


Have you ever needed to open an important file, or simply wondered what some random file on your hard drive was, only to realize you couldn’t open it?  Here’s some tips that can help you find info from even the most obscure file formats.

您是否曾经需要打开一个重要文件,或者只是想知道您的硬盘无法打开某个随机文件,而只是想知道它是什么? 这里有一些技巧,可以帮助您从最晦涩的文件格式中查找信息。

Whether you’re just trying to open the attachment your friend sent in Publisher format or are wondering what the config and log files from your favorite programs contain, most computer users will encounter many files that their OSes don’t know how to automatically open.  When you try to open an unknown file type on Windows, you’ll be presented with the following dialog.

无论您是只是想打开朋友以Publisher格式发送的附件,还是想知道自己喜欢的程序中的配置文件和日志文件包含什么,大多数计算机用户都会遇到许多操作系统不知道如何自动打开的文件。 当您尝试在Windows上打开未知文件类型时,将显示以下对话框。


Microsoft’s own web service is notoriously bad at giving useful information about file formats, so if you choose to use the web service to find the correct program, you’ll often not find any information.

众所周知,Microsoft自己的Web服务不能提供有关文件格式的有用信息,因此,如果您选择使用Web服务来查找正确的程序 ,则通常找不到任何信息。


Interestingly enough, Microsoft’s own Bing search often offers more information about specific file types than Microsoft’s dedicated file info search.  So, if the first site from Microsoft doesn’t show much info, click the Search the web link near the bottom to quickly see the file extension info on Bing.

有趣的是,与Microsoft专用的文件信息搜索相比,Microsoft自己的Bing搜索通常提供有关特定文件类型的更多信息。 因此,如果Microsoft的第一个站点没有显示太多信息,请单击底部附近的“ 搜索网络”链接以快速查看Bing上的文件扩展名信息。


Alternately, you can manually search for information about a file type.  Make sure you can see the file extension, then search for the extension on your favorite search engine or a dedicated site such as FileInfo.com.  FileInfo.com offers information on a wide range of file formats, and includes a very extensive list of applications that can view, create, or edit that file format, so we recommend checking there first.  Wikipedia is another good source of information about file formats, though often you’ll find more info about the format’s history and technical issues than how to actually use it.

或者,您可以手动搜索有关文件类型的信息。 确保您可以看到文件扩展名 ,然后在您喜欢的搜索引擎或专用网站(例如FileInfo.com)上搜索扩展名。 FileInfo.com提供有关各种文件格式的信息,并包括可以查看,创建或编辑该文件格式的大量应用程序,因此我们建议您首先在此处进行检查。 Wikipedia是有关文件格式的另一个很好的信息来源,尽管通常您会发现有关该格式的历史和技术问题的更多信息,而不是如何实际使用它。


Check File Format Information on FileInfo.com


Information about File Formats from Wikipedia


在记事本中打开文件以查看更多信息 (Open File in Notepad to See More Info)

Alternately, when you try to open an unknown filetype, you can choose to select a program to open it.  If you already know what program this file  should be opened with, simply select it or click Browse and locate it on your computer.  Alternately, try opening the file in your favorite text editor such as Notepad.

或者,当您尝试打开未知文件类型时,可以选择选择一个程序来打开它。 如果您已经知道应该使用哪个程序打开该文件,只需选择它或单击“ 浏览”并在计算机上找到它。 或者,尝试在您喜欢的文本编辑器(如记事本)中打开文件。

Please Note that you should uncheck the box at the bottom of the dialog if you don’t want this program to become the default program for opening this file type.



Depending on the file, you may be able to read its full contents fairly easily.  Many modern files, such as this config file, are based on XML which makes them very easy to read and find information in.

根据文件的不同,您也许可以相当轻松地读取其全部内容。 许多现代文件(例如此配置文件)都基于XML,这使得它们非常易于读取和查找信息。


Many files will be even less human-readable, but you can still often find clues as to what program was used to create the file  or at least what program it was associated with.  You may even find the info you’re looking for without having to open it in a full viewer, depending on what you’re needing to find.

许多文件的可读性甚至更低,但是您仍然经常可以找到有关用于创建文件的程序或至少与文件关联的程序的线索。 您甚至可以找到所需的信息,而不必在完整的查看器中打开它,这取决于您要查找的内容。


使用Universal Viewer查看几乎所有文件 (View Almost Any File With Universal Viewer)

When you need to view a file itself, looking at it in code form sometimes doesn’t cut it.  If so, then Universal Viewer is a great tool that you can use to see the file itself.  This free viewer is available in portable and installable forms, and can display a wide variety of documents and files.  It can display large PSD files quickly, as well as a wide variety of other image formats, including less common ones that you might not normally have a viewer for.

当您需要查看文件本身时,有时无法以代码形式查看文件。 如果是这样,那么Universal Viewer是一个很好的工具,您可以用来查看文件本身。 这个免费的查看器具有便携式和可安装形式,并可以显示各种文档和文件。 它可以快速显示大型PSD文件,以及各种其他图像格式,包括通常可能没有查看器的较不常见的图像格式。


It can also play back a fairly wide range of multimedia formats, including Adobe Flash videos, though note that it is actually using your built-in browser plugins and media player codecs to render media files so if you can’t already open it, chances are Universal Viewer won’t be able to either.  The great thing is, it usually recognized files fine even when Media Player said they were unplayable.

它也可以播放相当广泛的多媒体格式,包括Adobe Flash视频,但请注意,它实际上是在使用内置的浏览器插件和媒体播放器编解码器来呈现媒体文件,因此如果您尚未打开它,则可能是Universal Viewer将无法执行的操作。 很棒的是,即使Media Player表示文件无法播放,它通常也可以识别文件。


Even though Universal Viewer can display many file formats, it still can’t display everything.  If it cannot open the file you try to open, it’ll inform you that it’s an unknown format.  Click the yellow band to display the file in binary format.

即使Universal Viewer可以显示许多文件格式,它仍然不能显示所有内容。 如果无法打开您尝试打开的文件,则会通知您它是未知格式。 单击黄色带以二进制格式显示文件。


If you click it, Universal Viewer will display the file the same as Notepad would, in binary mode.  Here, you still may find clues as to what the file contains.  For example, we’re able to see that this file apparently includes HTML files, which makes you think it may be an archive file containing multiple different files.  We can investigate this in the next step.

如果单击它,Universal Viewer将以二进制模式显示与记事本相同的文件。 在这里,您仍然可以找到有关文件包含内容的线索。 例如,我们可以看到该文件显然包含HTML文件,这使您认为它可能是包含多个不同文件的存档文件。 我们可以在下一步中对此进行调查。


This is a great portable app to keep on your flash drive to make sure you can open any type of file no matter what computer you’re using.


Download Universal Viewer

下载Universal Viewer

查看带有7压缩文件的内容 (View Contents of a File With 7-Zip)

Many modern file types are actually renamed archive files containing numerous different files, including XML, HTML, image files, and more.  If you think a file may actually be an archive format, you can always open it with the freeware 7-Zip.  Once it’s installed, right-click the file, select 7-Zip, and then click Open archive.

实际上,许多现代文件类型都是重命名的存档文件,其中包含许多不同的文件,包括XML,HTML,图像文件等。 如果您认为文件实际上可能是存档格式,则可以随时使用7-Zip免费软件打开它。 安装完成后,右键单击该文件,选择7-Zip ,然后单击“ 打开存档”


As we suspected, the file contains a number of HTML files that you can open individually in your browser.  Many modern file types, including the newer Office file types like .docx, can be opened this way.

我们怀疑,该文件包含许多HTML文件,您可以在浏览器中分别打开它们。 可以通过这种方式打开许多现代文件类型,包括较新的Office文件类型(如.docx)。


Do note that 7-zip will offer to let you Open Archive on all files, including ones that are not archive formats.  If you try to open a file that is not an archive, you’ll be prompted that 7-zip cannot open the file.

请注意,使用7-zip压缩包可以打开所有文件的存档 ,包括非存档格式的文件。 如果您尝试打开不是存档的文件,则会提示您7-zip无法打开该文件。


7-zip is a great archival program, so if you don’t already have it installed, make sure to do so.


Download 7-zip


下载官方观众 (Download Official Viewers)

Sometimes 3rd party viewers don’t cut it.  If you need to print out a high-quality Word document or play back a PowerPoint show, the official viewers are often the best.

有时,第三方观众不会删减。 如果您需要打印高质量的Word文档或播放PowerPoint演示,则官方观众通常是最好的。


Here’s download links for some common official viewers.  Many software companies offer official free viewers for their files, so be sure to check and see if your file type has an available viewer.  If you have others you regularly use, feel free to let us know in the comments.  Additionally, you can find many common viewers on FileInfo.com as mentioned above.

这里是一些普通官方观众的下载链接。 许多软件公司为他们的文件提供官方的免费查看器,因此请务必检查并查看您的文件类型是否具有可用的查看器。 如果您经常使用其他工具,请随时在评论中告知我们。 此外,如上所述,您可以在FileInfo.com上找到许多常见的查看器。

Word Viewer


Excel Viewer


PowerPoint Viewer


Autodesk DWG Viewer

Autodesk DWG查看器

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader

Additionally, VLC player is great for playing back almost any multimedia file you may need to play.

此外, VLC播放器非常适合播放您可能需要播放的几乎所有多媒体文件。

将过期的试用版用作查看者 (Use Expired Trials As Viewers)

Another trick to view your files is to use a trial of a program as a viewer.  For example, Microsoft doesn’t offer viewers for OneNote, Publisher, and Visio files, and there are no widely available viewers that work good for these files.  One solution is to download and install a trial of Office, selecting only the programs you need as viewers.  Then, when the trial expires, you’ll be prompted to activate it every time you open the program.

查看文件的另一个技巧是使用程序试用版作为查看器。 例如,Microsoft不提供OneNote,Publisher和Visio文件的查看器,并且没有广泛适用于这些文件的查看器。 一种解决方案是下载并安装Office试用版,仅选择查看者所需的程序。 然后,当试用期到期时,每次打开程序时都会提示您激活它。


Simply click Close on the prompt, and then your file will open as normal.  You won’t be able to edit the file at all, but you can view it and search for text in the file.  You can also still print the document as before, even with the expired trial.

只需在提示上单击“ 关闭 ”,即可正常打开文件。 您将完全无法编辑该文件,但可以查看它并在文件中搜索文本。 即使试用版已过期,您仍然可以像以前一样打印文档。


Download Office 2010 Trial

下载Office 2010试用版

使用Webapps查看文件 (Use Webapps to View Files)

As webapps become more common, there’s increasingly less need to pass around files.  Often nowadays you can simply upload a file and share it with a colleague via Google Docs, Office Live, Photoshop.com, or other services.  Additionally, you can use these tools to view your files yourself.  Office Web Apps lets you view and edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote files online, while Photoshop.com lets you view and edit PSDs and other images online and AutoCAD WS lets you edit and view DWG files.  With these webapps and more, you can view and even edit and share an increasing number of files without ever having to install a new program on your computer.

随着webapp变得越来越普遍,传递文件的需求越来越少。 如今,您通常可以简单地上传文件并通过Google Docs,Office Live,Photoshop.com或其他服务与同事共享。 此外,您可以使用这些工具自己查看文件。 Office Web Apps允许您在线查看和编辑 Word,Excel,PowerPoint和OneNote文件,而Photoshop.com允许您在线查看和编辑PSD和其他图像,而AutoCAD WS允许您编辑和查看DWG文件。 使用这些web应用程序以及更多应用程序,您可以查看甚至编辑和共享越来越多的文件,而无需在计算机上安装新程序。

With all these tools and tricks at your disposal, you’re almost guaranteed to be able to view the information you need from your files.  No matter what file type you’re dealing with, there are tons of tools you can use to dissect, view, and do more with your files.  Thanks to webapps and portable apps, you might be able to do it without even installing any extra programs.  Do you have any extra tips for dealing with unusual files?  Feel free to share them with us below in the comments.

使用所有这些工具和技巧,几乎可以保证您能够从文件中查看所需的信息。 无论您要处理的是哪种文件类型,都有大量工具可用于剖析,查看文件以及对文件进行更多处理。 借助web应用程序和便携式应用程序,您甚至无需安装任何其他程序就可以做到这一点。 您还有其他处理异常文件的技巧吗? 请随时在下面的评论中与我们分享。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/31055/how-to-view-and-understand-uncommon-filetypes/






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