
This is how to

Some Android phones store temporary files used for things like OS updates in a cache partition. You may have seen recommendations across the web suggesting that you clear this partition from time to time—but is that a good idea?

一些Android手机将用于操作系统更新之类的临时文件存储在缓存分区中。 您可能会在网上看到一些建议,建议您不时清除此分区,但这是个好主意吗?

什么是系统缓存,什么数据存储在那里? (What Is the System Cache and What Data Is Stored There?)

Some time ago, in the days before Nougat, Android used a system cache to store system update files. Android has since moved away from that, preferring a different method for installing updates.

前一段时间,在牛轧糖之前的几天, Android使用系统缓存来存储系统更新文件。 从那以后,Android逐渐摆脱了这一困境,而是选择了另一种安装更新的方法

Many modern phones don’t even have a system cache now. If yours has a system cache, it will be on a separate partition from your primary phone storage. Files stored there don’t take up any user-accessible space—clearing your system cache won’t allow you to download any new apps, store files, or save more cat photos.

现在,许多现代手机甚至都没有系统缓存。 如果您有系统缓存,它将与您的主要电话存储区放在单独的分区上。 存储在其中的文件不会占用任何用户可访问的空间-清除系统缓存后,您将无法下载任何新应用,存储文件或保存更多猫照片。

The system cache is also different from cached app data, which is data stored by apps and specific to that particular app. For example, Spotify stores streamed music in its cache file for faster (and offline) playback. Every app has its own cache file which is separate from the system cache file and does take up user-accessible space. Clearing that cache is a great way to free up space—just keep in mind that the app will rebuild the cache as you use it, so clearing it isn’t a permanent fix if you need more space.

系统缓存也不同于缓存的应用程序数据 ,后者是由应用程序存储且特定于该特定应用程序的数据。 例如,Spotify将流音乐存储在其缓存文件中,以便更快(和离线)播放。 每个应用程序都有自己的缓存文件,该文件与系统缓存文件是分开的,并且确实占用用户可访问的空间。 清除缓存是释放空间的好方法-请记住,应用将在您使用缓存时重新构建缓存,因此,如果需要更多空间,清除缓存不是永久性的解决方法。

您应该擦除系统缓存吗? (Should You Wipe the System Cache?)

Wiping the system cache shouldn’t cause any trouble, but it’s also not likely to help much either. The files that are stored there allow your device to access commonly referenced information without having to rebuild it constantly. If you wipe the cache, the system will rebuild those files the next time your phone needs them (just like with app cache).

清除系统缓存不会造成任何麻烦,但也不太可能有太大帮助。 存储在此处的文件使您的设备可以访问通常引用的信息,而不必不断重建。 如果您清除缓存,则系统将在下次手机需要它们时重建这些文件(就像应用程序缓存一样)。

While we don’t recommend clearing the system cache—especially regularly or for no reason—there are occasions where it can help. For example, sometimes, these files can become corrupted and cause issues. If you are experiencing trouble on your phone and you’re out of options, you’re welcome to give this a try.

尽管我们不建议您清除系统缓存(特别是定期或无故清除),但在某些情况下它可以提供帮助。 例如,有时,这些文件可能会损坏并引起问题。 如果您的手机遇到问题,并且无法使用,欢迎尝试一下。

如何清除手机的系统缓存 (How to Wipe Your Phone’s System Cache)

As mentioned, some phones don’t have a system cache partition. We tested several phones, and only those by OnePlus and Alcatel allowed us to clear the cache. Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel, and phones from Oppo and Honor had no such option, for example. As with many things in Android, your mileage may vary.

如前所述,某些电话没有系统缓存分区。 我们测试了几部手机,只有OnePlus和阿尔卡特的手机才允许我们清除缓存。 例如,三星Galaxy,谷歌Pixel以及Oppo和Honor的手机就没有这种选择。 与Android中的许多其他功能一样,您的行驶里程可能会有所不同。

To wipe your phone’s system cache, you will first need to restart the device in recovery mode. To do so, power off the device, then press and hold the power and volume down button until the phone powers back on. If this doesn’t work, the button combination may be different on your device—refer to the user documentation if necessary.

要清除手机的系统缓存,您首先需要在恢复模式下重启设备。 为此,请关闭设备电源,然后按住电源和音量调低按钮,直到手机重新开机。 如果这不起作用,则您的设备上的按钮组合可能有所不同-如有必要,请参阅用户文档。

To start your phone in rocvery mode, press and hold the power and volume down buttons.

You may be asked to enter a password. If so, enter your lock screen password to enter recovery mode.

可能会要求您输入密码。 如果是这样,请输入锁定屏幕密码以进入恢复模式。

If you are asked for a password, enter your lock screen password.

On some devices, the touchscreen may work in recovery, allowing you to tap the option you want to select. On others, you’ll need to navigate the different options by pressing the volume up and down buttons, using the power button as the “enter” key.

在某些设备上,触摸屏可能会恢复工作,允许您点击要选择的选项。 在其他产品上,您需要使用电源按钮作为“输入”键,通过按下音量增大和减小按钮来浏览不同的选项。

From here, the process will depend on your specific device, but you’ll be looking for a “Wipe cache” option of some kind. You may need to consult the documentation for your particular device if you’re having issues.

从这里开始,该过程将取决于您的特定设备,但是您将寻找某种“ Wipe缓存”选项。 如果遇到问题,您可能需要查阅特定设备的文档。

Choose wipe data and cache

Once you’ve found the correct option, however, select it. Since this is an irreversible decision, some devices may ask you to confirm that you want to proceed. Once you confirm, it should only take a few seconds to wipe that partition clean.

但是,一旦找到正确的选项,请选择它。 由于这是不可逆转的决定,因此某些设备可能会要求您确认要继续。 确认后,只需几秒钟即可将该分区擦干净。

When it finishes, use the reboot option in recovery to boot your phone back into the OS. Your phone will power up normally, and you’re all set!

完成后,在恢复中使用重新启动选项将手机重新启动到操作系统。 您的手机将正常启动,并且一切就绪!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/414466/should-you-clear-the-system-cache-on-your-android-phone/

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