



Many of the hidden system folders in Windows are identified in the Windows Registry along with a class ID (CLSID) key, special folder names, and the folders’ locations on your PC. Using those special folder names along with the Shell command means that even hidden folders buried deep in your file system are always just a few keystrokes away.

Windows注册表中会标识Windows中许多隐藏的系统文件夹,以及类ID(CLSID)项,特殊文件夹名称以及这些文件夹在PC上的位置。 与Shell命令一起使用这些特殊的文件夹名称,意味着即使埋在文件系统深处的隐藏文件夹也总是只需敲击几下即可。

什么是CLSID密钥? (What Are CLSID Keys?)

Specific folder locations (and also some software components) are given a CLSID that allows Windows and other programs to easily identify them without knowing their exact name. The CLSID keys, common names, and full paths to those folders are stored as entries in the Windows Registry. It’s kind of similar to how each computer on your network has a regular name that’s easy for you to remember–when you use the computer name, Windows looks up that computer’s IP address on your behalf.

为特定的文件夹位置(以及一些软件组件)提供了一个CLSID,使Windows和其他程序可以在不知道其确切名称的情况下轻松识别它们。 这些文件夹的CLSID密钥,通用名称和完整路径作为条目存储在Windows注册表中。 这有点类似于网络上的每台计算机都具有一个易于记住的常规名称-当您使用计算机名称时,Windows会代表您查找该计算机的IP地址。

In the same way, programs can use a common name for a folder in the Windows structure and rely on the actual location being stored as a CLSID key in the Registry. The shell objects we’ll be working with are listed in the Registry at the following location:

以相同的方式,程序可以为Windows结构中的文件夹使用通用名称,并依赖于将实际位置作为CLSID密钥存储在注册表中。 我们将使用的shell对象在注册表中的以下位置列出:


Each subkey in the long list inside the FolderDescriptions key represents a special folder. The name of each key is that folder’s CLSID. Click any one of them and you’ll see several important values attached to that key, such as Name (the common name of the folder) and RelativePath (the actual path where the folder is located).

FolderDescriptions键内的长列表中的每个子键代表一个特殊的文件夹。 每个密钥的名称是该文件夹的CLSID。 单击其中任何一个,您将看到几个附加到该键的重要值,例如Name (文件夹的公用名)和RelativePath (文件夹所在的实际路径)。

如何发出Shell命令 (How to Issue the Shell Command)

So, what can you do with this information? You can issue a special command named Shell followed by a folder’s common name to open that folder. If that sounds a little simple, that’s the whole point. You can issue the Shell command from the Run dialog box (Windows+R), the Windows File Explorer address bar, or even the Internet Explorer address bar. Just type the command using the following format:

那么,您可以使用此信息做什么? 您可以发出一个名为Shell的特殊命令,后跟一个文件夹的通用名称以打开该文件夹。 如果这听起来有点简单,那就很重要了。 您可以从“运行”对话框(Windows + R),Windows File Explorer地址栏甚至Internet Explorer地址栏发出Shell命令。 只需使用以下格式键入命令:


Here’s an example. Say you wanted to open the folder containing the pictures you have associated with your Windows account. Instead of browsing down into your account’s AppData folder (a hidden folder, by the way) and then finding the folder with your account pictures, you could just fire up the Run dialog, issue the following command, and then hit Enter:

这是一个例子。 假设您要打开包含与Windows帐户关联的图片的文件夹。 无需浏览到帐户的AppData文件夹(顺便说一句是隐藏文件夹),然后找到包含帐户图片的文件夹,您只需启动“运行”对话框,发出以下命令,然后按Enter:


It’s hard to argue that’s not faster, even if you’re not already a keyboard junkie.


哪些文件夹名称可用? (What Folder Names Are Available?)

That’s all well and good, but is it really worth it to comb through all those Registry entries looking for folder names just to save a little time browsing through folders later? Maybe, maybe not. Fortunately, that’s what you’ve got us for. Here is a list of all the folder names you can use after the shell command, along with the relative locations of those folders.

这一切都很好,但是在所有注册表项中查找文件夹名称是否真的值得,以节省以后浏览文件夹的时间呢? 也许吧,也许不是。 幸运的是,这就是您要我们寻求的。 这是在shell命令后可以使用的所有文件夹名称的列表,以及这些文件夹的相对位置。

  • shell:AccountPictures – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\AccountPictures

    shell:AccountPictures –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ AccountPictures

  • shell:AddNewProgramsFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Get Programs

    shell:AddNewProgramsFolder –控制面板\所有控制面板项目\获取程序

  • shell:Administrative Tools – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools

    shell:管理工具 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\程序\管理工具

  • shell:AppData – %AppData%

    shell:AppData –%AppData%

  • shell:Application Shortcuts – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Application Shortcuts

    shell:应用程序快捷方式 –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Application快捷方式

  • shell:AppsFolder – Applications

    shell:AppsFolder –应用程序

  • shell:AppUpdatesFolder – Installed Updates

    shell:AppUpdatesFolder –已安装的更新

  • shell:Cache – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache

    shell:缓存 –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ INetCache

  • shell:Camera Roll – %UserProfile%\Pictures\Camera Roll

    shell:相机胶卷 –%UserProfile%\ Pictures \相机胶卷

  • shell:CD Burning – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Burn

    shell:CD刻录 –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Burn \ Burn

  • shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features

    shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder –控制面板\所有控制面板项目\程序和功能

  • shell:Common Administrative Tools – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools

    shell:通用管理工具 –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \“开始”菜单\程序\管理工具

  • shell:Common AppData – %ProgramData%

    shell:通用AppData –%ProgramData%

  • shell:Common Desktop – %Public%\Desktop

    shell:公用桌面 –%Public%\ Desktop

  • shell:Common Documents – %Public%\Documents

    shell:公用文档 –%Public%\ Documents

  • shell:CommonDownloads – %Public%\Downloads

    shell:常用下载–%Public%\ Downloads

  • shell:CommonMusic – %Public%\Music

    shell:CommonMusic –%Public%\ Music

  • shell:CommonPictures – %Public%\Pictures

    shell:CommonPictures –%Public%\ Pictures

  • shell:Common Programs – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

    shell:通用程序 –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \“开始”菜单\程序

  • shell:CommonRingtones – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Ringtones

    shell:CommonRingtones –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Ringtones

  • shell:Common Start Menu – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    shell:通用的开始菜单 –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\ Programs \ Startup

  • shell:Common Startup – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    shell:通用启动 –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\ Programs \ Startup

  • shell:Common Templates – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Templates

    shell:通用模板 –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Templates

  • shell:CommonVideo – %Public%\Videos

    外壳:CommonVideo –%Public%\ Videos

  • shell:ConflictFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Sync Center\Conflicts

    shell:冲突文件夹 –控制面板\所有控制面板项目\同步中心\冲突

  • shell:ConnectionsFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network Connections

    shell:ConnectionsFolder –控制面板\所有控制面板项目\网络连接

  • shell:Contacts – %UserProfile%\Contacts

    shell:联系人 –%UserProfile%\ Contacts

  • shell:ControlPanelFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items

    shell:ControlPanelFolder –控制面板\所有控制面板项目

  • shell:Cookies – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies

    shell:Cookies –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ INetCookies

  • shell:Cookies\Low – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\Low

    shell:Cookies \ Low –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ INetCookies \ Low

  • shell:CredentialManager – %AppData%\Microsoft\Credentials

    shell:CredentialManager –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Credentials

  • shell:CryptoKeys – %AppData%\Microsoft\Crypto

    shell:CryptoKeys –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Crypto

  • shell:desktop – Desktop

    shell:桌面 –桌面

  • shell:device Metadata Store – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceMetadataStore

    shell:设备元数据存储 –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ DeviceMetadataStore

  • shell:documentsLibrary – Libraries\Documents

    shell:documentsLibrary –库\文档

  • shell:downloads – %UserProfile%\Downloads

    shell:下载 –%UserProfile%\ Downloads

  • shell:dpapiKeys – %AppData%\Microsoft\Protect

    shell:dpapiKeys –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Protect

  • shell:Favorites – %UserProfile%\Favorites

    shell:收藏夹 –%UserProfile%\收藏夹

  • shell:Fonts – %WinDir%\Fonts

    shell:字体 –%WinDir%\ Fonts

  • shell:Games – Games

    shell:游戏 –游戏

  • shell:GameTasks – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer

    shell:GameTasks –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ GameExplorer

  • shell:History – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\History

    shell:历史记录 –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ History

  • shell:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder – Homegroup\(user-name)

    shell:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder –家庭组\(用户名)

  • shell:HomeGroupFolder – Homegroup

    shell:家庭组文件 –家庭组

  • shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts – %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\ImplicitAppShortcuts

    shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Quick Launch \ User Pinned \ ImplicitAppShortcuts

  • shell:InternetFolder – Internet Explorer

    shell:InternetFolder – Internet Explorer

  • shell:Libraries – Libraries

    shell:图书馆 –图书馆

  • shell:Links – %UserProfile%\Links

    shell:链接 –%UserProfile%\ Links

  • shell:Local AppData – %LocalAppData%

    shell:本地AppData –%LocalAppData%

  • shell:LocalAppDataLow – %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow

    shell:LocalAppDataLow –%UserProfile%\ AppData \ LocalLow

  • shell:MusicLibrary – Libraries\Music


  • shell:MyComputerFolder – This PC

    shell:MyComputerFolder –这台电脑

  • shell:My Music – %UserProfile%\Music

    shell:我的音乐 –%UserProfile%\ Music

  • shell:My Pictures – %UserProfile%\Pictures

    shell:我的图片 –%UserProfile%\ Pictures

  • shell:My Video – %UserProfile%\Videos

    shell:我的视频 –%UserProfile%\ Videos

  • shell:NetHood – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts

    shell:NetHood –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Network快捷方式

  • shell:NetworkPlacesFolder – Network

    shell:NetworkPlacesFolder –网​​络

  • shell:OneDrive – OneDrive

    外壳:OneDrive – OneDrive

  • shell:OneDriveCameraRoll – %UserProfile%\OneDrive\Pictures\Camera Roll

    shell:OneDriveCameraRoll –%UserProfile%\ OneDrive \ Pictures \ Camera Roll

  • shell:OneDriveDocuments – %UserProfile%\OneDrive\Documents

    shell:OneDriveDocuments –%UserProfile%\ OneDrive \ Documents

  • shell:OneDriveMusic – %UserProfile%\OneDrive\Music

    shell:OneDriveMusic –%UserProfile%\ OneDrive \ Music

  • shell:OneDrivePictures – %UserProfile%\OneDrive\Pictures

    shell:OneDrivePictures –%UserProfile%\ OneDrive \ Pictures

  • shell:Personal – %UserProfile%\Documents

    shell:个人 –%UserProfile%\ Documents

  • shell:PicturesLibrary – Libraries\Pictures


  • shell:PrintersFolder – All Control Panel Items\Printers

    shell:打印机文件夹 –所有控制面板项目\打印机

  • shell:PrintHood – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts

    shell:PrintHood –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Printer快捷方式

  • shell:Profile – %UserProfile%

    shell:个人资料 –%UserProfile%

  • shell:ProgramFiles – %ProgramFiles%

    shell:ProgramFiles –%ProgramFiles%

  • shell:ProgramFilesCommon – %ProgramFiles%\Common Files

    shell:ProgramFilesCommon –%ProgramFiles%\ Common文件

  • shell:ProgramFilesCommonX64 – %ProgramFiles%\Common Files (64-bit Windows only)

    shell:ProgramFilesCommonX64 –%ProgramFiles%\ Common Files(仅限64位Windows)

  • shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86 – %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files (64-bit Windows only)

    shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86 –%ProgramFiles(x86)%\ Common Files(仅适用于64位Windows)

  • shell:ProgramFilesX64 – %ProgramFiles% (64-bit Windows only)

    shell:ProgramFilesX64 –%ProgramFiles%(仅适用于64位Windows)

  • shell:ProgramFilesX86 – %ProgramFiles(x86)% (64-bit Windows only)

    shell:ProgramFilesX86 –%ProgramFiles(x86)%(仅适用于64位Windows)

  • shell:Programs – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

    shell:程序 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \“开始”菜单\程序

  • shell:Public – %Public%

    shell:公开 –%Public%

  • shell:PublicAccountPictures – %Public%\AccountPictures

    shell:PublicAccountPictures –%Public%\ AccountPictures

  • shell:PublicGameTasks – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer

    shell:PublicGameTasks –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ GameExplorer

  • shell:PublicLibraries – %Public%\Libraries

    shell:PublicLibraries –%Public%\ Libraries

  • shell:Quick Launch – %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

    shell:快速启动 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \快速启动

  • shell:Recent – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent

    shell:最近 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Recent

  • shell:RecordedTVLibrary – Libraries\Recorded TV

    shell:RecordedTVLibrary –图书馆\录制的电视

  • shell:RecycleBinFolder – Recycle Bin

    shell:回收站文件 –回收站

  • shell:ResourceDir – %WinDir%\Resources

    shell:ResourceDir –%WinDir%\ Resources

  • shell:Ringtones – %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Ringtones

    shell:铃声 –%ProgramData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Ringtones

  • shell:Roamed Tile Images – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\RoamedTileImages

    shell:漫游平铺图像 –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ RoamedTileImages

  • shell:Roaming Tiles – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\RoamingTiles

    shell:漫游磁贴–%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ RoamingTiles

  • shell:SavedGames – %UserProfile%\Saved Games

    shell:SavedGames –%UserProfile%\ Saved Games

  • shell:Screenshots – %UserProfile%\Pictures\Screenshots

    shell:截屏 –%UserProfile%\ Pictures \ Screenshots

  • shell:Searches – %UserProfile%\Searches

    shell:搜索 -%UserProfile%\ Searches

  • shell:SearchHistoryFolder – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\ConnectedSearch\History

    shell:SearchHistoryFolder –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ ConnectedSearch \ History

  • shell:SearchHomeFolder – search-ms:

    shell:SearchHomeFolder – search-ms:

  • shell:SearchTemplatesFolder – %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\ConnectedSearch\Templates

    shell:SearchTemplatesFolder –%LocalAppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ ConnectedSearch \ Templates

  • shell:SendTo – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo

    shell:SendTo –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ SendTo

  • shell:Start Menu – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

    shell:“开始”菜单 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \“开始”菜单

  • shell:StartMenuAllPrograms – StartMenuAllPrograms

    shell:StartMenuAllPrograms – StartMenuAllPrograms

  • shell:Startup – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    shell:启动 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\程序\启动

  • shell:SyncCenterFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Sync Center

    shell:SyncCenterFolder –控制面板\所有控制面板项目\同步中心

  • shell:SyncResultsFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Sync Center\Sync Results

    shell:SyncResultsFolder –控制面板\所有控制面板项目\同步中心\同步结果

  • shell:SyncSetupFolder – Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Sync Center\Sync Setup

    shell:SyncSetupFolder –控制面板\所有控制面板项目\同步中心\同步设置

  • shell:System – %WinDir%\System32

    shell:系统 –%WinDir%\ System32

  • shell:SystemCertificates – %AppData%\Microsoft\SystemCertificates

    shell:SystemCertificates –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates

  • shell:SystemX86 – %WinDir%\SysWOW64

    shell:SystemX86 –%WinDir%\ SysWOW64

  • shell:Templates – %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Templates

    shell:模板 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Templates

  • shell:ThisPCDesktopFolder – Desktop

    shell:ThisPCDesktopFolder –桌面

  • shell:UsersFilesFolder – %UserProfile%

    shell:UsersFilesFolder –%UserProfile%

  • shell:User Pinned – %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned

    shell:用户固定 –%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Quick Launch \ User Pinned

  • shell:UserProfiles – %HomeDrive%\Users

    shell:UserProfiles –%HomeDrive%\ Users

  • shell:UserProgramFiles – %LocalAppData%\Programs

    shell:UserProgramFiles –%LocalAppData%\ Programs

  • shell:UserProgramFilesCommon – %LocalAppData%\Programs\Common

    shell:UserProgramFilesCommon –%LocalAppData%\ Programs \ Common

  • shell:UsersLibrariesFolder – Libraries

    shell:UsersLibrariesFolder –库

  • shell:VideosLibrary – Libraries\Videos


  • shell:Windows – %WinDir%

    shell:Windows –%WinDir%

And there you go. Of course, once you find these folders, you can easily bookmark them so you can get to them even quicker in the future. But, if you’re a keyboard person, it might be worth adding some of these to your repertoire.

然后你去。 当然,一旦找到这些文件夹,便可以轻松地为它们添加书签,以便将来更快地访问它们。 但是,如果您是键盘手,则可能需要将其中一些添加到您的曲目中。







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