什么软件可以用twitch_什么是Twitch Studio,您是否应该使用它进行流式传输?




Twitch Studio is a free tool that features an easy, automated setup, and seamless optimization of your Twitch stream. It’s the perfect way to start streaming, without having to worry about intimidating Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) settings or connection tests.

Twitch Studio是一个免费工具,具有简单,自动的设置以及Twitch流的无缝优化的功能。 这是开始流式传输的理想方法,而不必担心威胁到Open Broadcaster Software(OBS)设置或连接测试。

Twitch Studio适合您吗? (Is Twitch Studio Right for You?)

If you’re not confident setting up your own streaming settings in Open Broadcast Software (OBS), then Twitch Studio is right for you. It simplifies everything, including stream quality settings.

如果您不确定在Open Broadcast Software (OBS)中设置自己的流媒体设置,那么Twitch Studio是您的不二之选。 它简化了一切,包括流质量设置。

In the Twitch Studio program, you can view your chat stream alongside your live broadcast and view your activity feed. Alerts (such as follows and subscribes) are also built-in, which makes connecting with your Twitch community easier than ever.

在Twitch Studio程序中,您可以在实时广播旁边查看聊天流,并查看活动供稿。 警报(例如关注和订阅)也是内置的,这使得与Twitch社区的连接比以往更加容易。

如何设置Twitch Studio (How to Set Up Twitch Studio)

To get started, just download and install Twitch Studio on your Windows 10 PC or Mac.

首先,只需在Windows 10 PC或Mac上下载并安装Twitch Studio

If you’re already signed in to a Twitch.tv account on your browser, Twitch Studio will recognize it and all you’ll have to do is type your password. If you don’t already have an account, register for one to get started with the Twitch Studio program.

如果您已经在浏览器上登录了Twitch.tv帐户,则Twitch Studio会识别出该帐户,您只需输入密码即可。 如果您还没有帐户,请注册一个帐户,以开始使用Twitch Studio程序。

After you’ve signed into your account, click “Get Started” to follow Twitch Studio’s setup process. This is incredibly helpful for people who’ve never set up a stream, or those who aren’t comfortable with OBS settings, or any of the other stream clients with complex settings and customization.

登录帐户后,单击“入门”以遵循Twitch Studio的设置过程。 对于从未设置过流的人,对OBS设置不满意的人,或具有复杂设置和自定义功能的任何其他流客户端,这非常有用。

Click "Get Started" to follow Twitch Studio's setup process.

First, choose your default mic. If you’re using a headset with a mic, Twitch Studio will automatically detect and set it as your default, but you can change it.

首先,选择您的默认麦克风。 如果您使用带麦克风的耳机,Twitch Studio将自动检测并将其设置为默认耳机,但是您可以对其进行更改。

Next is your webcam. The same as the mic setting, you can personalize these and also use built-in color filters.

接下来是您的网络摄像头。 与麦克风设置相同,您可以个性化这些设置,也可以使用内置的滤色器。

Lastly, you can choose your stream layouts, including the main layout, a chat box, a “Be Right Back” screen, and any widgets you want to include. You can also create and entirely customize a layout, if you prefer. The recommended size is 1920 x 1080 pixels.

最后,您可以选择流布局,包括主布局,聊天框,“待命”屏幕以及要包括的任何小部件。 如果愿意,您还可以创建并完全自定义布局。 建议尺寸为1920 x 1080像素。

After you’ve selected a layout, click “Continue to Settings.”


Click "Continue to Settings."

This is where you can edit your stream quality settings. It’s okay if you have no idea what you’re doing here—Twitch Studio will optimize everything for you automatically. If you’d like to customize these settings, though, click “Tweak Settings.”

您可以在此处编辑流质量设置。 如果您不知道自己在这里做什么,那没关系-Twitch Studio会自动为您优化所有内容。 不过,如果您想自定义这些设置,请单击“调整设置”。

Here, you can manually configure stream resolution, FPS, bitrate, and more. You can also go back and rerun the optimization test. After you’ve finished, click “Continue to App.”

在这里,您可以手动配置流分辨率,FPS,比特率等。 您也可以返回并重新运行优化测试。 完成后,请点击“继续应用”。

Click "Continue to App."

This new screen is your main dashboard. You can customize everything here, including your stream title, chat settings, and layouts.

这个新屏幕是您的主要仪表板。 您可以在此处自定义所有内容,包括流标题,聊天设置和布局。

When you’re ready to stream, just click “Start Stream” at the bottom.


Twitch Studio功能 (Twitch Studio Features)

Once you’ve got Twitch Studio up and running, you can tweak any customization you’ve made, even while you’re streaming live. You’ll see any changes in real time. For example, you can use the panels on the left to switch between your active and “Be Right Back” screens.

一旦Twitch Studio启动并运行,您就可以调整自己进行的任何自定义设置,即使正在直播时也是如此。 您会实时看到任何更改。 例如,您可以使用左侧的面板在活动屏幕和“右后卫”屏幕之间切换。

Select an option in the "Stream Layout" menu.

It’s often helpful to configure hotkeys for each of your scenes, so you can switch between them easily. This is especially helpful if you use a single monitor.

为每个场景配置热键通常很有帮助,因此您可以轻松地在它们之间进行切换。 如果使用单个监视器,这特别有用。

If at any time you want to reset the client entirely, click the hamburger menu at the top left, select “File,” and then click “Settings.”


Click "File," and then click "Settings."

In the “Settings” window, click “Reset App.”


Click "Reset App" in "Settings."

This will restore the application to its install state, and prompt you to either click “Skip Setup” or “Get Started” (as covered above).


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/680105/what-is-twitch-studio-and-should-you-use-it-to-stream/






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