

iTunes is good enough as a media player, there do exist better options, but when it comes to managing an iOS device, it has some pretty neat tricks up its sleeve.


Chief among these are the Apps settings. With the Apps settings you can quickly and easily manage apps and home screens using your computer. In addition to being able to effortlessly remove apps that you’ve installed from the Apps Store, you can also reorganize app icons and the order that they appear, you can drag apps to different home screens, and you can even rearrange home screens, with just a few drags and clicks.

其中最主要的是Apps设置。 使用“应用程序”设置,您可以使用计算机快速轻松地管理应用程序和主屏幕。 除了可以毫不费力地从Apps Store中删除已安装的应用程序之外,您还可以重新组织应用程序图标及其显示顺序,还可以将应用程序拖到其他主屏幕上,甚至可以重新排列主屏幕。只需几次拖动和点击。

It’s all very reminiscent of how Launchpad works, which we recently covered, except with iTunes, you have even more top-down control over your iOS apps.


通过iTunes访问您的设备 (Accessing Your Device via iTunes)

If you use an iPad or iPhone then you’ve probably used iTunes at some point to manage your music or device. Some users might have even had to use iTunes to upgrade to iOS 8. But, beyond simply syncing your music and movies, many may not realize you can also handily manage your apps.

如果您使用iPad或iPhone,则可能曾经在某个时候使用iTunes来管理音乐或设备。 一些用户甚至可能不得不使用iTunes升级到iOS 8 。 但是,除了简单地同步音乐和电影外,许多人可能没有意识到您还可以方便地管理应用程序。

The quickest and fastest way to connect your iPad or iPhone is to plug it in with the cable.


Little else is faster than good ol’ Thunderbolt.

You can also sync your iPad or iPhone wirelessly via Wi-Fi, which isn’t as fast but is sure a lot more convenient. To do this, you must first make sure that the option is enabled in iTunes. Click the device icon in iTunes.

您还可以通过Wi-Fi无线同步iPad或iPhone ,虽然速度不快,但肯定会更方便。 为此,您必须首先确保在iTunes中启用了该选项。 单击iTunes中的设备图标。

Now under the Summary settings, scroll down to Options and make sure “Sync with this iPad over Wi-Fi” is checked (obviously if you have an iPhone it will say “iPhone”).

现在,在“摘要”设置下,向下滚动至“选项”,并确保选中“通过Wi-Fi与该iPad同步”(显然,如果您有iPhone,它将显示“ iPhone”)。

Now you’re all set to manage and sync your apps and device’s home screens.


应用程序设置 (The Apps Settings)

Right below the Summary settings is the Apps option. The left side is dedicated to your apps you’ve installed from the App Store.

在“摘要”设置的正下方是“应用程序”选项。 左侧专用于您从App Store安装的应用程序。

You can sort apps, such as by name, kind, category, and so on. Next to each app is a “Remove” button, which will uninstall the app. You can also search for an app, or narrow a group of apps down by search string.

您可以按名称,种类,类别等对应用程序进行排序。 每个应用程序旁边都有一个“删除”按钮,它将卸载该应用程序。 您还可以搜索一个应用程序,或按搜索字符串缩小一组应用程序的范围。

On the right side is the “Home Screens” section, and this is where the real magic of iTunes app management happens. First, you can use the slider at the top to enlarge or shrink your home screens. Slide it over to the left and you can see your home screens (called “Pages) arrayed side-by-side.

右侧是“主屏幕”部分,这是iTunes应用程序管理真正神奇的地方。 首先,您可以使用顶部的滑块来放大或缩小主屏幕。 将其滑到左侧,您可以看到并排排列的主屏幕(称为“页面”)。

Moving the slider to the right will give you greater detail and allow you to better see what’s on each page.


If you click the little “+” in the upper-right corner, you can add a new home screen. There doesn’t appear to be an obvious way to remove it, but we found that you can click the “Revert” button and it will go away.

如果单击右上角的小“ +”,则可以添加新的主屏幕。 似乎没有明显的删除方法,但是我们发现您可以单击“还原”按钮,它将消失。

So what else can you do with the home screen options? For one you can quickly reorder app icons and screens. To move apps around or to another home screen, you need to double-click to zoom.

那么您还可以使用主屏幕选项做什么? 您可以快速重新排列应用程序图标和屏幕的顺序。 要将应用移动到另一个主屏幕或移动到另一个主屏幕,您需要双击以进行缩放。

You can now reorder apps on that home screen by dragging them. If you drag the icon beyond the home screen’s border, you can place it on another. The destination home screen will zoom and you can place the app on it where you prefer.

现在,您可以通过拖动来在主屏幕上对应用程序重新排序。 如果将图标拖到主屏幕边框之外,则可以将其放置在另一个图标上。 目的地主屏幕将缩放,您可以将其放置在您喜欢的位置。

If you want to move more than one icon at a time, you need to hold the “Control” button on your keyboard and then click to select every app you want to affect; a blue border will appear around each selected app.

如果要一次移动多个图标,则需要按住键盘上的“控制”按钮,然后单击以选择要影响的每个应用程序; 每个选定的应用程序周围都会出现一个蓝色边框。

Note also, that you can remove apps by tapping the gray “X” in the upper-left corner. This is the same method of removing App Store apps as on your iPhone, iPad, and even OS X’s Launchpad. Also, iTunes won’t let you move a group of selected apps to another home screen if there isn’t enough room.

另请注意,您可以通过点击左上角的灰色“ X”来删除应用程序。 这与删除iPhone,iPad甚至OS X的Launchpad上的App Store应用程序的方法相同。 另外,如果没有足够的空间,iTunes将不允许您将一组选定的应用程序移动到另一个主屏幕。

Speaking of groups, just like if you were using the device itself, if you drag one icon over the top of another, you can create a folder of apps and rename it to something appropriate. If you want to remove a folder, simply drag all the icons out of it.

说到组,就像在使用设备本身一样,如果将一个图标拖到另一个图标的上方,则可以创建一个应用程序文件夹并将其重命名为适当的名称。 如果要删除文件夹,只需将所有图标拖出该文件夹即可。

Finally, and this is a real timesaver, let’s say you want to reorder home screens. For instance, let’s say you get done rearranging a bunch of icons and you realize you want page 2 to come before page 1.

最后,这是一个真正的节省时间的功能,假设您要对主屏幕进行重新排序。 例如,假设您完成了一系列图标的重新排列,并且您意识到希望第2页出现在第1页之前。

Just drag the screens into your preferred order.


When you’re done with auditing your apps and moving them and your home screens around, simply click “Apply” to sync your changes. If you change your mind, again you can hit “Revert” and everything will go back to the way to the way it was before.

完成审核应用程序并移动它们和主屏幕后,只需单击“应用”即可同步您的更改。 如果您改变主意,则可以再次单击“还原”,一切将恢复到以前的方式。

Always remember to hit “Apply” to save and sync your changes.

Being able to make these changes – to quickly move apps or app groups from one home screen to another, or rearrange home screens – means that you can do in almost no time, what would normally take much, much longer using the touchscreen interface on your iPhone or iPad. We all know how tedious simply moving app icons around can be, using iTunes makes very short work of that.

能够进行这些更改-将应用程序或应用程序组从一个主屏幕快速移动到另一个主屏幕,或重新排列主屏幕-意味着您几乎可以在短时间内完成操作,而使用触摸屏界面通常需要花费很多,更长的时间iPhone或iPad。 我们都知道,简单地移动应用程序图标可能会很乏味,使用iTunes可以使工作非常短暂。

We’d like to now hear from you now. Do you or have you ever used iTunes to manage your iOS device’s apps and home screens? Has this article been useful to you? Sound off in our discussion forum and share your thoughts with us.

我们希望现在能收到您的来信。 您是否曾经使用iTunes管理iOS设备的应用程序和主屏幕? 这篇文章对您有用吗? 在我们的讨论论坛上畅所欲言,并与我们分享您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208682/how-to-use-itunes-to-quickly-organize-apps-on-iphone-and-ipad/





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