


Barring any kind of accidental damage, your laptop’s keyboard and touchpad are the parts that start to show wear as soon as you use them. Not only are they some of the only moving parts left in modern laptop design, they’re the ones that are constantly being touched by us fleshy humans, absorbing tiny amounts of skin oil and wearing away the legends on the keys. After a year or so, the keyboard deck can start to look noticeably aged.

除非有任何意外损坏,您的笔记本电脑的键盘和触摸板一经使用便开始显示磨损。 它们不仅是现代笔记本电脑设计中剩下的仅有的运动部件,而且还是经常被我们多肉的人所碰触的部分,它们吸收了少量的皮肤油脂并磨损了按键上的传说。 大约一年后,键盘座可能开始显得明显老化。

But there’s good news: because it’s one of the parts that frequently malfunctions, many laptop keyboards are designed to be removed and replaced with relative ease. The touchpad assembly (usually integrated with the keyboard deck itself) can often be replaced as well. If you can track down the parts and you have a little patience, it’s possible to make your laptop look like new for a fraction of the cost of replacing the whole thing.

但是有个好消息:因为它是经常发生故障的部分之一,所以许多笔记本电脑键盘的设计都可以相对轻松地卸下和更换。 触摸板组件(通常与键盘面板本身集成在一起)也经常可以更换。 如果您可以找到零件,并且稍有耐心,则可以使笔记本电脑看起来像新笔记本一样,而只需花费一整笔的费用即可。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

You’ll only need a few things for this job:


  • Phillips and Flat-head screwdrivers in various sizes. Depending on your laptop model, you may need specific Torx screwdrivers and something to use as a small pry bar. You can grab these and m any other tech-friendly tools in one package with the iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit ($50).

    各种尺寸的十字和一字螺丝刀。 根据笔记本电脑的型号,您可能需要特定的Torx螺丝刀和一些用作小型撬杆的工具。 您可以使用iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit (50美元)将这些以及其他任何技术友好的工具打包到一个软件包中。

  • The specific replacement parts for your laptop model. We’ll discuss how to find these in Step Two.

    笔记本电脑型号的特定替换零件。 我们将在第二步中讨论如何找到它们。

Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

第一步:查找服务或维修手册 (Step One: Find a Service or Repair Manual)

Service manuals are guides that manufacturers produce for the benefit of their in-house technicians or licensed service agents. They include step-by-step instructions on the most common repairs, including replacing the keyboard and touchpad assembly. You’re going to want one.

服务手册是制造商为其内部技术人员或获得许可的服务代理商的利益而制作的指南。 其中包括有关最常见维修的分步说明,包括更换键盘和触摸板组件。 您将要一个。

The bad news is that these service manuals aren’t available for each and every machine. In fact, the newer a laptop is, the less likely it is that the service manual is floating around. The good news is that the ones that are available are generally posted for free online in a standard PDF format. Sometimes they’re even hosted by the company itself, as is the case with the Lenovo ThinkPad I’m using for my demonstration machine. Once you’ve found the one that corresponds to your laptop model, just load it up into a phone, laptop, or another computer to guide you as you work. If you have no other options, you can always print out the specific pages you need to follow.

坏消息是,并非每台机器都提供这些服务手册。 实际上,笔记本电脑越新,维修手册随处可见的可能性就越小。 好消息是, 可用的那些通常被贴在网上免费在一个标准的PDF格式。 有时它们甚至由公司本身托管,就像我用于演示机的Lenovo ThinkPad一样。 找到适合您笔记本电脑型号的笔记本电脑后,只需将其加载到手机,笔记本电脑或另一台计算机上,即可在工作时为您提供指导。 如果没有其他选择,则始终可以打印出需要遵循的特定页面。

A simple Google search will usually be all you need to track down a service manual. For older models, Archive.org and Future Proof both keep databases of manuals on their sites. If there are no official alternatives, you can try looking on iFixIt or even YouTube for a more general guide. In any case, you want to make sure you have some kind of guide available to you before continuing.

通常, 仅需简单的Google搜索即可查找服务手册。 对于较旧的模型, Archive.orgFuture Proof都将手册数据库保存在其站点上。 如果没有其他官方选择,您可以尝试在iFixIt甚至YouTube上查找更多常规指南。 无论如何,您都需要确保在继续之前可以使用某种指南。

第二步:查找零件 (Step Two: Find the Parts)

Before you can replace your keyboard or touchpad, you’ll have to actually find a replacement part. This isn’t as difficult as it might seem: original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts for most models can be found online from various suppliers and wholesalers, and independent sellers often list individual parts on Amazon or eBay. The specific part numbers can be found in the service manual, or with a little research if you don’t have one available to you.

在更换键盘或触摸板之前,您必须实际找到更换的零件。 这似乎并不像看起来那么困难:大多数型号的原始设备制造商(OEM)零件可从各种供应商和批发商处在线找到,而独立卖家通常在Amazon或eBay上列出单个零件。 具体的零件编号可以在服务手册中找到,或者如果没有可用的零件,可以进行一些研究。

If all else fails, you can find a broken laptop of the same type. As long as the keyboard or deck are intact, it doesn’t matter if the laptop has a spent battery or a broken screen; you can salvage the parts. Just follow this guide backwards to disassemble the broken unit, get the parts, then use them on your original machine.

如果其他所有方法均失败,则可以找到损坏的同类型笔记本电脑。 只要键盘或卡座完好无损,笔记本电脑的电池是否耗尽或屏幕是否破裂都没关系。 您可以抢救零件。 只需向后按照本指南拆卸损坏的单元,获取零件,然后在原始机器上使用它们。

Remember when buying your replacement keyboard or touchpad to match the laptop model number as closely as possible. Small variations in production could make parts incompatible with one another, especially when dealing with variants sold in different international markets—getting a French AZERTY keyboard layout on your US-standard QWERTY machine will cause a real headache. Also note that while the keyboard is usually a single part, the touchpad assembly is often build into the plastic or metal of the surrounding case itself, generally making it a more expensive part to procure.

请记住,在购买替换键盘或触摸板时,请使其与笔记本电脑的型号尽可能接近。 生产中的微小变化可能会使零件彼此不兼容,尤其是在处理在不同的国际市场上出售的变形时,尤其是在美国标准的QWERTY机器上使用法文AZERTY键盘布局时,会造成真正的头痛。 还要注意,尽管键盘通常是单个部件,但触摸板组件通常内置在外壳本身的塑料或金属中,通常使它成为更昂贵的部件。

第三步:设置工作区 (Step Three: Set Up Your Work Area)

This repair might be quick and easy or extremely time consuming, depending on your laptop model. But it’s probably somewhere in between. You’ll want a nice clean and flat workspace, preferably one in an area of non-carpeted floor (to minimize static). A few cups or bowls can also be a big help; they’re handy places to put different-sized screws so that they don’t roll away. Before beginning, shut down your computer and remove the battery if possible.

根据您笔记本电脑的型号,此修理可能快速,轻松或非常耗时。 但这可能介于两者之间。 您需要一个干净整洁的工作空间,最好是在无地毯的地板区域(以最大程度减少静电)。 几杯或碗也可以有很大帮助; 它们是放置不同尺寸螺钉的方便位置,以免它们滚开。 开始之前,请关闭计算机并尽可能取出电池。

第四步:拆卸与更换 (Step Four: Disassembly and Replacement)

You’re all set, now you just have to follow the instructions in the manual, online guide, or video. These will usually start with removing at least some portion of the rear panel of your laptop, loosening or removing a retention screw, then removing some or all of the keyboard deck to access the keyboard assembly itself.

一切就绪,现在您只需要按照手册,在线指南或视频中的说明进行操作即可。 这些操作通常从以下步骤开始:卸下笔记本电脑的后面板的至少一部分,拧松或卸下固定螺钉,然后卸下部分或全部键盘架以访问键盘组合件本身。

Each model will be different. Be slow and methodical, sticking to your instructions as closely as possible. If you need to pop plastic or metal tabs in the laptop body in order to remove panels, do so with firm inward and upward pressure of your pry tool.

每种型号都不同。 缓慢而有条理,尽可能严格遵循您的指示。 如果您需要在笔记本电脑主体中弹出塑料或金属卡舌以卸下面板,请在撬动工具向内和向上施加强力的情况下进行操作。

After you’ve replaced your parts and closed up your laptop, make sure you’ve accounted for every piece and screw removed. There shouldn’t be anything left over except the original part you’ve just replaced. If you have anything remaining, retrace your steps and put it in its intended place.

更换零件并关闭笔记本电脑后,请确保已考虑了卸下的所有零件和螺钉。 除了您刚刚替换的原始零件,不应该有任何剩余的东西。 如果还剩下任何东西,请追溯步骤并将其放在预期的位置。

Now boot up your computer and check to see if the new part is working. Good luck.

现在启动计算机,并检查新部件是否正常工作。 祝好运。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/303853/how-to-replace-your-laptops-keyboard-or-touchpad/






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