imx8 4k hdmi_我需要为新的4K电视使用新的HDMI电缆和设备吗?

imx8 4k hdmi

imx8 4k hdmi

If you’ve purchased a new TV recently, the salesperson might have pitched you on the idea that you need the newest whiz-bang HDMI cables or auxiliary components to get the most out of that screen. But do you actually need all that new stuff to take advantage of new features? Possibly—so let’s look at when new cables or gear are called for.

如果您最近购买了新电视,那么销售人员可能会向您推荐您需要最新的高清晰度HDMI电缆或辅助组件,以充分利用该屏幕。 但是,您实际上需要所有这些新东西来利用新功能吗? 可能-因此让我们看一下何时需要新的电缆或齿轮。

HDMI电缆没有版本 (HDMI Cables Don’t Have Versions)

Either by word of mouth from a salesperson or looking at advertising online, you may have seen cables labeled as “HDMI 2.0” or specifically billed as upgraded cables designed for HDR video, 4K video, Ultra-High-Def video, or whatever other buzzword the manufacturer or salesperson felt like throwing around.

通过销售员的口口相传或在网上看广告,您可能已经看到标有“ HDMI 2.0”的电缆,或者专门标明是专为HDR视频,4K视频,超高清视频或其他流行词汇设计的升级电缆。制造商或销售人员感觉像在四处乱扔。

That’s great, except there’s no such thing as an HDMI 2.0 cable. HDMI cables are not, and have never been, released using a numeric designation. The HDMI standard itself has different versions, and the hardware you connect the cables to—the TV, AV receivers, Blu-ray players, and so on—has numbered versions, but the cables are not.

很好,除了没有HDMI 2.0电缆之类的东西。 HDMI电缆从未使用数字名称发布,也从未发布过。 HDMI标准本身具有不同的版本,您将电缆连接到的硬件(电视,AV接收机,蓝光播放器等)具有编号版本,但电缆没有编号。

In fact, there are only four cable designations that are legitimate and recognized by the HDMI organization:


  • High Speed without Ethernet

  • High Speed with Ethernet

  • Standard Speed without Ethernet

  • Standard Speed with Ethernet


In short, Standard Speed cables have the bandwidth to handle up to 1080i and High Speed cables have the bandwidth to handle 1080p, 4K, and the advanced innovations associated with newer HDTV sets like 3D and HDR. The with/without Ethernet designation simply indicates that the cable has the ability to carry an additional signal for data networking, so that your TV or AV receiver can act not just as an audio/video hub but a data hub too, sharing an internet connection with the various connected devices.

简而言之,标准速度电缆具有可处理高达1080i的带宽,而高速电缆具有可处理1080p,4K的带宽,以及与诸如3D和HDR等新型HDTV电视机相关的先进创新技术。 带/不带以太网名称仅表示电缆具有承载数据网络附加信号的能力,因此您的电视或AV接收器不仅可以充当音频/视频集线器,还可以充当数据集线器,共享Internet连接与各种连接的设备。

With that in mind, there’s a very good chance that your old HDMI cables will work fine with your new 4K TV. In fact, unless your HDMI cables are veritable dinosaurs of the digital TV age (purchased before 2009 or earlier) you should just plug them in and give them a try.

考虑到这一点,您的旧HDMI电缆很有可能在新的4K电视上正常工作。 实际上,除非您的HDMI电缆是真正的数字电视时代的恐龙(在2009年或更早之前购买),否则您只需将其插入并尝试一下。

Because HDMI is a purely digital signal either the cable works or it doesn’t. There’s no situation where you get a partial or fuzzy 4K signal, there’s only a situation where it works and everything looks great. If it doesn’t work and the cable is so old it can’t support the signal you need (e.g. you’ve got an ancient Standard Speed cable), it won’t cost much to rectify the situation. You can pick up High Speed with Ethernet HDMI cables for dirt cheap—and, in fact, you should always buy the cheap cables.

由于HDMI是纯数字信号,因此电缆可以工作,也可以不工作。 在任何情况下,您都不会收到部分或模糊的4K信号,只有在这种情况下它才能正常工作,并且一切看起来都不错。 如果它不起作用,并且电缆太旧了,无法支持您所需的信号(例如,您有一条古老的标准速度电缆),则解决该问题不会花费太多。 您可以使用以太网HDMI电缆来购买“高速”电缆,以降低污垢的负担,实际上, 您应该始终购买廉价电缆

Cables, however, are only half the equation. Let’s take a look at the pricier scenario where a new $8 cable isn’t enough of a fix.

但是,电缆只是等式的一半。 让我们看一下更昂贵的情况,在这种情况下,新的8美元电缆不足以解决问题。

HDMI硬件确实有版本,您可能需要升级 (HDMI Hardware Does Have Versions, and You May Need to Upgrade)

While there’s no such thing as an HDMI 1.4 or HDMI 2.0 cable, there is most certainly such a thing as HDMI 1.4 or 2.0 hardware. Just because the actual TV supports 4K set doesn’t mean you’re set to enjoy 4K content. Your receiver and other gear will also need to support 4K. Here’s a crash course on which HDMI versions support what:

虽然没有HDMI 1.4或HDMI 2.0 电缆之类的东西,但是最肯定有HDMI 1.4或2.0 硬件之类的东西。 仅仅因为实际的电视支持4K设置并不意味着您就可以享受4K内容。 您的接收器和其他设备也将需要支持4K。 HDMI版本支持以下速成课程:

  • Version 1.0, released in 2002: The original standard. Extremely limited. Doesn’t support 4K.

    2002年发布的1.0版:原始标准。 极其有限。 不支持4K。
  • Version 1.1, released in 2004: Minor changes, supports DVD-Audio.

  • Version 1.2, released in 2005: Increased audio channels. 1.2a revision includes HDMI-CEC (which allows HDMI devices to control each other over the HDMI cable).

    2005年发布的1.2版:增加了音频通道。 1.2a修订版包括HDMI-CEC(允许HDMI设备通过HDMI电缆相互控制)。
  • Version 1.3, released in 2006: First big jump in HDMI cable bandwidth, 1.3 supports up to 10.2 Gbit/s.

    1.3版发布于2006年:HDMI电缆带宽上的首次飞跃,1.3支持高达10.2 Gbit / s。
  • Version 1.4, released in 2009: Supports 4K video, HDMI Ethernet, Audio Return Channel (ARC), and 3D over HDMI.

    2009年发布的1.4版:支持4K视频,HDMI以太网,音频回传通道(ARC)和3D over HDMI。
  • Version 2.0, released in 2013: Increase in bandwidth to 18 Gbit/s, can now transmit enough information to playback 4K video at 60 frames per second.

    2013年发布的2.0版:带宽增加到18 Gbit / s,现在可以传输足够的信息以每秒60帧的速度播放4K视频。
  • Version 2.0a, released in 2015:  Support for High-Dynamic Range (HDR) Video.


So depending on how your living room is set up, you may or may not need other new gear to get all the features of your TV. Every component in the chain has to support the same HDMI version (or better) as the content-delivering component. This means it doesn’t matter if your Chromecast Ultra supports 4K video and your TV supports 4K video, if the Chromecast Ultra is plugged into a 2005-era HDMI 1.2 AV receiver that is feeding the video signal to your new TV. You’ll need a receiver that supports HDMI 1.4 at the least, and 2.0a if you want to also take advantage of HDR (which is arguably a bigger improvement in picture quality than 4K).

因此,根据客厅的设置方式,您可能需要也可能不需要其他新设备来获得电视的所有功能。 链中的每个组件都必须与内容交付组件支持相同的HDMI版本(或更高版本)。 这意味着您的Chromecast Ultra是否支持4K视频,而电视是否支持4K视频,也可以将Chromecast Ultra插入2005年以前的HDMI 1.2 AV接收器中,该接收器将视频信号馈送到新电视。 您需要至少支持HDMI 1.4的接收器,以及想要同时利用HDR的接收器(2.0a)(这可以说是比4K更好的画质改进 )。

Similarly, if you have a 4K-capable TV and a 4K-capable receiver but an older non-Ultra Chromecast, then you won’t be able to watch 4K content—you need a player that supports it too.

同样,如果您具有支持4K的电视和具有4K的接收器,但是较旧的非Ultra Chromecast,则将无法观看4K内容-您也需要支持它的播放器。

But if your entire home setup consists of just the brand new 4K TV and 4K-capable Chromecast Ultra plugged right into the back of the TV, then you’re good to go.

但是,如果您的整个家庭设置仅包括全新的4K电视和可插入电视背面的具有4K功能的Chromecast Ultra,那么您就可以使用了。

Buying a new 4K-capable player and receiver is clearly a much more expensive proposition than picking up a new $5-10 HDMI cable. You’ll want to look up the specs for your old hardware, check which HDMI version it supports, and then be sure to check the specs on any new hardware you’re considering as a replacement—if you need help decoding what the port-related terminology (like HDCP 2.2, 10bit, and such) means on the back of your TV, check out our guide here.

购买新的支持4K的播放器和接收器显然比购买新的5-10美元的HDMI电缆要贵得多。 您需要查看旧硬件的规格,检查其支持的HDMI版本,然后确保检查要考虑替代的任何新硬件的规格-如果您需要帮助来解码端口,相关术语(例如HDCP 2.2、10bit等)意味着在电视背面, 请在此处查看我们的指南

If you do find yourself in search of a new receiver for your new 4K TV, keep this in mind while shopping: just because it’s on the shelf at a store today doesn’t mean it’s the most bleeding edge HDMI version, so be sure to check the specs on your potential purchase carefully.


When in doubt, absolutely try out your existing cables and hardware with your new TV. It doesn’t hurt to try and in a best case scenario everything works great. If it doesn’t, look for the cheapest fixes first (like ancient HDMI cables) and then move onto the more pricey upgrades like new HDMI 2.0+ components.

如有疑问,请在新电视上尝试使用现有的电缆和硬件。 尝试并没有什么坏处,在最佳情况下,一切都很好。 如果没有,请先寻找最便宜的修复程序(例如古老的HDMI电缆),然后再进行价格更高的升级,例如新的HDMI 2.0+组件。


imx8 4k hdmi





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