


Custom Number Formats menu in Google Sheets on desktop
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

By default, Google Sheets doesn’t format numbers. If you’re using the web app for accounting or budgeting purposes, this makes numbers quite hard to read. Thankfully, you can change the number format and create your own custom formats in Google Sheets easily.

默认情况下,Google表格不会格式化数字。 如果您将Web应用程序用于会计或预算目的,那么数字将很难阅读。 幸运的是,您可以更改数字格式并在Google表格中轻松创建自己的自定义格式。

如何在Google表格中更改数字格式 (How to Change Number Format in Google Sheets)

We’ll walk you through this guide using an example. Let’s say you’re creating an inventory sheet for a particular sale. You might have the item list, quantity, rate, and the total cost in their own columns.

我们将通过示例向您介绍本指南。 假设您要为特定销售创建库存表。 您可能在其自己的列中具有项目列表,数量,费率和总成本。

Here’s the table that we’ll be working with.


Inventory table without formatting

As you can see, the numbers aren’t easily legible at a glance. There are no commas or decimal points, making it hard to read larger numbers (a million figure would be harder still).

如您所见,这些数字一目了然。 没有逗号或小数点,因此很难读取较大的数字(一百万个数字将更难)。

You can change the number formatting using the Format menu. First, select the range of cells that you want to format.

您可以使用“格式”菜单更改数字格式。 首先,选择要格式化的单元格范围。

Select cells to format

Next, go to Format > Number. Here, you’ll see different formats like Number, Percentage, Scientific, Accounting, Financial, Currency, and Currency Rounded.

接下来,转到格式>数字。 在这里,您会看到不同的格式,例如数字,百分比,科学,会计,财务,货币和货币舍入。

Select number format

The Number format is the most simple option. You can also choose the Financial or the Currency options if you want to add a currency sign to the numbers.

数字格式是最简单的选项。 如果要在数字中添加货币符号,也可以选择“财务”或“货币”选项。

If you want to remove all formatting, you can choose the “Plain Text” option.


Once you’ve selected a new number format, the selected cells in the sheet will be updated instantly.


Inventory table after formatting

如何在Google表格中创建自定义数字格式 (How to Create Custom Number Format in Google Sheets)

While it’s great that Google Sheets provides a couple of number formatting options, they’re quite limited. For example, what if you want to display a number with commas and a dollar sign, but not include the decimal point?

虽然Google表格提供了几种数字格式选项,这很不错,但它们的功能非常有限。 例如,如果要显示带逗号和美元符号的数字,但不包括小数点怎么办?

You can create your custom number format quite easily (it also works for date and time formats).

您可以非常轻松地创建自定义数字格式(它也适用于日期和时间格式 )。

Start by selecting the cells that you want to format.


A long number without formatting

Then, from the taskbar at the top of the display, go to Format > Number > More Formats > Custom Number Format.


Select custom number formats

Here, scroll down to see all available number formats that are already created for you. You’ll notice that the list is divided into two columns. The right column shows what the number format looks like and the left column shows the syntax for displaying the format.

在这里,向下滚动以查看已经为您创建的所有可用数字格式。 您会注意到列表分为两列。 右列显示数字格式,左列显示显示格式的语法。

It may look overwhelming, but as we’re simply changing the number format, you won’t need to deal with most of the syntax options.


Custom Numbers windowCustom Numbers window

The only syntax you need to know is the Hash (#) symbol. It takes the place of a digit. Everything else (like decimal points, dollar signs, and zeros) stays the same.

您需要知道的唯一语法是哈希(#)符号。 它代替一个数字。 其他所有内容(如小数点,美元符号和零)保持不变。

So, for instance, if you want to format long numbers as “$1,00,000,” you would enter the “$#,##0.00” syntax. If you don’t want to include the decimal points, simply enter “$#,##” and click the “Apply” button.

因此,例如,如果要将长数字格式化为“ $ 1,00,000”,则应输入“ $#,## 0.00”语法。 如果不想包含小数点,只需输入“ $#,##”并单击“应用”按钮。

Format and then click on Apply

The number will be updated instantly.


Long number after formatting and dollar sign

You’ll find the recently created custom number formats at the bottom of the Format > Number submenu, making repeated use easier.

您可以在[格式]> [数字]子菜单的底部找到最近创建的自定义数字格式,这使得重复使用变得更加容易。

Custom formats added to format menu

New to Google Sheets? Learn all things sheets in our beginner’s guide to Google Sheets.

是Google表格的新手吗? 在Google表格的初学者指南中了解所有表格

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669623/how-to-change-and-create-custom-number-format-in-google-sheets/






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