imap 已读回执_停止烦恼已读回执

imap 已读回执

imap 已读回执


Let’s be real. As soon as you send a text message, your recipient has probably read it. So why does everyone care so much about whether an app tells them that you’ve read their messsage?

让我们成为现实。 发送短信后,您的收件人可能已经阅读了该短信。 那么,为什么每个人都那么在乎某个应用程序是否告诉他们您已经阅读了他们的消息?

You’ve seen it before. You send a message, and you get a notification saying it’s been read, but it’s hours before they actually reply:

您之前已经看过。 您发送了一条消息,并且收到一条通知,指出该消息已被阅读,但要等到他们实际答复数小时后:

3:45 Harry Guinness has read your message.

3:45哈里·吉尼斯(Harry Guinness)阅读了您的信息。

4:46 …


5:46 …


8:13 New Message from Harry Guinness.

8:13哈里·吉尼斯(Harry Guinness)的新讯息。

How could they be so rude as to read your message and not reply right away? The nerve of people these days, right?

他们怎么会如此无礼以至于无法阅读您的信息而没有立即回复? 这些天人们的神经吧?

These notifications are called read receipts, and for some reason, everyone wants to block them from showing up. That way, no one can get mad when they see you read their message, but didn’t respond. But this fear and anger are misplaced. Let’s talk about why.

这些通知称为已读回执 ,由于某种原因,每个人都希望阻止它们显示 。 这样,当他们看到您阅读了他们的消息但没有回应时,没人会生气。 但是这种恐惧和愤怒是放错了地方。 让我们说说为什么。

Although text messaging is a hell of a lot quicker, it’s basically the same as writing a letter. I send you a note on my own time, you respond on your own time. In other words, it’s asynchronous. We don’t both need to be on our phones at the same time for it to work. It’s totally possible to respond to a text message days or weeks after it was sent and the conversation to flow perfectly. Phone calls, on the other hand, are synchronous. I call you, you pick up, we chat. It’s pretty hard to talk on the phone if it isn’t happening in real time; even a second or two delay due to bad signal makes the whole thing unusable. Part of the problem is, some people try to treat text messaging as if it’s synchronous (or at least, nearly so). It isn’t.

尽管发短信要快得多,但基本上和写信一样。 我在自己的时间给您发送便条,您在自己的时间进行回复。 换句话说,它是异步的 。 我们不需要同时在手机上同时工作。 在发送短信几天或几周后,完全有可能回复一条短信,并且对话能够顺利进行。 另一方面,电话是同步的 。 我打电话给你,你接你,我们聊天。 如果不是实时发生的话,很难通过电话交谈。 即使是由于不良信号而造成的一到两秒的延迟,也会使整个设备无法使用。 问题的部分原因是,有些人试图将文本消息视为同步消息(或至少接近同步消息)。 不是。

NOTE: I’m going to use “text messaging” for this article but you can sub in the words iMessage, WhatsApp message, Facebook message, Snap, or the name of any of a dozen other chat services that work in pretty much the same way. The point I’m making applies to them all.

注意:我将在本文中使用“文本消息传递”,但是您可以用单词“ iMessage”,“ WhatsApp消息”,“ Facebook消息”,“ Snap”或其他可以在几乎相同的方式使用的其他聊天服务的名称来代替办法。 我的观点适用于所有人。

是否阅读回执,他们可能已经阅读了您的消息 (Read Receipt or Not, They’ve Probably Read Your Message)

Digital delivery is awesome and handles billions of messages a day. It doesn’t mess up very often. If you send someone a text message, it’s safe to assume they got it.

数字交付真棒,每天处理数十亿条消息。 它不会经常混乱。 如果您向某人发送短信,则可以假设他们收到了该短信。

And if the message is on their phone, they know about it.


Most people, myself included, look at their phones all the time. The odds of someone not knowing they’ve got a message from you within a few minutes, or at most an hour, are pretty much zero. Whether they actually open the message or not, it’s safe to assume it’s been seen. The notification preview you get on iOS and Android is more than enough to get the gist of a message without you seeing that “Seen at 10:24” read receipt even if they do have them turned on.

大多数人(包括我在内)一直在看手机。 某人在几分钟或最多一个小时内不知道他们收到您的消息的几率几乎为零。 无论他们实际上是否打开该消息,都可以安全地假定它已被看到。 您在iOS和Android上获得的通知预览绰绰有余,即使您没有打开“在10:24时看到”阅读回执,也足以获得消息的要旨。


Unless someone is hiking in the backcountry, there is no way that it took three days for the message to come through. It’s best to just assume that within an hour or two, all your messages are read, regardless of whether you see a read receipt or not. Sometimes, people are just too busy to reply. They know you’ve sent a message, but they’re not going to deal with it now. They don’t have to; you’ve sent them an asynchronous message.

除非有人在偏远地区远足,否则信息传递不会花费三天的时间。 最好只是假设一两个小时之内,您的所有邮件都会被阅读,无论您是否看到已读回执。 有时,人们太忙而无法回复。 他们知道您已经发送了一条消息,但是现在不打算处理它。 他们不必 您已向他们发送了异步消息。

阅读回执意味着他们不会忽略你 (That Read Receipt Means They Aren’t Ignoring You)

If someone reads your message, it means that they actually give a damn about what you said. If they didn’t, they’d just ignore it flat out until they were free and you wouldn’t get a read receipt. By reading your message and sending you that read receipt, they’re saying, “You mean enough to me that I’m actually going to check that your message doesn’t need a quick reply.”

如果某人阅读了您的信息,则意味着他们实际上对您所说的内容感到了该死。 如果他们不这样做,他们将完全忽略它,直到他们有空,并且您不会得到已读的收据。 通过阅读您的消息并发送给您已读的收据,他们说:“您对我来说足够重要,我实际上将要检查您的消息是否需要快速答复。”

Look at it from my perspective: to read a message, I might only be giving up ten seconds, but if I’m 720 words into an article and it is flowing nicely, I’m actually giving up quite a bit of attention and mental energy to actually tap that notification and open the Messages app. Your asynchronous message is being dealt with far quicker than it has any right to be.

从我的角度看:阅读一条消息,我可能只愿意放弃十秒钟,但是如果我在一篇文章中写了720个单词并且进展顺利,我实际上是在放弃很多注意力和精力实际点击该通知并打开“消息”应用的功能。 处理异步消息的速度远远超过了它应有的权利。


Responding to a message takes even more effort than reading one. For anything short of a family bereavement or emergency mountain rescue, you’re not going to get a reply until I’m done doing what I’m doing. In fact, I’ve received three messages since I started writing this piece—I scanned them all but none of them need to be replied to right now. Finishing my work is far more important that making plans for this evening.

与阅读消息相比,响应消息需要付出更多的努力。 如果没有家人丧亲或进行紧急山地救援,在完成自己正在做的事情之前,您不会得到任何答复。 实际上,自从我开始撰写本文以来,我已经收到了三则消息-我已全部扫描,但现在都无需回复。 完成工作比制定今晚的计划重要得多。

If someone’s read your message but not responded, it probably means the same thing.


也许您的留言没有必要做出回应 (Maybe Your Message Didn’t Warrant a Response)

…or else it means what you said just didn’t require acknowledgement. Not all messages do.

…否则,这意味着您所说的内容不需要确认。 并非所有消息都可以。

Let’s look at a few examples.


  • You send me a message asking if I’d like anything from the shops. I don’t and I’m kind of busy. Do you need a response? Nope.

    您给我发了一条消息,询问我是否想要商店里的东西。 我没有,我有点忙。 您需要回应吗? 不。
  • You send your roommate a message saying the house keys are under the bin. They’ve got it; do they really need to respond? Again, nope.

    您向室友发送一条消息,说房门钥匙在垃圾箱下面。 他们知道了; 他们真的需要回应吗? 再次,不。
  • You get a message that is really obviously a group text that isn’t that relevant to you? Respond to it? Not a hope.

    您收到的消息实际上显然是与您无关的组文本? 回应吗? 没有希望。
  • You send them a meme. They look at it, laugh, but are too busy to reply at the time. Is it so bad that it slipped their mind?

    您发送给他们一个模因。 他们看着它,笑着,但当时忙得无法回答。 真是太糟糕了以至于他们忘了吗?

There are dozens of situations like this where a response really just isn’t needed, or is easy to forget to send. Any time a message is time sensitive (and the recipient missed the time window), a statement of fact, or just unimportant, it probably doesn’t need a reply. It doesn’t mean they’re deliberately ignoring you; it just means they didn’t feel the need to type, “No thanks”, or “LOL”, or even worse, just send a Thumbs Up emoji.

在许多情况下,实际上根本不需要响应,或者很容易忘记发送响应。 每当消息对时间敏感(接收者错过了时间窗口),事实陈述或不重要时,它可能都不需要回复。 这并不意味着他们故意无视您; 这只是意味着他们不需要输入“不,谢谢”或“ LOL”,甚至更糟的是,只需发送一个大拇指表情符号即可。


如果您想现在通话,请拿起电话 (If You Want to Talk Now, Pick Up the Phone)

There’s a really simple solution to all this read receipt drama: don’t use text messages for important information that needs a quick response. That way, you won’t be staring at your phone waiting for a reply and the other person won’t feel terrible when they read your message an hour later because they’ve seemingly ignored you.

对于所有已读回执的剧本,有一个非常简单的解决方案:不要将短信用于需要快速响应的重要信息。 这样,您就不会盯着手机等待答复,一个小时后对方看到您的消息时也不会感到恐惧,因为他们似乎已经忽略了您。

When you know your text messages aren’t that important, or at least not urgent, it’s a lot easier to stop worrying that your friends are reading your messages but not responding.


If you really want an instant response, use a synchronous way to communicate. Consider using your smartphone as a phone. There’s an app for it.

如果您确实需要即时响应,请使用同步方式进行通信。 考虑将智能手机用作电话。 有一个应用程序。


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