


printing money

While many users see desktop printers as the best way to print photos, compared to cheap printing services, they may be more expensive. In this simple How-To, learn how to compare the cost per print to commercial options.

尽管许多用户将台式打印机视为打印照片的最佳方法,但与廉价打印服务相比,它们可能更昂贵。 在此简单的方法指南中,学习如何将单张打印成本与商业选项进行比较。

Readers may not think of desktop printers as “convenient,” however manufacturers are largely selling the convenience of being able to print at home. Many commercial printers may offer services that are cheaper, even at small quantities. See how a few free downloads, some internet research, and some math can save you money over the holidays.

读者可能不会认为台式打印机是“方便的”,但是制造商在很大程度上销售能够在家打印的便利。 许多商用打印机可能会提供更便宜的服务,即使是少量的服务也是如此。 了解一些免费下载,一些互联网研究和一些数学如何在假期为您节省金钱。

您的耗材多少钱? (How Much Do Your Consumables Cost?)


Any item that is manufactured to be used up and replaced (the way print cartridges are) is called a consumable. Determining your cost per print is as simple as finding some simple information about the consumables you’ll use and doing a little light math. For the purposes of demonstration, we’ll be using consumables for the Canon PIXMA printer.

任何制造出来的用完并更换(墨盒的方式)的物品都称为消耗品 。 确定每张纸的成本很简单,就像找到有关您将使用的消耗品的一些简单信息并做一些简单的数学运算一样。 出于演示目的,我们将使用佳能PIXMA打印机的耗材。

The cost of the printer itself is not a part of this How-To, although readers should certainly consider the expense of photo printers when comparing costs to commercial print services. On a similar note, this How-To is not an endorsement of this printer, or of Canon products. They are all used here for purposes of demonstration, and readers are recommended to use brands that suit their own individual tastes.

打印机本身的成本不是本操作方法的一部分,尽管在将成本与商业打印服务进行比较时,读者当然应该考虑照片打印机的成本。 同样,本“操作方法”并不表示对本打印机或佳能产品的认可。 它们全部用于演示目的,建议读者使用适合其个人口味的品牌。


After determining your printer, some Google searches can help you determine the part or model numbers for your print cartridges, one of your consumables. If your printer has two, four, five, or six cartridges, you’ll need to look up the cost and yield of each individual item. From this page on Amazon, we see that a regular retail price for a Cyan cartridge is $13.99.

确定打印机后,一些Google搜索可以帮助您确定墨盒(其中一种消耗品)的部件或型号。 如果您的打印机有两个,四个,五个或六个墨盒,则需要查询每个项目的成本和产量。 从亚马逊上的此页面,我们看到青色墨盒的常规零售价为13.99美元。


Google searches for the cartridge part number and the word yield will potentially bring up pages with statistics of how many pages a cartridge will print before giving up the ghost. If you have actual cartridges in your home, the packaging may have yield information. If not, many pages will likely offer the information you need.

Google会搜索碳粉盒部件号和单词yield来显示带有放弃碳粉盒之前要打印多少页的统计信息的页面。 如果您家中有实际的墨盒,则包装中可能包含产量信息。 如果没有,很多页面可能会提供您所需的信息。


A few short minutes will reveal pages like cartridgenews.com, which had the information regarding the printer in this How-To. We can see here that the same Cyan cartridge will print 207 4×6 photos, as well as the same yield information for the remaining three cartridges. We’re only interested in full color yield information; many advertisements will try to mislead users with statistics about black and white images or yield from pages of text. Be careful when looking for this information, in order to ensure you do your calculations correctly.

几分钟后,您将看到诸如articlenews.com之类的页面,该页面中有关于此打印机的信息。 我们在这里可以看到,相同的青色墨盒将打印207张4×6照片,其余三个墨盒的产量信息也相同。 我们只对全色产量信息感兴趣; 许多广告会试图用有关黑白图像的统计数据或从文字页面中得出的数据来误导用户。 查找此信息时请务必小心,以确保正确进行计算。

OpenOffice或Excel为您完成所有数学操作 (OpenOffice or Excel Does All The Math For You)


Chances are you already have some sort of spreadsheet solution on your computer, be it Microsoft Excel or the OpenOffice suite. If you do not have either, you can download OpenOffice for free. You can do the math yourself, but downloading free HTG tools will save you the trouble of doing it again and again.

您可能已经在计算机上有了某种电子表格解决方案,无论是Microsoft Excel还是OpenOffice套件 。 如果没有,则可以免费下载OpenOffice 。 您可以自己进行数学运算,但是下载免费的HTG工具将为您省去一次又一次的麻烦。

极客照片打印计算方法 (The How-To Geek Photo Print Calculation Tool)


Once you have your spreadsheet solution, download the HTG Photo Print Calculation Tool for either OpenOffice or Excel.



Yellow cells are editable; blue ones are not. Enter the information you found in the earlier section of the How-To, starting with the name of the various items you’re working with, e.g., Cyan or Black printer cartridges.

黄色单元格是可编辑的; 蓝色的不是。 输入您在使用方法的前面部分中找到的信息,以您正在使用的各种项目的名称开头,例如青色或黑色打印机墨盒。


Your printer may have multiple cartridges—six or even more, depending on your model. If you have four, five, or only two, input them all here.

您的打印机可能有多个墨盒(六个或更多),具体取决于您的型号。 如果您有四个,五个或只有两个,请在此处全部输入。


In the Yield column, input the yields you found earlier, corresponding with the cartridges in the horizontal rows. Cyan yields 207 prints, while a magenta cartridge yields 204.

在“产量”列中,输入您之前发现的产量,与水平行中的墨盒相对应。 青色可打印207张照片,品红色墨盒可打印204张照片。


Enter the cost in the “Price” column. In this case, all four cartridges have the same retail price. The “Cost/print” column is already going to work calculating the cost per print, saving you the trouble of doing the division.

在“价格”列中输入费用。 在这种情况下,所有四个墨盒的零售价均相同。 “成本/打印”列已开始计算每张打印的成本,为您节省了进行划分的麻烦。


Paper is sold in packs of multiple sheets; this information is far easier to find than the yield of cartridges. A pack of photo paper sized 4”x6” comes in packs of 400, retailing for $27.51. So a pack costing $27.51 yields a potential 400 prints. The tool calculates the cost per print at 7 cents per page.

纸张以多张装的形式出售; 这些信息比墨盒的产量要容易得多。 一包尺寸为4“ x6”的照片纸每包400张,零售价为27.51美元。 因此,一包价格为$ 27.51的书包可以打印400张。 该工具计算出每页打印成本为7美分/页。


8”x10” paper is sold here in packs of 50 pages at a price of $19.99. The tool calculates this cost at 40 cents per piece of photo paper, given that retail amount.

8“ x10”纸每盒50页,每盒售价19.99美元。 考虑到零售量,该工具计算出的成本为每张照片纸40美分。


Once the paper amounts are included, the tool automatically tallies the total cost of a single 4”x6” print and a single 8”x10” inch print. Keep in mind, without those two values, it cannot determine the cost per page.

包括纸张数量后,该工具会自动计算单张4“ x6”印刷品和单张8“ x10”英寸印刷品的总成本。 请记住,没有这两个值,它就无法确定每页成本。

Note: The original multiplier of this number was slightly off. The tool has been adjusted in order to provide a more accurate costs for 8″x10″ prints. You can trust this tool, despite numbers in the graphics being slightly lower than they should be.

注意:该数字的原始乘数略有下降。 该工具已经过调整,以便为8“ x10”的打印提供更准确的成本。 您可以信任此工具,尽管图形中的数字比应有的数字略低。


Simple Google searches for “4×6 prints” can find online and local printers capable of producing high-quality prints for far cheaper than the above rate of 30 cents per 4”x6” or 85 cents per 8”x10”. From there, it is a simple comparison of cost versus convenience—are you prepared to spend the time to prepare prints for cheaper print services? Or do you prefer the convenience of printing from your somewhat pricier desktop printer? You may find that even despite the higher cost, the convenience of printing at home outweighs the price.

简单的Google搜索“ 4×6打印”可以找到在线和本地打印机,这些打印机能够以比上述每4“ x6” 30美分或每8“ x10” 85美分的价格便宜得多的价格生产高质量的打印品。 从那里,它是成本与便利性的简单比较-您是否准备花费时间为便宜的打印服务准备打印? 还是您更喜欢使用价格更高的台式打印机进行打印的便利? 您可能会发现,尽管成本较高,但在家打印的方便性还是要超过价格的。

Readers should also keep in mind that not all printing services are created equal, and that some printers may produce prints inferior to your desktop machine. Buyer beware, and happy printing!

读者还应记住,并非所有打印服务都是一样的,并且某些打印机可能会产生劣于台式机的打印。 买家当心,打印愉快!

Edit 12/14/10: The math has been tweaked somewhat to give more accurate 8″x10″ costs. Thanks to reader Wally for pointing out “fuzzy” math.

编辑12/14/10:对数学作了一些微调,以提供更准确的8“ x10”成本。 感谢读者Wally指出“模糊”数学。

Image credit: Printing Money by Paul Nicholson, image released under Creative Commons.

图片提供: Paul Nicholson的《 印钞》 ,图片在“ 创用CC” 下发布

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/38424/is-your-desktop-printer-more-expensive-than-printing-services/






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