apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上重新排列,添加和删除频道

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发

When you first use your Apple TV, you’ll notice there are a lot of channel tiles on its main menu. If you want to change things up however, you can rearrange, add, and even remove them to better suit your tastes.

首次使用Apple TV时,您会注意到其主菜单上有很多频道图块。 但是,如果您想进行更改,则可以重新排列,添加甚至删除它们,以更好地满足您的口味。

The Apple TV in its current iteration is a fairly nice all-around streaming multimedia option for your living room and usability can be improved significantly by adding a Bluetooth keyboard or Apple’s iOS “Remote” app to navigate its somewhat clunky interface.

在当前版本中,Apple TV是您客厅中相当不错的全方位流式多媒体选项,通过添加蓝牙键盘Apple的iOS“ Remote”应用程序来导航其笨拙的界面,可以显着提高可用性。

That said, despite its recent $30 price drop, we still believe that if you don’t currently own one, you should hold off until Apple releases an updated version, hopefully sometime later this year.

也就是说,尽管最近价格下跌了30美元, 我们仍然认为 ,如果您当前不拥有该产品,则应该推迟到Apple发布更新版本,希望在今年晚些时候发布。

Still, there’s a lot you can do with it other than simply watching Netflix, such as accessing your iTunes content or setting your iCloud Photo Stream and shared albums as your screen saver. Customizing the main menu then can do wonders for your overall user experience letting you put your Apple TV’s strengths literally above everything else.

尽管如此,除了简单地观看Netflix以外,您还可以做很多事情,例如访问iTunes内容或将iCloud Photo Stream和共享相册设置为屏幕保护程序 。 然后,自定义主菜单可为您的整体用户体验带来奇迹,让您将Apple TV的优势从字面上看置于其他所有优势之上。

在主菜单上添加,删除和移动内容磁贴 (Adding, Removing, and Moving Content Tiles on the Main Menu)

Like we said, the main menu already comes with many (most) channels already showing. We guarantee you won’t use all these, and we suspect that the vast majority of Apple TV users will only ever need a handful of them.

就像我们说的那样,主菜单已经带有很多(大多数)频道。 我们保证您不会使用所有这些内容,并且我们怀疑绝大多数Apple TV用户将只需要少数几个。

Luckily, the main menu can be altered to suit your whims, allowing you to easily hide, show, and move channel tiles. This is obviously very helpful when whittling down your options to only the stuff you have accounts for and want to use.

幸运的是,可以更改主菜单以适合您的需求,使您可以轻松隐藏,显示和移动通道图块。 当将选择权简化为仅拥有您要使用的物料时,这显然非常有用。

To start, click the “Settings” tile on the main menu screen.


Here is the “Settings” screen, now click the “Main Menu” option.


On the next screen, you’ll see all the various channels you can “Show” or “Hide” on your Apple TV’s main menu.

在下一个屏幕上,您将在Apple TV的主菜单上看到可以“显示”或“隐藏”的所有各种频道。

On the “Main Menu” screen, you’ll have well over 50 channels you can add to your main menu, or remove them.

In this example, we’ll show the “iCloud Photos” channel, which let’s us explore our Photo Streams, shared albums, and set either as a screen saver or slideshow.

在此示例中,我们将显示“ iCloud照片”频道,让我们浏览照片流,共享相册并将其设置为屏幕保护程序或幻灯片放映。

Remember, if a tile is shown on the main menu, it will say “Show” and if it isn’t, it will say “Hide”.

Normally, the “iCloud Photos” tile is hidden so when you show it, it will likely appear low on your main menu. You can leave it there, or if you select it by holding the big button on your Apple TV’s remote, the tile will begin to shake, which means you can now move it to another part of the main menu (using the remote’s direction keys).

通常,“ iCloud照片”图块是隐藏的,因此当您显示它时,它可能会在主菜单上显示为低位。 您可以将其保留在此处,或者如果按住Apple TV遥控器上的大按钮进行选择,则磁贴将开始抖动,这意味着您现在可以将其移动到主菜单的另一部分(使用遥控器的方向键) 。

Though it doesn’t appear to be shaking (trust us it is), you can tell it is selected because of the “Press play/pause for more options.” message along the bottom of the screen.
尽管它似乎并没有在发抖(相信我们),但是您可以因为“按播放/暂停以获取更多选项”而知道它已被选中。 屏幕底部的消息。

Note, in the previous screenshot, we’re informed we can access more options by pressing the play/pause button. These options turn out to be the ability to hide an item or cancel out to the main menu.

请注意,在上一个屏幕截图中,我们被告知我们可以通过按“播放/暂停”按钮来访问更多选项。 这些选项可以隐藏项目或取消主菜单。

Honestly, we don’t recommend hiding many tiles this way. It’s actually quite a bit more time-consuming than using the “Main Menu” settings.
老实说,我们不建议您用这种方式隐藏许多图块。 实际上,与使用“主菜单”设置相比,它要花很多时间。

Once you’ve maneuvered your new tile into place, you can once again click the remote’s “Select” button. The tile will stop shaking, and remain where you leave it.

将新磁砖调整到位后,您可以再次单击遥控器的“选择”按钮。 瓷砖将停止震动,并保持在您离开的位置。

If you really want to clean up your main menu, you can eliminate the clutter and only show the stuff you ever really use. You don’t have to be as spartan about it, such as in the following screenshot, but at least this gives you a clearer idea of what we’re describing.

如果您确实要清理主菜单,则可以消除混乱,只显示您真正使用过的内容。 您不必像下面的屏幕截图那样精打细算,但是至少这使您对我们所描述的内容有了更清晰的了解。

You can really go to town and cull the clutter but the “Settings” tile must remain.

Of course, on the other hand you can just leave everything showing and even add more. Also, remember if there are only one or two tiles you want to hide, you can quickly do that without actually entering the “Main Menu” settings.

当然,另一方面,您可以仅显示所有内容,甚至添加更多内容。 另外,请记住,如果您只想隐藏一个或两个图块,则可以快速执行此操作,而无需实际输入“主菜单”设置。

At some point, the Apple TV will probably be a force to be reckoned with, but right now its relatively slow reaction speed and clunky interface kind of make it an also-ran among the Chromecast and Roku crowd. Still, you can do a lot of stuff to customize it to your liking, plus it integrates well into the Apple ecosystem, which makes it a natural choice for Mac and iOS-centric households.

从某种意义上说,Apple TV可能是不容忽视的力量,但是现在它相对较慢的React速度和笨拙的界面使它在Chromecast和Roku人群中也很受欢迎。 尽管如此,您仍然可以做很多事情来根据自己的喜好对其进行自定义,并且它可以很好地集成到Apple生态系统中,这使其成为以Mac和iOS为中心的家庭的自然选择。

We’d love to hear from you now. Got a comment or question you would like to share with us? Please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望现在能收到您的来信。 有您想与我们分享的评论或问题吗? 请将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。


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要在Apple TV的APP中获取HomePod的指令,您可以使用HomeKit框架。以下是获取指令的基本步骤: 1. 导入HomeKit框架: ```swift import HomeKit ``` 2. 创建HMHomeManager实例并请求访问HomeKit数据: ```swift let homeManager = HMHomeManager() homeManager.requestAuthorization { (status) in switch status { case .authorized: // 访问HomeKit数据成功 default: // 访问HomeKit数据失败 } } ``` 3. 获取HomePod的HMRoom实例: ```swift if let home = homeManager.primaryHome { let homePodRoom = home.rooms.first(where: { $ == "HomePod Room" }) // 根据HomePod所在的房间名称进行查找 } ``` 4. 获取HomePod的HMAccessory实例: ```swift if let home = homeManager.primaryHome { if let homePodRoom = home.rooms.first(where: { $ == "HomePod Room" }) { let homePodAccessory = homePodRoom.accessories.first(where: { $ == "HomePod" }) // 根据HomePod的名称进行查找 } } ``` 5. 获取HomePod的指令: ```swift if let home = homeManager.primaryHome { if let homePodRoom = home.rooms.first(where: { $ == "HomePod Room" }) { if let homePodAccessory = homePodRoom.accessories.first(where: { $ == "HomePod" }) { for service in { for characteristic in service.characteristics { if characteristic.characteristicType == HMCharacteristicTypePowerState { // 获取HomePod的开关状态 characteristic.readValue(completionHandler: { (error) in if error == nil { if let value = characteristic.value as? Bool { print("HomePod的开关状态为:\(value)") } } }) } } } } } } ``` 这样,您就可以在Apple TV的APP中获取到HomePod的指令了。注意,要获取HomePod的指令,您需要确保HomePod和Apple TV在同一个HomeKit家庭中,并且HomePod已经被添加到HomeKit家庭中。


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