Next.”

选择您的语言和版本。 保持“ 64位”设置。 点击下一步。”

Click “USB flash drive,” then “Next.” (If you’re burning to a DVD instead, you can choose “ISO file”, and burn it to disc after its downloaded).

点击“ USB闪存驱动器”,然后点击“下一步”。 (如果要刻录到DVD,则可以选择“ ISO文件”,并在下载后刻录到光盘上 )。

Select the blank USB drive you just inserted. (If you’re not sure which drive this is, check “My Computer” or “This PC” in the File Explorer to find out.) Click Next.

选择您刚刚插入的空白USB驱动器。 (如果不确定是哪个驱动器,请在“文件资源管理器”中检查“我的电脑”或“此PC”以查找信息。)单击“下一步”。

The tool will download the operating system files, load them on the drive, and get it ready for installation. Depending on your Internet connection, this will take somewhere between ten minutes to an hour. You can do other stuff on the computer you’re using while it works. Or you can go watch an old Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reboot. Whatever you want, dude.

该工具将下载操作系统文件,将其加载到驱动器上,并准备安装。 根据您的Internet连接,这可能需要十分钟到一个小时。 您可以在正在使用的计算机上执行其他操作。 或者,您可以去观看Bel-Air的旧Fresh Prince重新启动。 随便你,伙计。

When the tool is done, click “Finish” and unplug the USB drive from the working computer.


第二步:在新PC上安装Windows (Step Two: Install Windows on Your New PC)

Plug the drive into a USB port, then power on the PC and follow the on-screen prompt to start the UEFI or BIOS (just like we did in part three).


Find the section of your UEFI/BIOS that controls the boot order—this is the numbered order of the various hard drives, SSD drives, and DVD drives in your computer, in which order the BIOS will search for a bootable partition. Since our demonstration computer only has an SSD installed, we can see the blank SSD, plus the Windows installation USB drive we just created and inserted.

在UEFI / BIOS的控制引导顺序的部分中查找-这是计算机中各种硬盘驱动器,SSD驱动器和DVD驱动器的编号顺序,BIOS将以此顺序搜索可引导分区。 由于我们的演示计算机仅安装了SSD,因此我们可以看到空白的SSD,以及刚刚创建并插入的Windows安装USB驱动器。

Set the first boot drive to the USB drive. (Or, if you’re using a retail Windows DVD, select the DVD drive.) Save your settings in UEFI/BIOS, then restart your computer.

将第一个启动驱动器设置为USB驱动器。 (或者,如果您使用的是零售Windows DVD,请选择DVD驱动器。)将设置保存在UEFI / BIOS中,然后重新启动计算机。

With the boot order set in the BIOS, you should see the Windows 10 installation program start automatically after you reboot. Select the appropriate language and input options, then click “Next.” Click “Install now” on the next screen.

在BIOS中设置了启动顺序后,重新启动后,您应该会看到Windows 10安装程序自动启动。 选择适当的语言和输入选项,然后单击“下一步”。 在下一个屏幕上单击“立即安装”。

If you have a Windows key, input it on this screen and click “Next.” If you don’t, no sweat: just click “I don’t have a product key,” then select the version of Windows you want to use (either “Home” or “Pro” for most people). You can input your key in Windows itself later, or buy one from Microsoft at your leisure—technically, you don’t even need one to use Windows 10.

如果您有Windows键,请在此屏幕上输入它,然后单击“下一步”。 如果您不这样做,请全力以赴:只需单击“我没有产品密钥”,然后选择要使用的Windows版本(大多数人可以选择“家庭”或“专业”)。 您可以稍后在Windows本身中输入密钥,也可以在闲暇时从Microsoft购买密钥-从技术上讲, 使用Windows 10甚至不需要密钥。

On the next screen, click “Custom” for a manual installation. You’re going to set up the Windows partition on your PC yourself.

在下一个屏幕上,单击“自定义”进行手动安装。 您将自己在PC上设置Windows分区。

Assuming you’re using a single new hard drive or solid-state drive, your screen should look something like this. If you have multiple drives installed, there will be multiple items with “Unallocated Space,” listed in order as Drive 0, Drive 1, Drive 2, and so on. The order of these drives doesn’t matter, it’s based on the order of the SATA ports on your motherboard.

假设您使用的是单个新的硬盘驱动器或固态驱动器,则屏幕应该看起来像这样。 如果安装了多个驱动器,则会有多个带有“未分配空间”的项目,依次列出为驱动器0,驱动器1,驱动器2,依此类推。 这些驱动器的顺序无关紧要,它取决于主板上SATA端口的顺序。

NOTE: If you’re using an older drive that was used on a previous PC, you’ll want to highlight each partition and click “Delete” to remove it, reassigning the data to the Unallocated Space pool. This will destroy the data on the partition, so if there’s anything important on there, you should have removed it already.

注意:如果使用的是旧PC上使用的旧驱动器,则需要突出显示每个分区,然后单击“删除”以将其删除,然后将数据重新分配给未分配的空间池。 这将破坏分区上的数据,因此,如果那里有重要内容,则应已将其删除。

Select the drive you want to install Windows on, and click “New” to make a new partition on the drive. Choose the maximum amount of data available for your drive when prompted. Click “Apply” to create the partition, then “Okay” as Windows gives you an alert message about multiple partitions. It will create some new partitions, which Windows uses for various pre-boot and recovery tools.

选择要在其上安装Windows的驱动器,然后单击“新建”以在驱动器上创建一个新分区。 出现提示时,选择可用于驱动器的最大数据量。 单击“应用”创建分区,然后单击“确定”,因为Windows为您提供有关多个分区的警报消息。 它将创建一些新分区,Windows将这些分区用于各种预启动和恢复工具。

Click the biggest new partition, which should be the largest in size and market “Primary” in the “Type” column. Click Next.

单击最大的新分区,该分区应该是“类型”列中尺寸和市场最大的“主要”分区。 点击下一步。

Now Windows is copying files from the USB drive or DVD to your storage drive, installing the OS, and generally getting stuff set up for you. It may restart the computer several times; this is fine. The process will take somewhere between a few minutes and an hour based on variables like your storage type, processor speed, USB drive speed, et cetera. Go watch another episode of Fresh Prince.

现在,Windows正在将文件从USB驱动器或DVD复制到您的存储驱动器,安装操作系统,并通常为您设置内容。 它可能会多次重启计算机; 这可以。 根据存储类型,处理器速度,USB驱动器速度等变量,此过程将花费几分钟到一个小时。 去看新鲜王子的另一集。

When you see the following screen, Windows is installed and you’re ready to set it up. Just follow the instructions and create your account. Going through the setup process shouldn’t take more than about 15 minutes, and you’ll be dropped onto the familiar Windows desktop.

当您看到以下屏幕时,说明Windows已安装,您已准备好进行设置。 只需按照说明创建帐户即可。 完成设置过程的时间不应超过15分钟,并且您将进入熟悉的Windows桌面。

When you’re finished and you see the login screen, there’s one more thing you need to do. Shut down your computer, unplug the Windows installation USB drive, turn the computer back on, and go into the BIOS again. Go back to the drive boot order setup, then select “Windows Boot Manager” as the first boot option. This will keep your PC from looking at any USB or DVD drives for a bootable operating system—you can change this setting back if you want to re-install Windows or something else later on.

完成后,您会看到登录屏幕,还需要做一件事。 关闭计算机,拔出Windows安装USB驱动器,重新打开计算机,然后再次进入BIOS。 返回驱动器引导顺序设置,然后选择“ Windows Boot Manager”作为第一个引导选项。 这将使您的PC不再寻找任何可启动操作系统的USB或DVD驱动器-如果您想稍后重新安装Windows或其他产品,则可以更改此设置。

That’s it. Now you can restart your computer to boot into Windows, and get ready to set it up!

而已。 现在,您可以重新启动计算机以启动到Windows,并准备对其进行设置!

第三步:安装所有硬件的驱动程序 (Step Three: Install Drivers for All Your Hardware)

Unlike older versions of Windows, Windows 10 comes pre-installed with thousands of generic and specific drivers, so some of your hardware—like network, audio, wireless, and video—should have at least basic functionality.

与Windows的较早版本不同,Windows 10预装有数千个通用和特定的驱动程序,因此您的某些硬件(如网络,音频,无线和视频)至少应具有基本功能。

However, there are still some drivers you’ll probably want to install:


  • Your motherboard’s chipset, audio, LAN, USB, and SATA drivers: Windows’ drivers are probably fine, but your motherboard manufacturer may have newer, better optimized, or more feature-filled drivers. Head to the Support page for your motherboard and find the Downloads section—that’s where you’ll find all these drivers. You don’t necessarily have to install everything on that page, but the chipset, audio, LAN, USB, and SATA drivers are usually worthwhile.

    主板的芯片组,音频,LAN,USB和SATA驱动程序 :Windows的驱动程序可能不错,但您的主板制造商可能具有更新的,优化程度更好的或功能更多的驱动程序。 转到主板的“支持”页面,然后找到“下载”部分,您可以在其中找到所有这些驱动程序。 您不必一定要在该页面上安装所有内容,但通常值得使用芯片组,音频,LAN,USB和SATA驱动程序。

  • Graphics card drivers from NVIDIA and AMD: Similarly, your discrete GPU will probably work fine with Windows’ basic drivers, but it won’t be fully optimized without the latest driver from the manufacturer. You’ll definitely want this if you’ve installed a graphics card for gaming or media applications. (Note: download the driver straight from NVIDIA or AMD, not from the card’s manufacturer like EVGA or GIGABYTE).

    NVIDIA和AMD的图形卡驱动程序 :同样,您的独立GPU可能可以与Windows的基本驱动程序配合使用,但是如果没有制造商提供的最新驱动程序,它将无法完全优化。 如果您已为游戏或媒体应用程序安装了图形卡,则肯定会想要此。 (注意: 直接从NVIDIAAMD下载驱动程序,而不从EVGA或GIGABYTE等卡的制造商那里下载驱动程序)。

  • Input devices like high-end mice, keyboards, and webcams: Peripheral manufacturers like Logitech usually need you to install a program to take advantage of advanced features, like custom shortcuts or sensor adjustments. Again, this is especially important for gaming-branded gear.

    高端鼠标,键盘和网络摄像头等输入设备 :Logitech之类的外围设备制造商通常需要您安装程序以利用高级功能,例如自定义快捷方式或传感器调整。 同样,这对于游戏品牌装备尤其重要。

  • High-end and unique hardware: if you have anything out of the ordinary, like, say, a Wacom graphics tablet or a PCI adapter for older ports, you’ll want to track down specific drivers and install them manually.

    高端且独特的硬件 :如果您有任何与众不同的东西,例如Wacom图形输入板或用于较旧端口的PCI适配器,则需要跟踪特定的驱动程序并手动安装它们。

Again, more or less all of these additional drivers can be found on their manufacturer’s website, downloaded, and installed like a standard program through the web browser of your choice.


Let’s install the AMD driver for our PC’s graphics card as an example. The box says the graphics card is an AMD Radeon RX 460, and I have no reason to suspect the model number is lying to me. Right on the front page of the AMD website is a link to DRIVERS & SUPPORT.

让我们以PC图形卡安装AMD驱动程序为例。 盒子上显示图形卡是AMD Radeon RX 460,我没有理由怀疑型号对我说谎。 在AMD网站的首页上,有指向DRIVERS&SUPPORT的链接。

This has both a downloadable detection program and a quick driver search tool. I’d rather not install more than I have to, so I use the latter to select my model:

它具有可下载的检测程序和快速的驱动程序搜索工具。 我宁愿不要安装比我需要的更多的东西,所以我用后者来选择我的模型:

Then you can choose the full version of the latest download.


Clicking “Download” saves the latest driver package as an EXE file on my PC. (Note: graphics cards drivers tend to be big, several hundred megabytes. Give it a minute or two.)

单击“下载”将最新的驱动程序包另存为EXE文件在我的PC上。 (注意:显卡驱动程序往往很大,几百兆。给它一两分钟。)

Double-click the program, follow the on-screen instructions, and your driver will be installed in a few minutes. You may need to reboot the PC to get it to start up, that’s fine.

双击该程序,按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,几分钟后将安装驱动程序。 您可能需要重新启动PC才能启动,这很好。

Repeat this process for any hardware that isn’t automatically detected by your PC. When you’re sure all the hardware is working, go on to the final article in this series.

对PC未自动检测到的任何硬件重复此过程。 当您确定所有硬件都可以正常工作时, 请继续阅读本系列的最后一篇文章

Or, if you want to jump to another part in the guide, here’s the whole thing:


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/building-a-new-computer-part-4-installing-windows-and-loading-drivers/





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