



Game streaming services like Twitch are bigger than ever. Whether you want to let your friends watch you play a game or try to build up a larger audience, streaming is easy.

Twitch之类的游戏流媒体服务比以往任何时候都更大。 无论您是想让您的朋友看您玩游戏还是想扩大观众群,流媒体都很容易。

Twitch.tv only supports public streams. If you want to broadcast a private stream to just a few friends, you can try using Steam’s built-in Broadcasting feature, which allows you to restrict game streams to your Steam friends.

Twitch.tv仅支持公共流。 如果您只想向几个朋友广播私人流,则可以尝试使用Steam的内置广播功能,该功能可将游戏流限制为您的Steam朋友。

  1. Get a Twitch stream key from your Twitch.tv profile

  2. Download Open Broadcaster Software and set up Game Capture mode

    下载Open Broadcaster软件并设置游戏捕获模式
  3. Add your Twitch key to OBS’ Stream Settings

  4. Click “Start Streaming” and play your game


If you’ve settled on Twitch, check the game you want to stream before going through this guide. Some PC games have built-in Twitch support. But, for most games, you’ll need a third-party streaming program to broadcast your gameplay like Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). That’s what we’ll be setting up today.

如果您选择了Twitch,请先阅读要播放的游戏,然后再阅读本指南。 某些PC游戏具有内置的Twitch支持。 但是,对于大多数游戏而言,您需要像Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)这样的第三方流媒体程序来广播您的游戏玩法。 这就是我们今天要设置的。

Lastly, Twitch recommends fairly powerful hardware for streaming. Twitch itself recommends you use an Intel Core i5-4670 or AMD equivalent CPU, at least 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM, and Windows 7 or newer. If your stream doesn’t perform smoothly, you probably need a faster CPU and perhaps more RAM. Your Internet connection’s upload bandwidth is also a factory. Higher-quality streams need more upload bandwidth.

最后,Twitch建议使用功能强大的流媒体硬件。 Twitch本身建议您使用Intel Core i5-4670或AMD等效CPU,至少8 GB的DDR3 SDRAM和Windows 7或更高版本。 如果流的运行不平稳,则可能需要更快的CPU和更多的RAM。 Internet连接的上传带宽也是出厂值。 更高质量的流需要更多的上传带宽。

Got all that? Alright, here’s what you need to do.

知道了吗? 好吧,这是您需要做的。

第一步:获取Twitch.tv流密钥 (Step One: Get a Twitch.tv Stream Key)

We’re broadcasting using Twitch because it’s the most popular option. Sure, you could host your own stream and stream directly to your viewers, but it takes much less upload bandwidth to stream a game to a website like Twitch and allow that website to rebroadcast it to your viewers. You could also use other websites, like YouTube Gaming.

我们正在使用Twitch进行广播,因为它是最受欢迎的选项。 当然,您可以托管自己的视频流并直接将其流传输给观众,但是将游戏流传输到Twitch之类的网站并允许该网站将其重新广播给您的观众所需的上传带宽要少得多。 您也可以使用其他网站,例如YouTube游戏

First, you’ll need to make a free Twitch account you’ll stream the game with. Just visit Twitch.tv and create an account. After creating an account, click your account name at the top-right corner of the Twitch homepage, select “Dashboard”, and click the “Stream Key” heading. Click the “Show Key” button to get your private key.

首先,您需要创建一个免费的Twitch帐户,用于与游戏进行流媒体传输。 只需访问Twitch.tv并创建一个帐户即可。 创建帐户后,在Twitch主页的右上角单击您的帐户名称,选择“仪表板”,然后单击“流键”标题。 单击“显示密钥”按钮以获取您的私钥。

You’ll need this key to stream to your channel. Anyone who has the key can stream to your channel, so don’t share it with anyone else.

您需要此密钥才能流式传输到您的频道。 拥有密钥的任何人都可以流式传输到您的频道,因此请勿与其他任何人共享。

第二步:设置OBS游戏捕获模式 (Step Two: Set Up OBS Game Capture Mode)

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free, open-source video recording and streaming application that’s ideal for streaming on Twitch. OBS can record a screencast and save it to a local video file, but it can also live stream to a service like Twitch or YouTube Gaming. OBS also allows you to add additional elements to your stream, so you can add live video from your webcam, image overlays, and other visual elements.

Open Broadcaster Software(OBS)是一个免费的开源视频录制和流媒体应用程序,非常适合在Twitch上进行流媒体播放。 OBS可以录制截屏并将其保存到本地视频文件中,但也可以实时流式传输到Twitch或YouTube Gaming等服务。 OBS还允许您向流中添加其他元素,因此您可以从网络摄像头,图像叠加层和其他视觉元素中添加实时视频。

Download Open Broadcaster Software here, install it, and fire it up. OBS organizes your screencast into “scenes” and “sources.” The scene is the final video or stream—what your viewers see. The sources are what comprise that video. You could have a scene that displays the contents of a game window, or a scene that displays the contents of a game window and your webcam superimposed over it. You could set up separate scenes for each game you want to stream and switch between them on the fly.

在此处下载Open Broadcaster软件,安装并启动它。 OBS将您的截屏视频组织为“场景”和“源”。 场景是最终的视频或流-观众所看到的。 来源就是那个视频。 您可能有一个显示游戏窗口内容的场景,或者一个显示游戏窗口内容和您的网络摄像头叠加在其上的场景。 您可以为每个要播放的游戏设置单独的场景,并即时切换它们。

For our purposes right now, the default scene will work fine.


添加游戏捕获源 (Add a Game Capture Source)

The first thing you’ll need to do is add a game capture source to your scene. Right-click in the Sources box and select Add > Game Capture.

您需要做的第一件事是将游戏捕获源添加到场景中。 右键单击“源”框,然后选择“添加”>“游戏捕获”。

Select “Create New”, name the capture whatever you want to call it, and then click “OK”.


Under “Mode”, select “Capture any fullscreen application” and OBS will automatically detect and capture full-screen games you play. If you’re playing a windowed game, select “Capture specific window” in the mode box and select the application. Ensure the game is running so it appears in the list here.

在“模式”下,选择“捕获任何全屏应用程序”,OBS将自动检测并捕获您玩的全屏游戏。 如果您正在玩窗口游戏,请在模式框中选择“捕获特定窗口”,然后选择应用程序。 确保游戏正在运行,使其出现在此处的列表中。

You can tweak the other options here, or change them later. Just click the game capture source in your Sources list and select “Properties” to access these same options.

您可以在此处调整其他选项,或稍后更改它们。 只需在“来源”列表中单击游戏捕获来源,然后选择“属性”即可访问这些相同的选项。

Click “OK” to leave this window.


Now, Launch a full-screen game. If you Alt+Tab out of it (or if you have multiple monitors), you should see its preview  in the main OBS window. If you don’t see a preview, try right-clicking in the center of the window and check that “Enable Preview” is enabled.

现在,启动一个全屏游戏。 如果您将Alt + Tab移出(或如果有多台显示器),则应在OBS主窗口中看到其预览。 如果没有看到预览,请尝试右键单击窗口中心,然后检查是否启用了“启用预览”。

Some games may not show a preview when you Alt+Tab out. That’s normal in some cases—you may want to test it with a local recording to see if your current settings work with the game in question. Just click “Start Recording”, play your game for a few seconds, and then stop the recording to see if the resulting video file worked.

当您Alt + Tab退出时,某些游戏可能不会显示预览。 在某些情况下,这是正常现象-您可能希望通过本地录像对其进行测试,以查看您当前的设置是否适用于相关游戏。 只需单击“开始录制”,玩游戏几秒钟,然后停止录制以查看生成的视频文件是否有效。

如果游戏捕获不起作用:尝试显示捕获模式 (If Game Capture Doesn’t Work: Try Display Capture Mode)

Game Capture mode doesn’t work with every game, unfortunately. If you can’t get OBS to record or stream a specific game, you can try Display Capture mode instead. This captures your entire display, including your Windows desktop and any open windows, and streams it.

不幸的是,游戏捕获模式并不适用于所有游戏。 如果无法让OBS录制或播放特定游戏,则可以尝试使用“显示捕获”模式。 这将捕获整个显示,包括Windows桌面和所有打开的窗口,并进行流式处理。

To use Display Capture mode, first ensure OBS isn’t set to show your game capture source. To do this, you can either right-click the game capture source and select “Remove” to remove it from the list, or left-click the eye icon to the left of it to hide it from view.

要使用显示捕获模式,请首先确保未将OBS设置为显示游戏捕获源。 为此,您可以右键单击游戏捕获源,然后选择“删除”以将其从列表中删除,或者左键单击其左侧的眼睛图标以将其隐藏。

Now, add a new source like you added the game capture source. Right-click in the “Sources” box and select Add > Display Capture. Name the source whatever you like and click “OK”.

现在,像添加游戏捕获源一样添加一个新源。 右键单击“源”框中,然后选择添加>显示捕获。 随便命名源,然后单击“确定”。

Choose the display you want to add—there will only be a single display if you only have a single computer monitor—and click “OK”.


A preview of your desktop will appear in the main OBS window. OBS will stream whatever you see on your screen. If Game Capture doesn’t work, this may work better.

桌面预览将出现在OBS主窗口中。 OBS将流式传输您在屏幕上看到的任何内容。 如果“游戏捕获”不起作用,则可能会更好。

选择您要广播的音频 (Choose Which Audio You Want to Broadcast)

By default, OBS captures your desktop audio—everything playing on your PC, including any game sounds—and audio from your microphone. It will include these with your stream.

默认情况下,OBS会捕获台式机音频(包括PC上所有正在播放的声音,包括任何游戏声音)以及麦克风中的音频。 它将包含在您的流中。

To change these settings, use the Mixer panel that appears at the bottom of the OBS window. For example, to mute either type of audio, click the speaker icon. To adjust the volume, drag the slider to the left or right. To choose the audio device, click the gear icon and select “Properties”.

要更改这些设置,请使用OBS窗口底部显示的“混合器”面板。 例如,要使两种类型的音频静音,请单击扬声器图标。 要调节音量,请向左或向右拖动滑块。 要选择音频设备,请点击齿轮图标,然后选择“属性”。

从您的网络摄像头添加视频 (Add Video From Your Webcam)

If you’d like to include a small video of your webcam on top of the game stream, add it as another source to your scene. Right-click inside the Sources box and click Add > Video Capture Device. Name your video capture device and click “OK”.

如果您想在游戏流的顶部添加一小段有关网络摄像头的视频,请将其添加为场景中的另一个源。 在“源”框中右键单击,然后单击添加>视频捕获设备。 为您的视频捕获设备命名,然后单击“确定”。

OBS should automatically find your webcam, if you have one. Select the webcam device you want to use and configure any settings you want to change here. The default settings should work fine. Click “OK” when you’re done.

如果有,OBS应该会自动找到您的网络摄像头。 选择要使用的网络摄像头设备,然后在此处配置要更改的任何设置。 默认设置应该可以正常工作。 完成后,单击“确定”。

Your webcam video will be superimposed over your game or desktop in the OBS preview window. Use your mouse to drag and drop the video where you want it, and click and drag the corners to resize your webcam frame to your desired size.

您的网络摄像头视频将在OBS预览窗口中叠加在您的游戏或桌面上。 使用鼠标将视频拖放到所需的位置,然后单击并拖动角落以将网络摄像头框架调整为所需的大小。

If you don’t see your webcam video, make sure the Video Capture Device appears above your main game or display capture source in the Sources box. Sources that are on top of one another in the list are on top of one another in your live video. So, if you move the video capture device to the bottom of the sources list, it will be underneath your game stream and no one will see it. Drag and drop sources to rearrange them in the list.

如果看不到网络摄像头视频,请确保“视频捕获设备”出现在主游戏上方或在“源”框中显示捕获源。 列表中彼此重叠的源在您的实时视频中相互重叠。 因此,如果将视频捕获设备移至源列表的底部,它将位于游戏流的下方,并且没人会看到它。 拖放源以在列表中重新排列它们。

第三步:设置Twitch流 (Step Three: Set up Twitch Streaming)

Once you’ve set up your stream the way you want, you need to connect OBS to your Twitch channel. Click the “Settings” button at the bottom right corner of the OBS screen or click File > Settings to access OBS’s settings window.

按照所需的方式设置流后,需要将OBS连接到Twitch频道。 单击OBS屏幕右下角的“设置”按钮,或单击“文件”>“设置”以访问OBS的设置窗口。

Click the “Stream” category, select “Streaming Services” as your Stream Type, and select “Twitch” as your service. Copy and paste the stream key for your account from the Twitch website into the “Stream key” box. Select the closest server to your location in the “Server” box. Click “OK” to save your settings when you’re done.

单击“流”类别,选择“流服务”作为流类型,然后选择“ Twitch”作为服务。 将您的帐户的流密钥从Twitch网站复制并粘贴到“流密钥”框中。 在“服务器”框中选择离您最近的服务器。 完成后,单击“确定”以保存您的设置。

If you wanted to stream to another service—such as YouTube Gaming or Facebook Live—you’d select it in the “Service” box here and enter the details it requires instead.

如果您想流式传输到其他服务(例如YouTube游戏或Facebook Live),则可以在此处的“服务”框中选择它,然后输入所需的详细信息。

You can also adjust your streaming settings from this window. Select the “Output” icon here and use the options under “Streaming” to choose your bitrate and encoder. You’ll probably want to try streaming with the default settings first to see how they work.

您也可以从此窗口调整流式传输设置。 在此处选择“输出”图标,然后使用“流”下的选项选择您的比特率和编码器。 您可能需要先尝试使用默认设置进行流传输,以了解它们的工作方式。

If it’s not smooth, try lowering the video bitrate here. The optimal setting depends on your computer and Internet connection. OBS recommends experimenting with different settings until you find the ideal one for your system.

如果不流畅,请尝试在此处降低视频比特率。 最佳设置取决于您的计算机和Internet连接。 OBS建议尝试不同的设置,直到找到适合您系统的理想设置为止。

第四步:开始流式传输! (Step Four: Start Streaming!)

Now that OBS is connected to Twitch, all you need to do is click the “Start Streaming” button at the bottom right corner of the OBS window.


While streaming, you can see a preview of your stream, provide a title, and set your “Now Playing” status on the Twitch.tv dashboard page. Click your username at the top-right corner of the Twitch page and select “Dashboard” to access it.

在流式传输期间,您可以在Twitch.tv仪表板页面上查看流的预览,提供标题并设置“正在播放”状态。 单击Twitch页面右上角的用户名,然后选择“仪表板”进行访问。

To share your stream with other people, just direct them to your channel page. It’s twitch.tv/user , where “user” is your Twitch username.

要与其他人共享您的信息流,只需将他们定向到您的频道页面即可。 它是twitch.tv/user ,其中“用户”是您的Twitch用户名。

Consult the official OBS documentation for more information about the various settings and features in OBS.


Image Credit: Dennis Dervisevic/Flickr

图片来源: Dennis Dervisevic / Flickr

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/183900/how-to-stream-a-pc-game-online-with-twitch-tv/






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