swift airdrop_适用于Android的AirDrop:如何使用附近的Android分享

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android nearby share

Nearby Share is the answer to Apple’s AirDrop that Android users have been waiting for: a universal method for sharing links, photos, and files between devices. Here’s how to set it up and start sharing.

附近共享是Android用户一直在等待的Apple AirDrop的答案:一种在设备之间共享链接,照片和文件的通用方法。 设置和开始共享的方法如下。

There are plenty of apps that you can use to share things on Android. The problem is the recipient needs to be using the same app. Nearby Share is like AirDrop on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It’s built-in to (almost) all Android devices, and there’s no need to download a separate app.

您可以使用许多应用程序在Android上共享内容。 问题是收件人需要使用相同的应用程序。 附近共享就像 iPhone,iPad和Mac上的AirDrop 。 它内置于(几乎)所有Android设备中,无需下载单独的应用程序。

Nearby Share is compatible with all Android 6.0+ devices. Google Pixel and Samsung devices are the first to get it. The feature is baked into phones through Google Play Services, a component of Android devices that ships with the Google Play Store. To begin, let’s make sure Play Services is up to date.

附近共享与所有Android 6.0+设备兼容。 Google Pixel和Samsung设备率先获得它。 该功能可通过Google Play商店附带的Android设备的组成部分Google Play服务烘焙到手机中。 首先,让我们确保Play服务是最新的。

检查附近是否有共享 (Check if You Have Nearby Share)

Open Google on your Android device, and search for “Google Play Services.” Tap on the “Google Play Services” result in the “Apps” section.

在您的Android设备上打开Google ,然后搜索“ Google Play服务”。 在“应用”部分中点击“ Google Play服务”结果。

google play services search

This will take you to the app’s Play Store listing. Tap the “Update” button if you see it.

这会将您带到该应用的Play商店列表 。 如果看到,请点击“更新”按钮。

google play services
Your app listing may not say “Beta”

Next, open the “Settings” menu on your Android phone. You can either swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the “Gear” icon, or open the list of apps from the home screen and locate the “Settings” app. From there, select the “Google” option.

接下来,打开Android手机上的“设置”菜单。 您可以从屏幕顶部向下滑动并点击“齿轮”图标,或者从主屏幕打开应用程序列表,然后找到“设置”应用程序。 从那里选择“ Google”选项。

google settings

Scroll down, select “Device Connections,” then look for “Nearby Share.”


google device connections

If “Nearby Share” is listed, we can move on to setting it up.


device connections nearby share

设置Android附近共享 (Set Up Android Nearby Share)

Open the Settings menu on your Android phone. You can swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the “Gear” icon, or find the Settings app in your app drawer after swiping up on the home screen. From there, tap the “Google” option.

打开Android手机上的“设置”菜单。 您可以从屏幕顶部向下滑动并点击“齿轮”图标,或者在主屏幕上向上滑动后在应用程序抽屉中找到“设置”应用程序。 在此处,点击“ Google”选项。

google settings

Go to Device Connections > Nearby Share.


device connections nearby share

Toggle the switch at the top of the screen to enable Nearby Share (if it’s not already).


enable nearby share

Tap “Device Name” to give your Android handset a new name.


rename device

You can now select “Device Visibility” to adjust the privacy settings.


device visibility

There are three visibility options to choose from:


  • All Contacts: All of your contacts with Nearby Share will be able to see your device. You will be able to see all devices nearby with Nearby Share open.

    所有联系人:您与“附近共享”的所有联系人都将能够看到您的设备。 您将可以在打开附近共享的情况下查看附近的所有设备。

  • Some Contacts: You choose which contacts will be able to see your device. You will be able to see all devices nearby with Nearby Share open.

    一些联系人:您选择哪些联系人将能够看到您的设备。 您将可以在打开附近共享的情况下查看附近的所有设备。

  • Hidden: No one can see your device. You will be able to see all devices nearby with Nearby Share open.

    隐藏:没人能看到您的设备。 您将可以在打开附近共享的情况下查看附近的所有设备。

device visibility options

“All Contacts” and “Hidden” do not require further setup.


If using “Some Contacts,” you will need to individually select contacts. Scroll down and tap the toggle next to a contact to allow them to see your device.

如果使用“某些联系人”,则需要单独选择联系人。 向下滚动并点按联系人旁边的切换按钮,以允许他们查看您的设备。

choose some contacts

Go back to the previous screen where your Device Visibility choices have been made.


Tap “Data” and select the data usage option that fits your needs. After making a selection, tap “Update” or “Cancel.”

点击“数据”,然后选择适合您的数据使用选项。 选择后,点击“更新”或“取消”。

data usage options

使用Android附近共享 (Use Android Nearby Share)

Now you’re ready to share something with Nearby Share. First, you will need to find a receiving device that also has Nearby Share, has the screen on, and has Bluetooth and location services enabled.

现在,您可以与“附近共享”分享一些东西了。 首先,您需要找到一个接收设备,该设备也具有“附近共享”功能,屏幕处于打开状态并且启用了蓝牙和定位服务。

Nearby Share can be initiated from a number of different places. For this example, we’ll try sharing a link.

可以从许多不同的地方发起附近共享。 对于此示例,我们将尝试共享链接。

Open any web browser, such as Chrome, on your Android phone and tap the three-dot “Menu” icon.


browser menu icon

Next, select the “Share” button.


browser share

This will bring up the apps/shortcuts you can use to share. Find “Nearby Share” in the list and tap it.

这将显示您可以共享的应用程序/快捷方式。 在列表中找到“附近共享”,然后点按它。

nearby share icon in share sheet

Depending on your device and the item you are sharing, Nearby Share may also appear as a shortcut as pictured below.


nearby share shortcut

Nearby Share will begin looking for nearby devices.


nearby share scanning

The receiving device will get a notification that says “Device Nearby Is Sharing.” The recipient can then tap the notification to become visible to the sender.

接收设备将收到一条通知,内容为“附近的设备正在共享”。 然后,收件人可以点击通知以使其对发件人可见。

nearby share notification
Notification on receiving device.

Once the receiving device is visible, it will show up on the sending device. Select it from the list.

接收设备可见后,它将显示在发送设备上。 从列表中选择它。

nearby share select device

The receiving device will now be asked to “Accept” or “Decline” the incoming item, which, in this case, is a link as seen at the top of the screen.


nearby share accept sharing
Confirmation on receiving device.

That’s it! The link has been sent.

而已! 链接已发送。

nearby share complete

Links are one example, but the process is exactly the same for sharing photos and files as well. Simply find “Nearby Share” in the sharing menu to use the feature. On the receiving end, you will always be asked to become visible and confirm receiving content.

链接是一个示例,但是共享照片和文件的过程也完全相同。 只需在共享菜单中找到“附近共享”即可使用该功能。 在接收端,将始终要求您变得可见并确认接收内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/684434/airdrop-for-android-how-to-use-android-nearby-share/

swift airdrop





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