如何规避“此应用程序已被阻止以保护您”在Windows 10中安装应用程序

The user protections in Windows 10 are quite aggressive which, for the most part, is a good thing that protects people from malicious software. Every now and then, however, it’s a wee bit too aggressive and gets in the way of your actual work. Read on as we show you how to circumvent the “This app has been blocked for your protection” error in Windows 10.

Windows 10中的用户保护非常激进,这在很大程度上可以保护人们免受恶意软件的侵害。 但是,这时不时地有点过于激进,并妨碍了您的实际工作。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何规避Windows 10中的“此应用已被阻止以保护您的行为”错误。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

As a general rule you don’t want to do this. Historically Windows has been pretty loosey goosey when it comes to file security and the prevention of malicious software attacks. Over the years the engineers at Microsoft have slowly tightened things down, improvement by improvement, and thanks to signed drivers, certificates, user account control settings, and so on there’s a much lower chance these days that you’ll accidentally install malicious software.

作为一般规则,你希望这样做。 从历史上看,Windows在文件安全性和防止恶意软件攻击方面一直很松懈。 多年以来,Microsoft的工程师已慢慢收紧了一切,通过改进不断改进,并借助已签名的驱动程序,证书, 用户帐户控制设置等 ,这些天来您意外安装恶意软件的可能性大大降低。

If you’ve found this article via Google search and you’re frustrated that you can’t install an application because Windows 10 keeps flat out denying you with the error message “This app has been blocked for your protection” before we even dig into how to circumvent the error we want you to take a deep breath and think about where the file came from. You’re upset that your old scanner from 2004 won’t work on Windows 10 and you found bootleg drivers on some suspicious website like SuperAwesomeFreeAndTotallyNotMalwareDrivers.com? We’d recommend biting the bullet, getting a newer scanner, and not circumventing the very useful protections put in place precisely to stop you from running very suspect Setup.exe files found on websites of dubious quality.

如果您通过Google搜索找到了这篇文章,并且对无法安装应用程序感到沮丧,因为Windows 10一直拒绝您,并在出现错误消息“此应用程序已被阻止以保护您”之前拒绝您,甚至在我们深入研究之前如何避免错误,我们希望您深呼吸并考虑文件的来源。 您为2004年的旧扫描仪无法在Windows 10上运行而感到不高兴,并且在一些可疑的网站(例如SuperAwesomeFreeAndTotallyNotMalwareDrivers.com)上找到了盗版驱动程序? 我们建议你咬咬牙,得到一个新的扫描仪,而不是绕过非常有用的保护措施到位,正是从运行在质量可疑的网站,发现犯罪嫌疑人非常的Setup.exe文件,阻止你。

On the other hand you might find yourself in a perfectly valid situation where you’ve downloaded the drivers for a file directly from the manufacturer website and they simply won’t run properly on Windows 10 because of technical (but not malicious) problems like an expired or improperly applied certificate. In such cases it’s perfectly reasonable to circumvent the error message and accompanying security block.

另一方面,您可能会发现自己处在完全有效的情况下,您直接从制造商网站下载了文件的驱动程序,并且由于诸如Windows的技术(但不是恶意)问题,它们根本无法在Windows 10上正常运行。证书过期或使用不当。 在这种情况下,规避错误消息和随附的安全块是完全合理的。

Again, and for emphasis, you should only circumvent this security measure if you are absolutely confident you have a legitimate executable and not a malicious piece of software. Downloaded it from from Hewlett-Packard’s support site? Great. Downloaded it from a shady driver web site? Don’t even think about it.

再次强调一下,只有在绝对确信自己拥有合法的可执行文件而不是恶意软件的情况下,才应该规避此安全措施。 从惠普的支持网站下载了它? 大。 从一个阴暗的驱动程序网站上下载了它? 甚至不用考虑。

如何避免错误? (How Do I Circumvent The Error?)

The error is a rather curious one. The title bar of the pop up box is “User Account Control” but it pops up even if you set your user account control settings to a minimum level or disable them. The warning text is “This program has been blocked for your protection” and the body text of the warning is “An administrator has blocked you from running this program. For more information, contact the administrator.”

该错误是一个相当奇怪的错误。 弹出框的标题栏为“用户帐户控制”,但即使您将用户帐户控制设置设为最低级别或将其禁用,它也会弹出。 警告文本为“为保护您的程序而被阻止”,警告的正文为“管理员阻止了您运行该程序。 有关更多信息,请与管理员联系。”

That doesn’t seem particularly odd (blocking installation of files on a non-administrative account is a common feature across operating systems) but you’ll get the error even if you run the installation on a Windows 10 account with administrative privileges. Further, if you right-click on the file and select “Run as administrator” you’ll get the exact same error.

这似乎并不特别奇怪(阻止在非管理帐户上安装文件是跨操作系统的常见功能),但是即使您在具有管理特权的Windows 10帐户上运行安装,也会收到错误消息。 此外,如果右键单击该文件并选择“以管理员身份运行”,则会得到完全相同的错误。

However you can circumvent the entire process (and we again want to emphasize that you should only do so if you have express confidence in the validity of the file you are about to run) by turning to the command prompt.


Note: There is another solution that involves activating the “hidden” administrative account in Windows wherein you sign out of your regular account (even if it has, as mentioned above, administrator privileges) and log into the new generically named “administrator” account to run the program that won’t run. Then you backtrack by logging out and disabling the hidden administrator account. This technique works but we’re only noting it here out of a duty to be thorough in educating the reader not because it is worth the effort or potential security risk (if you fail to turn the account back off).

注意:还有另一种解决方案,涉及激活Windows中的“隐藏”管理帐户,您退出常规帐户(即使它具有如上所述的管理员权限),然后登录到新的通用名称“ administrator”帐户,运行不会运行的程序。 然后,通过注销并禁用隐藏的管理员帐户来回溯。 这项技术有效,但我们在这里仅是出于对读者进行全面教育的义务,而不是因为这样做值得付出努力或潜在的安全风险(如果您无法关闭帐户)。

Even though right-clicking on the application in question and selecting “Run as administrator” does nothing, if you put “cmd.exe” in the run dialog on the Windows 10 Start Menu, right-click on it, and select “Run as administrator” for the command prompt, as seen above along with the offending Setup.exe application, then the elevated command prompt will execute the improperly signed executable.

即使右键单击有问题的应用程序并选择“以管理员身份运行”也无法执行任何操作,但如果将“ cmd.exe”放在Windows 10“开始”菜单上的“运行”对话框中,请右键单击它,然后选择“以...运行管理员”为命令提示 ,如图上面的冒犯的Setup.exe应用程序一起,然后提升的命令提示将执行不当签名的可执行。

At that point you can simply navigate to the location of the .EXE file via the command prompt and run it as seen in the screenshot above. Unlike selecting “Run as administrator” via the GUI in Windows Explorer, when launched from the elevated commend prompt you’ll enjoy an error free experience.

那时,您可以简单地通过命令提示符导航到.EXE文件的位置并运行它,如上面的屏幕快照所示。 与通过Windows资源管理器中的GUI选择“以管理员身份运行”不同,从提升的命令提示符启动时,您将享受无错误的体验。

Again, we don’t recommend willy-nilly using this trick but if you find yourself with some legitimate but incorrectly signed drivers (and you’re not about to wait around, potentially indefinitely, for the manufacturer to properly sign them for Windows 10) then the trick is a real life saver.

同样,我们不建议您随意使用此技巧,但是如果您发现自己拥有一些合法但签名错误的驱动程序(并且您不会无限期地等待制造商为Windows 10正确签名它们)那么诀窍就是真正的救命稻草。

Have a question about Windows 10? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对Windows 10有疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/230063/how-to-circumvent-this-app-has-been-blocked-for-your-protection-to-install-apps-in-windows-10/





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